A Killer's Agenda (16 page)

Read A Killer's Agenda Online

Authors: Anita M. Whiting

Tags: #Romantic Suspense

BOOK: A Killer's Agenda
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“Sure. As long as you don’t care if I cream you.”

“We’ll see.” Brad said, turning to Alex and tossing her the keys.

“Meet us around the back.”

Alex rolled her eyes and switched seats. “What is it they say about men being boys with bigger clothes?”

“Do you mind?”

She shook her head. “Need to relieve some tension?”

His eyes shot to hers. “Could be.”

“No problem. Just don’t be asking for a backrub later when

your muscles complain.”

She watched in amusement as Brad faced David and three of

his friends. Within five minutes, it was obvious Brad could hold his own. If she didn’t miss her guess, there was a reason for this impromptu soccer game. There was a sensitivity beneath Brad’s tough exterior. One she found immensely appealing.

Half an hour later, Brad finally made his way to the car,

panting but with a wide grin on his face. Alex slid over as he opened the door. He smelled of sweat and grass as he took his place behind the wheel. “God, that felt good. Probably won’t be able to walk tomorrow but it was worth it.”

“I gather there was a point to this exercise other than torturing your muscles?”

He nodded. “I figured maybe if he relaxed a bit, David might be able to remember something else about that night.”

“Any success?”

“Maybe. He’s coming over right now. I’ll ask him.”


A Killer's Agenda

“You’re pretty good for an old man,” David taunted, leaning

against the open window.

“Yeah, right. Beat the pants off of you and your two buddies and you know it.”

David nodded, bouncing the soccer ball on the ground. “I better get a move on before Mom wonders where I’m at. She’s funny

about that since…well since Justin died.”

“Don’t worry about it,” Alex reassured him. “I called her and told her we’d drop you off.”

“Cool. I haven’t ever ridden in a Mercedes before.”

“Before you get in, David,” Brad said casually, “do me a favor.

Look around and think back to that day. See anything out of the ordinary? A stranger, someone parked oddly? Anything?”

“I’ll try.”

He tossed the ball in the back of the car and glanced from left to right, his expression thoughtful. “I didn’t see anyone that was strange but I do remember something.” He pointed to the opposite corner of the soccer field near the parking lot. “See those trees over there? Right in front of that is a service road. Kids get in trouble for trying to park there. I remember seeing a green car there around four or so that afternoon and thinking whoever owned it was going to be in trouble. Didn’t recognize it as being anyone I know though.”

“That helps, David. Anything else?”

The boy shook his head. “Not that I can remember.”

“You mentioned people were watching you play that day,” Alex said. “Any family?”


Anita Whiting

“Dad sometimes came, but he was working late. I think my

Uncle Matt was watching Justin play football. No one else was there. It was just practice.”

“Does Uncle Matt live around here?”

“Nah. I don’t even know where he lives. He only visits once in awhile. Dad and he don’t get along so good.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because he’s always suckering Mom out of some money.

Although last year right after Justin was…well, you know… he hasn’t been back. Doesn’t work a whole lot from what I’ve heard.

He’s okay though.”

“Did you see your uncle’s car parked by the soccer field that afternoon?”

David nodded. “Yeah. In fact, he gave us a ride to the hospital.

Pretty bad day for everyone.”

They pulled into the driveway of the bungalow and waved

goodbye to David. Brad glanced at Alex after they pulled out.

“What was that all about?”

She shrugged. “Nothing much. It’s just that sitting in that car, I got the oddest feeling that whoever shot those boys had been in that same area. Someone who knew them.” She shook her head.

“Doesn’t sound like it was the uncle though.”

“You okay?”

She nodded. “I just wish I could control what I see a little more.

Places and people can stimulate the visions but I’m never sure exactly what they will tell me. It would be so much easier if I could just see the killer and identify him. Sometimes that happens but often it’s just bits and pieces, like a puzzle I need to connect.”


A Killer's Agenda

“Fair amount of detectives thinking the same thing,” he said dryly. “Come on, Alex, you’ve already given us more clues than we would have had. Hopefully we’ll learn more as we go.”

Her lips curved as she glanced over at him. “You’re a pretty good detective, Brad. Couldn’t have done better with that young man than you. Of course, I couldn’t have related to him in such a macho way.”


“Oh sure!” she said, laughing. “Male bonding isn’t something I’ll ever understand.” She glanced over at him. “You’ll make a good father, Brad.”

“I doubt it. Never had anyone to show me how.”

“You resent your father that much?”

“I did. We’re trying to mend fences but it isn’t easy. For either of us.”

“Care to tell me about it?”

“There isn’t much to tell. My father was very much in love with my mother. She developed ovarian cancer shortly after I was born.

He blamed me for her death.”

The casual tone of his voice didn’t fool Alex. Her heart went out to him. “How hard that must have been for both of you.”

He raised a brow. “Don’t you mean for me?”

She shook her head. “For both of you,” she repeated frankly.

“People handle death in various ways. I can’t imagine losing the love of your life and being responsible for a baby at the same time.”

“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said stiffly.

“Maybe I don’t. What I do know is that someone did something right because you are a good man, Brad. Genes only count for a portion of that.”


Anita Whiting

She’d stunned him. It was obvious in his expression. He shook his head, tugging a red curl. “How’d you get so smart?”

“Women are always smarter when it comes to emotions. Men

ignore them.”

“Is that so?”

“It’s a proven fact,” she said haughtily.

“All right, smart woman, what would you like to do now? Travel further or spend another night in a hotel?”

“Only if we can spend it like we did yesterday,” she said,

fluttering her long eyelashes.

“Not sleeping half the night?” he retorted.

“What, you can’t handle that?”

“Watch me,” he said firmly, pulling in front of one of the hotels lining the street. “Since you are so bright, Miss Leahy, you can do the registering.”

“No problem,” she said, reaching for the handle. “At least this time I’ll ask for the right bed size.”

He watched her walk in, admiring the sway of her firm

backside. He put the car in park and leaned back, his arms behind his head, stretching the kinks out. It was dark now, the stars beginning to light the sky while the neon of the hotel signs began shining brightly. He slid open the window, breathing in the slightly chilly night air.

Things were moving faster than he was comfortable with and

that wasn’t the way he liked it, he thought, his gaze wandering back to the glass doors. He preferred it slow and easy. Only problem was his feelings for the woman didn’t allow for slow and easy. She saw past the façade he’d erected so long ago, saw the man beneath.


A Killer's Agenda

He rubbed a hand across the stubble on his jaw. He needed a

shower and a good dinner. He grinned to himself, his thoughts straying to Alex. No, what he really needed was to share that shower, forget the damn dinner, and order room service… in bed…

Hell, he had it bad, he thought, feeling his body respond to his thoughts.

A truck drove past, its headlights illuminating the inside of the car briefly. He caught the glint of something on the floor and reached down thinking Alex might have lost an earring. In that split second, he felt the sting of something at his temple, then jerked at the explosion of glass flying at him. Automatically, he reached up, his head beginning to spin. Through the blurred

vision, he eyed the blood on his hand…

Damn! I’ve been shot
, he thought dimly as the roar in his head grew louder and louder. He tried desperately to grip the steering wheel, keep himself upright. Spots danced before his eyes as he began to lose his bid to stay conscience. Everything was rapidly growing dim as he slumped forward, rapping his head hard on the steering wheel. His last thoughts were of Alex as he slid sideways, blood flowing down his pale face.

* * *

Alex opened the lobby door, smiling as she walked toward the car, pleased and feeling just a little smug. Not only did she negotiate a good price, but she got that king size bed with a Jacuzzi tub thrown in as well. She opened the passenger’s door and began to slide in.


Anita Whiting

“You should have sent me in yester…” She stopped, stifling a scream, her eyes widening in horror. Brad lay slumped on the seat, deathly white, blood pouring from his head. She reached down with trembling fingers and felt his neck, taking a deep, shuddering breath when she felt a pulse. She grabbed her cell phone and dialed 911 while at the same time putting pressure on the head wound. She stammered out the name of the hotel and the location while frantically looking for someone, anyone.

“Don’t you dare die on me, Bradley Norton,” she said, tossing the phone on the floor, her voice shaking with fear. “Not here, not now…please!”

It was then she spied two teenagers walking near the hotel.

“Help! I need help!”

“What’s the problem?” one of them asked as he sauntered over.

“Oh, Jesus!” he swore as he caught sight of the broken glass and the blood. “Rick, go get someone, fast!” He took off his coat and used it to shove the glass out of the way as he opened the door on the other side while his friend took off. “Is he alive?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice, her hand shaking as she

continued to hold pressure on the wound. He was so damn still, she thought, a tear escaping and sliding down her cheek. The young man standing on the other side of the car helped support Brad’s head, his face pale as he saw the blood soaking through the shirt Alex had grabbed from the back seat.

A security guard came running out his weapon drawn followed

by the desk clerk she had registered with earlier.

“Is he breathing?” the guard asked kneeling beside Alex.

“Yes,” she whispered. “I’ve already called an ambulance.”

“You okay?”


A Killer's Agenda

She nodded unable to speak, tears thick in her throat.

“Tony,” he motioned to the clerk as people began to congregate around the car, “keep the area clear for the ambulance.” He leaned closer eying the shattered glass. “Did you see what happened?”

She shook her head taking a deep breath. “I came out and

found him…like this.”

At that moment sirens pierced the night air. An ambulance and several police cars screeched to a stop.

“Over here!” She motioned through the open window, cradling

Brad’s head, her breath catching on a sob at the way his head lolled to the side.

The paramedics shoved her aside as they felt for a pulse. She stood watching helplessly as they carefully began maneuvering him out of the car. When they finally succeeded, one of them slipped an oxygen mask over Brad’s face. Moments later they had him on a stretcher.

With all of the commotion and lights flashing, the parking lot was soon crowded with onlookers and yet Alex had eyes for no one but Brad. She reluctantly stood aside as they loaded his

motionless body into the ambulance, not aware of the tears

streaming down her face.

“Excuse me, ma’am,” she heard a voice say and turned, feeling like she was moving in slow motion. A tall, gray haired policeman was standing in front of her, his face grim as he caught sight of her bloody hands and shirt. “I’m Lieutenant Roy Clark. Can you tell me what happened?”

“Yes…yes,” she said, jerking as the siren blared to life and the ambulance sped away. “I’ve got to follow him. Be there for him.”

He nodded. “Do you want me to drive you?”


Anita Whiting

She pulled herself together. “I’m sorry. I’m still in shock.” She reached in the car and grabbed her purse, handing him her card.

“My name is Alex Leahy and the man…the man they just took

away is Brad Norton.” She fought to keep her voice steady. “I was registering at the hotel when he was shot.” She explained quickly and impatiently, crossing her arms to stop them from shaking with reaction.

“We’ll search the area but you haven’t given us much to go on, Miss Leahy.”

“I know. Listen,” she said, moving to the Mercedes, “just give me the directions to the hospital and if you need more information, you’ll find me there.”

“Ma’am, you can’t drive that car. It’s part of the crime scene.”

She rounded on him. “Then I guess I’ll take you up on your

offer to drive me to the hospital. Quickly.”

During the ride she answered as many questions as she could.

Finally she lost patience, her nerves frayed to the breaking point.

“Listen, I’ve told you as much as I can. I was in the hotel at the time Brad was shot. As I said, I have an idea of the why but not the who at this point. Right now, I don’t care. I just want to get to the hospital.”

The officer nodded sympathetically, his expression softening slightly. “Understood, Miss Leahy.” He negotiated a corner and then glanced at her in the rear view mirror. “You know, this might simply be a drive-by shooting. Hasn’t happened in this town in a very long time but it’s possible.”

He gave her a puzzled look when she began to laugh, ending

with a sob. He brought the car to a stop in front of the emergency

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