A Hustler's Wife (20 page)

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Authors: Nikki Turner

BOOK: A Hustler's Wife
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Once Yarni was dressed, he told her that they were going to the Fisherman's Wharf for lunch in Virginia Beach on the water.

She loved seafood. As they left the house she noticed a SUV

parked across the street with a big red bow tied around it with thirty-day temporary tags on it. She glanced at the truck, and made the comment of how somebody was blessed to receive a new truck. She mentioned to Bengee, "That must be the new body style Land Cruiser, and it is tight"

"Yeah, it's the top of the line baby. Only two other people in Richmond got one besides you," Bengee said and handed her the keys, on a key chain that said, "I love you." Bracing herself she was full of astonishment. She'd been given an array of cars, but this was top notch. She jumped in the truck. Bengee had taken it upon himself to stop at Willie's Records and Tapes and purchase all the cd's he thought fit. They were already placed in the cd changer. She displayed her tender thanks with oodles of hugs and kisses.

"It was the least I could do. You're worthy of more than this.

That's for sure, sweetness," Bengee said as he kissed her and smiled in a modest way.

When they reached the Fisherman's Wharf, she caught sight of a chartered bus. "If you want, we can go somewhere else to eat. I know how impatient you are, and it looks as if it may be a lengthy wait," Yarni said.

"Sweetness, I don't care about a delay as long as I am waiting with you," Yarni said as he kissed her on the forehead. "I love you, baby."

As they walked in, the hostess immediately took them to a back reserved section. As the door opened she heard voices in a harmony. "WELCOME HOME, YARNI." People started to clap.

She observed all the familiar faces such as her mother, her aunt and practically her whole family. Her Godson's mother, Cara, was there as well as Rita, the deputy sheriff, Stephanie and loads of friends. Gloria made it known to Yarni that Bengee had arranged everything. The chartered buses to transport everybody to Virginia Beach, the decorations, the guests, the photographer, and paid in full for everything.

"Yarni," Gloria grabbed her arm, "I'd like you to meet somebody, a dear friend of mine."

The handsome, light complexion, clean-cut, conservative looking man wearing small, oval shaped brown Fendi frames with freckles on his face interrupted with his deep voice. "Oh, I'm just your friend, huh?"

Gloria's face glowed. "Pardon me," as she held her hand over her heart. "This is my fiance, Sam, and Sam, this is... my Yarni."

Yarni smiled as she watched her mother blush. She extended her hand to shake Sam's hand. He took her in his arms and hugged her. "Yarni, I'm glad to see you home." Yarni embraced him back.

"Thanks for being there for my mother, Sam, I owe you big time." Yarni said in appreciation.

"No, you don't have to thank me. I love your mother."

"Judging by the look on her face, I would say she loves you too." Yarni moved in closer to Sam and spoke to him in a lower tone. "I can't recall when I've ever seen my mother glow over a man. To be honest, I've never ever seen my mother with a man." Sam laughed.

"Yarnise, you have a room full of people here to see you.

Don't you think you should tend to them?" Gloria interrupted with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Sam, it was very much a pleasure meeting you. Yarni looked at her mother and smiled then looked over to Sam. "Don't worry, Sam, we'll talk soon," she winked and walked off.

After Yarni greeted all her guests. She opened her arms and embraced Bengee, to show her appreciation for everything.

For the next two weeks, everything was peaches and cream between Bengee and Yarni. She fully understood that Bengee had business to attend to in the streets and she tried not to blow up his cell phone while he was away from home. She was completely aware that in the street life, he can't trust a living soul, every bush shakes and it's easy for somebody to make a mistake.

As far as Yarni was concerned, there was no room for any errors regarding Bengee. Yarni felt that when Bengee was in the streets, he needed to be totally focused on what he was doing. She never distracted him unless it was an emergency. Bengee would check in on a regular basis anyway. They'd always eat dinner together. After dinner, he may go back out for a little while, but he'd always return home at a respectable hour.

However, one particular Friday night, she'd been out all day shopping with Cara. Cara and Yarni checked in with Bengee, and he mentioned that he was not feeling well, and would probably beat her home.

When she arrived home at 12:35 the house was empty.

Bengee's number wasn't on the caller ID. She took a shower, jumped in the bed and fell off to sleep. When she rolled over to hug Bengee, there was no Bengee and now it was 5:26a.m. He wasn't in the den, and his car wasn't in the garage. What the hell?

This was so unlike Bengee, so she began to worry. She called his cell phone. He didn't answer. The voice mailbox was full and he didn't answer at the shop. She immediately began to imagine the worst. Was he locked up? Was he hurt somewhere? Had he been in an accident? Or even worse, was he dead. Oh, my God!

Lord, please.

Yarni called the Richmond city jail, Henrico, Hanover and Chesterfield county jails. She called MCV, St. Mary's, Henrico Doctors, and Chippenham Hospital. None had heard of Benjamen Whales. Yarni felt panicked. She didn't know whom else to call. All she could do is wait. After all, she was his next of kin, so if anything happened; they'd have to notify her. She began to pace the floor. She sat down on the couch, turned the T.V. on and flipped through the channels. Her mind couldn't focus on anything, wondering if Bengee was dead or alive. Tears started forming in her eyes, when she pondered the fact that she'd been incarcerated for seven months, totally separated from Bengee, and now that they'd finally been reunited, she'd couldn't deal with the thought of Bengee being removed from her life.

Just then the phone rang. She hesitated. Was it a nurse from the hospital, a homeboy of Bengee's calling to present her with bad news of Bengee's whereabouts? Her heart was racing. Her palms sweaty as she grabbed the phone she saw it was Bengee's cell phone number. Oh, Thank God, he's alive, she thought. No, maybe it's someone else using his phone.

"Hello?" she said, into the phone receiver holding her breath.

"Hey baby, it's me." Bengee said.

"Are you O.K.? I've been worried sick!"

"I am O.K. now. I am on my way home. I'll explain everything when I get there." Yarni began to breathe again.

After hanging up the phone with Bengee she started to cook breakfast. When Bengee came in, Yarni ran over to him and exploded in his arms. But when she smelled the strong scent of Irish Spring soap, a soap that they didn't use, she knew there was someone else. The whole time he was out, never once was she worried about Bengee being with another girl. His well being was her only concern. The nerve of him, to have me up worry-ing myself to death. If he wanted to stay out all night, all he had to do is pick up the phone and call to let me know he was staying out. Her body stiffened, and in response, he intuitively began to run down a well-rehearsed version of where he was.

"I stopped by Tank's house for a drink. I ended up having a few. I was drunk as hell. I laid on Tank's sofa and fell asleep, and when I woke up, it was light outside. I jumped up and came straight home."

She looked as the words fell clumsily out of his mouth, studied every facial expression and memorized it in her mind.

Damn, does he really think I am that dumb to believe this bull? Yeah, I might've been lovesick and stupid enough to throw my whole life away for him, but, trust and believe, brother, I am not as naive as you perceive me to be. This dude don't believe shit stinks until he's knee deep in it. As bad as I want to jump out of this chair and throw a freaking "Yarni attack" I will not. I will keep my composure. And guess what, Mr. Bengee? I will teach you a lesson about being an inconsiderate nigga and playing on my intelligence as well. These words that Yarni wanted to say to Bengee, she kept to herself. She would bide her time.

Yarni recalled something she'd overheard Des tell Slim.

"When somebody does you wrong and you feel they need to be taught a lesson, you don't always act right then. You play your position. Make them get so comfortable with you not reacting.

They start slipping because they think you are weak. Then you react by doing the same thing to them. But you do it in a keen-er way, the way that it should have been done in the first place.

Once you make your move, the cat won't know what hit him." Yarni laughed to herself thinking this joker is wild. She recalled the initial phone call. She realized what that was all about. It was a "vibe call". He was only calling to check the vibe, to see if I was upset at him for staying out all night, and so he wouldn't be caught off guard, and he could prepare on the ride home. She was not mad because she played cool. Now she had the upper hand. She could look in his eyes and see he felt guilty and guilt will make you TILT!!!!

Bengee continued to play his hand, saying whatever he thought Yarni wanted to hear. "Baby, we're going to Regency Square Mall to Fink's Jewelry to look at a Rolex. I want to buy a new one for myself and we need his and hers Rolex's anyway." She went along, fixed his breakfast, straightened up the house, dressed and accompanied Bengee to the mall where he purchased the watches plus a new Movado watch just for everyday, kick around wear. He spent the rest of the day with her, but it was clearly timed. He informed her he had one vital run he had to make. He claimed it would only take an hour. Yarni did not object. That was perfect. It was just enough time to execute her plan.

Yarni gathered some things threw them in an overnight bag and left the house. She was hurt and didn't want to leave, but as she contemplated, one thing came to her mind that gave her the inspiration to walk out of that door "A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!!!!


Darchelle was very pretty. Some said she and Yarni favored each other a bit, physically. They both had the same caramel complexion and smooth skin. Darchelle had recently streaked her hair with bronze color exactly like Yarni. Their builds were the same. The only difference is, Yarni was more shapely and about two inches shorter than Darchelle.

Darchelle was an upscale freak, and boy, could she give a blowjob. She had a nice set of false teeth; she would take them out when it was time to give her, "state of the art blowjob." With her having no teeth, she could suck the chrome off of a

Chevy. He never took her anywhere. He only saw her at her apartment. Occasionally, he helped her out with bills, as well as gave her pocket change. One hundred dollars was her maxi-mum. He'd never give her, or spend more on her, more than that at one time. One hundred dollars was nothing to him. He wiped his butt with that chump change. Darchelle tried her hand with Bengee every time she saw him. It was the same conversation, day in and day out.

"Bengee, can I have $500?" Bengee would laugh hysterically and look into Darchelle's face, holding his stomach as if what she'd asked for was so funny.

"Darchelle, now be real, how am I going to get $500.00

worth of pussy out of you when I'm a two minute brother and my girl is at home straight taxing me? I gotta make sure home is taken care of, first and foremost. You can take this hundred dollars or I can keep it in my pocket." As he continued to drive, he reflected over the stunt Darchelle had pulled last night when he told her that he couldn't be bothered with her anymore. Like a champ, she accepted the rejection, but only had one request. She wanted to freak him one last time before he walked out of the door for good. She did everything humanly possible. After she finished, she asked him did he still want to call it quits. He said, "yes," although he wanted to give her a standing ovation for the encore performance she had just put on. Instead of her cussing and fussing, she freaked and sucked on him, until he fell asleep. When he looked at the clock, he dozed off to sleep. He hadn't realized that this scandalous broad had set the clock back so he wouldn't realize the real time and leave. When the sun started to beam through her window, he woke up, and looked at his cell phone for the real time. He cussed her out, smacked her around, took a shower and raced home to Yarni. Darchelle was history, a Done Deal!!!

What else could I do to make this up to Yarni? He asked himself. I bought her a Rolex, plus I am going to take her to a bed and breakfast this weekend. She'll get over this. She loves me. It ain't like she is going to leave me. Leave me? Yeah right, where she going? Who's going to treat her as I treat her? Who's going to provide for her as I? Des? But where is Des? Locked Up!!! And he's seven hours away. Yeah right, she can't run to Des. She'll be O.K. in a few days when this blow over, he convinced himself.

He drove up to a street vendor selling flowers and bought the whole bucket.

Back at the house he didn't see Yarni's truck in the driveway.

He walked in the house. No lights or T.V. was on. His immediate thought was that she ran to the store. He cut the light on in the bedroom and saw a note in the middle of the bed.


There's no need to worry. I will be back. Don't know a definite
time. No need to go through the hassle I went through calling
all the jails, and hospitals, because I am just fine.

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