Read A History of the End of the World Online

Authors: Jonathan Kirsch

Tags: #History, #General, #Religion, #Christianity

A History of the End of the World (54 page)

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Erasmus, Desiderius



Evodius of Uzala





False prophets/prophecy

Falwell, Jerry

Farrer, Austin

Fasching, Darrell J.

Ferdinand of Aragon

The Fifteen Signs of Doomsday
(ascribed to Jerome)

Fifth Monarchy Men (Great Britain)

Fiorenza, Elizabeth Schüssler

first book of Enoch:
The Animal Apocalypse
The Apocalypse of Weeks
The Book of the Watchers

First Epistle to the Thessalonians

First Great Awakening (eighteenth century)

First World War

Ford, Henry

Ford, J. Massyngberde

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Foursquare Gospel

Fox, George

Francis of Assisi

Frederick II (German King)

Fredriksen, Paula

Friedman, Richard Elliott

Christian fundamentalism

The Fundamentals
(1910 pamphlet)

Fussell, Paul




Gabelein, Arno C.

George III (King of England)

Ghost Dance movement

Gibbon, Edward

Gnostic Gospels

God: as absent from apocalyptic science fiction; as “Ancient of Days”; covenant with; final battle between Satan and; Hebrew Bible depiction of; Jewish tradition on nature of.
See also
Jesus Christ

God-less apocalypse: American politics and role of; becomes part of popular culture; fundamentalism apocalypse subculture compared to;
On the Beach
(film) depiction of; science fiction films about.
See also
apocalyptic tradition

Gog and Magog

Gorenberg, Gershom

Gospel of Mark

Gospel of Matthew

Gospels: comparing Revelation to the;

“spin” on execution of Jesus in

Graetz, Heinrich

Graham, Billy

Graves, Robert

Gray, James M.

Great Disappointment (nineteenth century)

The Great War and Modern Memory

Great Whore of Babylon: depiction of; literature references to; Roman Empire visualized as

Gregory the Great, Pope

Gregory IX, Pope

Gregory of Nazianzus

Gregory VII, Pope

Greogry VI, Pope

Gui, Bernard




The Hallelujah Side

Handbook in Tribulation
(John of Rupescissa)

Hasidim (“Pious Ones”)

Heaven’s Gate cult

Hebrew Bible: apocalyptic texts excluded from; depiction of God in; messiah notion of; Revelation allusions to passages of the; Satan as characterized in; scholarship regarding authors of; on sexual conduct.
See also
New Testament

Hellenism: evidence of John’s hatred of; Jewish people and introduction to; religious influence of

Henry VII of Luxembourg


Herrstrom, W. D.

Herzl, Theodor

Heston, Charlton

Hildegard of Bingen

Hipploytus, Bishop

History’s Crowded Climax
(Seventh-day Adventists)

Hoffer, Eric


Hope of Israel Mission

Houteff, Victor

Howe, Julia Ward

Howell, Vernon (“David Koresh”)

How to Recognize the Antichrist

Huffey, Rhoda


Hussein, Saddam

“The Imagination of Disaster” (Sontag)

Inhofe, James


The Inquisitor’s Manual
(Bernard Gui)

Irenaeus, Bishop

Israel: Christian fundamentalism focus on; prophecies on modern state of; Six Day War (1967) of.
See also
Jewish people




Jehovah’s Witnesses

Jenkins, Jerry B.



“Jerusalem” (Blake)

Jerusalem Journey
(Ekkehard of Aura)

Jerusalem Temple: money-changing at; pagan image installed by Syrians on; rebuilding of the; rebuilt by Antichrist; Roman destruction of

Jerusalem Temple Foundation

Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium

Jesus Christ: Antichrist slain by; as author of Revelation; descent to earth after seven years by; end of the world prophecies of; lamb symbolism of; puzzles and riddles referring to; Satan bound by; Son of Man depiction of.
See also

Jesus Is Coming

Jesus of Nazareth: as Jewish apocalypticist; rejected as Messiah by Jewish people

Jewish people: anti-Semitism against; Babylonian Exile of; Christian Zionists on end-times role of; culture war (Kulturkampf) experienced by; end-times prophecies on new homeland for; Holocaust impact on; Maccabean Revolt by; rejection of Jesus of Nazareth as Messiah by; responses to Hellenism and Roman imperialism by.
See also
Chosen People; Israel

The Jewish State

Jewish tradition: Hellenism influence on; on nature of God; on sexual conduct.
See also

Jewish Zionism


Joachim of Fiore

John the Baptist

John the Evangelist: condemnation of coinage and cargo by; debated as Revolution author; on dualism; evidence in Revelation regarding character of; exiled to isle of Patmos; on expected behavior of Christians; missionary work of; on punishments of enemies of God; scholarship examining authorship of; self-introduction by; on sexual conduct; as traditional author of Revelation; visionary experiences of.
See also
Revelation author-John of Rupescissa

John XXII, Pope

Jones, Jim

Jones, Rev. Charles

Jonson, Ben


Judah Maccabee

Judaism: Antiochus Epiphanes’ persecution against; evidenced in Revelation; Messiah beliefs of.
See also
Jewish tradition

Judgment Day

Jung, C. G.




Kalb, Marvin

King, Martin Luther, Jr.

Koresh, David

Kubrick, Stanley

Kulturkampf (culture war)




Ladd, George Eldon

Laden, Osama bin

Lady Chatterley’s Lover

A Lady Weighing Pearls
(Vermeer painting)

LaHaye, Tim

The Lamb, Christ referred to as

Langston, E. L.

The Late Great Planet Earth
(Lindsey and Carlson)

Lawrence, D. H.

Lazarus, Emma

Left Behind: The Kids

Left Behind
(LaHaye and Jenkins)

“The Left Behind Prophecy Club” Web site

Left Behind series

Lerner, Robert E.

Letter from a Birmingham Jail

Lindsey, Hal

Little Apocalypse of the Gospels

Louis XIV (King of France)

Luther, Martin




Maccabean Revolt

McDonald, Margaret

McGinn, Bernard

McPherson, Aimee Semple

Magog and Gog


Malone, Mary T.

Mandeville’s Travels

Manifest Destiny doctrine

mark of the beast

Martin of Tours

Martyred Christians

Mather, Cotton

Mather, Increase

Mather, John


Maxwell, Arthur

medieval era: apocalyptic imagery during; apocalyptic tradition developed during; The Church Militant and Triumphant of; Crusades of; Inquisition of; Year 1000 belief during

Melville, Herman

Messiah: Antichrist as self-styled; biblical version of the; Common Era self-styled; Jan Bockelson as self-styled; Jesus of Nazareth rejected as; Judaism tradition regarding; lamb symbolism of; Maimonides on the; Shabbatai Zevi as self-styled

Michael (archangel)

Midnight Cry
(Millerite periodical)

Miles, Jack

millennium: premillennialism/postmillennialism beliefs on the; prophecies on the.
See also
Second Coming

Miller, Father William


Miller, Perry

Milton, John

Mirror of History

The Mirror of the Simple Soul



Moody Bible Institute

Moody, Dwight L.

Moorhead, James H.


Mount Carmel community


Müntzer, Thomas

Muratorian Canon

Mussolini, Benito

The Mystery of Israel’s Salvation Explained and Applied




Nag Hammadi

Napier, John

Na Prous Boneta

Nazi Germany


Nero Caesar


Netanyahu, Benjamin

New Jerusalem

“New Prophecy” movement

New Testament: debate over Revelation inclusion in; First Epistle to the Thessalonians; Gospel of Mark; Gospel of Matthew; Gospels of; Second Epistle to the Thessalonians.
See also
Hebrew Bible; Revelation

Newton, Sir Isaac

new world apocalypse tradition: Christian Zionists and; Civil War and; First World War events and; Founding Father’s role in; Great Awakenings (eighteenth/nineteenth century) and; premillennialists, fundamentalism and; Puritan colonists and the; Second World War/postwar events and.
See also
God-less apocalypse

The New World Order


Niebuhr, Reinhold

Nightmare of God

The 1980s: Countdown to Armageddon

Notes on the Apocalypse

nuclear war science fiction films

number symbolism: challenge of interpreting; of number seven; 666 alphanumeric code.
See also
Revelation symbolism




Old-Fashioned Revival Hour
(radio show)

O’Leary, Stephen D.

Olivi, Peter John

The Omega Man

The Omen

On the Beach

Oppenheimer, J. Robert

opposition symbolism

O’Sullivan, John




Pankhurst, Christabel

Papias, Bishop of Hierapolis

Pastor Angelieus
(Angelic Pope)

Patmos Isle


Peoples Temple



“Pious Ones” (Hasidim)

Planet Earth 2000 A.D
. (Lindsey)


Plymouth Brethren

Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus

Porete, Marguerite




Presbyter John

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