A History of the End of the World (53 page)

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Authors: Jonathan Kirsch

Tags: #History, #General, #Religion, #Christianity

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Robertson, Pat.
The New World Order.
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The Relevance of Apocalyptic: A Study of Jewish and Christian Apocalypses from Daniel to the Revelation.
New York: Harper & Brothers, n.d.


Schaff, Philip, and Henry Wace, eds.
Eusebius. A Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers of the Christian Church,
2nd ser., vol. 1. 1890. Reprint, Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans, 1997.


Scholem, Gershom.
The Messianic Idea in Judaism and Other Essays on Jewish Spirituality.
New York: Schocken Books, 1995. First published 1971.


Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth.
The Apocalypse.
Chicago: Francisco Herald Press, 1976.


The Book of Revelation: Justice and Judgment.
Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1985.


Scofield, C. I., ed.
The Scofield Reference Bible.
New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1945. First Published 1909.


The Seventh Seal.
Directed by Ingmar Bergman. Screenplay by Ingmar Bergman. Commentary by Peter Cowie. Criterion Collection, 1987. Original release: Svensk Filmindustri, 1957.


Shaw, Eve.
Eve of Destruction: Prophecies, Theories, and Preparations for the End of the World.
Los Angeles: Lowell House, 1996.


Shirer, William L.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1960.


Smith, John Holland.
Constantine the Great.
New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971.


Sontag, Susan.
Against Interpretation.
New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1966.


Stark, Freya.
Alexander’s Path.
Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press, 1988. First published 1958.


Stein, Stephen J., ed.
Apocalypticism in the Modern Period and the Contemporary Age.
Vol. 3 of
The Encyclopedia of Apocalypticism.
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The Apocalypse of St. John: Lectures on the Book of Revelation.
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Searchable Terms

Abbo of Fleury

Abelard, Peter

Against Heresies

Against the Jews
(Joachim of Fiore)

Against the Jews and Their Lies

Akenson, Donald Harman

Akiva, Rabbi

Alexander the Great

Alexander Jannaeus

alphanumeric code (666)

American politics: apocalyptic activism as part of; fundamentalism role in modern; God-less apocalypse role in

American Prospect


The Animal Apocalypse

Antichrist: Apocalyptic tradition on; beast description of; candidates for the; challenge of interpreting Revelation’s; Jerusalem Temple rebuilt by; Joachim’s vision of; medieval Christianity tradition on; Revelation’s representation of; Satan as; 666 alphanumeric code for; slain by Jesus Christ; technological manifestations of; Tribulation and the.
See also

Antiochus IV (Antiochus Epiphanes)


apocalypse: definitions of; Revelation known as.
See also
the God-less apocalypse; Revelation

The Apocalypse of Adam

Apocalypse of Paul

The Apocalypse of St. John

The Apocalypse of the Virgin Mary

The Apocalypse of Weeks

apocalyptic science fiction films

apocalyptic texts:
The Animal Apocalypse
; book of Daniel as;
The Book of Thunder
; earlier influences on; end-times prophecies included in; first book of Enoch; Jewish tradition of; Little Apocalypse of the Gospels as; Pseudepigrapha (“false writings”) included as;
The Shepherd of Hermas

apocalyptic tradition: alienation experience reflected by; Americanization of the; on Anti-God idea; book of Enoch’s influence on; culture war contribution to; as the history of a delusion; imagery during medieval era; medieval development of; modern manifestations of; origins of; persecution element of.
See also
end-times prophecies; God-less apocalypse

Approaching Hoofbeats: Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

(1630 ship)

Arjomand, Saïd Amir

Artemesium (Greek temple)

The Astronomical Book

Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria

atomic bomb (code name Trinity) [1945]

Augustine, Bishop of Hippo

Aum Shinrikyo cult

Revelation author




“The Babylonian Captivity”

Babylonian Exile

Bacon, Roger

Bakker, Jim


Balfour Declaration (1917)

Barkun, Michael

Barnhouse, Donald Grey

Bartholomew Fair


beast: mark of the; Revelation symbolism of.
See also

Beatus of Liébana

The Beginning of the End

Beguines community


Bell, George

Benedict IX, Pope

Benedict XI, Pope

Bergman, Ingmar

Berrigan, Daniel

Black Death

Blackstone, William Eugene

Blake, William

Bloom, Harold

Bockelson, Jan (Jan van Leiden)

Bonfire of the Vanities

Boniface VIII, Pope

book of Daniel.
See also

The Book of Dreams

book of Enoch

The Book of J

The Book of Prophecies

The Book of Thunder

The Book of Watchers

Boyer, Paul

Branch Davidians cult (Waco)

The Bridal Call
(Foursquare Gospel)

Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Bush, George, Sr.

Bush, George W.




Calvin, John

Carlson, C. C.

Carter, Jimmy

Casale, Ubertino da

Cedars of Lebanon Prophecy (Tripoli Prophecy)

Celestine V, Pope


Charles I (King of England)

Charles VIII (King of France)

Chosen People: afflictions sent to;

covenant between God and.
See also
Jewish people

Christ: A Crisis in the Life of God

Christ and Antichrist
(third century)

Christ in the Army
(Civil War sermons)

Christian fundamentalism: Apocalypse and development of; apocalypse subculture of; focus on Israel; Left Behind series phenomenon of; movies produced by; political role of modern

Christianity: America’s Great Awakenings (eighteenth century) and; Antichrist depiction of medieval; Constantine’s conversion to; dualism notion of; marginal status of Revelation in early; Protestant Reformation and; stated mission of.
See also
Roman Catholic Church

Christians: John on expected behavior of; John on martyred; persecution of

Christian Zionism

Chronological, Certain, and Irrefutable Proof

Church of Latter-Day Saints

The Church Militant and Triumphant

City of God

Civil War

Clinton, Bill

Cohn, Norman

Cole, K. C.

Collins, Adela Yarbro

Collins, John J.

Columbus, Christopher

Colwell, Ernest Cadman

Constantine, Emperor

Cotton, John

Council of Laodicea

Cromwell, Oliver


culture war: Jewish Kulturkampf form of; Revelation role in Catholic/Protestant

Cyril of Jerusalem




Damian, Peter

See also
book of Daniel

Dante, Alighieri

Darby, John Nelson

“The Day of Doom” (Wigglesworth)

The Days of Noah

Dead Sea Scrolls

The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire

DeHaan, M. R.

Deus Irae
(Dick and Zelazny)

Dick, Philip K.

The Didache


Dionysius of Alexandria

Dionysius Exiguus

Disaster and the Millennium

The Divine Comedy

Domesday Boke (Doomsday Book)

Domingo de Guzman

Domitian Caesar


doomsday devices

Dr. Strangelove

dualist theology

Dubnow, Simon




Eddy, Mary Baker

Edson, Hiram

Edwards, Jonathan

Ehrman, Bart

88 Reasons Why the Rapture Will Be in 1988

Ekkehard of Aur

Ellul, Jacques

Emmerson, Richard K.

The End of Days

end-times prophecies: apocalyptic texts inclusion of; book of Daniel; characters and events of; Christian Zionists on role of Jewish people; common features of; fundamentalism apocalypse subculture based on; by Jesus; Joachim’s interpretations of; John on punishments for enemies of God; on millennium; as mistaken and failed; moral risk of contemplating; natural phenomenon/freak of nature signs of; Paul’s epistles on; on rebuilding of Roman Empire; religious propaganda based on; on the Tribulation; two witnesses vision; Year 1000 link to.
See also
apocalyptic tradition; prophecy/prophecies; Revelation; Second Coming

The End of Time



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