A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved) (31 page)

BOOK: A Highlander's Obsession (Highlander's Beloved)
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A man in a dark suit stepped up to the microphone and held a large jar above his head. “As ye all know, this is a fund-raiser for the high school’s band uniforms. Our laird’s intended has graciously agreed to dance with any male who stuffs a five-pound note into the jar.” Men ran
to form a line, waving cash over their heads.

“I never agreed to this!” Good Lord, the whole dance had turned into a three-ringed circus.

Creighton kissed the sweet spot beneath her ear. “Would it be such an inconvenience? ’Twill show everyone ye want to be a part of our community. Some will be reluctant to accept ye, since ye are American.”

“Is that why you introduced me the way you did? As your Scottish Viking? To inform people of my heritage or to show you were marrying me to end the Viking’s jinx? You hurt me by saying that. As if my only importance was to end the curse.”

“What nonsense are ye talking? I’ve never made it a secret how I feel about ye.”

Ronan approached and tapped Creighton on the shoulder. “Tradition has it the next in line gets to dance with his future sister.”

Creighton aimed a belligerent scowl at his brother. “Go away. We have things to discuss.”

Paisley replaced her scowl with a wide smile. “Ronan, I’d love to dance with you.” She stepped out of her fiancé’s grasp and into the waiting man’s arms. A few turns around the dance floor and Bryce stepped in. Once the song ended, more men waited in line to dance with her. All extended their best wishes and extolled the many virtues of one Creighton Duff Matheson, while she plotted her way out of this farce of an engagement.

Even as she was led from one end of the dance floor to the other, she sensed Creighton’s annoyance boring into her back. Any minute now, he’d come charging through the swarm of dancers to whisk her away. Well, let him. She had a volley of questions she planned to hurl his way. Did he truly love her or was she merely a means to an end, just as she’d been a means to a financial end with Alex? Her heart hurt her so badly, she didn’t think she could inhale her next breath.

The rock band stopped playing and the Scottish group jumped onto the stage to get settled in with their instruments. The fiddle player tuned his instrument and a dapper man in Highland regalia approached, intent on his chance to dance with her. Would she be expected to know traditional dance steps? How was she to handle this? Paisley’s frantic gaze searched for Creighton and settled on a dark-haired woman standing in front of him, her palms on his massive chest. His hands gripped her arms, his dark head inclined to hear whatever she was saying.

The gentleman bowed in front of her and she didn’t know whether to curtsey or not. Instead, she kissed his cheek and whispered an apology before pointing toward the sign for the restrooms. His gnarled-knuckled hand rose to where she’d kissed him and he blushed and nodded before letting her hurry off.

Seated inside the stall, she wiggled her toes, easing the pain. How many men had she danced with? Eighteen? Twenty? The twang of the music intensified when the door to the restroom opened.

“An American. Can ye believe it? Ugly black glasses sliding down her nose.” The female’s voice squeaked in surprise.

“Hell, it won’t last long. He’ll soon be knocking at me door, wanting me to do all the things he likes.”

Paisley’s hands covered her face while her heart crumbled a little more. She’d been such a fool, falling in love so quickly. Suddenly her happiness seemed to dissipate like sunshine before a thunderstorm.

“Weren’t ye complaining a month ago he’d stopped coming to see ye? That maybe telling him ye loved him had been a mistake?” The squeaky-voiced woman opened the door to the stall next to Paisley. “Has he called ye at all?”

“Nay. Not one word. Now I understand why. He’s been chasing after this Viking woman with her blonde hair and pale skin. He’s only after her to end the curse. She’s nothing to him, believe me. I could sense it when we talked just now.”

Paisley righted her clothes and squared her shoulders. Gram had always said it was best to repay dumb bitchy with bitchy intelligence. She opened the stall door and strolled out. Creighton’s tall paramour was at the mirror, fingers combing her hair and lips blowing a bubble with her gum, cracking it in that annoying way. Her eyes widened when they locked on Paisley in the mirror.

Girl, I’m about to open a can of American bitch on you
. She smiled as she approached. “It’s a lovely dance, isn’t it? This is my first
. Everyone seems so nice and welcoming.” She turned on the water to wash her hands. “I hope we stay a little longer, but Creighton’s anxious to return to the lodge.” She shook her head once and chuckled. “Man wants his ass smacked again. I have this leather flogger he simply loves.” She reached for a paper towel. “Once I put the nipple clamps on him and buckle him into his cock-and-ball cage, the man is
putty in my hands.”

A whispered “Holy hell” came from the occupied stall. The tall brunette must have swallowed her gum and choked on it, because she started coughing and turning red. Paisley leaned in and lowered her voice conspiratorially. “What really gets him going is the vibrating butt plug.” She tossed her crumpled towels into the trash, flung open the door, and tossed a wink over her shoulder at her fiancé’s ex-lover.

God, that felt good

Okay, maybe she’d been a tad extreme, but that gum popper had it coming. Who knew reading a few romances with a BDSM theme would come in so handy? They’d been worth every penny she’d spent.

Creighton’s back filled part of the space at the end of the corridor. He was shoulder to shoulder with another man. She inhaled a deep breath, trying to organize her emotions. Did she love him? Yes. Did she trust him? She did once; now she wasn’t so sure. Her belief that he loved her for herself, and not for what she could do for him and his clan, was shattered. At this moment, she wasn’t sure if they had a future. There were certainly a lot of things they needed to straighten out. She approached the two men, who seemed deep in conversation. Maybe she and Creighton could talk a little while they danced.

“As far as I’m concerned, my investigation of Effie Munro is concluded, Creigh. I looked into everything you wanted me to check. Arrest history, friends, financials.”

“And she looks clean?”

“Aye. She was truthful about her arrests at protests, but other than that, she’s clean.” The man shifted his shoulders. “I investigated Paisley too.”

She gasped and both men swung around.

Creighton blanched. “Paisley, I wondered where ye were.”

She crossed her arms. “Oh, really? Well, why didn’t you ask your investigator here where I was? He’d have told you I was in the restroom with your ex-lover, listening to how you’d soon tire of me and be back in her bed.” She slipped off her ring and shoved it in his shirt pocket. “Far be it from me to stand in the way of true love.”

Creighton’s eyes glowed golden and the muscle bunched in his jaw, a sure sign he was pissed. “Don’t think ye can toss me family’s ring back in me face.”

Dammit to hell, she was going to cry. Tears blurred her vision.

“Kendric, can ye take Mum, Effie, and Cook home for me? Me future wife and I have some important matters to discuss.”

Paisley jerked her thumb over her shoulder. “Well, your future wife is in the restroom and ought to come out any minute.” As she barreled past him, his hand shot out to grasp her arm.

“Ye go too far, lassie.”

“No, it’s
who have gone too far. How dare you investigate us as if we’re scheming criminals, you overgrown galoot.”

He hoisted her over his shoulder, an arm slung over the back of her skirt.

Blood rushed to her head as he stormed through the crowd toward the doors. The crowd cheered, oblivious to the anger radiating from both of them.

“That’s it, Laird Creighton. Show her who’s boss.”

“There’s our Highland laird, carrying home the spoils of war.”

“What a caveman ye are. Aye, she’ll have a bun in the oven before yer wedding day.”

He stormed through the door to a hail of laughter. By the time he set her on her feet at his car, she’d gone from angry to humiliated to livid.

She swung and he ducked.

He grabbed her fists and held them over her head. “Settle yourself!”

“I hate you! I hate that you made me fall in love with you. All the lies you told me. You said you love me when all along you only saw me as an end to some damn curse.” She jerked her hands from his grasp. “You two-faced devil! While you smiled and charmed my grandmother, you were having her investigated. Her heart will be broken when she finds out. How could you do that to her? To me? To us?” Her control snapped. She pounded her fists on his chest as sobs wracked her body.

“Bloody hell,
! How did everything suddenly go to shit?” With more care than she thought possible after his manhandling of her moments earlier, he lifted her into the SUV and clicked the seat belt.

Once he settled in the driver’s seat, he crossed his forearms over the steering wheel. “Blaire and I are history.”

“History?” She fisted a punch into his biceps. “History does not announce to a roomful of women you’ll soon tire of me and be knocking on her door again.”

Creighton muttered a few curses. “We have a lot to straighten out and I can see ye arna in
the mood fer reason.”

She wiped the tears from her face. “Huh, as if
ever listened to reason.”

He retrieved the diamond from his shirt pocket and coiled the fingers of his other hand around her wrist. “I put this ring on yer finger. No one has the right to take it off except me. Do ye ken, lassie?” He kissed the stone and slipped it onto her finger. “I dinna care how angry ye are with me, that ring stays where it belongs and ye stay with me.”

“All the hurtful things you said—”

“Can all be explained. I love ye and only ye. And
that curse to hell.” He started the engine and spun out of the parking lot. Their ride back to the lodge was silent, except for her sobs and hiccups. The wheels of the Land Rover thumped across the moat’s wooden bridge when Creighton’s cell rang. “Hello … Nay, she’s not with us. I told ye to bring her home with Mum … Did ye check outside?” He slammed on the brakes and shot Paisley a frown of concern. “What do ye mean Effie’s disappeared?”

Chapter Twenty-Two

Buzzing swirled in Paisley’s head. Her vision field narrowed to a pinpoint on Creighton’s face. Thick eyebrows dipped in concern and lips formed a thin line. Gram—
? Her heart pounded a staccato beat in her ears … not true … not true … not true.

“I’m crossing the moat to the lodge now. As soon as I drop Paisley off, I’m coming right back. Organize search parties. Have the women check every nook and cranny on the school’s ground floor. Assign half the men upstairs and the other half outside. She canna have disappeared from the face of the earth. She has to be on the school grounds … somewhere.” He ended the call and turned toward her.

“Don’t even think I’m getting out of this car. Turn it around and take me back to the school. I want to find Gram.” Since the day Gram had taken her in, something terrible happening to this woman she dearly loved had been her greatest fear. If she lost Gram, she’d lose her only ally, her protector, and dearest friend. This all had to be some terrible mistake. A nightmare.

Creighton eased the Land Rover across the bridge toward the lodge, one hand draped across the steering wheel in a semblance of relaxed control. He leaned toward her slightly. “Ye’ve had enough emotional turmoil fer one night. A hot bath and a cup o’ tea will do ye good. Stay here. I’ll find yer grandmother.”

“Turn. The. Car. Around.” She folded her arms and stared straight ahead. If the man thought stubbornness was an exclusively Scottish trait, the ignorant fool was about to learn otherwise, now that he’d met his American counterpart.

He braked the vehicle in front of the steps. “On foot or over me shoulder, ye are going inside.”

“Screw you. If you take me inside, the first thing I’m going to do is saddle Heather Mist and ride her back to the school.” She jutted her chin. Tension thickened the air. Her eyes locked on his. She would not be deterred.

“Bloody hell!” He slammed the gearshift into drive and sped around toward the bridge again. “God knows I love yer stubbornness, but ye are a worry on me nerves, woman.”

“No one keeps me from Gram. No one. If Colleen were missing, would you take a bath and drink some feckin’ tea?” she all but screamed. Frankly, it was either screech like a banshee
or dissolve into another fit of tears.

On a deep sigh, Creighton eased the car to a stop. He unlocked his seat belt and slid closer to her. “Come here.” Strong arms enveloped her. His lips gently made contact with hers, first at one corner and then at the other. “I ken ye are upset, beloved. I’ll do as ye’ve asked. We’ll find her. I promise.” He cupped her cheek. “Does she have any health problems? A history of heart trouble or strokes?”

She shook her head and fear seized her by a couple more degrees. “No. I mean, I can see she’s aging. She naps more. Seven years ago, she had a double mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. She’s been cancer-free since her chemo, and she’s religious about her checkups.” Her hands gripped his shirt and she stared into his eyes. “Surely you don’t think she’s lying somewhere sick … or … or hurt?” She swiped at the tears falling from her cheeks.

He kissed her temple and moved back to his side of the seat. “I’m thinking she made a wrong turn and got lost in a strange building. Maybe by the time we get there, she’ll have been found and regaling everyone with one of her off-colored stories.” He clicked his seat belt and drove on.

Yes, that had to be it. Gram had simply gotten lost. Where else could she be?

Creighton parked in front of the entrance to the Bayside High School gymnasium. Paisley jumped out of the car and ran through the doors, fearing the worst, yet praying for the best. She skidded to a halt in front of a gathering of grim-faced people and her heart dropped.

Fiona hurried toward her.

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