A Hero To Trust In Me (6 page)

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Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Hero To Trust In Me
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Chapter Nine


Rick knew he should find the strength to push her away. He didn’t want her paying for his gift with sex. But she clung to him so sweetly, pressed that delicious body against him so that his groin tightened to the point of pain. Her lips tantalized his, her tongue brushing his and licking inside his mouth with tentative but insistent strokes. There was nothing he could do but kiss her back, molding her luscious curves with his hands.

Kissing her was intoxicating. Rick quickly lost all his good intentions and knew he’d have Laura tonight unless she was the one to stop. For all his training, all his self discipline, there was no way he could deny himself this woman.

Holding her tightly, wrapping his arms around her as if someone were trying to steal her away, Rick kissed Laura as thoroughly as he knew how. She was already pliant in his arms, but within moments, she seemed to melt. He wanted to thump his chest with pride. She wanted him. Maybe not as much as he wanted her—that would be nearly impossible—but she definitely wanted him.

Her taste was addictive. He remembered the first time he’d kissed her he’d thought there was nothing sweeter. Now, wanting so desperately to make love to her, he knew there was. The way Laura surrendered as he held her was infinitely better.

Scooping her up in his arms, Rick carried her to her bedroom. He wanted to make love to her, but it had to be in her bed. It just seemed…right. Perfect.

Laying her on the bed, Rick followed her down, covering her body with his, loving the feel of her soft curves beneath him. It was a heady, erotic sensation, knowing he had her where he’d wanted her for so very long.

Looking into those lovely eyes, Rick claimed her mouth once again. She whimpered as her eyelids fluttered closed, her arms going around his neck to thread her fingers through his hair.

If there had ever been a time when Rick had been more content, he couldn’t remember when it might have been. This woman. This time. Nothing he could remember had ever felt so right. Wrapping his arms around Laura, he ground himself against her, his cock a throbbing, living thing with a mind of its own.

Laura bunched her hands in his shirt, pulling it over his head in a rush. Her breath rushed out as she ran her hands over his skin as if she couldn’t help herself. Rick arched into her touch, needing that exquisite contact with every breath he took.

Hot kisses drugged him as he took her mouth over and over again, his hands shaping her curves through her clothes until he found bare skin at her waist. Once that happened, Rick was helpless not to strip her naked, needing to see all of her.

He sat back on his knees, pulling her with him so he could rid her easily of her top and bra. The beauty of her nude upper body had him gasping for breath, reaching out to cup the weight of one breast before he could stop himself.

“You are so…beautiful,” he managed, though his voice was ragged. Needy. “I have to taste.”

Instead of merely dipping his head to capture the dark nipple between his lips, Rick wrapped his arms around her again, pulling her tightly to him. Laura gasped, holding his head to her chest. She wanted this as much as he did by the sound and feel of it. Any hesitation Rick might have had evaporated at the realization.

With a groan, he released her, pushing her back to the bed so he could rid her of her jeans. His own soon followed, leaving them completely naked before each other.

Laura’s eyes devoured him as surely as if her mouth were on him. From the look of it, she liked what she saw. Rick barely resisted the urge to flex his muscles in a display of masculine pride in his body. He knew he looked good. Long hours on the training field ensured he was well-developed physically, hard muscle and sinew perfected into a fighting machine. Even if he hadn’t used his body to proudly serve his country—and now his community—every ounce of effort and hard work he’d put into his workouts would have been worth it just to see the appreciation he saw now in her eyes.

She lay back, her hands over her head, stretching like a cat. Her body was sleek, lightly muscled yet curvy in all the right places. Hips flared from a tiny waist. Her breasts were full and heavy, just enough to play with until she begged him for more. All that soft skin beckoned Rick. Like a moth to a flame, he was helpless to resist her call.

Carefully, Rick urged her thighs apart, giving her time to change her mind if she chose. All she did was part them wide for him, inviting him to play with the charms he’d uncovered.

He lay between her spread legs, his arms wrapping around her silky thighs. With soft, exploring kisses, he inched his way from her knee to her inner thigh. And higher. When she gasped, her lips parting, sweat slickening her skin, he nuzzled her mound, finding the bare skin there moist, ready for him.

“Tell me you want me, Laura,” he demanded, hoping like hell she would.

“I do. So damned much—AH!” She arched into his touch at the first swipe of his tongue. Instantly, the exquisite taste of her burst across his lips. Rick’s eyes nearly rolled back in his head and he groaned before covering her pussy with his mouth. With long licks, he devoured her, stabbing deep only to find her clit and flick it several times before returning to her opening.

Laura’s fingers slid through his hair, holding him to her, clutching him eagerly. She seemed unafraid to let him know what she wanted, as if she were determined to get everything she needed from the encounter. Only happy to oblige, Rick followed her lead, making sure he gave her everything he had to give her. He drew on every bit of sexual knowledge he possessed, needing to please her, needing her pleasure before he took his own. She smelled like clean sweat and sin, honeysuckle and her own unique spice. The combination was drugging. Addictive. Rick knew he’d forever crave her, forever need her.

Finally, when he could stand the temptation no longer, Rick pulled away, crawling up her body to lay on top of her once more. His cock found the folds of her cunt and nestled there, sliding up and down, rubbing her clit with every slow glide as he helplessly thrust against her.

Thankfully, he’d remembered the condom in his pants pocket when he’d shed them. The little packet lay on her nightstand and he reached for it now. Ripping it open, he sheathed himself before guiding his cock to her entrance. He didn’t get to savor the feel of a slow, prolonged entrance because Laura thrust her hips at him, impaling herself on his thick length. They both cried out, and Rick slid from reality into the most sensual, dreamlike pleasure he’d ever known.


Had sex ever been like this? Had anything ever felt so damned good? Laura could never remember having a lover who was so intent on her before. Rick seemed to be unable to get enough of her. His touch was masterful as he stroked her body to a fevered pitch before he readied himself to enter her. By that time, Laura was helpless to do anything but force him into her body. She needed this so badly!

Rick filled her completely. The pleasure bordered on pain, and he hadn’t even moved yet. Arms wrapped tightly around her, he gripped her ass in one hand, her shoulder in the other. His embrace was so tight, she could barely breathe, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. He held her like she belonged to him. Like she was the most important person in his world.

The feel of his lips on her neck and ear sent shivers coursing through her body straight to her cunt. She knew she gripped his shaft, her body out of control with pleasure, trying to see to his in the only way she could. Laura wrapped her legs around him securely, holding him to her as tightly as he held her. The need—both emotional and physical—consumed Laura. In that moment, she knew she’d lost herself completely in this wonderful man. She’d vowed never to put herself in a position where another man could hurt her again, but it was too late. Laura was completely in love with Rick Carver.

As the realization vibrated throughout her consciousness, the spasms of her impending orgasm began to pulse just as ruthlessly throughout her body. Too far gone to fight, too stunned to try, Laura let the pleasure overtake her. As she cried his name, she clung to Rick, needing his strength like she needed to breathe.

“That’s it, baby,” he whispered. “Come for me.”

“Oh, God! Rick!” Her cry was nearly a sob as she came around him, clinging, needing…loving. The words "I love you," nearly slipped from her lips, but she held them back, determined to hold something of herself apart from him as self-preservation demanded.

His pace quickened with her orgasm, as if he’d been holding himself back, denying his own pleasure until he saw to hers. Tears threatened, but she held them back. Laura had never felt this cherished. There had been times she’d never come during sex, times she’d been on the verge only to be left wanting and frustrated. Not so with Rick. He’d made sure she’d been satisfied. Thoroughly.

“Please, Rick,” she whispered when the wave began to crest again. “Come with me this time.”

His hoarse groans and frantic thrusting was her only response. Hips pumping, breaths coming in ragged pants, Rick did as she asked. When she screamed her pleasure, Rick followed with his own shout of completion. But that was all Laura registered as spasms seized her from the middle, making her entire body tingle down to her toes. Her vision narrowed to focus only on Rick, blackness tingeing the edges, little pinpoints of light surrounding them both as she pushed through her orgasm.

For long moments, neither of them moved, their breath coming in ragged pants. Rick covered her body with his completely, still imbedded snugly inside her even though his cock had softened slightly with his release. When he made to move, Laura tightened her arms and legs around him, letting him know she liked the feel of him on top of her.

“I’m too heavy for you, baby.”

“No,” she whimpered. “Stay.”

He hesitated, tensed as if he would roll off her anyway. Then he settled himself so that he took at least some of his weight on his arms, obviously still seeking her comfort.

As a post-orgasmic lethargy settled in, Laura’s eyelids grew heavy. She kissed his shoulder as she felt herself drifting off to sleep. “Never let me go…” She wasn’t sure if she’d actually spoken the words or not, but just before she let sleep have her, his words echoed in her mind.

“Just try and make me.”

Chapter Ten


The flight to Arlington, Texas was uneventful. Well, almost. Somehow, Rick had managed to induct Laura into the “Mile High” Club. Laura was still not quite sure how she’d managed to look the stewardess in the eye after they’d come out of the tiny bathroom, but, thankfully, the woman didn’t let on like she’d known anything was amiss.

Rick held her hand the entire time they were on the plane, grinning like a loon at anyone who acknowledged their intimacy. Laura was surprised at how good it felt. In all the years of her marriage, had Carl ever made any kind of public display of affection? She’d expected to feel uncomfortable, especially around his family, but the rowdy bunch had treated her like she had been a part of them for years. Rick’s mother, Vivian, had given her a big hug, sharing her excitement about the game.

The entire family, including the very pregnant Melanie, her husband, Chase, and their adopted daughter, Abigail, filed into the stadium. All of them were decked out on Kentucky blue. Rick’s brothers had loaded up little Abigail with more Wildcat memorabilia than any four people needed, including the mandatory foam finger, but the little girl was bouncing up and down in her excitement.

“Who’s got the popcorn?” Abigail’s question was asked around a mouth full of hotdog.

“You’ve got more junk food than you’re allowed in a whole week. Don’t push it,” Melanie said, grinning.

“But I’ve gotta have popcorn!”

“I’ve got it,” Leland, Rick’s dad, gamely offered. “And don’t worry about the junk food. This is a special occasion.” The older man winked at Abigail, who tried to return his wink only to close both eyes while scrunching up one side of her face.

“All of you spoil her so much she’s going to rot from the inside out.” Melanie laughed. “She’s already threatening to leave home and move in with you and Vivian.”

“That’s fine, dear.” Vivian patted Abigail on the head. “You know you have a room at our house. Just say the word, and I’ll move your things in with me.”

Abigail gave Melanie a superior, smug look. “I told you Mamaw Vivian would let me.”

“Yeah, but bunny stays with me.”

Abigail’s eyes widened. “My bunny?”

“Look, kiddo, I had that bunny before you were born. You’ve been
it since you were little. Just remember that before you go traipsing off with Mamaw Vivian.”

The little girl looked pleadingly at Vivian and Laura had to smother a smile. If she were ever blessed with a child, Laura hoped she would be exactly like Abigail.

“Don’t look at me, sweetie. I’ll get you a new bunny, but I can’t make your mother give up her bunny.”

Abigail huffed prettily. “Never mind, then.”

Everyone chuckled. The merriment and excitement surrounding them seemed contagious. Laura was happier in that moment than at any other point in her life. The added connection to Rick following their intimacy and commitment to each other only added to her happiness and excitement. For the first time since Carl’s betrayal, Laura felt certain of her future.

“Rick?” The feminine voice came from in front of them. The crowd was so thick Laura almost missed the pretty blonde headed their way. Unfortunately, there was no mistaking her cry of “Rick!” as the willowy woman flung herself into Rick’s arms, kissing him full on the lips.

Laura sucked in a breath, her stomach rebelling at the sight. For so long, she’d thought Carl’s betrayal had hurt worse than anything she could imagine other than losing her parents. The moment she saw Rick in the arms of another woman, she knew she was wrong.

Pain sliced through Laura the likes of which she’d never known. This made Carl’s betrayal feel like a minor inconvenience. Clenching her teeth, Laura stood her ground. Last time, she’d ultimately run away. This time, she was fighting for what she wanted with all her heart. Rick’s reaction would tell her all she needed to know about him and the situation.

“I’ve missed you so much, Rick!” The blonde now rained kisses over Rick’s face. The sight made Laura’s fists clench in fury.

“Excuse me,” she said, tapping the woman’s arm so hard the busty blonde flinched, turning her attention to Laura. Her pretty face was scrunched with the slight pain. “I don’t think we’ve met.” She stuck out her hand. “I’m Laura Meadows. Rick’s girlfriend. And you are?”

“I’m Rick’s fiancée.” She turned back to Rick. “Please tell me you didn’t lead this poor girl on. You know I’ve been making plans for a summer wedding.”

The only thing that kept Laura from turning on her heel and leaving was the thunderstruck look on Rick’s face. He obviously knew the woman, but her outburst was completely unexpected to him.

“Angela, I don’t know what you’re playing at—” Angela cut him off with another hard kiss on his mouth. Rick’s hands had automatically gone to her waist when she’d launched herself at him, but now he gripped her arms as he tried to extract himself from her grip around his neck.

How far should Laura push? This was her man, dammit! She’d be damned if she’d lose him to another woman without a fight, but she didn’t want a man who didn’t want her back.

When Rick continued to struggle to get free of the blonde octopus, Laura had had enough. With a little huff and a muttered, “Painted hussy,” Laura pulled Angela off Rick, giving her a little shove for good measure.

“Look. I can appreciate how you’d want Rick. I have the same notion. Considering I’m more a 'country' Kentucky girl than the 'city' Kentucky girl you obviously are, I’m pretty sure I can take you.”

“What do you mean, ‘take me?’ You mean, like, fight me?”

“Hell, yeah, I mean fight! You don’t think you’re getting rid of me easily, do you?” Heedless of the growing crowd around them, Laura pressed on. She’d gone this far—she might as well finish it. Besides, she’d never had the urge to fight for Carl. Now, it was as if some force inside her wouldn’t let her walk away until either she got her ass kicked, or Rick told her to back off.

Angela looked around them, wild eyed. Laura was certain she was looking for someone specific. “Look, I don’t want trouble.”

“Oh, looks like you definitely got trouble,” Rick said, his arms crossed over his massive chest. “And it’s in the form of a five-foot-nothing bundle of a spunky chocolate goddess.”

Laura blinked, then took her eyes off Angela to find Rick. He stood there, head high, grinning down at her. The smile on his face was so wide, Laura was certain his cheeks hurt.

When she swung her gaze back to Angela, she noticed Carl standing beside the restrooms, a deepening scowl on his face. Immediately, their conversation that day at the office replayed in her mind. That bastard had been planning something like this for weeks!

“Rick, was Angela your fiancée?”

“Yeah, but we broke up nearly six months ago. I haven’t seen her since until a few minutes ago.” Rick was still grinning.

“Are you two going to fight?” Steve leaned forward, looking over Rick’s shoulder. “Because I can probably round up a plastic pool full of pudding if you give me a few minutes.”

Laura didn’t bat an eyelash. “I’m game if you are, sweet cheeks.” She raised an eyebrow at Angela. “But be warned. If I get pudding in my hair, I’m going to be royally pissed.”

Angela, who stood a good half a foot taller than Laura raised her hands, backing away. “No one said anything about fighting.” She looked over her shoulder and spotted Carl. “You didn’t say she’d make it physical, Carl. I’m not fighting anyone.”

“Then go get your own damned man,” Angela hissed. “This one’s taken.”

When Angela nodded before turning and fleeing, Steve muttered, “Damn. That would have been good.” Rick punched his arm and Steve winced, rubbing his shoulder. “It would’ve been! Tell me it wouldn’t have been and mean it.
you can hit me.”

“You could have tried harder to get that hussy off you.” Laura glared at Rick. She wasn’t mad, but best they establish their relationship regarding these matters right off.

“I would have, but I was afraid I’d hurt her. Besides, she took me completely by surprise.”

“And that gives you the okay to kiss her?”

“She kissed me! I swear I didn’t kiss her back!”

Rick actually looked alarmed where before he’d only looked amused. Good.

“Go wipe the lipstick off your face. It’s not your color,” Laura said, sticking her nose in the air. “When you’re presentable again, you can meet us at our seats. If you apologize nicely, I might let you sit by me. Otherwise, Steve is going to be the lucky man enjoying my company the rest of the evening.”

Leland grunted, nodding his head approvingly. Vivian glared at Rick. Abigail tugged on Laura’s shirt, “Aunt Laura, what’s a hussy?”

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