A Hero To Trust In Me (5 page)

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Authors: Marteeka Karland

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: A Hero To Trust In Me
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Chapter Seven


“You don’t need help with this, do you?” Laura’s question to the exquisite wife of Chase Carver wasn’t really a question. The women had been crunching numbers for a couple of hours, chatting lightly, and it was very apparent to Laura that Melanie Carver didn’t need any help with the family company’s taxes.

Melanie smiled mischievously. “Well, it’s always good to have another hand around here. Especially with my pregnancy progressing. It’s beginning to get uncomfortable no matter what I do.” The other woman stood and stretched. “Besides, Chase has been on me to take a couple days off a week so I can rest more. Having you here to help will make that possible.”

“Uh huh,” Laura’s gaze narrowed. “You’re hiding something.”

Melanie chuckled. “Of course. The brothers got together and decided something and I just go along.”

“You gonna spill?”

“Of course! What fun would it be having a new girlfriend if I didn’t blow the guys’ cover?”

Laura’s stomach churned. Had Rick told everyone how her husband had had an affair with her best friend? Would the shame never end? Funny, just the thought that Rick had divulged this part of her life with his family felt like a betrayal. And the thought that Rick had betrayed her hurt worse than when Carl had.

“Apparently, he’s worried that your ex will come looking for you and not take ‘no’ for an answer. Rick said your ex paid a teenager to harass you and he was afraid he’d take it farther. He wants you protected, so you’re stuck with me until after tax season.”

“That’s all he said?”

Melanie gave her a quizzical look. “Should he have said something else?”

Laura blinked several times. “No. I-I just thought...that is...”

“If there’s something more personal than your ex harassing you, Rick didn’t say, if that’s what you’re worried about. And he wouldn’t.” She crossed the small room to stand beside Laura, placing a hand on her shoulder. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned about this family is they take care of their own. No questions asked. They accepted me and my daughter as if it were nothing. And they’ve never treated Abigail as anything other than their own flesh and blood. If you’re expecting some kind of betrayal of trust, you won’t find it here.”

“It’s just...hard. You know?”

“Trusting again? Yes. I know. My ex tried to take Abigail away from me just because she was inconvenient for him. Then for Chase to sweep into our lives? A black woman and her adopted daughter? He told me his family would accept me with no questions asked and they did. Give Rick a chance. He’s just as good a man as Chase is.” She grinned. “Mama Vivian didn’t raise bad boys.” She paused a moment before adding with a mischievous grin. “Well, not too bad anyway. I think they’re all a little wicked.”

“Men aren’t exactly my favorite subject after the past few months,” Laura replied. “But given everything Rick has done for me, I suppose I owe it to him to give this a try.”

“Give what a try?” Melanie asked, all innocent looking. Laura promptly wadded up a piece of paper and threw it at the other woman. “What? I was just asking a question!”

“Does everyone think Rick and I have something going on?”

“Na, just the family. You can’t count the family.”

“Look. There is nothing going on.”

“You just said—”

“Never mind what I just said.” Laura held up her hand as if to say “talk to the hand.” “I'm telling you now, there is nothing going on.”

“Right.” Melanie chuckled. “You keep telling yourself that. But that man is head over heels in love with you. Anyone can see it.”

“He is not!”

“Oh, yeah. He totally is! Whether you want one or not, you’ve got a man hot on your heels. What’re you gonna do about it?”

With a sigh, Laura said, “Good question. Good damned question.”

Laura was brought out of her musings when the office phone rang. She answered it without thinking, then immediately glanced at the caller ID when Carl’s all-too-familiar voice sounded from the other end.

“You can’t hide from me forever, Laura,” he said, sounding reasonable. Just the matter-of-fact way he spoke sent shivers down Laura’s spine. “I’m not sure why you haven't been in your office, but it stops now. You need to put aside this nonsense and get back to your life.”

“What makes you think you have any say in this whatsoever? This
my life.
don’t get to dictate it.”

“Look,” he continued, “we’ve both had our little flings. We’ll both appreciate each other more for having seen that the grass isn’t greener on the other side. It’s time to come back home and forget this nonsense.”

“We’re divorced, Carl,” Laura said firmly. “My home isn’t with you anymore.”

“You think it’s with that jarhead you’ve been seeing?” He was actually laughing at her, amusement coloring his every word. “He’s not as heroic as you might think. Hell, he’s even got his own girl on the side.”

At his words, Laura’s stomach clenched. Nothing had ever felt more wrong to her. Instinctively, she rejected that statement. Rick wasn’t that kind of man. She knew it in her heart. Still...

“Even if that’s true, Carl, it’s none of your business.”

“I’m just telling you so you can get some perspective. We’ve been together for years. You hardly know this guy. Chalk all this up to both of us needing a break and just come home. You know I’ll always love you.”

“No. In fact, I’m pretty sure you never loved me. Not like I deserved. Don’t call me again.” She hung up before he could say anything else, but the damage had been done. The seed of doubt planted. What did he mean that Rick had a woman on the side? Did she really want to know? They weren’t an official couple. Should she just shrug it off and wait? Yes, they’d shared an earth-shattering kiss, and the way he’d talked her to orgasm had been the most intimate act she’d ever shared with another person, but what did that really mean? He’d never made a commitment to her and she sure hadn’t made one to him.

“Should I call Rick and the boys? Is everything all right?” Melanie looked worried, but equally confident the guys would come to their rescue if they needed it. Which only irritated Laura.

“No. I can deal with this myself. It’s no one’s concern but mine.” The look on Melanie’s face made Laura realize she’d snapped harder than she meant to. It wasn’t Melanie’s fault men were asses. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bite your head off. I can handle this on my own.”

“No sweat.” Melanie shrugged, but Laura knew she’d hurt her new friend’s feelings.

And the seed of doubt took root and began to grow...

Chapter Eight


 “Nothing says I love you quite like NASCAR tickets,” Steve said, rolling his eyes when Rick waved the tickets he’d just picked up around like a knight might a sword. Rick stopped in mid-motion, giving Steve that superior look only a male could give another male when he’d just scored the ultimate prize.

“I’ll have you know this is nothing so trivial as NASCAR tickets.”

“Really? Then to what do you attribute all the Zorro moves?”

Rick grinned, standing straight with his shoulders back. “I have just scored final four tickets to Kentucky’s game in Arlington, Texas.”

Steve’s jaw slackened. “You
? How the fuck—?”

Rick held up a hand, forestalling Steve’s charge toward the tickets in his other hand. “Nothing doing, bro. These are for Laura and myself. Not you.”

“But you’ve got like a dozen tickets in your hand! I’d say bros before hoes but you might be overly sensitive about that.”

“And I’d tell Mom and she’d tan your hide.”

“Yeah. That too. So? Whatcha got there?” Steve was nothing if not persistent.

“I just told you.”

“But you didn’t say who the other tickets were for!”

Rick shrugged. “Thought I’d sell them. Do you have any idea how much this stash is worth?”

“Now, wait just a goddamned minute!” Steve looked furious, and Rick couldn’t help laughing.

 “Oh, quit your whining. You know you guys are going with us. It will be the perfect way for everyone to meet Laura.”

“You know Mom is beside herself that you haven’t introduced her already.”

“Yeah, I know. I just don’t want to move too fast. Laura’s spooked enough.”

“Are you sure about that? If you straddle the fence long enough, it may look like you’re not interested at all.” Steve tried to look like he was the wise mentor imparting life-changing news, but Rick wasn’t buying it.

“Speak in metaphors all you like. Your track record with women is no better than mine.”

Steve scowled. “I don’t have a track record. I’m a SEAL. I’m married to the job.”

“Does the job keep you warm at night?”

“No, but they let me blow things up occasionally. And I have a big gun. That’s good enough for me.”

Rick’s phone chirped at his hip. Still laughing at his brother, he answered it.

“Speak,” he commanded.

“Rick?” Melanie, his sister-in-law, intoned quietly.

“Are you all right? Is it the baby? Where’s Chase?”

“No, Rick. It’s not me. Laura just got a call from her ex. She’s on the phone with him now. And Rick, he called the unlisted office number.”

It was obvious by the woman’s voice she was concerned. Laura’s conversation must not have been going well for Melanie to call him before Laura hung up.

“Steve and I will be right there. Call Chase too. If something happens, he needs to be there.”

“I don’t think anything will happen, but if the look on Laura’s face is any indication, he’s spooked her.”

Swearing under his breath, Rick ended the call. “That prick is going to have to die before this is over,” he muttered.

“That can be arranged,” Steve commented nonchalantly. The thing was, Rick wasn’t altogether certain his brother was joking.


“I can handle this myself,” Laura insisted when Rick, Steve, Chase, and Mike all converged on the little office she and Melanie shared. Never had she been so embarrassed. This was worse than the night she and Rick had met.

“Relax, sweetheart.” Rick tried to soothe her, but Laura was rapidly working herself into a tizzy. “You have to know we’re not leaving you and Melanie here by yourself after your crazy ex-husband called the unlisted office number. No one should have that but the family.”

“I understand your need to protect Melanie, but I can handle Carl on my own.”

“I know you can,” he said, reasonably, making Laura that much more agitated. Rick was only trying to help, but dammit, she didn’t need anyone fighting her battles for her. “But you don’t
to. Let us be there with you. All of us. We’re a family.”

“Yes, you are,” she said, feeling inexplicably near tears. “But I’m not part of it.”

“That’s where you’re wrong,” Mike said softly from across the room. “Any woman who means as much to Rick as you obviously do is family. Like it or not. You’re stuck with this crazy bunch. And we don’t play favorites. If Rick does anything to hurt you, he’ll be taking it up with the rest of us.”

“And he’s more afraid of Mama than he is Steve. And Steve’s a real badass,” Chase said with a grin. “Unfortunately, Mom’s worse. We’re more afraid of her and her displeasure than we are of you, so you’re stuck with us.”

“You all are crazy.” Laura didn’t know whether to be grateful or upset. She hated bringing other people in on her problems. Carl might be a thorn in her side, but she could deal with him.

“Yeah, well, you get used to it.” Melanie grinned. “Actually, you’ll grow to love it. It makes you feel protected.” The expectant mother placed a hand over her belly where her child grew and gave her husband such a loving look, Laura had to look away. The thing was, she envied Melanie and her relationship with Chase. One glance at Rick and the intent look he was currently giving her, and her heart pounded. For the first time since Carl’s betrayal, Laura dared hope there could be such a thing as an everlasting love.

“Come on,” Rick said, holding his hand out to Laura. “Let me follow you home. I have a surprise, and I expect a kiss for it.”

“I’ll kiss you for it,” Steve said, looking a touch disgruntled. “Hell, I’d even b—”

“No! Don’t even go there!” Rick snagged Laura’s hand as he gave his brother a horrified look. “That’s just—”

“Bow down and kiss your feet. I was gonna say, bow down and kiss your feet.”

They left the office with everyone laughing as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. This family truly believed they could conquer the world. Truth was, Laura was beginning to believe it herself.

The drive home was pleasant enough. Rick held her hand the entire way, chatting lightly. Lara was surprised at how easily she’d accepted the intimacy with him. After the other night, however, she shouldn’t have expected otherwise.

Just thinking about him standing in the doorway, talking her through the most intense orgasm of her life made her want him. Had any man ever truly appealed to her like this? It wasn’t just his sex appeal, either. He was kind. Thoughtful. Not many men she knew would have come to her house at three in the morning. Most would have had her call 911. Maybe even have stayed on the phone with her until help got there. Rick had taken matters into his own hands, even staying with her through the night to make sure nothing else happened. She was so caught up in her thoughts she was startled when he cut the engine, already at her rented home.

“Everything all right?”

“Yes. Just deep in thought.” She looked at him, hesitating a moment before asking, “Why did you come over here the other night instead of just telling me to call 911?”

He looked at her as if he didn’t understand the question. “Why would I have done that?”

“So you didn’t have to go out at three in the morning?”

“Honey, if you need me, it doesn’t matter what time of day or night or what I’m doing. I’ll always come for you.” He looked at her for a moment before swooping in for a peck on her cheek. “Come on. I have something for you.” The excited look on his face charmed her. It was obvious Rick was thrilled at whatever he had in store for her. Truth was, it was hard not to get caught up in the moment as well. Laura was definitely curious.

Once inside, Rick was grinning from ear to ear, hands behind his back, obviously pleased with himself. “Are you ready?”

Laura laughed. “This is big, huh?”

“The biggest. Ready?”

“Good Lord. Yes, Rick. I’m ready. What is it?” She laughed, genuinely amused, anxious to see what was in his possession that had him so excited.

With huge smile, Rick whipped his hand from behind his back, two tickets clutched tightly. Gingerly, Laura took them from him…and gasped.

“Oh, my God! Do you know what these are?” Her voice rose with each word. This man had just presented her with the Holy Grail of Kentucky basketball tickets.

He laughed. “Of course I know what they are!”

Then, as if they’d done the exact same thing a thousand times, like best friends or lovers for years, both of them screamed excitedly. Laura launched herself at Rick, throwing her arms around his neck.

“I can’t believe you got a hold of something like that! How in the world did you manage it?”

“Well, it’s a life-long secret, but I can tell you I’ll owe my first born and my left testicle to a really smart twelve-year-old.”

“Figures.” She grinned. “This is a bit overwhelming. I’d love to say I can’t accept something like that, but I really want to go.”

“What blue-blooded Kentuckian wouldn’t?”

There was a small silence between them before Laura laid her hand on his cheek, smiling softly. “Thank you, Rick. Not so much for this…for everything else.”

He grinned. “I’m glad you trust me enough to let me be there for you.”

Laura looked into those dazzling green eyes and lost herself. If eyes were the window to the soul then Rick Carver was a magical man indeed. Those eyes cast a spell over her, preventing her from doing anything other than leaning into him and finding his lips with hers.

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