A Fragile Wife: Billionaire Romance (9 page)

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Authors: Cynthia Dane

Tags: #Alpha Billionaire Romance

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“This is conjecture on my part, but maybe it will mean something to you.”

“Please, go on.”

Roberta looked around the kitchen, as if anyone but her, Lana, and the deliveryman who brought the food three times a week ever came in there. “The other day when I was serving Mr. Andrews breakfast, I saw him pull the maid aside and whisper something into her ear. It was not work related, ma’am. The girl was blushing like crazy and your husband looked fairly pleased with himself.” Roberta caught her words. “More so than usual.”

“I see. Is that all?”


Lana braced herself.

“He then asked her if she would meet him in his office for something personal on a day you went shopping in town. They were in there for two hours. I had to clean the whole dining room by myself, so I gave her a bit of an earful on your behalf.”

Well, that was certainly
something Lana wanted to hear. Nevertheless, she thanked Roberta again and wandered off to consider this information and what it possibly meant.

Ken and Chloe definitely had
going on. Lana could confront her. She could pull that maid aside and demand a confession. Yet what good would that do? All Lana would do was scare her into either quitting or lying.
And Ken would keep on keeping on.


Her fucking husband.

the bastard were cheating on her, then getting rid of Chloe wouldn’t do a damn thing. And if he were cheating? That was it. That was the final breaking point. He thought it was cute to bug her about calling for a divorce, but he didn’t know the full fury of Lana Andrews, a woman he helped create over the past decade.

I mean, he has every opportunity to explore his sexuality with other people.
The deal was it happened with Lana present and with her consent. Ken going off secretly with people, keeping his wife in the dark, was such a breach of trust that Lana was certain she could never recover from it.

If Ken were cheating on her, their marriage was over. No buts. No forgiveness.

I don’t want that…
Lana stood in the front hall of the mansion she bought with her husband years ago. This was her home. This was her past, her present, and hopefully her future. Why would she give this up unless she really had to?

She no longer flippantly thought of a divorce to mix things up in her life. That was absurd. First she had to find out if her fears were for naught or a reality. Until then, she would assume that everything was fine. Lana was good at separating emotions like that. The next time she saw her husband, she would pretend that nothing was amiss. Although her eyes would try to see all, and her ears would be on top of everything.

Ken was going to come home to the nosiest wife in the universe.





Chapter 6


“I Don’t Expect You To Understand.”


“There she is,” Lana said, relieved. She flagged down someone on the other side of the main room of The Dark Hour, the elite BDSM club she and Ken were regulars at.

“Finally, she has a friend.” Ken teased his wife, but he wasn’t far off the mark. Lana didn’t have many people she considered herself
with. Ken was her best friend, all things considered. She got along with her sister, but Inid was one of the most vanilla women in the world when it came to sex and gender expression. The other women Lana knew in her social circle were often put off by her brash mannerisms. There were few women, usually Dommes, who could put up with Lana’s brand of socializing for more than ten minutes.

Elle Hernandez was one such woman.

She approached, sashaying like a goddess in her white miniskirt and the gold chains hanging from her long neck. Big, bold and brown hair fell in curly waves, caressing the woman’s tanned skin

“Lana!” They exchanged kisses before sitting in their corner of the VIP lounge. Leather stretched and creaked beneath them as they rearranged their bodies and said their pleasantries. Ken gave them some privacy and spoke with an acquaintance on the neighboring couch.

“It’s so good to see you around,” Lana said. “It’s been much too long.”

“Two months. Chicago has been keeping me busy.” Elle halved her time between their city and Chicago, although she spent most of her time in Chicago those days. “I’m home for the holidays. Too bad, because I would rather hang out here than spend my time at my mother’s.”

“Ain’t that the truth?” Christmas was a little over a week away. This would probably be the last busy night for The Dark Hour until the New Year’s party. Even Lana, who finally made Christmas present arrangements for her extended family, was starting to pack for her and her husband’s trip upstate in the coming days.

“How are things? Still kicking ass and taking names?”

“Of course.” Lana flagged a server and ordered a double of what she already had. “I wouldn’t have my life any other way. Someone around here has to represent the pussy-having business side of things.”

Elle laughed. “If I had half the business tenacity that you do, I would probably join you in that. As it is, I can barely balance personal and public. I haven’t dated anyone in three months. Hoping I can score some ass tonight.”

Lana looked around the room. “I think you’ll have your choice of studs.” On a busy night, there were always unpaired male subs wandering around, looking for a boot to lick and a strap-on to ride. Or somewhere in between. Elle was a popular Domme who usually had her pick of them. Something Lana quickly brought up before her friend could change subjects.

“Oh, I hear it’s even easier now. Dommes pairing off left and right, leaving us single ones with all the hard cock we can swallow.”

“’Tis been a big year for romance in the kink scene, that’s for sure.” Even if old, established couples broke up, new ones popped up to take their places.

Two of them came by now, since Ken couldn’t contain himself and invited them over the moment he spotted them.

“Lana,” Ian Mathers, dressed as if he came from a business meeting said in acknowledgment. His recently cut hair was striking in the dim lights of the club, but nowhere near as striking as his arm candy, the filthy rich and beautiful Kathryn Alison. The two of them were a fellow switch couple, although from Lana’s bored understanding, Kathryn did more submitting than her boyfriend. Tonight, however, nobody had a collar or leash on, and Kathryn greeted Elle Hernandez with a big, vibrant smile and a loud voice. Apparently they knew each other well.

Lana was always in the mood to talk to more likeminded women. Elle was great, but adding Kathryn the dominating woman was even better. Too bad Kathryn didn’t think much of Lana, or so the wife of Ken Andrews surmised. Their conversations were often tenuous at best. For all her bravado, Kathryn didn’t care much for Lana’s flirty personality. Or something. Lana wasn’t absolutely sure, nor did she care.

Tonight Kathryn was pleasant company as the men and women segregated themselves to talk Christmas, business plans for the new year, and sex. Not necessarily in that order.

Lana was in the middle of describing the sex swing she and Ken were thinking about installing in their playroom when Ian came over, tapped on his girlfriend’s shoulder, and whispered something into her ear. They exchanged smiles before Kathryn was sucked into an ongoing conversation on the boys’ side about her father’s current plans for a property he purchased in another state.

“So how’s the swinging,” Elle asked, leaning in toward Lana. “And I don’t mean the sex swing. Or maybe I do?”

“Things are the same,” Lana responded. She didn’t feel like bringing up her suspicions. After all, she came to one of her favorite places to relax and think about anything
a cheating husband. Even if she came with that husband. And even if she planned on screwing that husband sometime tonight.
Wouldn’t be a night at The Dark Hour without fucking my husband.
The only question was whether she would Top or bottom.

“Maybe you should try those two tonight,” Elle teased, motioning to Ian and Kathryn. “They seem fun.”

“Hardly,” Lana muttered into her drink.

“I thought you used to crush on Mathers.”

“I’ve crushed on a lot of men, Elle.”

“I seem to recall you specifically saying that you wanted to suck his cock.”

“I was drunk.”

“The shit you say when you’re drunk is what you’re thinking 24/7 anyway.”

Lana laughed. “All right, you caught me. I
to think that about him.” Honestly, that germ was planted by Ken. Lana garnered that her husband had a man-crush of his own.

“What changed? Him getting a girlfriend couldn’t have deterred you. Even if you and Ken weren’t omnipanquasisexuals you’d still hit on Mathers if you wanted him.”

Cute. Elle didn’t mean any harm by such a comment, but sometimes Lana got tired of defending her lifestyle, even to friends. Yes, she would’ve kept flirting with Ian until he told her to permanently back off. Wouldn’t be the first time a man did that, to either her or Ken. No, the reason Lana lost interest was much more petty.

“I thought he’d be fun until I got a glimpse of his cock.”

“Uh oh.” Elle’s smile was beyond ludicrous, as if they were having a sleepover as teenagers. Where were the pillows and Boyz II Men CDs? “He got a tiny buddy?” Elle was not covert at all when she glanced over at Ian Mathers, eyes pointed straight at his dick. “I mean… can’t see much from here…”

“No,” Lana said, lowering her voice. “It’s sort of the opposite problem.”


“Shut up. I ain’t saying he’s got a monster cock. I’m saying I took one look at it and crossed my legs.” Sometimes it was hard being a woman like her. Fact of the matter was, the only intimidating thing about Ian’s dick was his abnormally large tip. It wasn’t
but big enough to make Lana think twice about going through all the effort necessary to seduce him – and, by extension, his girlfriend.

“Life is so hard sometimes.” Elle sighed. “I can’t say I ever thought about him. Not really my type, if you know what I mean. I like my men more… pliable.” After a hearty laugh, she continued, “You going to take your handsome husband to task for something tonight? I wouldn’t mind watching some hot Domme and male sub action. Knowing this place…” She looked around the room, including the empty performance stage. “It’ll be a Dom fest. It always is when the Dommes aren’t scheduled in advance.”

“I could as easily say that to you. Find some stud and jerk him off for us.”

“Not in the mood. I’d rather watch a fun couple like you guys.”

Lana shook her head. “Don’t think we’ll be doing that tonight. Sorry.”

“Oh, well. A woman can always try.”

Normally Lana’s exhibitionism would certainly drive her to asking her husband to perform together on stage. They had done it before, countless times by this point. Most of the people in this room had seen his cock, her pussy, and what they looked like when they met for a bit of a lay.
I don’t give a shit. Nobody in this place has any room to judge.
She had seen a fair number of these cocks and cunts herself.
Haven’t seen Kathryn’s. Bet she shaves.
No. Waxed.

Lana remembered she was due for a spa day. It had been a while since she went for a body wax. Maybe that could be a Christmas surprise for Ken.

I bet that Chloe goes all natural.
Ken claimed to have no preference, but for Lana, someone who enjoyed grooming herself from top to bottom, being cast aside for someone on the other end of the spectrum would be like an extra kick to her gut. It would have felt the same if she were the “all natural” one and Chloe was gifted all the waxes she could stand.


She came back to reality, where her husband joined her on the couch and the others went their separate ways. Elle remained a few more minutes before excusing herself to go cruise for a sub. Once they were alone, Lana sank against her husband, smelling his intense scent and reminding herself that they came here to have fun.

“How’s my Bunny?” He slapped his hand against her knee and drew a circle against her skin. “Have a nice chat with your friend?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“It was a good conversation. Always nice to catch up with people. What were you and Elle talking about?”

Lana leaned against the back of the couch and stared at the gray wall behind it. “Ian Mathers’s cock.”


“I don’t expect you to understand.”

“Now, now, Bunny, I like to consider myself a fair expert on all things dick and cock. So I definitely understand.”

She glanced at him. “Not from my tight pussy’s perspective.”

“So we don’t flirt with him anymore. We find someone else to take for a spin.” Ken snorted. “He’s got a serious girlfriend now anyway. They’re so smitten with each other, it’s almost adorable. Hopefully they won’t be like us old harpies one day.”

It took a few seconds for that to sink into Lana’s ear. “What do you mean,

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