A Fragile Wife: Billionaire Romance

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Authors: Cynthia Dane

Tags: #Alpha Billionaire Romance

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Title Page


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A Fragile Wife

1: "I've Been Waiting For You, Husband."

2: "My Wife Should Do Many Things."

3: "Nice Ass, Mr. Andrews."

4: "Show Her No Mercy."

5: "What Do You Have There?"

6: "I Don't Expect You To Understand."

7: "Everything's Fine."

8: "Does Lana Know About It?"

9: "Stay Away From My Husband."

10: "Do You Think I'm Pretty?"

11: "Do You Believe Me?"

12: "It's Called Doing Both."

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A Fragile Wife








A Fragile Wife

Copyright: Cynthia Dane
Published: December 16th, 2015
Publisher: Barachou Press


This is a work of fiction. Any and all similarities to any characters, settings, or situations are purely coincidental.


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.


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A Fragile Wife





Chapter 1


“I’ve Been Waiting For You, Husband.”


Lana Andrews, real estate queen and all-around rich, domineering bitch, was once again on the floor of her office with a bottle of whisky threatening to spill beside her.

It was a good thing she had a mural on her ceiling. Nothing fancy. Some flowers with intricate vines weaving in and out, creating a cacophony of demurred colors that caught her eye whenever she lie on this floor, half-drunk and on the verge of making the same grievous mistake she always almost made.

I’m going to divorce that asshole.

She thought it once a week at this point. Sometimes multiple times a week. Lana took a swig of her drink and tried not to breathe into the carpet. Difficult to do when her body kept trying to roll against it.

“Chloe!” she called, drawing her foot out of its stiletto heel and letting her toes curl against the warm carpet. “Chlooeee!’

The maid, a young woman with big eyes and thin hair, appeared in the office doorway with shock on her face. “Yes, ma’am?” she asked tentatively. Chloe approached Lana’s supine body and looked down into a pair of groggy eyes. “Are you all right, ma’am?”

“I need… I need my phone. It’s on my desk.”

Chloe looked between her mistress and the desk a few feet away. “One second, ma’am.”

The maid stepped around Lana’s body and gingerly picked up the large smart phone glowing on the desk. Blue lights flashed, signaling that many messages waited. One of them was doubtlessly from Ken Andrews, Lana’s husband of nearly ten years. He was at their downtown office that day. Lana was
working at home. If being half drunk on the office floor counted as work.
In some countries, it does.

Her phone dropped into her hand. Chloe stood above Lana, clasping her hands and looking as if she were about to roll her eyes at this weekly spectacle. “Anything else, ma’am?”

“No. Leave me.” Before Chloe could disappear out the door, Lana flung a hand into the air and said, “Wait. If my bastard of a husband comes home, tell him I’m having a conference call and can’t be bothered.”

Chloe said nothing. Soon enough she was gone, the office door closing behind her.
She’ll tell him.
She would if she valued her job. And she should. The Andrews paid a good salary with hefty benefits and bonuses.

It meant dealing with her, of course, but there was a snag to every job.

Just like hiring a younger, pretty girl like Chloe probably meant Lana’s husband was sleeping with her.

“Lana,” said a terse voice on the phone. She had slammed one of the first numbers in her contact list. “What can I do for you this week?”

“Get me a divorce, Horace,” she told her lawyer.

“What is it this time? I told you, he only violates that iron-clad prenup if he cheats on you. And given your two’s proclivities… that would be very hard to determine.”

“Shut up, Horace.”

“So I take it you don’t have any evidence of him cheating?”

Am I sure he’s cheating?
Either way, Horace was right. The only way Ken could violate the prenup they signed ten years ago was if he fucked some little nugget behind his wife’s back. But Horace was also right in saying that their kinky love life made cheating hard to prove. For years, Lana and Ken had been swinging, group sexing, everything between here and there. They were regulars at the local BDSM club with first-name knowledge of half the people there. Carnal knowledge, too. While they didn’t have an
marriage in that they could have casual sex or long term relationships with other people, there were those who came into their bedroom and left very…
No judge would believe that Lana didn’t know about Ken’s dalliances. All he had to do was tell said judge that she gave him permission. So many people at the club would probably back him up.

Lana groaned into her phone. “I don’t know if he’s cheating. He’d be a stupid son of a bitch to try it.” Especially with
pussy still readily available whenever he wanted it.
Since when do men think with their main brains, though?
“There’s gotta be something we can do. I’m gonna murder the man at this point.”

“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that. And at any rate, I’m still not sure why you call me every week asking me to get you a divorce. Stop drinking and get your shit together, Lana.”

Boy, he was
that he was her cousin! And good at his job. If anyone else talked to Lana like that, she would be hacking off their balls and hanging up their entrails from the flagpole in the front yard. “You’re a dick, Horace. See you at Easter.”

That was her sign off every week. And every week Horace replied, “See you at Easter.”

Lana hung up. She didn’t need his shit.

She didn’t know
she needed. She barely understood what was happening to her marriage.




They met twelve years ago, at a regional real estate conference. Ken was an established manager of one of the biggest real estate groups in the area, and Lana was an up and coming bigshot who had sold more properties than anyone else in the state that year. It was natural that they meet each other, introduced via a mutual acquaintance who was interested in getting a head-hunter’s fee for bringing Lana into Ken’s fold. Lana had ambition. Ken had need for a charming agent who could sell high-ticket properties. What neither of them planned on was Lana charming Ken into drinks at the bar that night.

And then her charming him into bed. Or the other way around. Lana could never remember since more than two drinks were involved that night.

Few people could say that a one-night stand turned into a business opportunity. Then a relationship. Then marriage within two years. When they announced their impending nuptials to the media, other real estate moguls quaked in their loafers. Between these two shrewd minds, it was only a matter of time before the Andrews, as they were collectively called, started beheading the competition.
And then we beheaded each other in the bedroom.

The furor they whipped up in their everyday lives had a tendency to translate to their private life. Lana lived for the high she got from a big sale, and she lived for the celebration of taking Ken between her legs. Whether he climbed on top of her, she rode him, or he pulled on her from behind to impale her on his cock – who gave a shit. Their life meant taking names in public, taking each other’s bodies in private.

The kink came quickly. Ken had dabbled in the switch lifestyle, and Lana was more than curious in both calling her husband a slut and having him defile her when they were alone. Everyone in the local kink scene rolled their eyes when they patrolled the streets of their elite world, looking for new playmates and people to fuck with, mentally and physically. Lana’s thirst for exhibitionism led to them performing many times on stage.
I’ve been screwed in front of a total of a thousand different people by now.
She felt no shame. Usually, the thought aroused her.

So what happened? For several years, Lana lived for the thrills her husband gave her – and for the thrills they picked up from other people. They were a team. Nobody could think of Lana without thinking of Ken, and vice versa. Sure, they had independent friends and hobbies, but when it came to sex – of which there was a lot – they were a monolith.

Now Lana often stood in their mansion in the Hills, wondering what was missing.

She was a woman who was used to moving on quickly when things dried up elsewhere. She went to three different universities, all before getting her Bachelor’s.
Don’t get me started on how many grad programs I went through.
Before Ken, boyfriends were like tissues. Disposable. Ken was the first man to really make her feel in love and lust, let alone for so long.

So when she got the feeling she was falling out of love, her first inclination was to sever ties and go her own way. Screw Ken.

No, but…

Lana had a game she liked to play. She would wait for Ken to come home, prepared to fall out of love with him… or in love all over again. The latter happened more often than the former. The fact she even considered the former, however, made her heart drop in her stomach.

Which was funny, because she never considered herself a




Ken was late that night. Dinner was at seven, as always, but at six-thirty Lana received a call saying her dear husband was trapped in a meeting and only now leaving. It took at least forty-five minutes to drive that far into the Hills, traffic and weather depending.

So Ken did not arrive home until seven-thirty, his layers of clothing shedding from his skin as Chloe did her due diligence helping the master of the mansion get settled in. This included a small glass of bourbon waiting on a tray that would also take away his tie and cufflinks. The last thing Ken wanted to do when he returned home was go all the way up to the master bedroom just to come back down for dinner.

About time he got home.
Lana sat at the head of the dining table, where dinner was kept warm but not yet served. The cook began bringing out dishes the moment Ken walked through the door, so by the time he made it to the dining room he had a plate waiting for him. And a pretty young maid following him around, demurely asking if he would like to have his cigarette now or after dinner.

“He’ll have it after dinner,” Lana said, lifting a glass of wine to her lips. Ken sat next to her, and the scent of his heavy cologne nearly overpowered steak and vegetables. He sighed as Chloe walked away with the tray of cufflinks and tie.

“Lovely to see you too, Wife.”

“I’ve been waiting for you, Husband.”

Those sorts of titles were only exchanged when they were feeling incredibly silly or sarcastic. Right now the sarcasm dripped from their fangs like venom.

Ken slipped his hand over Lana’s knee before he even picked up a fork. “If you’re not letting me have my cigarette right now, then I’ll have to soothe my nerves some other way.”

Lana stared at him, feeling his fingers press deeply into her flesh.
Wish I could say it was turning me on.
She drank her wine and said, “I don’t want to smell it while I’m eating.”

“It doesn’t smell, Lana. It’s vapor.”

“It reeks.” Ken quit smoking real cigarettes shortly after they married, but was one of the first on board the vape trend. He tried to tell Lana that it was healthier, had no smoke to stain the walls, and, better yet,
didn’t smell.
Well, no, it didn’t smell like cigarette smoke, but Lana could smell whatever he put in it to give it flavor. Ken could smoke whatever he wanted in his office. At the dinner table? Lana was queen.

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