A Fox's Family (14 page)

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Authors: Brandon Varnell

Tags: #Humor, #Fiction

BOOK: A Fox's Family
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wasn’t so lucky.

to papa!”



can’t believe you!” Kevin did not look pleased as he,
Lilian and Iris walked to class. It looked like someone had set a
nuke off on his face. “That idiot jumped on top of me, and you
did nothing!”

said I was sorry,” Lilian mumbled sullenly, poking her index
fingers together.

doesn’t cut it,” Kevin snapped. “That man tried to
kiss me! And he drooled all over my face. Do you know how disgusting
that is? It took me fifteen minutes to wash the drool off in the

chuckle was cut off by Kevin’s venomous glare. She held up her
hands, and though her expression was bland, her eyes twinkled
merrily. “Hey, don’t look at me. I’m not your

fail to see how that matters. You were every bit as complacent as she
was. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a hand in what

that’s just rude.” Iris decided not to tell Kevin that
the reason for the fat principal’s behavior was, partly at
least, due to her
of Ecstasy
She didn’t use it often, mostly because she could easily seduce
whoever she wanted without it. However, the opportunity for a prank
had been too strong to ignore.

looked at him, her lips trembling. “I would have done
something, Beloved, but that man scared me. I was so frightened. I
thought he might do something pervy to me if I so much as moved.”

crossed his arms. “That look’s not gonna work on me.”

eyes grew wide and dewy.

stern expression wavered for a second before he put his mask back in
place. “Still not gonna work.”

Kevin.” Lilian clasped her hands in front of her, the act
causing her breasts to push themselves together. “Please
forgive me? Pretty please?” She tilted her head for maximum

defenses crumbled.

uh, auu…” His shoulders slumped. “All right, fine.
I forgive you.”

Lilian threw a fist in the air.

shook her head. “You’re a pushover, you know that,

“… Shut


at the door to Ms. Vis’ class, Kevin knocked exactly three

door opened and Ms. Vis glared at him, as if he had just interrupted
the most important moment of her life.

Swift.” She pushed her glasses up the bridge of her nose with
her middle and index finger.

shouldn’t do that.”

Vis looked startled. “Pardon?”

Kevin indicated how she’d been pushing her glasses up her nose.
“You shouldn’t do that.”

Vis huffed irritably. “And why not?”

you’re not a Badass Bookworm like Gendo Ikari.”

Nice one, Beloved.”

and Kevin shared a grin and a high five. Ms. Vis stared at him for a
few seconds longer, then promptly ignored him and switched her glare
to Lilian.



Vis twitched, her neck muscles spasming as if she was trying to
resist the demonic urge to strangle the Celestial Kitsune. Apparently
deciding to pretend that Lilian didn’t exist, her eyes landed
on Iris. “And who might you be?”

smirked. “I’m your new student, teach.” She
presented the teacher with her transcript and acceptance letter. Ms.
Vis snatched the paper from Iris’ hands and read it, her
ghostly white face becoming increasingly red.

see.” Ms. Vis glared at the vixen. “Everything appears to
be in order, so all I can do is give you a warning. Do not follow
your sister’s example and do something that would interrupt the
learning process of my class, or I will kick you out faster than you
can say mathematics.”

I got it. No worries, teach. I’ll be on my best behavior.”

Vis huffed and whirled around, walking back into the room. As he,
Lilian, and Iris followed her, Kevin saw the raven-haired succubus’
grin and had a startling premonition.

get the feeling that something extremely erotic is about to happen.

genre savvy, this Kevin Swift.


down, class!” Ms. Vis shouted as Kevin and Lilian took their
seats. “I know this might come as something of a surprise, but
it appears we have a new student. I would like everyone to welcome
Ms. Iris Pnevma, who is here to further her education.”

strolled forward with a predator’s grace until she stood in
front of Ms. Vis, ignoring the indignant squawk from said teacher.
She bent over and put her right hand on her knee. Her shirt, an
arched black crop top that revealed most of her stomach and a more
than healthy portion of her cleavage, caused her breasts to
practically spill out. She then placed the index and middle finger of
her left hand against her lush crimson lips, blew everyone a kiss and

there! I came here from Florida to spend time with my sister, so I
don’t know this state very well. I hope I can count on all of
you to take good care of me.”

reaction was instantaneous. Every male student minus Kevin was
jettisoned out of their seats, launched across the room, where they
smacked against the back wall as geysers of blood blew out of their
noses like a broken fire hydrants.

clamped a hand over his nose, covering up the suspicious red liquid
that leaked between his fingers.

discreetly wiping her nose, Lindsay leaned over to whisper in
Lilian’s ear. “That’s your sister?”


she could make straight women gay.”

looked at her friend, raising an inquiring eyebrow. “That was
some very suspicious wording there. Is there something you’d
like to tell me?”

Lindsay’s cheeks flushed. “Nothing.”

Iris chuckled as she sauntered over to an empty seat next to Lilian.
“Damn, I’m good.”

all this was going on, Ms. Vis looked at her class, her eyes
twitching and her face quickly turning a bright shade of steaming

Detention immediately after school! You’re all getting


and Heather stood just outside of a vent leading to the girl’s
locker room.

one else was present, which was good, because they could get into
some serious trouble if other people learned of the operation that
was about to commence.

stood at attention, his back straight, hands at his sides. He looked
like a soldier standing before his commanding officer.

right, my young apprentice, are you ready for your next lesson?”

ready, Master!”

well.” Arms crossed under her chest, Heather stared at her
apprentice with all the seriousness of Jabidaya getting ready to face
against Lord Pain in the ultimate peep off. “Stealth is the
most important aspect for any peeper. After all, you can’t peep
if the girls you’re trying to peep on can hear you. Do you

finished writing her words on the notepad he had brought with him for
just this occasion. He straightened his back and snapped off a
salute. “Yes, Master.”

Heather pulled off the grate blocking the vent. “Now, while a
lot of people think hiding in a locker is the best place for a peeper
to hide because of the up-close and personal view, it’s
actually the worst. You see, a locker is very conspicuous. It’s
the first place a girl will look when trying to sniff out a peeping
Tom. The vents are much better. Not only do they offer you an aerial
view to survey the entire locker room, but you’ll also be able
to see down their shirts.”

cried manly tears as he listened to his master. Truly, this woman was
a peeper of unparalleled talent!

looked at Eric and gestured to him. “Now then, climb through
here, my young apprentice. Climb and discover paradise!”

tears in his eyes, Eric saluted again. “Yes, Master! Thank you,

smile was benevolent. “You are very welcome, my young

disappeared into the vent. Heather stood outside, arms crossed under
her chest, listening. One second turned into five and five turned
into ten. After thirty seconds, she heard it.

to papa, you magnificent mammaries!”



No, wait! I didn’t mean to come here! I was supposed to peep on
you through the vents!”

that’s any better! Die peeping Tom!”


that moment on, all words faded away into a threnody of hoarser and
hoarser screams. When Eric’s screaming started to fade, Heather
started picking up other noises accompanying the screams. The sounds
of flesh beating flesh, metal beating flesh, wood beating flesh. She
even heard crunching sounds that reminded her someone crushing peanut
brittle under their feet, as well as loud banging reminiscent of
someone’s face being smashed against a metal surface.

seconds later, the freshman girls in PE walked out of the room, their
faces etched and twisted into a facsimile of disgust.

you believe that guy? Did he really think he could peep on us?”

know, right? Doesn’t he know we were all warned about him by
the older girls?”

course he does. He’s probably a masochist. I bet he was getting
his rocks off while we beat the crap out of him.”

Jess… no, just no. Don’t even go there. God, that’s
so gross…”

girls’ voices vanished as they entered the gym. Heather chose
that moment to walk into the locker room, where she found Eric
exactly how she expected to find him: beaten, battered, bruised,
missing several teeth, and with his face so swollen it could have
passed for a hot air balloon.

marched up to the lump of barely conscious meat once known as Eric
and gave him a disappointed look.

just had to jump out of the vents, didn’t you? Remember what I
told you? Stealth is a peeping Tom’s best friend.”

just groaned.


entire first half of school went the same way as their first class.
Everywhere they went, their group—which now included
Lindsay—was subject to the gawking of idiots who would either
drool, nosebleed, or both.

couldn’t blame them. He wanted to, but really, given the
circumstances, it would have been hypocritical to accuse them of
being a bunch of morons who thought with their dicks instead of their

was a lot of pretty in his group. No doubt about it. There was the
cute tomboy, the porcelain-skinned doll in classic lolita dress, the
vivacious redhead with an enchanting smile, and the seductive vixen
who defined sex appeal. Really, it was only natural that the teenage
males walking past their table gawked, suffered nosebleeds, or did

only became worse when they were joined by the rest of their friends
for lunch.

are not worthy! We are not worthy!”

right eye twitched. “Would you two get up already. God, you two
are so embarrassing right now! You’re almost as bad as Eric!”

cannot do as you command, Master.” Alex, along with his
brother, were sitting
a Japanese bow where one prostrated themselves on the ground before
those above their station. “We’re unworthy of even
looking at your divine presence.”

he said,” Andrew added.

pressed both of his hands against his face and groaned. What had he
done to deserve this?

got a point, you know,” Iris chuckled when Kevin gave her a
flat stare. “Don’t give me that look. You know I’m
right. You just need to think about this from their perspective.”

that so? And what, pray tell, is their perspective?”

perspective is that they think you,” she pointed to him, “are
currently in the process of creating standard harem dynamics.”


going the H-route.”

getting a harem!”

can’t believe it!”

you two shut up already?!”

“… Foxy…”

gave Justin an odd look. His friend was seriously starting to scare

disgusting.” Christine wrinkled her nose.

could have sworn that something sharp and pointy had just stabbed him
through the chest. “Don’t tell me you’re taking
their side, Christine? I need your support here.”

Steam burst from Christine’s ears as her face transformed into
a popsicle. “H-h-how shameless can you be?!”


don’t—I mean, you can’t just—KEVIN, YOU

Kevin ducked as several shards of ice tried to impale him through the
head. “W-what did I do now?”



Kevin dodged icy death and Christine chased after him, Lilian, Iris
and Lindsay watched. Iris also cast a minor illusion over the trio of
boys at their table, making it look like Kevin and Christine were
frolicking together.

you going to rescue your boyfriend?” Lindsay asked. Lilian
looked up in time to see Kevin roll across the ground, several ice
shards impaling the place he’d been standing.

She went back to her food. “He’ll be fine.”

awfully good at running away,” Iris commented. Lindsay stared
at the two, a trail of sweat meandering down her face, before she
turned to look back at Kevin and Christine.

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