Read A Dom's Dilemma Online

Authors: Kathryn R. Blake

A Dom's Dilemma (12 page)

BOOK: A Dom's Dilemma
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She shook her head again and smiled. He drew in a deep breath. “You’re not listenin’ to me, doll, and it’s beginnin’ to piss me off.” Kelly promptly lowered her gaze. She had no wish to anger him, nor did she want to push him into making a point, which he would if pressed. When she plucked at a button on his shirt, he covered her hand with his. “I enjoyed our interaction tonight, Kelly girl. You’re sexy, bright and a lot of fun to be around. But as much as I like bein’ near you, and havin’ you in my arms, I don’t want you showin’ up at my workplace. Am I gettin’ through to you on this?”

With a shrug, Kelly gave a delicate sniff and gazed up at him. “Don’t you take a lunch?”

He growled. “Kelly….”

“What?” she asked, gazing up at him with an innocent expression. “I mean, if you’re on your own time, you’re not working are you?”

He shook his head. “Not the point, darlin’….”

“But it is. We could have lunch together at the park by the station, then I could go back to work and return in the evening for you to take me to your house. Or perhaps I could get away early and–”

“No!” He gave her shoulders a shake. “Are you havin’ trouble with your hearin’, sugar? Will I need to paddle your delectable rear a couple a times to open up your ears a bit more?”

Keeping her arms wrapped about his waist, she leaned her head against his chest with a sigh. “I only want to spend more time with you.”

He tilted her chin up and kissed her lightly. “I want that, too, Kelly girl, more than you know, but I need us to wait a bit before you visit me at work. After we’ve been together for a month or so, I’ll consider us havin’ a luncheon meetin’, though I suspect you’ll get filled with a lot more things than food when we do that.”

She giggled and hugged him tighter. “I wouldn’t mind,” she admitted, then added, “I can always eat.”

His arms holding her a little bit apart from him, he asked, “So we’re clear about tomorrow? I’ll come pick you up here at nine?”

She smiled. “Maybe.”

He scowled down at her. “You that eager for me to take a spankin’ paddle to your backside, girl?”

“No, Sir,” she answered softly.

“Then what? What do I need to do to make you understand I will blister your butt if you disregard my wishes and show up anyway?”

Giving a light shrug, she gazed up at him through lowered lashes.

He glowered at her evilly, gave a sigh and gently pinched her chin. “I can tell by the gleam in your eyes that you think you can work your way around me on this. Well, I can’t stop you from comin’, if you’re determined, Kelly girl, but it will ruin our weekend together for sure.”

She frowned, suddenly uncertain. “You’d refuse to take me home with you?”

“No, darlin’, quite the contrary. I’d insist you come home with me with the understandin’ you’ll be gettin’ the worst paddlin’ you’ve ever had in your life. And I mean that, Kelly girl. Furthermore, I will be very angry with you if you make me do that. Understand?”

She nodded slowly.

“All right then. Just so we’re clear. Now, what do you need to do to get ready for work tomorrow?”

* * * *

The next day Jim sought out Kyle as he was getting ready to go on patrol. “How’d it go?” Kyle asked, looking more than a little worried.

Jim filled his fellow Dom in on the events that occurred after Kyle left. He’d gotten to the point where he’d pulled a screaming, swearing Kelly off the examining table to deal with her privately, when Kyle asked, “So, how did you punish her?” The question surprised Jim, but since Kyle was clearly worried about his former sub, he answered.

“The old fashioned way. Put her over my knee and gave her a proper paddlin’ on her bare butt with my hand. Didn’t take many swats before she was burbling out a tear-filled apology and beggin’ for my forgiveness, so I let her up and held her.”

Recalling how badly he’d handled things after that, Jim admitted, “I think I’ve completely taken the wrong tack with her. I should have been much stricter, instead of makin’ excuses. Except, for some reason, I’m findin’ it hard to carry through with the punishments I threaten, and that’s not bein’ consistent.

“I’ve been a Dom for almost sixteen years, and this is the first time a sub has made me question my motives. She’s got sass and vinegar, which I like, but to keep her from bein’ a brat, she needs a Dom who refuses to put up with her nonsense, and punishes her slips without reservation. Half the time I didn’t even scold her for not callin’ me ‘Sir.’ And I had to struggle not to laugh whenever she made faces at me when I did scold her.”

“I’ve got the same problem with Tiffany,” Kyle admitted with a grimace.

“Yeah, maybe. However, from what I’ve heard, your relationship with Tiffany is different. She’s not a sub, and isn’t bound by protocol. But with Kelly, hell, I’m beginnin’ to think she’s doin’ it on purpose, and I’m lettin’ her get away with it.”

Kyle nodded. “I’m sure she is. At least she did with me. I think she pushes for the punishment in order to get the reassurance she needs afterwards.”

“Yeah, I suspected as much when I wrapped her up and cuddled with her for a bit after I got her all cleaned up and cleared out by the enema she carried on so much about. Gotta say, she’s an affectionate little minx. Soft in all the right places, too.

“So, we settled down on a couch and had ourselves a nice long chat. She was open and honest with me and lapped up the attention I gave her like it was water and she was a thirsty nomad who’d been lost in the desert for six months. Anyway, as we talked, I naturally opened up some to her, too, and happened to let it slip that I worked here with you.”

Kyle groaned and Jim nodded. “Yup. Gotta tell ya, she perked up like a prairie dog poppin’ out of its hole once she heard that. Jumped up and gave me a real big kiss as she said she’d like to visit me at work. Of course, I firmly put the kibosh on that idea. Even so, I’ve a feelin’ she’s so determined to come here and see me, she’s even willin’ to risk a painful round with the spankin’ paddle I’d promised if she disobeyed me. And she’s only doin’ that because she doesn’t believe I’ll carry through.

“I honestly like her, Kyle, despite all the snifflin’ and whinin’ she did last night, but I’m not after a sub who needs watchin’ 24/7, and clings worse than a bathtub ring. It’s just not what I’m lookin’ for.” As he calmed down, Jim reconsidered and shook his head.

“No, that ain’t right, either. I don’t mind watchin’ after an obedient sub, I enjoy it. And I’m bossy enough to even like one who’s a little clingy. It’s the need for constant correction that catches in my craw. I swear that woman can snap back worse than a turtle on crack when she’s riled. And with that temper of hers, I fear I may not have a strong enough hand to bring her to heel.”

Kyle gave another nod. “So, what time do you think she’ll show up here?”

Jim shrugged. “
she’s foolish enough to do it, it’ll probably be around noon or so, when she can get off work. Frankly, I’m torn between showin’ her the door, and seein’ if we can get through this rough patch without wadin’ through oceans of blood and tears.

“I don’t need or want a slave whose only desire is to please me, but I’ve no hankerin’ to babysit a brat, either. I wanna woman who’ll do what I say without me havin’ to put her over my knee every five minutes.” Jim raised his hands at Kyle’s incredulous look. “Yeah, I know. I enjoy givin’ spankin’s as much as the next Dom, but there’s a point when it becomes hard work. Kelly needs someone who’ll hold her accountable for her actions, take her to task, and punish her without fail when she acts up. That’s fine for some, except I don’t wanna have to run herd on a woman every hour of the day just to keep her in line. It’s too damned tirin’.”

“I understand,” Kyle agreed. “We could tag team her if you want. Perhaps with both of us coming down on her ass, she’ll change her attitude and behave.”

“You’re dreamin’, aren’t you, bud?”


Distracted, Jim ran his fingers through his hair.

“So, what can I do to help?” Kyle asked after a moment.

Jim shook his head. “Not sure, bud. Not sure at all. The part of me that wants to work with her is thinkin’ I should wait it out and see how far she’s willin’ to take things.”

“Look, Jim. I’m well aware Kelly is a handful, but that’s no reason for me to just thrust my problems over your–”

“That’s just it, Kyle. I don’t think Kelly is your problem anymore. I think she’s mine. However, I got a feelin’ she’s gonna run to you for help when I come down hard on her, and I wanna be sure you’ll back me.”

“One hundred percent,” Kyle answered without hesitation.

Nodding, Jim closed his eyes. “She’s such a playful thing, I don’t wanna hurt her, but I’m gonna have to follow through if she disobeys me today, and she’s not gonna like it. Hell, I’m not gonna like it…. So, I fully expect her to come cryin’ to you for protection when things start gettin’ painful.”

Kyle shrugged. “Fine. If she does, I’ll simply hand her back to you.”

“Yeah, okay. That’ll work, although I bet it’s gonna get noisy. And I don’t like bringin’ my personal life to the station.”

“Me neither. I doubt the guys will care either way, but I suspect Sarge won’t like it if we come down hard on Kelly. I think he’s pretty vanilla. And I’m not sure the captain tries anything
the missionary position.”

Jim snorted. “Yeah. They’re both kinda straight-laced. I guess we’ll have to take it as it comes and let the shit fall where it may. I’ll do my best to rein her in tight, but I’ll need to stand strong by makin’ good on my promise, or I’ll lose all credibility with her. And as much as I’ll hate hurtin’ her, havin’ her doubt my word is a disaster I don’t ever wanna see happen.”

“Okay, I’ll try to be here to back you up by noon. Hopefully, it’ll be a light day work-wise.”

“See ya later, bud. Until then, keep those paddles up,” Jim murmured with a wave, then turned and walked away.


With her stomach twisting and churning, Kelly stepped into Jim and Kyle’s precinct and walked up to the front desk. She waited until the Sergeant on duty looked down at her.

“May I help you, miss?” he asked politely.

She nodded, her throat so tight, she found it difficult to speak at first. The police officer regarded her expectantly, but waited until she managed to say, “Yes. I am here to see Detective James Evans, officer.”

The questioning arch of the Sergeant’s eyebrow gave Kelly the impression Jim did not get many visitors. “Is he expecting you?”

Okay, how should she answer that? Yes and no?
“I’m not sure, officer, but I believe he may be aware I intended to visit him today.”

The Sergeant nodded. “Your name please?”

Closing her eyes for a second, she said, “Kelly Franklin, sir”

“Very well, I’ll see if I can get him for you. Please take a seat over there, Miss Franklin.”

Kelly nodded, then sat down on the bench she’d been directed to.

Admittedly, she was more than a tiny bit worried, and a lot nervous, but excited, too. Even though Jim had made it quite clear last night a visit from her wouldn’t be welcome, she’d managed to get time off to be with him today, so…. So, rather than wait outside, or alone in her apartment, she decided to check if he might be willing to leave a little earlier for their weekend than they’d originally planned.

Kelly expected him to bluster and scold. She doubted she could escape the stern lecture on obedience, or the few firm swats on her backside he’d feel obliged to deliver, but once he understood
she was there, she doubted he’d ruin their weekend by taking a spanking paddle to her, as he’d threatened. At least not after last night.

He’d been scary and a little rough on her at first, but when he realized she was frightened he would hurt her, he had eased up to the point that he treated her like she was something precious and fragile. And his agenda last night hadn’t been all that terrible for her. Not physically. Mentally, however, she still had difficulty wrapping her mind around everything he did. But despite her fear and reluctance, he never once snapped or berated her for getting upset until the moment he suspected she was trying to hide something from him. Then the man made it quite clear he did not tolerate secrets, but Kelly didn’t want to think about that right now.

In regard to the physical punishments he’d dispensed last night, Kelly had been more upset by his disappointment than the actual slap of his palm against her bare skin. Other Doms had even taken whips to her, but Jim didn’t appear to care much for that sort of thing. That’s not to say he was, by any means, gentle in delivering his corrections. His hand packed a definite wallop that had hurt enough to make her not want to risk a repeat trip over his knee too quickly. But his punishments tended to be more mental than physical, which, in some ways, made the hurt much sharper for Kelly. Deep down, she wanted to please him, and she loved the way he held and kissed her. She even liked the little tingles his arched eyebrows gave her twitching backside. In truth, she liked everything about James Andrew Evans, and she hoped they could work together to build a deeper, more lasting relationship.

Kelly saw Jim before he noticed her. He was dressed in a plaid shirt and jeans with a tooled leather belt complete with a great-big silver buckle on it, looking much more today like a Texas cowboy, than a police detective or a restrictive Dom. Feeling a warm rush between her thighs at the thought of their making love, Kelly abandoned all protocol and dignity by jumping up and launching herself at him.

With her legs wrapped firmly about his waist and her arms locked about his neck, she kissed him full on the lips, realizing a second too late that he was in the middle of a call on his cell phone. What happened next occurred in about two seconds. She opened her mouth to apologize, fully expecting he’d put her aside with a scolding for disturbing him, but never expecting him to push her back so hard that she’d fall to her butt on the floor. Though her abrupt landing hurt, what hurt Kelly more was the way he ended his call, wiped her lipstick from his mouth with the back of his hand, then bent down and glared at her.

BOOK: A Dom's Dilemma
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