A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) (26 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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“It’s always the same reason…Dante has always gotten his way with our parents, women, life, but he was never happy unless he took what was mine.”

I give him a befuddled look.

“Don’t you see, Gabrielle…? I have the one thing he wants more than anything else, the one person he could never have...”

“Me,” I murmur, staring down at the half chopped veggies.


“Do you think that’s why he killed Nicholas?”

“It very well could be,” he says, tilting his head to the side quickly, “but I can’t say for certain.”

“But, what’s so confusing is why he’d waited all that time to do it.”

“I know…I wish he had done it years ago.”

“Damian,” I scold.

“What…? That fucking cocksucker had it coming. I’m thrilled he’s dead,” he grumbles to himself.

I sigh and roll my eyes. “Is there anything else I should know about Dante?”

“No, not at this time…Unless you want to discuss what’s in the box?”

“I’d prefer to wait until tomorrow if that’s okay with you.” I curl my upper lip when a surge of nausea rushes through me. “I’ve learned enough for one day.”

“I’ll be happy to sit down with you and discuss it whenever you like,” he says, combing his fingers through my hair.

“Thank you, Hunt.” I turn toward him, latching onto his waist, and hugging him close. He wraps his arms about me, and I nuzzle my head against his bare chest.

“You’re welcome, Gabrielle. You know I only wish to please you.”

“I know,” I concur with a soft smile, “and this has pleased me greatly.”

He kisses me atop my head and releases me so we can get back to dinner. I scoop up the diced veggies in my cupped hands and toss them into a pan with butter.

“Don’t make any plans this weekend,” Hunt states, walking over to the sink and washing his hands.

“That’s right. You said something about your parents’ home.”

“Yes. They’ve invited us up for their annual Memorial Day party. We’ll spend Friday and Saturday night up there and come back Sunday morning.”

“That sounds really nice, Hunt. I can’t wait.” I smirk at him and he returns one, relaxed after our less-than-comfortable conversation.

Then, Maya calls out to us from the main room, “Hello?!”

“In the kitchen,” I call back.

She walks through the door with a huge grin on her face, striding over to Hunt and giving him a hug. “Thanks for letting me stay here, D.”

“Of course, Maya, it’s my pleasure.” She releases him and skips to me, giving me a nice, big squeeze.

“How did you enjoy your trip?”

“It was great…How was work?” Maya recently started working for a renowned stylist to the rich and famous, Nola Lane. It’s perfect for her, and she loves it.

“It was interesting…”

“What happened?”

“I don’t know,” Maya says with a teasing smirk, jumping up onto the counter. “Does the name Marlena mean anything to you, D?”

Hunt pauses at the island, his back toward us, and I notice his head sink a little.

“Shit,” I murmur.

He clears his throat before regaining composure and turning to face us. “Yes, we’re old friends.”

“Friends?” I repeat with an angled brow.

“Yes…Can we change the subject, please?”

“Imagine my surprise when she mentioned your name,” Maya teases, biting into a raw carrot.

“Maya,” I interrupt. “How about we leave Damian to finish dinner and go sit back with a glass of wine.”

She perks up. “That sounds fabulous.”

She jumps off the counter, grabbing a bottle that we had sitting out, and heads for the door. I grab a couple glasses and follow her soon after, grabbing a seat beside her on the couch. I pour us both half a glass and set the bottle on the floor.

“How was your day?” Maya asks, turning toward me and tucking her leg under her butt.

“Frustrating,” I reply simply, noticing my exposed thighs and covering them with my robe. “So,” I murmur and take a sip of wine, swallowing it before continuing, “how exactly did Marlena mention his name?”

“Yeah! What’s the deal with her anyway?”

“They were more than friends.”

“I figured that…Which makes what I’m about to say kinda hard.”

My heart stops, and my body stiffens. “What?”

“Did you know she’s a Dom?”

“A Domme,” I correct her without thinking about it, freezing when I realize my mistake.

“You know?” I can only stare at her, blue eyes boring into blue eyes. “Gabrielle?”

“Yes, I know. But, how do you?”

“Well, you know that we travel to the client. She invited us to her home, which also happens to be some kinky sex club.”

“You went to a sex club?”

“No one was there. I think it’s only open nights and weekends. Anyway, she was talking with Nola, who’s also her close friend, and I couldn’t help overhearing their conversation. She was talking about D…Ellie, is he involved in that lifestyle?”

The way she says, ‘
That lifestyle
’, makes me upset, as if it’s something to be ashamed of, as if we’re depraved. We don’t run around whipping and fucking everyone like wild animals. I find myself becoming boiling mad, but I push the raw emotion back down. “Would you think any less of him if he were?”

That answers her question. Her eyes snap open with shock and realization. “Are you involved in that lifestyle?”

“Stop saying it like that,” I reply curtly.

“Like what?”

“Stop saying it as if it’s something to feel disgraced about…

You know nothing of this way of life and until you do, don’t judge it.”

“Oh, Ellie, I’m sorry…”

“Yes, Hunt is involved with the BDSM world, and, yes, he’s introducing me to it as well…It’s so much more than what society paints it.”

“Do you enjoy it?”

“Yes, I love it...Don’t misunderstand me. I’m still new to all of this, and I struggle with it at times, but it’s a big decision to give complete control over to someone, and I won’t take it lightly.”

“Wow,” she murmurs, unable to say much else.

“Yeah,” I agree.

She looks up at me with a hesitant look in her eyes. “There’s more I need to tell you…She happened to mention that she would be meeting up with him today to discuss something, but I couldn’t hear what. They moved away from me.”

“He…” I trail off, suddenly not feeling so well. “Um, I have to go lay down…Can I sleep with you tonight?”

“Sure, of course…But, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing…I’ll be in my room.”

“Ok. What should I tell D?”

“I don’t care what you tell him,” I reply, walking toward the stairs and heading up to my room in a depressing haze. I step inside, shut the door behind me, and toss myself on the bed, curling up into a tight ball.

Chapter Seventeen


Naked Truth


abrielle,” Hunt whispers in my ear, trying to see if I’m awake. I am, but I keep my eyes shut, hoping he will get the hint and leave me.

“Elle, wake up, angel. Dinner is ready.”

I remain motionless, quiet, with my back turned to him. He sighs with disappointment and then quietly leaves the room. I exhale and begin to softly weep, hurt by his broken promise of meeting up with Marlena.

What did they talk about? What did they do? Where did they meet?

I pray it wasn’t at this house-o’-sex Maya spoke of. I want to march down and demand he tell me everything, but the pain of knowing where he was and that he’d been secretive about it keeps me glued to the mattress. I’m not mad, or angry, or infuriated. I am hurt deeply by his betrayal.

I cry myself to sleep with my hands placed over my aching heart.


wake up the next morning back in our bed, but I’m alone. I look over on Hunt’s pillow and find a note lying on it. I pick up the paper with his letterhead on it and read.


From the desk of

Damian N. Hunt, CEO

Hunt Industries Inc.




I don’t know what happened to you last night, but I expect a full explanation this evening when I get home. You have an appointment with Dr. White here at two and a self-defense class with Kevin at three-thirty. Do not skip either. I want a report when you are done.




I crumble the note and toss it across the room, flipping it off as if it were him. I crawl out of bed and head into the bathroom to get ready for the day.


fter a nice, long shower, I dress in loose boyfriend jeans and a V-neck tee and toss my hair up into a ponytail. I eat lunch and catch up on some reading. Before I know it, the elevator door opens and Dr. White steps out with Liam just behind him.

In his late thirties, he’s extremely handsome with midnight black hair, and gentle dark brown eyes, wearing his usual geek chic attire complete with his thick-rimmed, rectangular specs and a bow tie.

I put my book down and greet them. “Thank you, Liam.”

“You’re welcome, Gabrielle. I’ll be downstairs if you need me.”

“Noted,” I reply, gesturing Dr. White over to the large, C-shaped couch. We take a seat and situate ourselves.

Once we’re comfortable, he says, “It’s been a long time, Gabrielle…How have you been?”

“Yes, it has been awhile…I’ve been fine.”

“Is that the way you would put it?” he asks with a nod of his head and a look as to say,

“Ok, I haven’t been fine,” I correct myself. “A lot has happened since we last talked, but I honestly wouldn’t know where to start.”

“Since I believe this is the trigger for the chain of events that have unfolded for you recently, how about we start with your attack?”

“Damian told you, didn’t he?” I ask with a disappointed tone.

He lets out a heavy breath and sets his mouth in a tight line, not wanting to rat out his new patient. “He only informed me it happened. I know nothing of the details.”

I reluctantly run through the steps of the attack, leaving only one detail out, his involvement in Nicholas’ death. I tell him about the breakup and everything that followed, but once I get to the part about Marshall, I pause.

“Would you like to talk about his passing?” He places a comforting hand on my shoulder. Though, I’m sure it isn’t allowed in his profession, he is a friend above all else.

“No, I wouldn’t like it,” I answer, tucking my knees into my chest and wrapping my arms about them, which I’m sure he sees as a defensive move, and I would have to agree, “but I know that’s why you’re really here. Damian wants me to talk out my feelings, but I honestly don’t know what I feel. Ever since his death, I’ve had so much happen to me, and I haven’t had time to fully process everything.”

“Why don’t you list them off to me? Perhaps, by saying them out loud, you will be better able to organize them in your head.”

I place my chin atop my knees while I list them off. “Damian’s honesty issues with me, Dante’s lingering presence, I have no time for my friends, and my family is falling apart.”

“The first thing I’m going to tell you, you need to speak to Damian and your family about your concerns.”

“I have spoken to Damian. He’s opened up, but then I found out that he went behind my back to visit an ex.”

“What about your mother?” he asks with an inquisitive, lifted brow.

“I’m not ready, and, personally, I don’t think I’m wrong in feeling the way I do. I will confront her when I am prepared to take the next step toward healing.”

He clears his throat and says, “I’m going to prescribe you something.”

“I don’t want to take any pills. I don’t want to feel numb.”

“That’s not what I was going to recommend. Ellie, I want you to take some time off from everything. I want you to spend time with friends, Damian, yourself. You need to get away from the city for a while, away from the environment that isn’t conducive to your healing. You need to recharge your batteries so you can begin to process and heal.”

“Hunt and I just got back after a few days out of the city.”

“You’re going to need longer than a few days, Ellie. I mean really get away.”

“I just don’t know if that’s realistic right now.” I shrug and shake my head.

“I’m sure Mr. Hunt can make arrangements…Ellie, I need you to listen to me when I tell you, this is crucial for you to heal. You need to take a step back and breathe. Plus, for your safety, it wouldn’t be the worst plan.”

“That’s easier said than done, Doc, but I’ll see what I can do.” I sink back into my seat with a sigh, feeling mentally exhausted.

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