A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2) (21 page)

BOOK: A Dominant Fallen (A Dominant Series Book 2)
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“It was nothing, really. I know how much she means to you, which means she’s important to me. When I said I want to take care of you, I meant everything about you and your life.”

“So, what happened to me?” I inquire, attempting to put the pieces together in my head.

“You had a panic attack, Gabrielle. I had Banks sedate you for your own safety.”

“You drugged me?” The shock and rage in my voice is evident.

“I wouldn’t quite put it that way, but yes, I had you drugged. I didn’t have a choice. You were terrified and crying to the point you couldn’t breathe. I tried to calm you down, we all did, but we just couldn’t get through to you. You weren’t yourself, Elle, and it petrified me. I didn’t know what else to do.”

I just sit there, unsure of how to feel about this, tranquilized like some animal gone mad. I remain quiet, lost in my head until Hunt places his hand on my thigh, grabbing my attention.

“I don’t like this. I don’t like that you had me sedated. It’s just too fucking far. It’s weird, Damian. It’s overstepping a boundary. I don’t want you to do it again. I’m not asking you, Damian, I’m telling you. It’s a hard limit.”

“I did it for your benefit, Gabrielle, and as I know it won’t be the last time you have an attack, that’s not something I can guarantee.”

I open my mouth to argue with him, but he shoots me a look that tells me he is not to be tested. I cross my arms and huff, turning to look out at the blackness. We don’t say another word the rest of the ride up.




e arrive at Beverly’s B&B around midnight, after a long, quiet ride. I tried to hold her hand, but she pulled it away. It killed me, and I didn’t try again.

The converted home is a three-story Victorian, soft blue with white lace-like trim and a wraparound porch with rocking chairs. It’s the perfect place for a quick getaway.

I park the car in front, on the gravel driveway, and grab our bags out of the trunk. As we approach the entrance, Beverly opens the door, greeting us in paint-covered overalls and her brown hair braided down her back.

“Hello, Damian darling.” She wraps her arms around me and gives me a warm kiss on the cheek. “Well, this is Gabrielle.”

She releases me and I turn back to Elle, her confused expression speak volumes. “Yes, this is my Gabrielle. Gabrielle, this is my Aunt Beverly, Vivian’s younger sister.”

“And prettier,” she teases, and Elle giggles. The sweet sound is a pleasure to hear after this tense day.

“It’s great to meet you, Beverly.” Elle steps forward and extends a hand out to her, which she takes and brings Elle in for a hug.

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Gabrielle. From what I’ve been told, it’s been a long time coming. You knew Aubrey and Keira when they were in school, correct?”

“Yes, I’d heard of you as well. You’re the artist.”

“Ah, yes, kooky Aunt Beverly.”

Elle giggles again, but I find myself becoming jealous that I’m not the cause of this delightful noise pouring from her supple lips. I want to fuck those lips.

Get ahold of yourself, Hunt. This is not the time or place.

“I’ve heard only good things. They would tell me about the summers spent with you when they were little.”

“Well, I loved having them here…Come. You must be exhausted from your drive.”

“Amongst other things,” Elle murmurs under her breath so only I can hear her.

“I’ll show you to your room.”

“That would be great,” I reply, following them up the stairs to the lover’s suite on the top floor. It was the attic, converted into a little love nest. The décor is bright and rustic with a large brass bed, worn white furniture, and Beverly’s spectacular paintings hung all over the walls.

“There’s a wonderful view of the gardens, but you’ll have to wait until morning to see it. The bathroom is through the door to your right, and Damian knows the rest.”

Once Beverly wishes us a goodnight and leaves, I set our bags on the lounging sofa at the end of the bed and take a breath, scanning the room.

“What do you think?” I ask, praying she doesn’t rebuff me.

“I think it’s wonderful, but I really shouldn’t take any more time off work. This wasn’t the best time to leave the city.”

Why does she continually fight me? She makes protecting her so difficult.

“Gabrielle, can’t you just learn to be happy? Will you ever stop fighting me when I try to do something nice for you?”

She looks at me, insulted, and crosses her arms under her breasts, heaving them up.

Dear lord, give me strength.

“I know how to be happy,” she snaps.

“Then why won’t you let yourself?” I retort, cocking my brow at her.

“I would be happy about this if you would be honest with me about why we’re here.”

Why can’t she make this easier on me? Come on, Hunt, you can handle this.

“I felt that you needed time away from things. After your freak out, I knew you weren’t ready to go back to work. I want you to take some time to get yourself together before you go back.”

“That isn’t for you to decide. I decide when I’m ready to go back, not you. You can’t keep interfering with my professional life just because you can. And, I’m still not thrilled that you had me sedated. I don’t like not having control over my own body.”

“First of all, I wouldn’t expect any of my employees to come back to work until they were emotionally ready for it. You’re no good for the company if you aren’t at the top of your game. This isn’t about me. This is about you. Secondly, I used your medication to sedate you. Thirdly, it’s my body…Never forget that.”

She lets out a shallow breath and whimpers, but regains herself. “They were mine?”

“Yes,” I reply with a nod of the head.

“How did you know I had them?”

“The night I brought you home from the bar, I found them in your medicine cabinet when I went to grab you the aspirin. When we went back to your place before the funeral, I came into the bathroom while you were showering and took a few, just in case you ever needed them. I’m glad I did because we would have never found yours in that disaster.”

“Oh, well, I guess that isn’t as bad as I thought.” She seems to deflate a bit, not so on guard.

“I think you should see Dr. White when you get back into the city.”

She looks up at me with her large, sparkling blue eyes and asks in an offended whisper, “Why?”

“Gabrielle, you need to see what he has to say about everything that has happened to you lately. I know you haven’t gone to see him since before you left me.”

She has a befuddled look on her stunning, angelic face. Her nose crinkles in that adorable way, as if she smells something unpleasant.

“How…?” Clarity comes to her eyes, and she murmurs, “Liam.”

“No, actually,” I correct her, “Dr. White informed me.”

“You spoke to him?” she asks, slumping her head to the side.

“Yes, I’ve actually been going to see him once a week for the past few months.”

“You have?” She appears pleased, which makes me feel the same. “It isn’t because of me, is it?”

No, angel, it’s because I’m fucked in the head.

“No, Elle, because of me. When you left, I was prepared to do anything to get you back, but I knew that I had a lot I needed to fix before I could even consider that. I thought I wasn’t enough for you.”

“Oh, Hunt,” she cries, running and leaping into my arms. She kisses me all over my face, bathing me in her love. “You’re more. You’re so much more than I could ever hope for.”

I wish I could believe that. What I wouldn’t give to believe I was.

I press my forehead against hers with my eyes shut tight. “I’m sorry for dragging you up here. I’m starting to see it was a mistake.”

“I’m not mad that you want to take me away, but how you’ve gone about it. You’ve been so secretive lately. Why won’t you be honest with me? What’s with those mystery calls and private conversations with Liam?”

Oh, Gabrielle, if you only knew.

I want to tell her everything that has happened, everything that I’ve found, but I couldn’t put her through that kind of stress. How could I put her in the perturbed, overwhelmed position I’ve been in, when she’s already so fragile, both physically and emotionally?

She stares at me, waiting desperately for information, any detail I’m willing to spare, but I won’t do this to her. I need to distract her, the only way I know how. I smash her into me and come down on her lips hard. I shove my tongue deep into her warm mouth, but she pushes me away.

“What are you doing?” she asks breathlessly. I place my hand on the back of her head, clench a handful of hair, and yank her head back, pinning her in place. She looks up at me with wide sapphire eyes and a slack mouth, inviting me to take it, take her.

I pull her luscious lips back onto mine, kissing her as deep and rough as my stinging lips will allow. I dip into her mouth, fucking it softly, caressing her sweet tongue with mine. She tastes so good. I want more.

I haul her away from me and grab the collar of her blouse, ripping it open so the buttons fly off. I stand and watch her milky bare cleavage rapidly heave up and down from her stressed breathing. Her prominent, braless breasts hang under their weight, nipples elevated, tempting me.

I snatch her up into my arms and come down on them, greedily kissing my way over her plump cleavage. She moans and jumps up, wrapping herself around me, cradling my waist between her supple jean-clad thighs. I love her thighs, especially when I’m tucked between them. I feel my cock hardening against her, my wild heartbeat causing the head to thump against her clit.

I eagerly glide my lips over her plump tits and move down to her little pink nipple, taking it into my mouth. I work it hard, nipping on occasion, rough, just how she likes it. Right on cue, she moans, thrusting her hands into my hair and tugging on it passionately. The jolt yanks my head back, taking her nipple, clamped firmly in my mouth, with it. She lets out a loud, primal growl and grinds her pelvis into my hard cock.

I walk us around the bed and fall onto the mattress with her beneath me. I gyrate my hips into her and she meets them, pushing her cunt into the air. My lips descend, trailing along her flat tummy to the flesh just above the jean line. I rise up from the bed and watch her lie there, waiting for me to claim her. I rip my shirt and pants off, tossing them carelessly to the side. I reach for her and nimbly unfasten the button on her jeans, disposing of them quickly. She isn’t wearing any panties.

Good fucking god, I’m a goner.

“Sit up, gorgeous,” I order, and she follows without hesitation.

I shove her top off her shoulders and my hands through her hair, removing the tie holding it in place. Her lush, wavy strands flow down her back and over her chest as she gazes up at me with those large blue eyes, from under long black lashes. She looks like a mythical being, a nymph, stormy and unobtainable, seducing me with her licentious ways.

I reach out and graze her cheek, flush from arousal, feeling the velvety softness of her flesh against mine. I love the contrast between a woman and a man, gentle and rough, curvy and straight, soft and hard.

“I want you, Damian. Please, take me away,” she quietly pleads, gazing up at me with heavy-lidded eyes. Her lips quiver with anticipation, and I can’t wait to have her any longer. I spring onto her, attacking her mouth and neck with my eager lips. Her hands claw at my back as I descend her twisting body to her inner thighs, caressing them with my exploring tongue. I head back up to her cunt, dipping just enough for her to feel me glide along the crease, tasting her sweetness on the tip of my tongue. She’s still my favorite dessert.

She jerks when I run over her hard little clit, thrusting her hands in my hair and yanking harshly as I continuously slide my tongue between her soft, pink lips. I tease and play with her throbbing clit, building her up until she’s ready to burst if she doesn’t have me, begging to have my cock deep inside her. She writhes and bows, tugging at my mussed hair, moaning with uninhibited delight as her thighs clench about my head.

“I need you,” she breathlessly whispers after yanking my head back to look at me between her trembling legs. I rise up on my elbows and pull myself through so the head of my rock-hard cock presses into her soft opening. I want her so fucking bad, it radiates from every atom in my body.

She adjusts her hips, and I sink into her, immersing myself in her suppleness. I groan and shut my eyes as I merge with her, becoming one.


I rip her hands from my back and pin them above her head, holding the rest of her in place with my body. She whimpers in my ear as I slowly pull out to the tip then plunge back in balls deep, repeating this rhythm a few more times before picking up the pace. I rotate my hips so our pelvises grind together, moving in perfect sync with one another.

“Oh, fuck, yes!” she cries out as I pummel her clit and fuck her across the bed.

That’s right, angel, call out for daddy.

No matter how deep I manage to get, it’s not enough. I need more. She flings her legs about my waist, which causes her hips to lift and gives me the depth I crave. I circle my hips, remaining buried far inside her tightening core, pulverizing her G-spot with precision.

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