A Dom and His Not So Submissive Sub (20 page)

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He wanted her to know and understand what he was willing to do for her. In all his long life he’d never met anyone quite like his Vanessa. She sighed, lifting her head as much as possible to look at him. “Of course I trust you. I never would have been with you if I didn’t trust you.”

He kneeled down to her level. “Then trust that I will never hurt you.” He moved back to his position behind her. “Now, where were we?”



Gerd was pissed. Everything she tried to get Freyr back hadn’t worked.

              The glass vase she’d absolutely had to own flew across the room to hit against the wall. It shattered into many tiny pieces, just like Gerd’s life. True, Freyr wasn’t worth nearly all the trouble she was going through. He was a nothing little immortal. But after her actions, no one else wanted her. She couldn’t even get the trickster Loki to look her way. If she couldn’t get support, no one would allow her to remain in Asgard.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror. She knew she was beautiful. She knew that she had the greatest body. Freyr shouldn’t have been attracted to the fat cow he to dared insist he loved. He should have been running back to her the moment she made it clear that she was ready to get their marriage back.

A frown marred her features. She refused to give up. She would never believe that Freyr desired another woman more than he desired her. The human was more than nothing and she planned to prove it. Freyr would learn not to mess with her, if it was the last thing that she did.



Chapter 15

“I’ve figured out how I want to deal with Gerd,” Freyr told Vanessa as he drove his cock deeply inside her pulsating body. His answer was a groan. He shifted her body forward until her front was pressed against the cold window. The heat from their bodies fogged up the glass. “I don’t trust that she’ll stay away without getting Odin involved.”

Vanessa’s hand slapped against the panel. “God, Freyr, can we not talk about your ex-wife while you’re balls deep within me?”

His hips drove forward hard and deep, properly chastised by his intelligent female. He settled in for long, strong strokes, forcing her breasts into the glass with each thrust. Vanessa’s hips had no chance of meeting his movements, so she just accepted his strokes. She submitted so sweetly, he found he could only think the words
in his mind. He wanted this woman with him for the rest of their lives. He wanted to feel her sex wrapped around him every night. He wanted to know that her body would accept his cum, making him more babies, make him the happiest man alive. He’d kill anyone that tried to stand in his way.

“Mine. You are mine, Vanessa,” whether he said this in English or Old Norse, he couldn’t say. He only knew he meant it and that Vanessa must have understood his sentiment, what with the way her muscles contracted against him. He felt the tingle of his beginning orgasm at the base of his spine. Quick, it reached his balls, churning as the spasms took hold. His arms wrapped tight around Vanessa’s waist, forcing her back against him. He couldn’t let her go without knowing that she had received every single drop of his seed inside her body. That it happened right in time to meet the squirting juices of his lady made him rejoice. Sticky residue slid down both their thighs.

One of Vanessa’s hands slid along the skin of his left outer thigh. He laid a kiss along her shoulder before extracting himself from her body. “I totally forgot how insatiable you are when you don’t get sex regularly,” Vanessa said with a short laugh.

Freyr tugged her along as he backed toward the four-post bed in their rented room. When his knees hit mattress, he collapsed, pulling her on top on him. Her bottom settled firmly upon his softened cock, giving him ideas for what he wanted to do to her next. “You are so beautiful. I cannot help, but desire you, especially after six weeks.”

Vanessa tried to remove his hands from her sensitive nipples. He tugged on those baby nourishing tips, allowing her wiggles to bring his cock back to life. “Can’t you give me a break?” she said.

He thrust his hips upward against her. “You do not want me to stop. We have the whole night ahead of us.”




              He was going to break her in half if he didn’t stop this mess. Yes, the doctor said it was okay to have sex again, but damn, did he have to wear her pussy out. If he wasn’t careful, she didn’t know if she was going to be able to walk out of this place, let alone be able to close her legs.

Unfortunately, her poor man had been so sex starved waiting for her that she was reluctant to deny him what he wanted. She also did want to reward him for being such a good father to the twins. She didn’t get much of a chance to voice her thoughts as Freyr, ever the slick one, utilized her brief distraction to sheathe her around his newest erection. Her body settled in for the hard ride, meeting the pounding hips of Freyr with every thrust. Her voice, already strained from vocalizing her pleasure, struggled further to express her feelings. Her hips rolled hard, enjoying the grunts ripped from Freyr. His hands tightened against her hips, the pain ignored in favor of the surprising orgasm ripping through her like lightening, him right behind her this time.

God, she felt tired. This man just took her breath away and it didn’t seem to matter what he did, he just did it for her. She really had no idea how she was ever going to live without him. She tilted her head back, catching his lips off guard. He helped her turn until he had her cradled against his body. “I really hope you mean to keep me for life,” she said when she finally caught her breath.

Freyr cupped her chin. “Does this mean you will stay with me?” Blue eyes watched her closely, so closely she feared she’d drown.

“I’m willing to take the chance to be with you, whatever it takes.” Sure, it would hurt when her family passed on, but she had a deep hope that with the love of her life by her side, it wouldn’t hurt as bad. Certainly, if she did this and he tried to leave her, he’d better be ready because, Gerd had nothing on her when it came to a woman scorned and she would warn him of that every day if she had to. “Don’t make me become immortal for nothing. Please, Freyr, don’t let any of this be for nothing.”

He settled his palm over her heart. “I would rather my heart be ripped out than live without you. You have no need to fear me.”

Vanessa nodded. “Good. Now, can we please go get my babies? I am not doing well with them being away from us.”

He sighed, but gave a nod of his own. “But you will explain to your mother why we are taking the boys earlier than expected. I would rather spend the rest of the night as planned, buried deeply within you.”

She scowled. She did not want to be the one to talk to her mother, but, she did want to take her babies home. Leaving them was just too hard. The frantic, tearful message of, “Get here now,” set fear deeply in Vanessa’s heart, especially since she heard police sirens in the background of her mother’s voicemail. She could only think of the twins and with that in mind, she endeavored to light a fire under her man to get him moving.

Freyr, perhaps feeling her same fear, sped through the near empty streets back toward the city. During the drive, Vanessa tried keeping her thoughts together, wanting desperately to remain in control of her emotions, but the idea that something could have happened to her babies just didn’t sit well with her. She had to know that everything was okay. She didn’t know what she would do otherwise. When Freyr pulled in on her parent’s street, the police were still present. Vanessa didn’t wait for the car to come to a complete stop before she shot of out the passenger’s seat crying out, “Mom.” Her mother, still in the process of speaking to one of the police officers, paused to run toward her position. Her mother didn’t say a word until after she had wrapped her arms around Vanessa.

“I’m so sorry,” her mother said. “The twins are gone.”

Someone grabbed Vanessa from behind just as she would have slid to the ground. Her babies, her precious little boys were gone. She couldn’t find the voice to express her sorrow at hearing this, but she didn’t think she had to either. People seemed to know, which she didn’t mind. It left her able to wallow in her tears as she said a silent prayer that the boys were alive and well.



Blood pounded through his veins, filled with rage at the audacity of that bitch ex-wife of his. Freyr kept his face carefully controlled so as not to show the emotion inside him, but he knew he wouldn’t be able to contain it for long. It didn’t matter what the police had to say about the situation. Gerd had sent some lowlifes to invade the home of family, to steal away what was most precious to him. He wouldn’t stand for it. Obviously, he had been much too easy on Gerd and now he would have to do what he should have done in the first place.

After finally getting one of the police officers out of his face, he stepped to the side to make a phone call to his son. As soon as his eldest answered he said, “Your brothers have been snatched. Get the girls and find them.” Freyr wouldn’t dare trust humans to find what belonged to him. Their human rules were more likely to do harm to his children rather than good.

Once he hung up, he made his way to Vanessa’s side where she sat leaned against his vehicle. The despair in her eyes broke his heart. If he hadn’t already been committed to finding his sons, he would have done so just to see his woman smile again. “We’ll get them back,” he told her quietly. His arms slid around her waist, pulling her tightly against his chest. He felt her collapse against him, her tears tearing him apart.

With the door on his in-laws home destroyed, Freyr thought it best if everyone came to his condo.  Her parents could keep her company while he took care of the main problem in his life. Briefly, he spoke to Vanessa’s parents about staying with him until their home was fixed, then he piled Vanessa into his car. The drive home was mostly quiet, with Vanessa staring out the window at the passing scenery. He allowed her time with her own thoughts while he plotted what he was going to do. He grew so used to the silence that when Vanessa suddenly spoke, it surprised him.

“You’re not going to let the police handle it are you?”

He glanced at her quickly before returning his attention to the road. “Of course not. I know who’s behind it. Besides, human law is not satisfactory in this situation.”

She sighed. “Just don’t get into trouble.”

He kissed the back of her hand, while her fingers curled further around his. “I will be careful, but Gerd needs to be dealt with. Going after newborns is more than unacceptable. It’s cowardice and she knows that.” Just taking them gave Freyr permission to end her life, damn what the giants would try to say or try to do in retaliation.

Back at the condo, Vanessa took up the duty of helping her parents get settled for the night, while he made a few phone calls. His sister had to know what happened since he put her girls in danger for the retrieval of the twins. He also knew that she would spread the word to the rest of the immortals in Asgard, including Odin.

His former servant, he called, to get his sword back. The man also should know exactly what happened since his job had been to keep watch on Gerd. He’d better have the answers he needed or else he too would find himself in worse shape.

He paced the length of his living room as he waited for something to happen. Knowing Gerd, she would most likely call to brag about what she had done. He could handle waiting for her, as long as she left the twins unharmed. He’d kill her, mutilate her body until his anger and bloodlust fulfilled itself.  He’d do whatever necessary to make sure he placed the boys back into their mother’s arms.

His cell rang, interrupting his thoughts. “What did you find out?”

“We caught that little traitorous worm and managed to get some information. Some hired thugs took the twins and are most likely holding on to them for Gerd. We just have to find out where they are and we’ll go get them,” Hnossa said.

“Make it quick.”

She laughed. “Don’t worry, uncle. Those little hooligans are much too tough to be outdone by hoodlums. Their poop should be toxic enough to get them out of this mess.”

Freyr sighed, not willing to let his niece’s joking manor distract him. “Be careful when you find them. There is no need to worry your mother.” He ended the conversation after that.

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