A Dom and His Not So Submissive Sub (14 page)

BOOK: A Dom and His Not So Submissive Sub
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Heavy banging sounded at his door, drawing him out of his thoughts. Freyr pressed the palm of his hand against Vanessa’s exposed ear, hoping to allow her time to rest and quieted her when it looked as if she would awaken again. He crawled out of bed, put on the bathrobe he kept in his chair and headed for the noise. He almost slammed the door shut once more but his guest, his very much unwanted guest, stuck his foot in the doorway to keep it open. “Skirnir.”

“Please, I know I’m the last being you want to see, but I must speak with you about Gerd.  She’s found where you live.”

Freyr allowed the door to open a bit and glanced down at his former shield bearer. The man looked hideous with the rashes covering most of his body. Freyr could find no sympathy for him. “You have three minutes and you are not to touch anything.”

Skirnir shuffled into the room, taking in the glamorous setting. He opened his mouth to pay tribute to his master, but one look caused him to think twice. Freyr continued glaring.  He really wanted this to be over so he could return to Vanessa’s side. He didn’t want her waking up and not finding him there, especially with the discomfort she’d been going through lately.

“I don’t have all night, Skirnir.”

“Your ex-wife arrived in Chicago three weeks ago with every intention of reconciling with you. Since you were known to be out of town, she used the time to search for this Vanessa you’ve been in contact with.”

Freyr glanced toward the bedroom where she slept, worried, though he knew that Gerd was not near to her enough to cause harm to him and his. And as long as she didn’t know about the babies, Vanessa should be safe.

But again, should be was the operative word. Vanessa was showing and Gerd’s jealousy would never allow for another woman to carry his offspring. He had to figure out what he was going to do and it had to be soon. “You said she has found me?”

The servant nodded. “She turned her attention to you when she found your woman changed addresses. I thought it best to come to you before she arrived.”

Freyr pointed toward a pad of paper and the pen on his coffee table. “Write down your contact information. You are to continue watching Gerd and inform me of her intentions. I will have need of you to protect Vanessa.” Freyr took a moment to think. Now that the cogs of his mind were moving he had another idea. “I want my sword returned to me. It will be a real start in your redemption.”

Having his sword would definitely ensure he could protect Vanessa from Gerd. There wasn’t a weapon powerful enough to cut down an immortal other than one obtained from Asgard. Considering what he was going through, he figured no one would blame him if he had to kill the giantess. The sound of shuffling pulled him from his thoughts. “Freyr?” he heard her soft voice say from the hallway. Both men turned just as Vanessa stepped into the room.

Freyr moved to intercept her before she could see Skirnir’s appearance. “You should be sleeping. Our children need rest.” Vanessa huffed in irritation, letting Freyr know she did not appreciate his treatment of her. He sighed, guiding her to the plush sofa where she could rest her feet before they swelled.

All of Skirnir’s attention was on Vanessa, especially her obvious addition. He finally met with Freyr’s guarded gaze. Skirnir bowed his head in submission, understanding just how serious this situation would be. Freyr expected his former servant would be able to keep his mouth shut about this, because this was one situation Freyr refused to be calm about. His silent message must have translated the way he wanted. Skirnir gave another bow and said, “You have my loyalty to your cause. I will take my leave, my lord.” He made haste to follow his master’s orders. Now, he would not be able to fail, for the sake of Freyr’s growing little ones.



“What cause?” Vanessa asked when the unnamed man with the red face left.

              Freyr knelt before her, wrapping his arms around her body. She felt her lover’s face nuzzling into her stomach, something she still thought pretty weird even knowing the reason why he felt he had to. His closed eyes hid his thoughts in the quiet of the room. Vanessa allowed him his distraction, knowing he’d say what was on his mind later. But she could admit to herself she was a little nervous by his behavior. And the man who had just left, Freyr didn’t seem all that comfortable with the man. She really hoped Freyr didn’t think he could hide information from her. She would really hate to have to lay a whooping on him while she was pregnant.

A sharp movement thumped against Freyr’s face pressed against the womb. He jumped back, more surprised than hurt. Vanessa smiled, rubbing her belly. “I guess someone got tired of waiting for you to speak.”

Freyr shouted for joy. His babies kicked. They moved for him. He forgot all about the possible trouble Gerd would cause in his joy. He set his hands back on his woman’s stomach, lovingly caressing her. “I cannot wait to meet you, my darling little ones,” he said.

Vanessa laughed. They had plenty of time before any of that would happen. But she wasn’t about to ruin his enjoyment over a technicality. Together they returned to bed. For the rest of the night they held one another, safe in the knowledge that they were still together and happy. Even better, they felt secure in the knowledge that the twins were growing beautifully.



Promptly at six in the morning, Vanessa received a call on her cell reminding her that she was expected to stop by her family’s house for Thanksgiving.
She missed dinner the year before because she had to be in LA dissolving a situation with one of her clients. Her mother had been furious with her over it, but there had been nothing that Vanessa could do about it. To this day, Vanessa didn’t understand how her mother could be so uncompromising when it came to family dinners. This year, Momma Harris refused to take no for an answer, especially when it was Freyr who accidentally answered the phone.


?” Freyr said, his voice husky with sleep.

“Who is this?” Mrs. Harris demanded. Freyr frowned slightly in confusion.  He had yet to figure out that he answered Vanessa’s phone instead of his own.

He sat up, glancing over at Vanessa to ensure he did not disturb her. “This is Freyr, who may I ask is calling?”

“The real question is why do you have my daughter’s phone? She didn’t tell me she was dating some foreign boy.” Freyr pulled the phone away from his ears, checking it over.

It certainly wasn’t his phone. “I am sorry,” he began, “I could not tell the difference in ring tones.”

Vanessa’s mother began to question Freyr about his involvement with her daughter. Freyr answered her questions as politely as possible, without revealing pertinent information Vanessa had not yet disclosed to her family. Freyr’s laugh was what awoke Vanessa from her land of dreams. She rolled over to her side, watching Freyr speak on her phone. She groaned when she glanced at the clock. There was only one person she knew that’d call this early on Thanksgiving. She held her hand out for the phone. Freyr handed it over easily as he wasn’t necessarily sure how to take her mother.

“Momma,” Vanessa said in greeting.

“You living with that man?” her mother refused to beat around the bush.

Vanessa sighed. Any way she answered the question, her mother was about to have a fit.  No one seemed to understand that she was a grown ass woman able to take care of herself. No matter what her family might have thought when she was younger, she did not have self-esteem issues, so there was no need for them to always be hovering around the edges trying to take care of her. “I’m a grown woman, momma. And yes I will make it for dinner at one.”

She had a feeling her mother was trying to give her “the look” through the phone, that famous look of her mother’s that cowed everyone, no matter the gender or the race. Vanessa hated that look growing up. And she was definitely unafraid to admit that she hated that look now. Usually it was a prelude to one of her mother’s lectures about doing right and being right.

“You better make sure you bring your man. I want to meet the one you are willing to live in sin for.”

Yep. It was going to be one of those mornings, Vanessa determined. Maybe she should have prayed to God for a hole to swallow her into the ground, or better yet, her mother just until the twins were about the age of eighteen and she and Freyr were either married or long broken up, because that would be the only thing capable of getting her away from her mother’s wrath.



Chapter 11

She moaned deeply, gripping the dark sheets in her tight fists. This was the perfect way to waste time in the morning. It was just her and her man doing what they tended to do best. Vanessa lifted her leg higher, opening herself to Freyr’s deeper thrust. His bent leg helped to hold her steady, while allowing his hand access to her clit. His other hand toyed with nipples, giving her that stinging pleasure she’d come to thoroughly expect.

It was good this way. She didn’t have to be on her hands and knees and they weren’t stuck to simple missionary. It was even better because she wasn’t expected to put in any of the work and she really liked just receiving her pleasure. Freyr’s hair trailed over his shoulder, clinging to her skin like clinging vines. She tilted her hips back against his groin, grinding against him. Freyr buried himself deeply within her snug flesh. She felt greedy for him, wanting nothing more than to keep his cock inside her body forever if she could achieve it. Just the slick sound they made together was music to her ears. She craved him. Everything about him.

“Oh, right there.” She just loved the way his cock seemed to unerringly find her g-shot. He was the only one who could do it and make her feel this good. Only he could make it feel good, even when it hurt. She’d had one boyfriend that’d always try to ram against her cervix during sex and she never came to enjoy it. But with Freyr, it was like a dominant possession, like every part of her knew who she belonged to, that had her shuddering in her orgasm. It was addictive because it was delicious in every way.

If either had bothered to look at the clock, they’d see they were wasting time they should be using to dress if they wanted to make it to Vanessa’s family on time. Not that she was particularly worried at this moment. All she wanted to concentrate on was the lovely orgasm coming her way.



Freyr grunted as he
felt the spasms of her orgasm. He hooked his right arm under her leg, bringing his thumb in contact with her sensitized clit.  He rubbed small soothing circle around the bit of flesh, helping her come down from her high before he built her back up again. He loved the way her vaginal muscles seemed so welcoming, opening so eagerly for his penetration before they tightened in an attempt to keep him from leaving. He doubted he would ever be able to put into words the way she made him feel when they were like this.

It went beyond pleasure. It went beyond magical. He was sure there was nothing in all of the universe to compare to the way she made him feel.


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…love you,” he grunted in her ear.  She gave another shudder.

He was so close. His thrusts increased in strength as his orgasm approached. One thrust, then a second and he spilled his seed inside her. He curled himself against her back, panting. He couldn’t get enough of touching her.  His hand graced her stomach possessively. His lips attached to the sensitive bit of skin just behind her ear.

Vanessa sighed in pleasure. “I could stay here all day,” she said.

Freyr shivered as her muscles gave a last little fluttering that had his cock hardening once more. He thrust forward in question. Vanessa thrust back against him in answer. One more time probably wouldn’t hurt their chances of leaving the house before her mother called again. Surely no one would begrudge him not being able to keep his hands from his beautiful woman. He needed her so much it was hard to control himself.

Freyr rolled Vanessa to her back. The look in her eye had his heart swelling and his blood pumping to places beside his brain. He pulled her hips over his thighs, staring at her swollen folds. It belonged to him. It was filled with his seed and she was filled with his offspring. Just the concept alone made him feel like he could literally do anything.

His cock zeroed in like a torpedo. She shifted forward a bit, bringing the broad head into contact with her drenched pussy. Freyr held his shaft in one hand, rubbing back and forth along her flesh. His gaze remained steady on the way her darkness meshed with his paleness, the way it highlighted how different they were.

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