A Different Side (University Park #4) (54 page)

BOOK: A Different Side (University Park #4)
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“We are disappointed, to say the least, but are firm in our decision. PHU requires students to adhere to the code of conduct and any violations will be addressed accordingly. We also care about our students and their well-being and want to ensure all matters are handled in the proper manner. Raven is no different and will receive the same type of punishment and support as any other student or athlete at PHU. Before we take any questions, Raven is going to come up here and give a statement. After that, he will answer a few questions. I’d like to remind everyone to please use discretion and tact, otherwise, you will be asked to leave.” The coach stepped aside and looked in my direction.

Oh shit…my time was up.

I stood, fastened the top button of my suit coat, and picked up the brown folder with the statement Steve had prepared. The podium was only a few steps away, but it felt like a mile long walk to the gallows of torture. Stepping up to the microphone, I took a deep breath and prayed for strength. Flashes continued and an eerie silence fell over the room. Gripping the edges of the podium, I held on for support.

Damn, I wished Lexi was next to me, but due to the amount of people in the room, they asked her to wait in the meeting room. One of the assistants turned the TV to a direct feed from the pressroom, so I knew she was seeing everything taking place. Knowing she was near did give me some peace of mind, but nothing like holding her hand and feeling her soothing touch.

Every eye was on me, waiting to hear my story. I cleared my throat and let out a silent exhale. It was now or never. “Thank you for coming. As Coach Anderson mentioned, I will not be playing in the Lone Star Bowl due to activities that transpired on the night of December thirty-first.” I looked down for a brief second, opening the folder and placing the statement in front of me. “I’m sure many of you have heard or read various versions about what happened, but I’d like to take a moment to give you the facts. I was taken to the hospital a little after ten-thirty p.m. when a friend found me passed out in the bathroom at an acquaintance’s apartment. I had consumed a large amount of alcohol and began vomiting shortly after I started experiencing severe dizziness, heart palpitations, and hot and cold sweats. While at the hospital, they pumped my stomach and administered medication after my body showed signs of nearing a heart attack. Reports indicated I ingested hydrocodone pills,
which I did not personally take.
Coupled with the alcohol, it nearly caused me to go into cardiac arrest.”

Whispers broke out among the people and I knew what they were saying —
PHU supporters were pissed and I couldn’t blame them. Everyone was relying on me to bring home the trophy. While I was sure the backup quarterback, Kyle Reeves, was ready to step in, it wouldn’t be easy to pull off a win. The Eagles were a competitive team. They could easily take advantage of our misfortune.

I broke eye contact, unable to withstand the death-threatening stares. Somehow, I needed them to sympathize with me, I just wasn’t sure how. Glancing at the statement, I made sure I was on track. A few seconds later, I gained the courage to resume. “After a few hours, they were able to stabilize me and kept me overnight for monitoring. As Coach Anderson indicated, I’m not physically able to play in the game and although I was drugged…” I wanted to call out Jared so damn bad, but knew it would only cause more problems, “and have a picture proving it, I did violate PHU’s code of conduct, which has resulted in a temporary suspension.”

A reporter quickly spoke up with her hand in the air. “Raven, will you—”

“Please hold your questions until I finish,” I said with a simple smile. The reporter with shoulder-length golden waves lowered her hand and shot me a dazzling smile. That was one down…only fifty or more to go. Gathering my thoughts, I continued, “I’m not happy with my actions or the poor decisions I’ve made. Not only have I hurt my loved ones, but I’ve also disappointed fans and PHU athletic supporters. I regret what I’ve done, but want to make the right decisions going forward. I love playing football for PHU and want to earn my bachelor’s degree from this fine educational institution. It’s a great school and I want to represent it in the best way possible. It’s also my goal to prove I’m worthy of playing for a pro team one day. But for now, I just want to get my life in order and keep on the right path.” I let out another sigh and prepared myself for the toughest part.

With my head slightly lowered and eyes hooded, I said, “So I humbly ask for your forgiveness and ask for your prayers, as I wait for a decision to be made from PHU’s Board of Admissions and Athletics on whether I will be allowed to remain a student and play football for the university.” I lifted my hand and placed it over my chest. “I just hope you can find it your heart to forgive me and give me another chance. I promise, I’m worth it.”

Taking a hard swallow, I forced the tears back. I had to be strong, yet show remorse for what I’d done. Being a crybaby was not the answer. I just needed everyone’s support as I waited for that fateful decision. The hard lines around some of the people’s faces softened, while others were unaffected. It was about a fifty-fifty split. But I wasn’t done.

I looked toward the crowd and faced them head-on, ready to get them on my side by the time they left. “Questions?”



The Q&A session wasn’t as brutal as I’d expected. The media bombarded me with questions and if it weren’t for Mr. Marshall and Steve, I don’t think I would’ve been prepared to answer them. The press conference would’ve been a total failure, at least in my eyes, but instead, it seemed like I’d earned the compassion I was seeking from many members of the media. All I could do was hope the discussions on TV and radio would also be in my favor. Only time would tell.

Lexi didn’t say much on the way home, just held my hand, showing me she was there for me. Honestly, that was all I needed. With her by my side, I knew I could get through anything. We stepped into the apartment and relief settled over me. Part of me was glad to have the press conference over with, but I was quickly reminded Wednesday would be here before I knew it.

Before I closed the front door, Lexi darted to the bathroom. I peeled off my suit jacket and hung it on the back of the dining room chair. Sensing something was wrong, I walked toward the bedroom, stopping when I heard the bathroom door open. “Everything okay?”

“Oh, yeah. Everything is great.” Her eyes lit up and she smiled, relaxing her lips when our eyes connected. I was a little confused as to why she was so happy when I was so devastated. She stalled for a moment before whispering, “I, um…I got my period.”

Her cheeks reddened and her head lowered. I could tell she was uncomfortable telling me, and I was a little displaced myself. Menstrual cycles were never a discussion I had with the women I hooked up with. I just figured they stayed away during that time of the month. For whatever reason, when the subject came to Lexi, it was different. This was the woman I loved and cared about.

“Oh.” I frowned, trying to sympathize with her. “That doesn’t sound like fun.” I rested my arms around her waist and pulled her close. “How long does your period usually last?”

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise and I hoped she was okay with me asking her. I wanted to be the caring boyfriend and since we were having sex, the subject was bound to come up. “Um, usually four to five days.”

“That sucks.” My hands slid down her back, resting on her butt. “I’m not sure I can wait that long.” Something inside of me shifted, causing an instinctive calling for her. I wanted Lexi and the desire rising within me told me it couldn’t wait.

She traced the buttons on my shirt. “It’s a good thing I did…I was late.”

My head jutted back, totally shocked by her words. I’d only had that scare once when this Freshman claimed I knocked her up. After a negative paternity test, I always made sure I took extra precaution. Then I remembered I’d forgotten to put on a condom when we had sex in my car the night we were at Jared’s. Since I was a little drunk and high, thanks to Jared, I was careless. “How late?”

She shifted her weight from one hip to the other. “Almost a week.” Her eyes met mine and I saw the desperate plea for me not to freak out. “And I’m never late.”

It was too late. The chattering in my head started once again. I dropped my hands from her waist and took a step back. I did everything I could to ignore it, but it was hard as hell. All I could hear was how Lexi was trying to trap me. Get pregnant so I couldn’t play football. That I’d make a horrible father. Anger and frustration boiled inside of me and I was ready to punch the wall. I crossed my arms and buried my fists against my chest.

Why wouldn’t these damn voices go away!

I pushed the voices to the far recesses of my mind and shook off the anger. Lexi was confiding in me about a serious subject and I needed to discuss it like an adult. “Lexi, I would never tell you what to do when it comes to your body, but have you considered getting on the pill? I mean...it wouldn’t be good if you got pregnant.”

She pressed her lips together and her eyes glossed over. I wasn’t sure whether I said something wrong or it was her hormones. I was positive neither of us wanted to bring a child into this world with everything going on. We weren’t in a position to care for it financially, much less me giving it the attention it needed. The demons had that part right. “Yes, I was just thinking that I should probably go to the health center when school starts again.”

“I think that’s a good idea.” It was a huge relief to hear Lexi say that. I wanted to love her, focus on us, and not worry about her getting pregnant.

“Then I’ll do it. Because the last thing I want—”

I didn’t let her finish the statement. A sudden feeling overcame me and all I wanted to do was show her how much I loved and needed her. I scooped her up in my arms and carried her to my bedroom. Lexi looked shocked by my reaction and the tears in her eyes quickly vanished.

“Is for me to worry about knocking you up. If you’re on the pill, we don’t have to be cautious.” A shot her a devious grin and lifted my brows, hoping she got the message.

A sexual need filled her eyes and she rolled her tongue across her lips.

Oh hell yeah!

Lexi was definitely drunk on my love.

And I’d fill her with my love until she couldn’t take any more.

I laid her on the bed and she kicked off her heels. I didn’t waste any time either, slipping off my dress shoes. She quickly took off her jacket and threw it on the chair behind me. Watching her get undressed was making me more excited by the second.

“Good toss.” I glanced over my shoulder, noticing how the jacket caught the edge of the chair.

She untucked her shirt from her jeans and undid a few buttons. “This really sexy football player showed me how to throw.”

“Did he?” I undid my tie at lightning speed and unbuttoned my shirt. “I know a few other things he can show you.” I unbuckled my belt and pulled it from my pants, dropping it to the floor.

“Sounds fun.” Her seductive voice had my heart thundering.

“Oh, baby, you have no idea.” My fingers fumbled with the hook on my pants, but I jerked the material hard and had them off in a flash. “I plan on making up for lost time.”

Lexi grabbed my tie and pulled me on top of her. I loved it when she took control. There was something about her hungry craving for me that had me ready to go in an instant. Her eyes widened in delight as she eased my shirt off my body. I was ready to kiss her, but her lips lowered to my chest. Using the tip of her tongue, she traced every ridge, and I lit up like a Christmas tree.

Every nerve ending hollered in pleasure and my eyes rolled back. My fingers tangled through the strands of her hair as she continued to leave no part of my torso uncovered by her lips and tongue. Lexi’s tantalizing touch had me ready to beg her never to stop. I couldn’t hold back any longer.

I needed her.


Not tomorrow or in five days.

I unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and slid it off her arms. Her breasts were plump and full underneath the delicate, pink, lacy fabric. It was more than my eyes could handle. Wanting more, I pulled off her jeans, leaving her in matching panties I quickly identified as a pair I bought at Victoria Secret. Her mother must’ve missed a pair. And damn, was I glad.

My lips devoured her sweet flesh, kissing and sucking her skin as I left my mark on her. Lexi was mine. Her slender fingers splayed across my broad chest, squeezing my muscles as if she couldn’t get enough of me. And I couldn’t get enough of her. My fingers danced across her stomach and I traced the top of her panties, eager to feel her soft folds.

Lexi recoiled from my touch. “Um, Raven. Did you forget that I’m on my period?”

Slowly, I stopped kissing her and inhaled, replenishing my empty lungs. I wouldn’t do anything Lexi didn’t want to do. “No. I just thought we could mess around. Unless that makes you uncomfortable.” I lowered my hand, gliding it along the inside of her thigh. A little teasing couldn’t hurt. A low moan escaped her lips and she arched into me.

“We can do that,” she whimpered in a low voice.

“I promise I won’t touch you there, unless you want me to.” Purposely, I pressed my hardness against her, knowing she wouldn’t be able to deny me.

“How about I pleasure you?” she said, catching me off guard. “Ya know…take some of that stress away that’s been beating you down all week?” She stroked the side of my head, skimming her nails through my hair. Her tongue rolled across her lips and her mouth opened, telling me what she wanted to do. Although Lexi had never given me a blowjob, I was game for it.

“Only if you want to, baby.” Regardless of what I wanted, I wouldn’t force or expect her to do it.

A devious grin played on the edge of her lips and I could only hope she was serious. “Let me show you how much I want to.” Without warning, she flipped me on my back. Scooting down, she practically ripped off my boxers and settled between my legs. My mind spun in a hundred different directions as I tried to relax.

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