A Desperate Wager (7 page)

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Authors: Em Taylor

BOOK: A Desperate Wager
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Nate was just leaving the dining room at White’s when he heard his name called. He turned to see the Honourable Adam Wilson waving to him.

Hold up, old chap,” called his friend from Eton. “Wanted to have a quick word. I hear you are to be leg-shackled.”

That is correct,” said Nate, feeling a little defensive. He was nearly thirty, after all. It was not unheard of for gentlemen to be coaxed into marriage at his age.

To Lady Sarah Steele, the only daughter of Brackingham?”

Correct again.”

Now see, Kirkbourne, we were always good friends and I hate to see someone making a fool of you, especially a crippled bit of muslin.”

Nate’s jaw clenched. He was not going to like what Wilson was about to say, but neither did he like Wilson calling his intended a
“crippled bit of muslin.” He liked Sarah and could not help admiring her indomitable spirit. She may have difficulty walking, but that fact should not define her as a person.

I hear she has an attachment to Eversley—Chapelbrooke’s heir.”

I know Eversley. He is my neighbour in town. Why would you think there is an attachment between them?”

Oh well you and she were seen talking to him in Hyde Park, then he was seen carrying her into your house and finally she was seen on the balcony with him at the Abernethy ball—kissing.”

Kissing? At the Abernethey ball?”

So I hear. I was not there, but you know how rumours start.”

I was there, but I was in the card room most of the evening. Thank you, Wilson. I shall look into this.” Nate nodded appreciatively, trying not to let the green fingers of jealousy coil his gut.

She had better not be playing him off against
Eversley. To what purpose? She had made a good match. If she really wanted to be with the viscount, there was nothing to stop her. He may be cash poor but her dowry was good. And when he thought about it, Nate could not even remember seeing Eversley at the ball, but then it had been such a crush that Prinny himself could have been in attendance and Nate might not have seen him.

He checked his watch. Just before two. He had time for a couple of brandies then time to pay Lady Sarah a visit and have this out with her.


“Lady Sarah, His Grace the Duke of Kirkbourne is here to…” started the butler as Sarah turned to see Nate barge past the servant and into the drawing room.

Your Grace, what a lovely surprise.” Sarah threw an apologetic look at Hodges, who looked rather disconcerted. Then she frowned at her betrothed. There was no need to be rude to the staff.

The duke’s
brow was furrowed and he looked even more thunderous than the day after the wager. He also staggered slightly as he walked. He was drunk. And in the middle of the afternoon.

There are rumours going around town,” he blurted out. She steeled herself to give him what for. Imagine disgracing himself in such a manner!

There are always rumours, Your Grace. Which particular piece of salacious, and most likely fallacious, gossip has you so riled?”

That you were kissing Eversley on the balcony at the Abernethy ball.” He seemed to be having difficulty focussing properly on her, and Sarah realised his words were slightly slurred. He was utterly foxed.

I kissed
on the balcony at the Abernethy ball, Nathaniel. Or rather, you kissed me. You should remember, you were there. And you were not drunk—unlike now.”

Nathaniel threw her look of disdain.
“But I am told you kissed him too.”

Nathaniel, I was on the balcony at last night’s ball but once, and I was in your arms the entire time.”

How do I know that what you say is true?”

Because I do not lie. Good God, was James even there? I do not recall even seeing him, never mind speaking to him, or kissing him for that matter.”

James? You call him James yet you insist on calling me ‘Your Grace’ or ‘Nathaniel.’ Not my preferred name.”

I like to annoy you. I knew James when we were young. Did you call your childhood friends by their titles and ranks?”

No. But then I do not kiss them on balconies at balls either.”

Neither do I.” She wanted to raise her palm and smack it across his cheek for his sheer impertinence now. How dare he accuse her of such things? How the hell would she even have got out onto the balcony? He pushed his hands through his dark curls, obviously impatient then he started to pace from one side of the room to the other.

Then why are gentlemen at White’s telling me it is so? Why did I have to hear it from the Honourable Adam Wilson?”

I do not know. And I resent being accused of being unfaithful. Perhaps someone does not want us to marry. Did someone else, another woman, have her sights set on you? I suppose many ladies would be hoping to snare a duke. They will not like it that crippled little Lady Sarah Steele managed it.”

Is that all ladies care about? Titles?”

Oh no. They care about fortunes just as much, and I have to assume you have a fortune. My father would not want me married to a pauper.”

Indeed. Rather a large one as it happens.”

Well then, stop being a ninny and accept that someone is trying to make mischief. I did not see James last night and even if I did, I would never kiss him. It would be like kissing my brother.” She screwed up her nose. She may not have a brother but the idea of kissing James was quite horrible. He was handsome, she supposed, but he was just James.

I am not a ninny,” he ground out.

No. Not now that you are seeing clearly. Nathaniel, I have no wish to be unfaithful to you. Our match may have been unconventional, but I have every intention of making it work.”

He harrumphed but his countenance was now less severe, his hands were now
unbunched and he was standing rather than stalking from one side of the drawing room to another.

Ring the bell and I shall order tea. You need to sober up.”

He had the grace to look ashamed, then did as he was bid. She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. So now she knew he had a jealous streak and an alcohol problem. It looked as if she would have her work cut o
ut for her. The alcohol was long-term and probably could only be tackled once they were married. But who had started the rumour? She had a feeling she was right. It was someone else with her eye on the title of duchess.


Sarah looked up from her book as Nathaniel was led into the garden. Two visits in as many days. Anyone would think he liked her.

He had been announced
, and she had accepted his calling card. He looked perfect in buff breeches, a mustard-coloured waistcoat and a dark green coat.

The memory of being pressed against his body on the night of the ball came to her again as she watched hi
m stride towards her. His breeches showed off the contours of his long, muscular thighs, flexing and lengthening with each step. Her gaze moved up the length of them to the placket and the buttons. In less than a week, the secret his pantaloons hid would be revealed to her. Her daring perusal of his lower half made her breasts feel tight and caused a strange warming tension below her belly—almost in that most private part of her. But that could not be so. Why would dancing and memories of dancing cause such strange feelings?

Good afternoon, My Lady.”

Good afternoon, Your Grace.”

He looked around the garden, frowning.

“Is there a bench somewhere that is a little more… um… private?”

Behind that rhododendron bush.”

Ah! Excellent.”

She squeaked in surprise when he bent down and lifted her off the bench, walked round the large plant and deposited her on the cold metal bench. He was strong and steady today and did not smell of alcohol. She breathed a sigh of relief. Perhaps he only drank when he was concerned about things. And frankly this whole situation would make anyone tense.

“Your Grace! I thought we had this discussion about you manhandling me against my will.”

Do you want me to kiss you in front of all the servants?” he asked, a grin settling on his features.

No! But…”

He moved his tall frame to sit beside her and tipped her chin towards him. He was going to kiss her again. Stirrings in her belly and below fluttered to life as he pressed his warm
, wet lips against hers. This time she had some idea of what to do. She moved her lips over his, turning her head to change the angle as he slipped an arm around her waist. His kiss was soft and gentle. She lifted her hand and pushed it into his dark curls, enjoying the softness running through her fingertips.

He nipped her lower lip, then kissed the corners of her mouth. He was teasing her, for she knew there was more. She stuck out her tongue and pressed it against his
lips. He opened his mouth, a small grunt of approval coming from deep in his throat, welcoming her intrusion, allowing her to flick her tongue in and out, exploring little by little. Her breasts felt heavy and she wanted to wriggle in her seat, though her cumbersome limbs would not allow for such things.

Nathaniel pressed his tongue inside her mouth, sweeping it around with none of her tentativeness. His strokes were bold and needy. He growled deep in his throat as he moved his hands—one to the nape, to guide her head to the right angle and the other… to her breast.
His touch was delicious.

She pulled away from the kiss
, but he appeared not to notice. He just moved his lips to her jaw, pressing delicate kisses up towards her ear. Her head spun. There seemed to be two different Nates. This possessive, desperate, sexual man who found her so appealing he could not keep his hands to himself and the uptight, often drunk Peer of the Realm.

He brushed a thumb over her nipple
, making it peak as if she was cold, and it was her turn to groan. That feeling had returned. Down there. She had some feeling below the waist but she had never felt anything quite like this. She wanted to press her fist against it to relieve the pressure.

A wood pigeon hooted in a nearby tree, seemingly bringing Nathaniel to his senses. For a moment he buried his head in her shoulder and groaned—a noise of sheer frustration.

“I apologise.” His words reverberated off the skin as his hand dropped onto his own thigh. He pulled himself into a sitting position and gave her a repentant smile. “I had intended to kiss you chastely then to discuss a few more intimate matters. Things it may be useful to know about your injury before we marry.”

She gave him the most unperturbed smile she could muster. Thank goodness he had stopped
, because she was not sure she could have put an end to the sweet torture of his explorations. And how had she never realised how sensitive her breasts were?

I think it is wise that we have a discussion about our marriage, considering the fact I am a cripple. I am, as you would expect, an innocent. I know very little of the marriage bed and do not know if I can please you in that respect. Therefore, I have given it much thought, and I need you to know you are at liberty to take a mistress if you so desire.” There, she had said it.

I am?” He raised an eyebrow. “Do you want me to take a mistress?” Good God, of course she did not want that. She wanted him to love her and pledge fidelity to her. She wanted to know she was the only woman who ever carried his child.

I want whatever pleases you, Your Grace.”

And what about you, Sarah. What pleases you? Did my kiss please you?”

Heat crept up her neck.

How did it make you feel?”


He sighed.
“Physically. How did it make you feel in your body? Were there… sensations you had not expected?” Well he had not been telling untruths when he had said he wanted to talk about intimate things. She nodded, sure she heard him grind his teeth. “Where did you feel these strange sensations?”

In my bosom, and in my belly and…” She could not say it. She had been brought up to be a lady. She could not discuss such parts of her body, even if he would be her husband in five days. She pressed her fist just under her belly so he would get the general idea. He smiled broadly at that. She had no idea why but the information seemed to have pleased him.

This is very impertinent, but has it made you… umm… damp between your legs?”

Between her legs? Impertinent was not the word for it. She opened her mouth to give him a set down and then remembered that he would be her husband. She knew little of what would happen in less than a week
, and he would have a lot of experience. Besides, it would not be the first time she’d had embarrassing discussions with men. Though usually the men were surgeons or apothecaries, not her husband-to-be.

I am in control of when I need to use the privy. I understand that many with back injuries are not, but I am like anyone else in that regard.” His smile was tight and he frowned as if trying to puzzle something out.

That is not what I meant. When a lady is aroused, there is a different kind of dampness around the…” He waved a hand as if trying to think of a polite word. “Where the consummation takes place. It makes things easier.”

Oh. I do not know if that has happened.” Now she felt terribly stupid. He must think her dreadfully naïve. She had no mother to describe such things, and her father had simply told her to lie back and let her husband do all the work. “The sensations from my waist down are not strong usually. It is like…” How could she describe it? “Have you ever fallen asleep with your head on your arm and woken up with your arm limp and unfeeling?” He nodded. “After a few minutes, feeling starts to come back into your arm. It is similar to the feeling before you regain that fully. That is how I feel from my waist down to here.” She placed her hand half way down her thighs. “And below that—nothing.”

I see. Well you have sensation, so that is good. I may be able to bring you pleasure, after all. As for the… err… dampness, there are ways around that. We shall have to work it out on our wedding night.”

I take it that is a good thing—if you can bring me pleasure.”

Of course it is. I want to bring you pleasure, Freckles. I want ours to be a real marriage.”

Sarah swallowed hard. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? She tried to calm the thudding of her heard in her chest. He wanted her to be a proper wife, not just a convenience. A marriage like the one her parents had.

The conversation became no more comfortable after that. He asked about the indoor privy and how many would be required. He also discussed the stairs in the townhouse and his country seat. Then how she was going to make it down the aisle at their wedding.

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