A Deeper Shade of Bad (4 page)

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Authors: Ella Price

BOOK: A Deeper Shade of Bad
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woke up early like normal. I dressed in a nice yellow dress and pinned my hair
up. I went downstairs and Granny was in her usual spot. I kind of wondered if
she ever got bored. I walked out to the coffee shop like normal. I used my own
card, I felt weird using his.

walked back out of the coffee shop and Nicky was standing outside the book
store. I smiled when I saw him.

Amy,” He said and smiled.

Nicky,” I said trying not to laugh at him.

just wanted to apologize for what happened and see if it was possible to get
another chance,” He said quietly.

smiled, “I just don’t think we would be a good fit.” I didn’t add that I signed
a kinky sex contract with his brother I figured that would be rude.

understand, but if you ever want to hang out or anything just call.” He looked
sincere. I wasn’t mad at him but he definitely wasn’t my type.

will; it was nice seeing you again.” He nodded and left. I couldn’t believe he
asked for a second chance but it didn’t matter.

text Alex when I got back in the book store, ‘
Your brother just stopped by
and asked for a second chance.

received a text almost immediately,
‘Did you tell him about us?’

I didn’t think it was appropriate,’
I replied hoping it
wouldn’t make him mad.

not? Are we not seeing each other?
’ he asked.

sighed wishing I hadn’t said anything.
‘If that’s what you want to call it.’

would you call it then’
he asked.

it is, a business deal’
I typed hoping he would quit with the
twenty questions. He didn’t text back so I climbed into my big comfy chair with
my coffee and started reading a book.

came in and out all morning keeping Granny busy. I looked up when someone sat
in the chair across from me. It was Alex and he looked kind of annoyed and

I said watching him.

I don’t appreciate how condescending you are being,” He said quietly.

rolled my eyes, “I’m not trying to be,” I said closing my book.

rolling your eyes, and cross your legs when you are wearing a dress,” He

sighed and did what he asked, “I’m sorry if I offended you I didn’t mean to,” I
said and looked at him.

sat back and watched me for a minute; “I want to see you tonight, be at my
house at seven,” he said then got up and left.

groaned slightly dreading going to his house but it was part of the deal.

six thirty I walked to my car and headed toward his house. Traffic was crappy
so I was slightly late which I was sure he would have a fit over. I pulled into
the garage at ten minutes after seven and went into the house.

was at the bar when I got in and as I expected he didn’t look happy. “I said
seven,” He said quietly as he made his drink.

was bad I tried to get here on time,” I said quietly.

came around and stood in front of me, “You are trying my patience,” he said and
touched my face then smacked me, it wasn’t hard enough to hurt that much but
enough to shock me. “Start listening,” he snapped. I looked at him unsure about
what to do next. He touched me again and smiled, “I want do some very
inappropriate things to you,” He whispered.

why don’t you?” I asked quietly.

smiled, “Because they wouldn’t be appropriate for a girl of your experience.”
He took my hand and guided me over to one of the couches. He made me stand in
front of him while he sat down. “On your knees,” He said and I complied.
Something about him made me want to fulfill his every wish. He leaned forward
and kissed me then ran his thumb over my lips. “I want you to use your pretty
lips on me,” He whispered. He leaned back and undid his pants and exposed
himself. He was only partially erect and he looked big.

don’t know how,” I said nervously.

smiled. “It’s easy just put your mouth around me and play, be careful not to catch
me with your teeth,” He ordered.

leaned back and I lowered myself and covered him with my mouth. He was big so
it was hard to cover a lot of him but I did the best I could. He groaned as I
started to move trying to be gentle. I sucked and used my tongue to massage him
as I moved back and forth. It wasn’t as hard as I thought, and soon I had him
fully erect. It was actually quite arousing, more than I expected it to be. I
felt my body tingle with excitement and anticipation. I could get almost three
quarters of him in my mouth if I really tried but it was difficult. “You’re
doing good baby keep going,” He said in a strained voice. After a few more
minutes of sucking and teasing he stiffened. “You are to swallow,” He said
firmly then he released. It was warm and salty but I did as he said and
swallowed. When he was satisfied he gripped a handful of my hair and raised my
head. He pressed his lips to mine, kissing me aggressively.

went to the floor with him on top of me. He was kissing my neck and the tops of
my breasts. He was so aggressive it was intoxicating. I wanted him to do what
he wanted to me. His hands went under my dress and he pulled my panties down
and tossed them aside. He pulled me to him and buried his face between my legs.

cried out as he began to lick and suck me. It felt incredible and overwhelming
at the same time. I was a little self-conscious that he was down there but
pretty soon all that mattered was how good it felt. When the sensation got
overwhelming I started crying out and struggling but he held me in place until
I went numb and relaxed.

smiled at me and crawled up to me and kissed me, “You taste so good,” He
whispered as he traced my jaw line. “I want to fuck you so bad,” he groaned.

body was reeling from sensation and my face was burning red from pleasure and
embarrassment at the way he was speaking. “Ok,” I said a little out of it.

laughed, “Are you ok?” he asked smiling.

ya,” I said smiling back at him.

laid next to me on the floor and kissed me. I was enjoying how he tasted and
felt. He made me nervous because I could never tell what he was going to do
next. There was a knock on the door and he cussed and stood up, “Put your
panties on and go to the bathroom and fix your hair,” he ordered as he adjusted
his own clothes.

got up and grabbed my panties on the way to the bathroom. I was a little
grateful for the break. My body was still humming but I wasn’t as red. I got my
panties back on then walked back toward the living room.

smiled at me as I walked back out. He had Chinese food laid out across the
coffee table. “I hope you are hungry.”

nodded and sat down next to him. He handed me a plate with a variety of food. I
ate in silence next to him while he watched CNN and ate. He was handsome and I
was actually happy sitting with him. After I finished I set my plate on the
table. He got bored of what he was watching so he started flipping through the
channels. He stopped on a gossip channel that had a picture of me and Nicky
kissing. He looked at me annoyed, “I thought you said you were friends,” He

are I never said we didn’t kiss,” I said quickly. The picture changed to a shot
of us on the boat on the day bed. I wanted to roll my eyes but I knew it would
annoy him more.

that?” He snapped standing up.

again was just kissing, we never went beyond that,” I said watching him.

didn’t take him as the jealous type but I was wrong, he threw a lamp making me
jump as it shattered. “Just go home!” He snapped.

didn’t ask questions I just grabbed my purse and headed for the garage. He knew
I was kind of dating Nicky I didn’t understand why he was being so mean. I
drove back to the bookstore a little upset.

went upstairs and Granny was watching TV. I sat next to her and tried to focus
on the game show but I couldn’t stop thinking about him. When Granny went to
bed I did to. I was getting ready to climb in bed when my phone chimed.

’ was all he text.

text him goodnight back and went to bed.


woke up like normal and checked my phone. He hadn’t text anything which kind of
bummed me out. I dressed in a pair of jeans and a white t shirt. I wasn’t
feeling very girly today so I didn’t wear a dress. I also left my hair down
since I didn’t feel like styling it.

walked downstairs and Granny smiled at me, “Bad night?”

shrugged, “Not the best but I’ll live,” I said and smiled trying not to seem to

get your coffee and you will feel better,” She said and smiled back at me.

nodded and walked to the coffee shop. I got my coffee and sat at a table and
watched the people walk by. Nicky’s car pulled up in front of the bookstore
then Alex’s SUV came screaming up next to him.

both got out and they were yelling at each other. Another SUV pulled up and it
was their parents and Lana. On one hand I wanted to know what was going on and
on the other I wanted to stay hidden. Mrs. Price was yelling and wagging her
finger at both of them. Lana was crying and Mr. Price was standing there
looking amused.

headed into the bookstore and I cursed silently. Granny was going to tear them
to shreds and I knew it. I sighed and finished my coffee then walked back
toward the bookstore. Alex came out first followed by Nicky and then the rest
of the group.

looked at him unsure and he narrowed his eyes at me. “Where were you?” he

is she your slave why don’t you ask her nicely you ass,” Nicky growled back
matching Alex’s tone.

wasn’t that far off the mark. I was pretty close to being his slave.

this is ridiculous,” Mrs. Price said looking just as perturbed.

is going on?” I asked deciding to ignore Alex’s question.

ass fired me because I went out with you,” Nicky snapped.

looked at Alex and he crossed his arms defiantly, “Alex you are acting like a
two year old,” I said getting annoyed.

was on company time and using company property when he took you out.” Alex looked
serious like he had no plans on changing his mind.

huh and you never use company things to impress girls?” I asked looking at him
in disbelief.

own the company,” He growled.

are being an ass because of the pictures on TV last night,” I said and rolled
my eyes.

pictures?” Mrs. Price asked.

were some paparazzi when Amy and I went out; they are just pictures of us
kissing,” Nicky said sounding annoyed.

wouldn’t have this problem if you weren’t a dog,” Mrs. Price snapped and
smacked Nicky on the arm.

smiled, “Alex don’t fire your brother because of a girl you just met, and
nothing happened between us other than kissing and I think you know that,” I
said quietly and looked at Alex.

looked impassive like he wasn’t going to relent. I went up to him and put my
arms around him. “You know how much I like you,” I said low enough for just him
to hear.

softened a little, “Fine, you’re not fired but you are on probation,” Alex
growled at Nicky.

grinned and rocked back on his heels, “She already has you whipped.”

looked like he was going to harm him, “Nicky get in the car and go,” Mrs. Price
snapped and ushered him toward his car. “It was nice to see you again dear,”
she said to me and smiled.

too,” I said and they all left leaving just me and Alex alone.

will be at my house at six correct?” He asked quietly.

smiled; “If you still want me there,” I said and touched his jacket.

do,” He said quietly watching me.

then I will be there,” I said smiling. I couldn’t help but feel relieved that
he still wanted me.

kissed me gently, “If you are late I will spank you,” He growled. To most
people that would have been a joke, but I was pretty sure he wasn’t joking.

smiled; “I won’t be late master,” I said and walked to the door of the store.

better not be,” He said smiling. I blew him a kiss and went inside and he left
to go do whatever he did all day.

that was quite a tiff they were having,” Granny said smiling.

was stupid male ego things,” I said as I sat in my usual chair.

am sure at least they are both rich no matter which you choose,” She said and
went back to sorting books.

five fifteen I left for Alex’s house so I wouldn’t be late. I pulled into the
garage and I had five minutes to spare. I went inside and I didn’t see him
immediately. I found him in his office and he was on his phone. He smiled at me
so I went in and sat in the chair on the other side of his desk.

hung up with whoever he was talking to, “Hey beautiful, why don’t you go
upstairs to your room and get dressed. I laid a dress out for you.”

nodded and stood up, “Yes master,” I said playfully.

panties under the dress,” He said watching me.

smiled; “Whatever you wish.” I then went upstairs to get dressed.

showered so my hair would cooperate. I spent the next hour fixing my hair, and
applying makeup. I picked a black lace bra to go under the black dress he had
selected. It was a nice dress that was for sure. I put it on and it hugged my
body and pushed my breasts up so they were the center of attention. Slits went
all the way up the sides to my hips and I put a pair of black stilettos on.

we have to leave soon hurry up,” Alex shouted up the stairs.

sighed and put the finishing touches on and switched my phone and stuff to
another purse. I walked downstairs and Alex was waiting in a tux with a drink
in his hand. He looked up and smiled; “Very nice” he said approvingly.

you, you aren’t so bad yourself.”

we?” He asked and offered his hand.

nodded and he led me out to a waiting limo, “Fancy tonight?” I asked.

it is a charity event. Besides it is about thirty minutes away and in a limo I
can have the privacy I need,” He said

smiled and climbed into the seat. He sat close to me and started kissing me as
the car started off. His mouth went to my lips and his tongue filled my mouth.
He went from kissing my mouth to my neck and his hand slid up my dress. “You
are in a good mood,” I said laughing.

going to make you come,” He whispered and slid a finger inside me.

sucked in air as he began to massage me and slide his finger in and out. He
kissed me and continued massaging me until I was begging him to stop. He was
laughing as I squirmed under his expert hands. “Say my name,” He whispered.

I begged and he laughed and finally let me release completely which felt
amazing. I was numb and panting when he moved off of me. If he was this good
with his mouth and hands I was in trouble when he decided to actually have sex
with me.

look beautiful,” he said smiling.

was until you put your hand under my dress,” I said trying to adjust myself.

smiled, “I prefer you with an after orgasm glow.”

limo stopped and the door opened. He climbed out then offered his hand and I
followed him. There were people with cameras as we walked up the walkway to the
door. Some reporters shouted questions but he ignored them.

was a nice place set up with several tables. He and I went to a table near the
back that we were assigned. He held the chair for me and I took my seat. He sat
next to me and looked at the wine list.

is that you?” A woman asked coming up to us. She was around his age and pretty.
She had long brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a pink strapless dress.

stood up and smiled, “Elaine it’s nice to see you, how have you been?”

same as always,” She said and I could tell by the way she looked at him there
was more than just friendship there.

is Amelia,” He said indicating me.

smiled even though I was annoyed he didn’t refer to me as a girlfriend or at
least a friend would have been nice. “Hi.” I said it even though I really
didn’t want to. I didn’t want to be polite to this woman.

nice to meet you,” She said and offered her hand.

here,” I said and took it even though I didn’t want to.

they talked for a few minutes he sat back down and she went back to her table.
He didn’t say anything to me meaning he didn’t want to talk about it. They
started by serving dinner which was decent. He was relatively quiet other than
to describe what was going on.

got up and left me after dinner. I watched around the room as affluent people
talked and danced. I spotted him out on the dance floor with Elaine. He hadn’t
even asked me to dance and he was out dancing with her.

had enough of his not talking and now dancing with another woman. He wouldn’t
have even noticed me leaving. I walked out the way I had come. I was happy
there were taxis hanging around. I hailed one and had him drive me to a local
movie theatre. It was only nine and I knew Granny would be gone for the night.
It was Bingo night and she spent the evening at a friend’s house, and I didn’t
want to be home alone.

phone buzzed and I looked at it,
‘Where the hell did you go?
’ he text.

it took you twenty minutes to notice you must have been having fun’
I text
back getting more annoyed.

being a child, she is nobody’
he text back.

I text back and turned my phone off to angry to
even talk to him anymore. I bought a ticket for a sappy romance and took a

the movie I was still pissed off, it was almost midnight and I was only five
blocks from my house so I decided to walk home. It was nice out and a lot of
the little bars were still open along the way. I was relieved that I reached
the bookstore without incident.

Alex snapped and got out of his SUV.

turned and watched him approach me, “Why are you here?” I snapped.

smacked me this time hard enough to hurt, “You will never disappear again I
don’t care how angry you get,” He growled and grabbed my hand. He pulled me to
his SUV and pushed me into the passenger seat.

sat there stunned and a little angry. He drove toward his house and I could
tell he was furious. He was gripping the steering wheel and his jaw muscle was
visibly tense. I decided to ignore him and just look out the window.

pulled into the garage and got out. He came around and pulled me out of the car
and into the house. The grip he had on me was painful and I was debating
fighting him. He pushed me down onto the couch and went to the bar and started
making himself a drink.

watched him but didn’t speak; I wasn’t sure what to stay.

are going to start by telling me where you went,” He said quietly but there was
a slight threat behind his words.

does it matter?” I asked refusing to just obey his command.

looked at me, “Don’t make me any angrier then you already have by being
defiant,” He snapped.

rolled my eyes, “I went to the movies,” I said and crossed my arms.

did you leave?” he asked.

think you know I highly doubt you would have tolerated me doing what you did,”
I said annoyed.

smiled, “Remember you are the one all over the tabloids with my brother,” He

is pointless,” I snapped and stood up.

caught me by my arm and squeezed, I smacked him before I thought about what I
was doing. He looked stunned but recovered and backhanded me so hard I fell to
the floor. I stayed there panting and glared at him. “Stop fighting me and
don’t move unless I say you can.”

not a child!” I said getting angry.

stop acting like one. You walked out on me and then turned your damn phone off.
I couldn’t find you and I couldn’t even track you. How did I know you weren’t
taken?” He snapped.

scoffed, “You knew I was fine, I text you I just wasn’t going to tolerate you
having a fit.”

up to your room,” He ordered and turned away from me.

want to go home,” I said not moving.

agreed to stay Wednesday nights.” He wasn’t looking at me. He was messing with
his phone.

contract also says I can terminate it when I want to without reason,” I

spun around and looked at me, he was pissed. “Shut your mouth and go to your
room,” he growled.

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