A Deeper Shade of Bad (3 page)

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Authors: Ella Price

BOOK: A Deeper Shade of Bad
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was doing this girl from behind, they looked ridiculous. He started cussing and
they both fell over. I reached over and shut the door and started laughing.

looked surprised but smiled because it was funny, “You should be mad,” he said

was still laughing, “Why? We are just friends.”

you haven’t slept with him?” He looked surprised and a little intrigued.

I’m not an idiot,” I said still smiling. I felt a blush creep up my cheeks as
he watched me with his pretty brown eyes.

door opened and Nicholas came out all red faced and embarrassed. I tried to
keep my face straight but I started giggling and buried my face in Alex’s

she laughing?” Nicky asked sounding annoyed.

she is,” Alex said putting his arm around me.

is great, you can drive her home,” Nicky snapped and went back into the room.

should go, I can get a ride,” I said smiling at Alex.

stay, I will give you a ride later,” He said smiling.

won’t be able to look at him without laughing,” I said quickly.

fine with me,” He said and offered his arm. I took it and he led me back
downstairs. He gave me a glass of wine and I stood next to him and watched the

her away are we boy?” His father said coming up to us.

smiled but bit my lip to keep from laughing, “Nicky is kind of caught up,” Alex
said amused.

it’s good of you to keep her company,” He said slapping Alex on his back then
continued on.

how did you meet Nicholas?” Alex asked as he sipped his drink.

well I guess you are trying to buy my grandmother’s book store and she won’t
sell,” I said smiling.

smiled, “Yes she is being a pain in the ass, kind of like you.”

runs in the family.” Nicky and the girl came walking down the stairs. I bit my
lip again to keep from going into hysterics. He saw me and turned bright red
and walked in the opposite direction.

you know how much laughing injures a man’s pride?” Alex asked smiling.

if men didn’t do retarded things to get laughed at then they wouldn’t have to
worry about their pride,” I said amused.

were just having sex its natural.” He said shrugging like it was no big deal.

he was humping her like a dog humps a leg and then they fell over, talk about
classy,” I said grinning as I took a sip of wine.

wasn’t the best I’ve seen, I would definitely not recommend they go into the
porn business,” he said grinning.

smiled, “No definitely not.”

Price came over smiling, “Is everything ok dear, Nicky doesn’t want to sit next
to you at the table,” She said looking disappointed.

just a little embarrassing moment,” I said smiling. There was no way I was
going to tell his mother what happened.

was tagging Lana upstairs and we caught them,” Alex said as if it were no big

Price looked horrified. I smacked Alex’s arm, “You don’t tell your mother
that,” I said shocked.

its fine I need a reason to hit him,” She said and marched off.

was called and Alex led me in and I took the seat next to him. Nicky refused to
look at me and Lana would glare at me every once in a while. Dinner was good
and Alex was decent company. He was quiet but we shared looks that made me
smile when their mother would look at Nicky.

dinner everyone was meandering around, “Are you ready?” Alex asked.

very,” I said smiling.

on let’s go say goodnight to my parents,” He said. We walked over to his
parents and he hugged his mother and father.

looked at me and hugged me, “I’m sorry dear.”

fine really, I still had fun,” I said as I hugged Bob.

maybe we will see you around,” She said sounding hopeful.

smiled; “Maybe,” I said and followed Alex.

held the door of a pretty black SUV and I got in. He got in next to me, “Would
you like to come to my house for a while, for a drink?”

sighed, “Are you trying to get in my pants to?”

smiled, “If I was I would ask if you wanted to park somewhere and get in the
back seat, I wouldn’t take you home.”

I guess I could go for a little while,” I said smiling. There was something
different about him. I wasn’t so sure I would be able to say no to him.

pulled out of his parent’s driveway and drove toward the beach. He pulled into
a private beach community right on the ocean. He pulled into a garage under the
house and got out. He let me out and I followed him into the huge house.

was beautiful inside, I could definitely tell it was a man’s house but it had a
beach theme. The kitchen was huge and modern. There was a small breakfast nook
and French doors that led out to a deck. He led me to a room with a bar and
several couches. I sat down on one of the couches while he made us drinks. “So
you look like an eternal bachelor as well, do you just have friends?” I asked

I have submissives,” He said and handed me a drink.

kinky,” I said and smiled as I took a drink. I was a little surprised he was
being so honest. I kind of wondered if he was telling the truth.

smiled, “Not as much as you think. It’s not about sex it’s more about control.”

women just do what you want?” I was curious about the lifestyle. I had read
about it, but never thought about it beyond that.

watched me for a minute. “Yes, but they enjoy being taken care off. Think about
it you get whatever you want you just have to follow directions on certain
days. It is more like a job than anything.”

shrugged; “I guess if you like the lifestyle.”

think you would do well in that lifestyle. You are smart, funny, pretty,” he
said smiling.

am not at all submissive” I said and laughed.

a learned trait, I could teach you,” He said smiling. He looked like he was
actually serious.

looked at him surprised, “You want me to be your submissive?”

would enjoy it.” His face didn’t betray his emotions and I was a little nervous
at his suggestion. I was more nervous that I wasn’t against the idea.

looked at him and thought about it, “What do I have to do?”

shrugged like it was no big deal. “Stay with me on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and
Sundays and do as I say. You wear what I want you to wear, do what I want you
to do, and say what I want you to say.”

happens if I don’t want to do something?” I had to admit I was intrigued. He
was sexy, confident, and he had one hell of a body.

smiled, “You get punished in some way, the best way to understand it is to
research online. I will give you a phone, car, and credit card. You will be
completely taken care of.”

if I don’t like it?” I was curious, I knew I should just say no but for some
reason it wasn’t as simple as it was before.

you leave and don’t come back,” He said like it would be simple. “Think about
it and I will get your answer tomorrow. In the meantime why don’t I give you a
tour of the house?” He said and stood up.

followed him as he walked to another room downstairs, “This is my office and
there is a bathroom in that other room,” he said then I followed him upstairs.
“This would be your room” He said opening the door to a nice bedroom. It was
done in purples which I liked. There was a large bathroom and closet in the

looked at him a little shocked. “So I wouldn’t sleep with you?”

but understand sleeping and sex are two different things,” He said smiling.

rolled my eyes and followed him out into another room that he said was a spare
room. The last room was his bedroom which he didn’t let me in. I followed him
back downstairs into the main room. “There are other places but they are
private and only seen if you agree to the terms.”

smiled, “I will think about it, now take me home before my grandma worries.” I
needed to get away and clear my head before I just agreed to his every request.

led me back out to the car and drove back toward town. “I will also monitor
your birth control, you are on it correct?”

I have no reason to be,” I said watching him.

sighed, “I can get you an appointment if you decide to do it. I always use
condoms but I want you on birth control to.”

use condoms?” I asked wrinkling my nose at him.

protection, do you not like them?”

know I have never used them, I am also allergic to latex. So you have to use
the other kind,” I said smiling.

you saying you have sex without condoms and no birth control?” He asked
sounding annoyed.

rolled my eyes “Jeez no, I haven’t had sex yet.”

looked at me slightly annoyed, “You’re a virgin?”

no one’s gotten in my pants yet,” I said happy with myself.

smiled, “You are proud of that aren’t you?”

nodded; “If I do decide to give it to you then you are a lucky bastard,” I said

laughed, “I guess I would be,” He said as he pulled in front of the bookstore.

I better get inside,” I said and opened the car door.

be here tomorrow for your answer.” It sounded more like a threat than a

be here” I said and grinned. I shut the door then went and unlocked the door to
the bookstore and went inside. He left once he knew I was safe inside. I went
upstairs and Grandma was in bed already. It was after midnight so I decided to
do some research before I headed to bed. It was a lot to take in but it wasn’t
totally crazy. It was mainly kinky sex, and following directions.


woke up at my usual time and dressed in a pretty pink dress and white heels. Granny
was already downstairs so I walked downstairs and she smiled at me.

your night go as planned?” She asked.

really, Nicholas and I aren’t going to work out but I met his older brother and
there might be something there,” I said smiling.

I spoke to Alexander on the phone and he is courser the Nicholas,” she said

liked him.” I tried to play it off so she didn’t see how much I actually liked

be careful,” she warned.

nodded, “I’m going to get a coffee; Do you want any?”

shook her head so I left her and went next door. I stood in line and ordered my
usual. I went to pay but someone behind me handed the coffee girl a card. I
looked and it was Alex, “Hi,” I said and smiled.

he said as he put his card back in his wallet. We walked to a small corner
table and sat down. “So have you decided?”

I think I will try it,” I said smiling.

can you take the day off? We have some things to do.” He checked his phone then
looked at me.

nodded; “I don’t actually work.”

he said and we walked out to his car. I text grandma and she text me back to be
careful like always.

where are we going?” I was curious about what he had planned.

smiled. “To the doctors for birth control.”

Ok,” I said a little nervous about the whole sex thing.

doctor’s office was only five minutes away from the bookstore. I followed him
into the lobby of a swanky doctor’s office. The receptionist smiled at him,
“May I help you?” she asked looking at him.

Carrington, for her appointment,” he said ignoring the girl’s overly pleasant

nodded and blushed a little, “Have a seat I’ll let Dr. Carter know she is

followed him to the seating area. He sat down and I sat in the seat next to
him, “Cross your legs,” He said quietly. I looked at him and wrinkled my nose,
I had my knees together I didn’t know why I had to cross them. He looked at me
and I finally rolled my eyes and complied. “You will stop rolling your eyes at
me as well” He said quietly almost in a threatening manner.

sighed and picked up a magazine and started flipping through the pages. My name
was called and we walked back to the exam room. I sat on the table and he sat
in one of the chairs. “So what kind of birth control am I getting?”

briefly looked up from his magazine at me. “The shot, you have to have one
every five weeks and I can easily monitor that.”

I said and the doctor came in. I mainly agreed because I had no clue about any
of this. Granny gave me the basic talk but nothing beyond that.

smiled, “Ms. Carrington, you are just getting a shot today. Mr. Price said
there was no chance you could be pregnant right?”

I said nervously.

drew blood, gave me the shot then explained side effects. When we were done I
followed Alex out to the car.

to now?” I asked curious about the day he had planned.

house to sign the contract among other things.” The way he spoke suggested
those other things would be sexual in nature. I was a little nervous but I
tried not to show it.

smiled, “There is an actual contract?”

looked at me sternly, “I told you to research it, why didn’t you?”

did I just might have skimmed some parts,” I said smiling as I looked at him

don’t listen very well,” he said sounding annoyed.

pulled into his driveway and I followed him into the house. He went into his
office and I followed him. He sat behind his desk and I sat in the chair across
from him. He slid a couple pieces of paper over to me. One was a non-disclosure
agreement and the other was a contract which read:

contract is a binding contract between the Dominant, Alexander Price and the
Submissive, Amelia Lynn Carrington. The submissive agrees to follow all the
rules that the dominant sets forth in the contract and agrees to abide by the
rules for the time she is in his service.

The submissive will do as the Dominant commands at all times

The submissive will address the dominant as Master at all times

The submissive will reside in a room at the dominants home from Friday evening
until Sunday evening and on Wednesday evenings

The submissives will do anything the dominant commands sexually

The submissives will not look directly at the dominant

The Submissive will ask permission to do all things.

The dominant will provide medical care, housing, clothes, vehicles, food, and
education to the submissive as he sees fit

The submissive will dress and behave as the dominant requests at all times

If the submissive disobeys in any way the dominant has the right to punish the
submissive as he sees fit.

The submissive or dominant may call of the relationship at any time without

The submissive agrees to notify the dominant of her whereabouts during their
time apart.

The submissive and the dominant agree to remain monogamous unless otherwise
agreed upon.

this date forward the Submissive, Amelia Lynn Carrington and the Dominant,
Alexander Damian Price agree to these terms set forth.

sighed and signed both pieces of paper and he put them in a file. I was
beginning to think I was bored and this was my way of getting some form of
excitement in my life.

is a phone, credit card, and the keys to the car” He said handing me the items.

you,” I said as I accepted the things.

need to start addressing me as master,” he said softly.

smiled “Thank you Master,” I said playfully.

smiled, “A little less condescendingly would be nice. Now I want you here
Wednesday night at six. I have a dinner to go to by seven and I want you with

nodded, “Anything else Master?”

you can go. I need to go back to work anyway,” He said smiling.

nodded and stood up and left. I walked out to the garage and saw my car. It was
a nice white BMW 750. I got in it and hit the garage opener then backed out of
the driveway. The car was really nice; I guess it wasn’t going to be so bad.

parked it down the street from the bookstore and walked to the store. I wasn’t
sure if telling my grandmother I sold my soul for a BMW was a good idea. It was
lunch time so I went into the deli and got us some sandwiches then went back to
the store. Granny was happy I brought her lunch. She asked me where I went so I
made up some story about a romantic date.

day passed pretty quickly, I hadn’t heard a peep from Alex which surprised me
but I didn’t care too much. After dinner I was cleaning the dishes when my
phone vibrated. It was a text message.

not speak to the media
’ he text.

rolled my eyes, ‘
I wouldn’t do that

how was your day’
he asked.

how was yours?
’ I asked back figuring he might answer.

have a good night’
he said and that was it.

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