A Chamber of Delights (15 page)

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Authors: Katrina Young

BOOK: A Chamber of Delights
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‘I want to suck your quim,’ he whispered, as he ran his fingers round her teats.

She took a deep breath as he flicked them gently.

The girl looked up across Gael’s steaming belly. ‘I want to suck her too, James. You shan’t have her to yourself, you randy dog.’ The other man had pushed her fingers out of Gael’s purse and her probing finger had migrated to Gael’s anus.

Gael wanted to bend to give her better access, but the finger of the kneeling man demanded that she give him all of her attention.

‘So – you
a dyke, Fiona, darling,’ he laughed, pushing the girl aside.

‘I like a bit of soft now and again,’ she said petulantly. ‘Hard cock isn’t everything, you know.’

‘But you love it, Fi,’ the other man retorted. ‘You were practically begging for it a minute ago.’

‘That was before I had the choice,’ Fiona said defensively.

‘You had the choice between mine or James’s, you fickle creature.’ Matt grinned. ‘But you couldn’t make up your mind.’

Fiona slapped him playfully across the head.

‘Stop arguing, you two,’ James laughed, pushing them both aside. ‘Which of you wants Gael?’

With that he turned Gael around. He bent and hoisted her over his shoulder.

Gael yelped and slapped his back with the palms of her wet hands, but could not free herself. Now her bottom was exposed to two pairs of eager eyes. Hot water rained over her anus and through her swollen cleft, feeling wonderful as it pattered at her skin.

As James pulled her legs apart, exposing her more, she felt the heat of the water enter her. Or was it a hot tongue? Then, as it wriggled, she knew it was a tongue. But whose? The man’s or the girl’s?

Fingers massaged round her anal ring as a mouth took her nub and sucked it gently in. Hot water trickled down her thighs making them tingle. The mouth became more determined now. Surely it was Fiona’s; it nibbled her so delicately. A finger wriggled deep into her anus.

Now the mouth moved down the fringes of her sex. It bit the insides of her thighs and the hollows of her loins. The finger now withdrew and a tongue-tip took its place. She shuddered as she felt it ranging around the muscle of her ring.

She began to quiver nicely.

‘She’s coming,’ her captor whispered. ‘You’d better stop your licking, Fi.’

‘No – please,’ Gael protested. ‘Don’t stop now. It’s far too nice.’

‘But we have better ways of making you come.’ He laughed and took her to the bedroom. He set her, dripping wet and shaking, on her feet.

Fiona and Matt flung themselves before her on the bed. Matt lay on his back. He grabbed the girl and pulled her to himself, her wet back to his chest, his hands around her ample breasts.

‘Stop it, Matt,’ she giggled. ‘I want to play with Gael.’ Wet and slippery, she wriggled and pretended to resist him. Then she shrieked as his slender penis entered her with one, skilful jab. As he spread Fiona’s legs with his ankles, Gael saw it go right in. His testes bulged out roundly as it sank up to its hilt, the whole eight inches swallowed by the large lips of a very hairy vulva.

Gael trembled as she watched them work together, Fiona enclosing him tightly, he massaging her breasts.

‘And now, my sexy hostess,’ James whispered in her ear, pulling at Gael’s nipples as he ran a line of kisses
down her neck. ‘This is a rare occasion when you can have a horny man and a ready woman both together.’ He picked her up and swung her around, one hand pushed through her crotch, the other around her waist. With her bottom to their faces, he placed her astride the others. As she looked down, Fiona’s crotch was immediately below her. Matt’s testicles bobbed freely as he thrust. Immediately Gael knew what she was supposed to do.

She lowered her mouth and licked his balls. He moaned and thrust up harder into Fi. Gael then licked Fiona’s nubbin, delighting in the sensation of the man’s large shaft sliding past her tongue.

He withdrew almost completely now, baring his glans to Gael. She stretched her tongue to lick that too. She lapped his penis slowly, tickling at the nubbin of the girl as he slid the cockshaft into her again. She lapped them both together, making Fiona moan. The penis in Fiona’s vulva pulsed to every lick. Then Gael felt the bedsprings sag. As James knelt above the couple’s faces, Gael felt his swollen cock and gasped as he prized her sex apart and pushed it in.

Then the other man pushed Fiona up. He made her lick at James, just as Gael was licking at his cock. James withdrew his penis just enough to expose the head. Then Gael felt Fiona’s tongue lapping at her nubbin. She felt it migrate to James’s cock and back. Now she resumed her own work, her tongue making a long foray down Matt’s penis to lick his balls before returning to the other woman’s nub.

,’ she whispered. ‘This is really wicked.’

‘But isn’t it nice.’ James slapped her bottom hard, still wet from the shower, the soapsuds tingling as they burst. ‘Hussy,’ he growled. ‘What lengths will a woman go to to get a shot.’

‘A shot?’

‘Of adrenalin, my dear. And then a shot of jism.’ He laughed aloud and drove deeply into Gael, holding his shaft at full extension.

Gael could feel Fiona licking at his balls. She wriggled to get her contact with the tongue. Then she lapped the balls and clitoris below her.

Now James began to thrust in hard. Fiona licked them both in a frenzy of rising passion. Gael rasped around the edges of the other woman’s cleft as it sucked at the thrusting penis of the man.

James began to slap Gael hard. This only made her lap at Fiona with almost manic zeal.

And then they all came.

Gael felt James pump inside her, the firm root of his cock pressing hard against her nub as Fiona lapped it fast. Gael’s tongue sensed the vibration of Matt’s penis as it pumped inside the girl. She felt Fiona’s spasms as her muscles clamped down hard on to his cock.

When Matt withdrew his shaft, Gael took it in her mouth. She sucked on it slowly, lapping at its head. Meanwhile, the long slick shaft of James was pushing at her anus. He rubbed her with the glans, slippery from his ejaculation. Eventually they fell apart.

One by one they kissed. The men kissed Gael between her legs and Gael bit playfully at Fiona’s crotch. They all took turns in sucking Fiona’s swollen breasts, and the half-hard organs of each man.

James sucked Matt’s cock while Fiona licked at James’s, and Gael sucked gently on Matt’s hanging balls. It was so excitingly strange to lick a man like that while James sucked on Matt’s cock, taking it deeply into his mouth just as she would do to any man she wanted. When Gael’s mouth met James’s, they paused and then resumed their work.

Eventually Gael lay on her back and smiled, a man’s mouth in between her pulled-back legs, while the others sucked her breasts. It had been so undemanding. It had been totally lascivious, wicked, but so very nice. It had been so different from the way she had been dominated by Flanders.

A Soft Touch

in the drawing-room struck four as Gael surveyed the wreckage of the party. Dressed in a silk kimono, she sank into a large armchair and groaned. It would be light in an hour and time to get up soon after.

Sophie stood before her, her pubis bulging in the skin-tight body stocking. She looked almost naked.

‘Did you get many people confessing their fantasies and sins?’ Sophie asked as she looked down on Gael.

Gael smiled wanly. ‘After the first one they came in droves. I’ve got enough fantasies to be fulfilled to last me quite a while.’

‘It was a good do.’ Sophie smirked as she slumped full-length on the Chesterfield. She ran a finger through the crevice of her sex, moulding the pink material to its form. ‘I had a nice time. I went for a ride with someone from the Palace.’

‘A ride?’ Gael lay back, hardly able to take any notice.

‘He took me out in his Ferrari.’

‘A red Ferrari with a soft top?’

Sophie frowned. ‘That’s right.’


‘And we smooched a bit.’

‘Then he made you suck his prick while you squatted over the gear stick.’

Sophie frowned deeper. ‘How did you know that? Have you been spying on me?’

‘Brrrm, brrrm,’ she said mischievously.

The girl slitted her eyes. ‘He’s had you too, hasn’t he?’

Gael shrugged. ‘He has anyone he can get that way, my sweet.’

‘But he said he loved me.’

‘He says that to all the girls he has in his Ferrari. You’re too much of a soft touch, Sophie my love. Now – I really must go to bed.’



‘Can’t I come too?’

‘Shouldn’t you go home?’

‘It’s too late now. Anyway, I told Mum I would be staying here for the night.’

Gael was too weary to argue. They switched the lights out and went up, arm in arm.

Sophie eased away Gael’s kimono and stood studying her. In the mirror, Gael could see that her skin was flushed. Her cheeks were rosy, her breasts tight, the nipples a dusky shade of pink. Her orgasms had warmed her through and through.

Sophie took a nipple gently between her lips. ‘How many have you had tonight? This little stud looks positively rampant.’

‘Don’t ask,’ Gael yawned. ‘It’s been a hell of a night.’

‘And I hope there’ll be more like it,’ Sophie grinned. She slipped the front zip of her suit down, baring the deep cleavage of her breasts. Gael watched as the elongated navel was exposed and then the pubis. She closed her eyes for a second, not sure if she could stand having another naked woman in her bed.

But as the curvaceous hips and the long, sleek thighs were bared before her eyes, she found her body waking even though her mind was tired. She didn’t know what it was about nudity which roused her so –
particularly the nudity of a man or woman clearly ready to mate.

She stripped back the covers of the bed, still damp from the shower party. Then she lay back on the pillows watching Sophie pose as she strutted before the dressing mirror, pushing out her breasts. She pulled her belly in to make a flat, smooth plane from which the prominent pubis swelled, its ginger hair shining in the light of the bedside lamp. Sophie smoothed over it with a long-fingered hand and gave Gael a sultry look. Then she pirouetted, showing the full roundels of her bottom swelling from her hips. When she bent to pick up her garment, the purse of her sex was plain to see. Gael knew that she was meant to notice how moist it was.

Sophie stretched, pushed up her hair in the manner of Bardot, and pouted mischievously at Gael’s reflection in the mirror. Her breasts hung heavily as she raised her arms above her head, the nipples quite huge. She had not yet stopped lactating and Gael suspected that the glands were full of rich, warm milk.

Sophie dropped her hair again and sidled to the bed. She laid her slinky length beside Gael’s naked form and rested on one hand. Then she dangled one breast against Gael’s lips, and sighed as she felt Gael’s mouth.

Gael closed her eyes and sucked for a while.

‘Did he fuck you?’

Gael stopped sucking and looked up into the girl’s large eyes. ‘Did who fuck me?’

‘Todd. Did he screw you?’

‘What makes you think that?’

‘I saw him leaving the chapel in the moonlight. Did you arrange to meet him there?’

Gael shook her head. ‘He crept in and listened to the confessions. He grabbed me just as I was about to leave.’

‘And did he fuck you then?’

Gael stiffened as she focused on the eyes of the girl.
The look was hard. Gael felt as if her answer might make the difference between anger and relief.

‘He tried to.’ It was a lie and she hoped it wouldn’t show.

‘But you fought him off?’

Gael nodded, unwilling to add further to her deceit.

There was the look of relief on Sophie’s face as she whispered, ‘He’s a bastard but I love him.’

Gael’s spirits sank. It was the first time she’d heard Sophie confess that there was more to the relationship than lust. She stroked the girl’s soft cheek.

‘Why do you love him if you think he’s such a bastard?’

‘Because I can’t get enough of him.’

‘But that’s not love. It’s infatuation.’

Sophie shrugged. ‘OK – but I love the way he teases me before he fucks me.’ Sophie played idly with Gael’s nipple, twisting it gently between her fingers.

‘Isn’t that just because it’s exciting?’

‘Maybe it is. But when he’s not around I hanker after him.’

‘But does he – does he
for you?’ Gael couldn’t bring herself to say the word ‘love’ in the context of Flanders and the girl.

The redhead shook her head. ‘He only cares about getting his end away. I’m sure he’d screw anyone available if she lay down with her legs apart, her fanny winking at him in the moonlight.’

Gael thought that didn’t say much for herself. She had thought that Flanders had really fancied her. Even though she had played hard to get, he had still come after her strongly. But perhaps that was just sheer bloody-mindedness on his part – his unwillingness to be bested by a woman. Perhaps now that he had had her in the chapel, he would lay off. Perhaps his threats to carry out his fantasies about her were just bravado. Gael felt disappointment at the thought. Was it because
she wanted him? Was it because she was not willing to be bested by him, and was determined to have him on her own terms? She wanted to have him in a way that would satisfy her and make him angry. Anger in a man seemed always to turn her on so much more than soft, gentle treatment. She liked soft treatment from a woman – just as Sophie was toying with her breast. She liked the softness of a woman’s vulva against the lips of her mouth. She loved the elastic tension of breasts about her face. But in a man she needed hardness – the hardness of a fully rigid cock. The hardness of his thighs as he wrenched her legs apart. The hardness of his hips and belly and chest as he squashed her beneath himself and filled her with his length.

‘Todd fucked my arse yesterday.’ Sophie bent and sucked Gael’s nipple.

Gael was taken aback for a second. Then she asked matter-of-factly, ‘Did you like it?’

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