A Chamber of Delights (14 page)

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Authors: Katrina Young

BOOK: A Chamber of Delights
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‘I wanted to see why you needed the confessional cleaned.’ He pulled her to himself and bit her neck.

She pushed him off. ‘Get off me, Flanders, you sneak. You can consider yourself fired.’

He thrust her back against the confessional box and took her mouth so she couldn’t protest. Then he opened her robe and pushed it aside to bare her breasts to the cool night air.

‘What do you think you’re doing?’ she protested even though she knew perfectly well.

He laughed. ‘I’m getting in the habit.’

‘My God, that’s so corny. Now, let me go.’

‘Not until you’ve heard my confession.’

‘Go to hell.’

‘I probably shall unless you let me confess,

‘That was a game to amuse my guests.’

‘You’re fond of games, aren’t you, miss? Well – I’m going to play a game with you.’

‘Do your worst.’ She threw back her head defiantly.

‘Hear my confession, and then I’ll do my worst. Or perhaps you might think it’s my best.’

‘Get off me.’

‘Hear my confession for I have sinned.’ He bit her neck again and pressed himself hard against her pubis.

‘You’ll burn in hell for this.’

‘I shall if I continue to have fantasies about a certain woman. Let me confess my wildest dreams so I might be absolved.’

‘What woman do you mean?’

‘A sensual creature who pretends she doesn’t want me, but who flaunts herself around me and leads me on. A witch who teases me then shuts me out.’

‘Then you deserve everything she gives you, you jerk.’

‘But it doesn’t serve my needs. I have thoughts about her that I can’t get out of my head.’

‘I can imagine the kind of thoughts you have.’

His hand was around her naked bottom now, the long fingers slipping through its crevice. He pulled her to himself so that her pubis was hard against his erection.

‘I have wicked thoughts. I want to take her to the stable loft and hang her by her ankles, her legs open, her quim level with my mouth.’


‘And I want to lick her as she wriggles and struggles against my tongue and pleads with me to make her come.’

‘Don’t kid yourself that I’d plead with you for anything.’

‘And she might swear that she wouldn’t plead. But I’d run a feather up and down the inside of her thighs, and stroke her quim so nicely that she’d be driven to distraction. And when she finally pleaded with me to bring her off, I’d pluck at her nipples and bite her in the hollows of her groin.’

Gael was trembling and she knew that he would feel her.

‘And when she’d almost come, I’d cut her down and leave her lying in the hay, begging me to fuck her.’

‘Bastard.’ It was whispered as Gael found her anger melting. She was softening in his arms with the sensations he was instilling in her. The thought of being hung up by the ankles and sucked between the legs was making her excited beyond all reason.

She sighed before she could stop herself. Then she hardened her manner. ‘And now, if you’ve finished, you can let me go.’

‘But I’ve got two other fantasies to confess.’

‘Keep them to yourself.’

He whispered them in her ear and sent his tongue in after the words. The graphic descriptions which he gave made her tremble.

He sucked her earlobe. ‘But now I’m going to teach that woman a lesson. I’m going to finish what she started in the scullery.’

Gael began to struggle but he held her by the wrists. When he wrestled her to the stone floor, only her robe kept her from yelping from its coldness.

She felt him immediately, strong between her legs. He must have slipped his tracksuit down sometime during the banter and bared himself so he was ready to have her at the slightest chance.

His shaft was hot against the coldness of the air. He held her arms above her head and eased slowly into her so that she felt the heat of it, a millimetre at a time. It seemed ages until she sensed the prickliness of his scrotum between the hollows of her inner thighs and instinctively widened her legs so that he could fill her fully.

Then he drew out, just as slowly, holding her down hard, the whole of his weight squashing her breasts, his belly rasping against hers.

‘Is that slow enough for you, miss?’ He pushed against her clitoris with the root of his erection. Then he withdrew just as slowly and tantalisingly.

‘It makes no difference how slow or fast you do it. You won’t make me like it.’

But he did. He kept the slow, long strokes going steadily, pressing briefly on her clitoris each time, until she wanted to scream at him to take her hard and fast. But she would not scream like Sophie had. She would not give him that satisfaction.

His mouth came down on hers.

She tried to turn away but he matched her movement and kissed her tenderly. Again she felt her anger melting. Despite his brashness, he seemed to know how to take a woman with passion.

‘And I have this fantasy,’ he whispered, ‘to have a woman underneath me, with my cock deep in her cunt, while she writhes and screams at me repeatedly to fuck her hard.’

‘You can forget anything like that, you pig. I’d never beg a brute like you.’

He bit her neck playfully and whispered, ‘Assuage my need,
, and I’ll reward you well.’ He continued his slow motions between her legs, occasionally biting at her neck, and landing little kisses on her lips.

Now she wanted to come. She needed release again. The whole of her body was alight from the stimulation of hearing other people’s fantasies. And she was trembling from the strength and audacity of this man as he worked on her without a pause.

At last she could stand it no longer. ‘All right. You win. Fuck me, Flanders.’ She said it to herself, more than to him. It was barely audible, but he heard it.

‘Ah, so she prays and repents. Say it louder, my child, and your prayers will be answered.’

‘I’ve said it once. You’ve won. I hope it does your damned ego good. Screw me and let me go.’

He took her strongly, each stroke driving deeply into her so that her breasts bounced as he lifted himself on his hands. She felt the curve of his penis as he arched his back and thrust. She felt his testicles knocking against the softness of her bottom. Now she wound her legs around his hips so she was stretched widely for him to push down into her.

She came as he wanted her to, wriggling on him and gasping, ‘Fuck me. Oh God, that feels so good.’ But still she did not come as fully as she had when Anthony had taken her from behind.

Then she felt the heat of Flanders’ ejaculation on her belly before he rubbed his scrotum up and down her, using the lubrication of his semen and her nectar to slide in. He slipped over her, rubbing his scrotum on her pubis, over her navel and then between her breasts. The tip of his penis pushed under her chin, its wetness leaving a trail of his living fluid on her skin. The scent of it drove her to need him again already. She needed a longer, more explosive orgasm. Now she bent her neck and captured his cock in her mouth, sucking on it lightly.

He pulled it away from her, rubbed his sac over her face and let her kiss it. But then he rose and looked down on her smugly as he forced her legs apart with his feet, her body glistening with his seed, her sex lips still moving with her orgasm.

‘You two-faced little minx,’ he whispered, pushing his toe between the lips of her sex, opening it out as he rubbed her nub.

‘You’re fired,’ she hissed, and closed her legs on his toe as he continued to wiggle it.

He shrugged as he stood back from her, the moonlight highlighting his shaft. It was standing just as stiff as it had when he’d abandoned Sophie by the lake. So he was one of those men who could keep it up for ages.

He turned to leave, his penis jogging as he moved. ‘Good night, miss. Leave your donation for the service on the plate. I’ll see you in the morning.’

A Change of Gear

habit tightly around herself. She skirted the woods and entered the stable yard so as not to be seen approaching the house. She wanted to shower and wash away Todd Flanders’ semen. She wanted to put on some decent clothes. The charade of the confessional was over, for that night, at least. But she felt that the game which she and Flanders were playing had hardly begun.

A red Ferrari stood in the shadows by the coachhouse. Bentleys and Jaguars hemmed it in. Its hood was down and the engine was running. As Gael watched, it rocked. She approached it from behind, curious to see what was making it move.

The occupants were quite unaware of her, they were so engrossed in their game. The seats were angled almost flat. A blond-haired man reclined behind the wheel, dabbing the accelerator pedal occasionally to make the car vibrate. His penis reared powerfully from his trousers. Gael could see in the rear-view mirror that his eyes were closed.

His companion was one of the girls who had come in see-through tops. She knelt in the centre of the car, facing to the rear, a knee on each black leather seat. With her skirt up around her head, she had bared her lower body. Even if she looked up she would not have
seen Gael standing in the shadow in her robe, the cowl obscuring her face.

‘Brrm, brrm,’ he whispered and dabbed the throttle as the girl gripped his penis. ‘First gear now.’

She pulled his shaft as if she were changing gear.

‘Brrm, brrm. Change it into second, darling, and drive me into ecstasy. You do it so very well.’

As she worked it to and fro, her bottom bobbed, the cheeks almost brushing the polished dash.

Now Gael realised what they were doing. The girl was crouched over the gear stick. She seemed to have it deep between her legs. And as he revved the engine, Gael could imagine how it vibrated in the tunnel of her sex.

‘Faster,’ she whispered.

He revved the engine and let it die.

‘Oh my God, that feels so nice.’ She changed gear with his cock, making him raise his hips and strain it upward. Then she plunged down on the gear stick and gave a gasp.

The man spurted high into the air.

The girl shuddered and took his penis in her mouth.

Gael turned away, unable to stand the stimulation. She wanted to mouth that cock just as she had loved to mouth any man after he’d spurted and left her needing more of it. But Flanders had pulled it away from her. She had nearly chased after him and made him take her again. She hated the way he made her feel.

She entered the house, trembling at the knees, not knowing how much longer she could stand the torture of not coming properly. The downstairs rooms were sparsely populated. She guessed that the bedrooms would be busier. She checked with people to see that they had as much coffee as they wanted and that there was still food on the buffet.

As she ran up the staircase to her room, the sound of laughter coming through the door stopped her in mid-stride. She eased the door ajar. Two naked men knelt on
her bed beside a reclining young woman. She was reaching up, a phallus in each hand, shrieking with laughter as one of them ran a feather duster on a stick up and down the insides of her legs.

‘Now, which one of you will I do?’ she said, working each penis slowly. ‘I only want the biggest.’

Each man thrust through her fingers pumping up his shaft.

The girl sat up and studied them, seeming to be trying to decide. She pulled them together and measured one against the other. Then she pouted. ‘I think they’re the same. Oh dear. I’ll have to try them both.’

Gael was tired. All she wanted was to get to her shower and dress in something decent. She pushed open the door and went in. They all looked up and smiled. ‘Cracking good party, Gael,’ one man said. ‘When can we come again?’

‘I haven’t come at all yet,’ the girl shrieked as one man slipped his hand between her legs and worked at her firmly. She wriggled on the hand and plucked at her nipples.

‘Don’t mind me,’ Gael said with a careless wave. ‘I’m going to freshen up.’ She slipped into her bathroom and flung the habit down. She turned on the shower and stepped in. The heat was delicious as it trickled down her body. The rivulets of water crept in between her legs. She raised her arms and ran her fingers through her hair. My God, what a day and night it had been. She stood in the streaming water for some minutes. Then hands around her breasts made her freeze. Another pair running down the inside of her thighs made her sigh. Then a third pair, more gentle and with a lighter touch, slipped between her legs. She didn’t turn as they lathered her. The heat of the water and the illicit touching of the hands was already bringing her body back to life.

She moaned and closed her eyes.

A Swinging Foursome

of a slim hand sawed through the warm, wet place between her legs, Gael set her feet apart. She closed her eyes and waited. It was so long since she’d made love in a group. Perhaps it would be better than with a single man. It must be less fraught than with Todd Flanders.

One man, standing behind her in the steaming shower, lifted her breasts, kneaded them lovingly and touched the nipples lightly.

The other man was on his knees beside her, one hand running over the hollow of her back, the other up and down her front. He paused at her pubis, stroked it gently and then eased his finger into her, toying with her nubbin. Here it met the fingers of the girl, her thumb already deep inside the fleshy purse Gael had opened up by widening her stance. The fingertips of man and woman met. ‘Get out, Matt,’ she protested, ‘she’s mine.’ Their fingers fenced between Gael’s legs, trying playfully to take possession of her.

Gael didn’t really care who won the contest. All she wanted for the moment was to be touched there, tenderly.

The man at her breasts kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, ‘I’m going to fuck you, hostess.’ His whisper was only just audible above the hissing of the shower.

She recalled him well when he’d arrived, his black hair parted in the centre, slicked back, 1930s style. He had worn a black tuxedo, a white scarf flung nonchalantly around his neck. But what had caught her eye the most was the way a prominent bulge in his trousers had shown that he had already been aroused.

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