daughter of
and Shakespeare’s plays
and Virginia Company
abandonment plans
archaeological discoveries in
celebration of Delaware’s arrival at
colonial council of
colonial laws in
desperate life in
disease in
economic promise of
English investment in
English occupation of
execution for mutiny in
expansion of
First and Second Supplies to
food shortages in
Indian warfare with
laborers traveling to
lassitude in
miners in
mortality rate in
northern campsite
recruitment for
restoration of
search for silver in
settlers’ arrival from Bermuda
Starving Time in
Strachey’s reports on
Third Supply to
tradesmen traveling to
Virginia Company propaganda about
wine produced in
Jamestown Rediscovery project
Johnson, Robert:
and class distinctions
pamphlets by
Jonson, Ben
Bartholomew Fair
Eastward Hoe
News from the New World Discovered in the Moon
popularity of
Sejanus: His Fall
Strachey’s friendship with
Jourdain, Silvester:
on Bermuda life
on Bermuda myths
and Delaware’s arrival
Discovery of the Barmodas
and hurricane
and land sighting
and Shakespeare’s
Joyce, James,
Indian town
renamed Fort Henry and Fort Charles
settlers living in
Kelso, William M.
King’s Men
and fire
and Shakespeare
The Tempest
Kipling, Rudyard
“The Coiner,”
Knowles, Richard
Ladies of the Bedchamber
Lello, Henry
Lembri, Francisco
Lewis, Richard
arrival at Jamestown
disappearance in hurricane
leaving England
black plague in
livery companies (unions) of
Office of the Revels
population in
theatrical entertainment in
Sea Venture
on Bermuda
as guide in Jamestown
and hurricane
leaving Bermuda
and Namontack’s disappearance
and Shakespeare’s
Madre de Dios
Magellan, Ferdinand
Marston, John
Martin, John
Martin, Richard
Martin, William
Marx, Leo,
The Machine in the Garden
Masquing House, London
Menéndez de Avilés, Pedro
Meteren, Emanuel van
Molina, Diego de
Montaigne, Michel de, “Of the Cannibals,”
(play, Anon.)
Mulberry Island
Namontack of Tsenacomoco:
Sea Venture
on Bermuda
disappearance of
and hurricane
and Shakespeare’s
visit to England
Nansemond River
Netherlands, treaty with Spain
Newport, Christopher:
on Bermuda
and cultural exchange
early years of
feared lost
landing at Bermuda
and Namontack
return to England
return to Jamestown
Sea Venture
and Spanish spies
New World:
books about
exploration of
Golden Age of
imposition of foreign culture in
indigenous people visiting Old World from
popular attention to
river passage to India sought in
savages in
and Shakespeare’s play
treasures from
Norwood, Richard, on Bermuda
Nova Britannia
(Virginia Company)
Nuestra Señora del Rosario
O’Neal, Cothburn,
The Dark Lady
Oxford, Edward de Vere, Earl of
Paine, Henry
Paspahegh, Indian town
Patawomecks, trading for food
arrival in Virginia
construction of
leaving Bermuda
return to England
sail to Bermuda for food
Pearepoint, Francis
Percy, George
acting governor
and execution for mutiny
and Indians
in Jamestown
and Kecoughtan massacre
and Spanish spies
Perez, Marco Antonio
Persons, Elizabeth:
and hurricane
and Powell
Sea Venture
Philes, Michael
Pierce, Joan (daughter)
Pierce, Joan (wife)
Pierce, William:
arrival in Jamestown
on Bermuda
prosperity of
Sea Venture
Pigafetta, Antonio
Plymouth, England:
Mitre Inn in
Point Comfort
Portugal, New World colonies of
Portugal Current
Powell, Thomas:
on Bermuda
and Elizabeth Persons
and conversion to Christianity
dictionary of
English descriptions of
food of
Strachey’s interest in
traditional hairstyle of
violence between settlers and
in Virginia
Price, Rev. Daniel
Purchas, Samuel,
Purchas His Pilgrimes
Quiney, Thomas
Raleigh, Sir Walter
Ramirez, Diego
Ratcliffe, John
Ravens, Henry
Reede, Humphrey
Renan, Ernest
Rich, Richard,
Newes from Virginia: The Lost Flocke Triumphant
Roanoke colony
Rolfe, Bermuda:
birth of
death of
Rolfe, Goodwife “Goody”:
baby born to
Sea Venture
Rolfe, John:
and baby’s birth
and Pocahontas
Sea Venture
third wife of
Rorschach blot
Royal Exchange
Sagadahoc colony (Maine)
St. Elmo’s fire
Salisbury, Earl of
Samuel, Edward
Savage, Thomas
Scot, Anthony
Sea Venture:
animals on
approaching Bermuda
in convoy
feared lost
hurricane encountered by
landing at Bermuda
land sighted on
leakage of
leaving England
literary references to
memorial to
passengers on
on postage stamp
pumping and bailing of
and rogue wave
sailors on
and St. Elmo’s fire
salvage from
shipboard life on
size of
Strachey assigned to
survival of settlers aboard
wreck of
Shakespeare, Anne (wife)
Shakespeare, Hamnet (son)
Shakespeare, Judith (daughter)
Shakespeare, Susanna (daughter)
Shakespeare, William:
classical allusions of
controversy about identity of
death of
Shakespeare, William (
King Lear
and King’s Men
and Kipling
in later years
patrons of
plays co-authored by
plays presented at Masquing House
popularity of
sources of ideas for
Tempest, see Tempest, The
writing a play about the New World
Sharpe, Samuel
Shirley, James
Smith, John:
Bermuda described by
on boat-building
cargoes described by
colonists described by
as governor
Jamestown described by
leaving for England
and Newport
sailors described by
on shipboard life
on Somers’s burial
True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Noate
in Virginia
Smith, Thomas
Somers, Sir George:
as admiral of the fleet
arrival in Virginia
as Bermuda founder
and Bermuda landing
and Bermuda life
and boat-building
death of
and Delaware’s arrival
descriptions of
and discord
early years of
feared lost
and hurricane
land sighted by
leaving Bermuda
map of Bermuda by
memorials to
on postage stamp
return to Bermuda for food
and St. Elmo’s fire
Somers, Joan
Somers, Matthew
Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of
claims to Virginia
New World treasures of
spies from
treaty with Netherlands
Spanish Armada
Spelman, Henry
Strachey, Edmund (son)
Strachey, Frances Forster (wife)
Strachey, Helen (granddaughter)
Strachey, Lytton (descendant), “Shakespeare’s Final Period,”
Strachey, William:
arrival in Virginia
as aspiring writer
authority respected by
on Bermuda
and Blackfriars Theater
and class prejudices
death of
and Delaware
family background of
financial problems of
Historie of Travaile into Virginia Britannia
and hurricane
and Indian attacks
Indian life studied by
influence on literature
and Jamestown’s desperate straits
landing at Bermuda
and land sighting
leaving Bermuda
marriage of
“On Sejanus” (sonnet) by
patronage sought by
Powhatans seen in England by
preparations to leave England
return to England
ring of
and St. Elmo’s fire
schooling of
Sea Venture
and Shakespeare’s
travel narratives read by
True Repertory
and Turkish assignment
as Virginia chronicler
Strachey, William (father)
Strachey, William (grandfather)
Strachey, William Jr. (son)
Stratford-upon-Avon, England
arrival at Jamestown
disappearance in hurricane
leaving England
return to England
Swift, James
Symonds, Rev. William
Tackonekintaco (Indian leader)
Tangoit (Indian)
Taylor, John, the Water Poet
Tempest, The
Ariel in
at Blackfriars Theater
Caliban in
endurance of
“Full Fathom Five,”
influence of
language of
popularity of
production of
publication of
putting the story together
sources of ideas for
“Where the Bee Sucks,”
Thomas, William,
Historye of Italye
Tien, Jasper
Torrid Zone
Tsenacomoco, Powhatans in
arrival at Jamestown
births at sea
disappearance in hurricane
leaving England
Uranus, moons named for Shakespearean characters
Velasco, Alonso de
arrival from Bermuda
conflicting European claims to
drought in
economic potential of
indigenous peoples in
lumber from
parodied by playwrights
Roanoke colony in
Virginia Company:
disasters faced by
financial problems of
inadequate funding from
and Jamestown difficulties
and passengers to New World
private ownership of
promotional materials produced by
recruitment by
return on investment sought by
revised charter of
river passage to India sought by
settlers’ obligation to
shares of stock in