A Baby For The Billionaire (3 page)

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Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #pregnancy, #sex, #erotic romance, #breeding, #billionaire, #sexy story, #billionaire erotica, #sexy billionaire, #sex billionaire, #sex bok

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Alicia’s eyes opened wide as she
finally realized where she was and who was talking to her. Holy
crap! Not only had she dressed up in Vanessa’s clothes, put on her
makeup and perfume and drunk and extremely expensive bottle of
champagne, she’d then being stupid enough to actually fall asleep
on her boss’s bed. What the hell had she been thinking? Her brain
couldn’t come up with an explanation quick enough, so she stalled
for time while she swung her legs off the side of the


“Well? I’m waiting for an explanation,
Alicia.” Chase understandably sounded pissed off, and Alicia
swallowed against the lump that had suddenly formed in her throat.
“You know that Vanessa is away, and we both know that there is no
love lost between the two of you so there is no way she would have
given you permission to come in here and try on her things.” His
voice was getting sterner with every word, and Alicia felt more
nervous with each passing syllable.


With her stomach flipping and her
words shaking, she took a few steps towards her disgruntled
employer. “I’m s-so sorry, C-Chase.” She nervously smoothed the now
wrinkled dress down as she spoke. “I don’t know what came over me.
I promise, I’ve never done anything like this before, and it will
never happen again.” She was pretty sure that she was about to get
fired anyway, so it was an easy promise to make.


“You seriously expect me to believe
that?” Chase’s voice had become even colder, if that was possible,
and Alicia’s eyes fluttered between him and the door as she tried
desperately to think of an escape plan.


It was obvious that Chase had been
drinking that evening, and for once he didn’t look like his usual
immaculate self. With his thick, dark hair disheveled and his neck
tie undone and hanging loosely around his open shirt neck, he
looked as though he should be on the front cover of a women’s


Alicia felt her heart skip another
beat, but this time it wasn’t the nerves. The undeniable attraction
she’d always felt towards Chase had definitely kicked up a notch,
and even though she was pretty sure it was because they were both
slightly inebriated, the knowledge didn’t help her in the


She paced around the room in total
frustration, her blood boiling and her body shaking with a
combination of anger and nerves. It was bad enough that Chase
treated her like nothing more than a lackey when all the other
members of staff were treated with respect, but now he doubted her
integrity and her honesty. The fact that she had now brought it on
herself by coming into their room and trying on his wife’s clothes
just made her feel even more frustrated.


“I know it was wrong of me, Chase, but
this is the first time I’ve ever done anything like this. I know
you probably don’t believe me, and I can’t say I blame you, but
it’s the truth.” Her words came out in a rush, with hardly a second
spared for breathing and even less time allowed for thinking
through what she was actually saying.


“It’s not like I planned on stealing
anything. Well, apart from the bottle of champagne I drank, but I
really thought that it was just wine when I opened the fridge and
I’ve never had real champagne before and there were so many bottles
that I didn’t think you’d miss one.” She took a deep breath and
came to stand before Chase on legs that still weren’t completely
steady, but which didn’t threaten to give way beneath her


The way that Chase was looking at her
made her shut her mouth with a snap. The heat that she’d seen in
the early days of working for him was back in his eyes, as he
watched her and listened to what she was saying. Alicia gulped as
she recognized the desire in his eyes, and she felt a flickering
response of the same emotion start to build up in the pit of the


With a sense of something that felt
almost like desperation, she clung to the resentment that had been
building up inside her for months. How did he make her want him
without saying a word? He has no right to make her feel this


“Stop it, Chase. If you had called
anybody else in here you would have already fired their ass and
frog-marched them out of the house. So don't you dare stand there
and look at me with eyes that tell me you want me, when you've made
it blatantly clear that you can't stand the sight of me half the


“What the hell are you talking about,
Alicia. Why do you think that I don't like you?” The expression on
his face seemed to be one of genuine confusion, and Alicia groaned
with an answering confusion of her own.


“You're always yelling at me for
something. And nine times out of ten it's something that nobody
else would have gotten yelled at for. So how am I not supposed to
feel that you don't like me?” She felt it was a fair question to
ask, but still held her breath while she waited for Chase to


Chase gave a wry chuckle as he
listened to her tipsy tirade. She obviously had no idea just how
cute she looked standing in front of him with her long hair all
tousled from her nap. He had seen his wife wear the black sequined
dress before, but he could honestly say that she had never looked
as good in it as Alicia did right now. He wasn't surprised when he
felt his cock thicken and start to get hard in his


Alicia had always affected him
sexually, but he had done everything in his power to ignore the
attraction he had felt for her from the very first day he met her.
Even though his and Vanessa's marriage might not be a conventional
one, he didn't want anybody to know that, and they both made a
concerted effort to keep up an appearance of unity and


The truth of the matter, though, was
that he and Vanessa no longer had anything in common. He couldn't
remember the last time they had sex, and wasn’t sure that they had
ever made love in the whole time they'd be married.


Of course, Alicia didn't know any of
that, and while he'd been fighting his growing attraction to her,
seeing her standing in front of him with her cheeks flushed from
sleep, embarrassment, and unwarranted anger towards him, was
turning him on more than he could handle or hide. He let her finish
whatever it was she’d been saying, and then, almost of their own
volition, his arms reached out and took hold of her shoulders. He
pulled her towards him and leaned his head down to capture her lips
with his mouth.


Later on, in the cold light of day,
Alicia would swear to the fact that she must have still been under
the influence of the champagne, but right now all she could think
of was the taste and feel of Chase's lips on hers. She had never
messed around with a married man before, and if she was completely
sober she would probably have pulled away, slapped his face and
stormed off in indignation. But she had fantasized about this
moment for almost a year, and she didn't think she would be able to
stop even if she wanted to.


She had never been a particularly
aggressive lover, but her inhibitions flew out of the window the
minute she felt the warmth of his mouth against hers. As Chase
started to pull his head away from her she wound her hands in his
hair and pulled his face back down to hers, locking lips with his
in a kiss that was almost desperate.


As though sensing her urgency but
wanting to slow things down a little, Chase tried to soften the
kiss by pulling back slightly. But Alicia was having none of it,
tightening her hands in his hair and clamping her mouth against his
with such force that their teeth grated together as their mouths


Once again Chase pulled away from her,
this time not letting her pull his head back into her. “Whoa,
Alicia. There's no rush—we have all night.” He took her by the hand
and walked towards the bed, his shirt and pants already undone,
though neither of them could remember having done it. As he turned
to face her once more, it was Chase who initiated the next kiss; a
soft, tender one that was gentle and sweet and not at all what
Alicia needed or wanted.


Restlessly, she pulled away from him
again, her conscience starting to get the better of her. “We
shouldn't be doing this, Chase, it's wrong. What about


“Vanessa isn't here, is she? You must
know that she and I share nothing in this marriage except my name
and our finances. We haven't been a proper husband and wife for
years, Alicia, and I don't think that I can deny this attraction we
have between us anymore.”


While he'd been talking his hands had
been stroking soothingly up and down her bare arms, and Alicia
could feel her flesh tingle at his touch. “This is so wrong,
Chase,” she whispered.


“It might be wrong, but it feels so
good, doesn't it?” Chase's voice was hoarse with lust and as he
spoke his hands went around her back to the zipper of the dress and
tugged it down. Without another word he slid the sequined material
off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor around her feet,
leaving her standing in just her underwear.


Alicia couldn't argue with him. It
didn't just feel good, it felt amazing. The warmth of his hands was
only rivaled by the heat of his lips as he crushed her to him in an
embrace that literally took her breath away. Screw the rights and
wrongs of the situation. Right now she was just going to enjoy what
she'd been dreaming of for so long, and damn the


She felt the bed at the back of her
legs and sat down on the edge of the mattress, looking up at the
magnificence of Chase above her. She desperately tried to keep her
eyes away from the very obvious bulge that was now at eye level,
and only partially succeeded.


“See what you do to me?” She hardly
recognized Chase's voice but she had imagined that it would be just
like this; guttural, husky, and sexy as hell. He bent down to her
raised face and planted another kiss on her willing lips, before
trailing kisses across her cheek and down to her neck, making her
shiver in response as his comment brought her eyes to the very
thing they’d been trying to avoid.


His erection was pushing against his
clothing, unashamedly letting her know exactly what she did to him.
She moaned as she tilted her head sideways to give him better
access, all rational thought fleeing her mind as she felt the
warmth of his breath and the heat of his mouth. Her hands reached
up and took hold of his shirt, tugging at it until he pulled his
mouth away from her with a chuckle. “What do you want,


She looked up at him and scowled
prettily. “You, Chase. I want you down here with me. Please”. She
wasn’t one to beg for sexual favors, but damn it, she’d fantasized
about this for so long that she didn’t think she could wait any
longer. Or maybe, she thought briefly, she still had too much
alcohol in her system. But right now she really didn’t care about
her reasoning. All she cared about was the fact that he was here
with her, and that he wanted her just like she’d wanted him for so


Chase stood up straight and pulled his
shirt completely off, giving her her first proper glimpse of his
muscular frame. As his hands went to the waistband of his pants,
Alicia moved them away. “Let me, please?” She hardly recognized her
own voice as her lust-laden words reached her ears.


Chase chuckled throatily and moved his
hands away, placing one on her shoulder and one on the back of her
head. “How could I say no when you ask so sweetly?”


With unsteady fingers, Alicia tugged
at the waistband of his pants, pulling them down over his ass and
then releasing them to let them fall to his ankles. His boxer
briefs were next on her agenda, and she made quick work of removing
them also, her eyes widening at the sight of his manhood as it
finally sprang free from its prison of clothing.


She licked her lips without even
knowing she was doing it, and Chase moaned as he watched her, his
hand tightening imperceptibly on her head. Alicia glanced up at
him, her eye locking with his as her hand inched towards his
thickness. She watched in fascination as he swallowed hard and held
his breath as her fingers closed around his girth, his eyes
flickering closed while his fingers tangled in her hair and gave a
gentle tug.


“What do you want?” It was her turn to
ask him, although as his hips moved in her direction it didn’t take
rocket science to figure out the answer without him having to voice
it. Still, turnabout was fair play, and he’d made her answer the
very same question a mere few minutes earlier.


He groaned again, his eyes opening as
he looked back down at her upturned face. Her hand had closed
around him, but other than that she hadn’t moved a muscle, and in
the distant recesses of her mind she couldn’t help but wonder if
she was, in some perverse way, enjoying being in control for once.
After all, he’d bossed her around for months now, so it felt good
for the boot to be on the other foot, so to speak.


“I’m waiting.” Okay, now she really
was being a bitch, but she was damned if she was going to do a
single thing more until he’d answered her. Well, maybe she’d just
do a little something, she thought, impishly. She tightened her
fingers around his shaft, squeezing him just enough to make his
eyes go wide and cause a gasp to escape his lips, sending a thrill
of pleasurable power coursing through her.

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