A Baby For The Billionaire

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Authors: Evelyn Troy

Tags: #pregnancy, #sex, #erotic romance, #breeding, #billionaire, #sexy story, #billionaire erotica, #sexy billionaire, #sex billionaire, #sex bok

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A Baby For The





By Evelyn Troy


Copyright 2015 by Forbidden Fruit


All rights reserved. Except for use in
any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole
or in part by any means, now known or hereafter invented, including
xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information
storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the explicit
written permission of the author.


All characters depicted in this
fictional work are consenting adults, of at least eighteen years of
age. Any resemblance to persons living or deceased, particular
businesses, events, or exact locations are entirely






Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten








“Alicia!” It wasn’t the fact that her
name was unexpectedly called out that made her almost jump out of
her apron. It was the fact that it was bellowed in such a way that
she knew she was in trouble. Again. It seemed she was always in hot
water for one thing or another these days; figuratively and


She fought back the sigh that
threatened to escape her lips, and turned to face the man who had
so unceremoniously yelled her name. “Yes, sir?” She was quite proud
of the fact that she didn’t stutter or stumble over her words,
although she could feel her face starting to flush as she caught
sight of him.


Chase Carter had been her boss for
almost a year. Actually it was he and his wife, Vanessa, who had
employed her as their live-in housekeeper when she’d had to give up
college and move closer to home to help take care of her sick
mother and ease some of the financial burden of escalating medical
costs. Dropping out of college had been upsetting, but doing
nothing would have been so much worse. Thank goodness she had
managed to find this job relatively quickly, and the wages were
good enough that she could pay her mom’s bills, even though there
was nothing left over at the end of each paycheck.


“Alicia!” She jumped as Chase
impatiently called her again. “Did you even hear what I


She felt her blush deepen as
she realized she hadn’t heard a single thing he’d said other than
her name. “I’m sorry, sir. Chase! I mean. I’m sorry, Chase.” She
hastily corrected herself when she saw the quick scowl flash across
his handsome face. He’d told her numerous times to
drop the sir crap
, but
whenever she felt flustered it seemed to creep back in before she
could think.


She watched as he sighed dramatically,
his wide shoulders rising up and down as he exhaled. “Really,
Alicia, you need to pay more attention.” She was about to apologize
again when he turned and walked away with a curt “With me,


With a sense of trepidation, she
closed her lips around her apology and meekly followed him instead,
wondering why and when he had started being so surly towards her.
When she had started working for the Carters he had seemed so
friendly, always going out of his way to say a kind word or
encourage her. There had even been a few occasions when Alicia
could have sworn that he had actually been flirting with her, and
the look of pent up desire she’d seen smoldering in his eyes when
he looked at her couldn’t have just been a figment of her
imagination, could it?


Over the past few months his attitude
had changed drastically though, and now he very rarely even cracked
a smile at her, let alone had something nice to say. His wife,
Vanessa, had always been a cold bitch, and Alicia was fine with
that because she didn’t really like the woman anyway, but Chase
being mean always made her feel small and insecure; and she had no
idea what she’d done wrong to bring about the change in


She followed him until he came to an
abrupt halt at the threshold to the expansive, formal dining room.
Stopping herself a split second before she bumped into his
impressive backside, she looked up at him inquisitively as he
turned his head to look at her. “Do you remember what I told you
about setting the sterling cruet sets at each end of the table?” He
raised an eyebrow imperiously, and Alicia gulped and nodded. “Then
why are they in the center of the table? It’s a simple request, and
yet you seem incapable of following the simplest of


Alicia felt the stirrings of
frustrated anger building up inside her. Another member of staff,
Lucy, had actually set the table tonight, so it genuinely wasn’t
Alicia's fault that it wasn’t laid to his Lord and Master’s
delicate specifications. She wasn’t about to get the young girl in
trouble by telling him that, but she really did wish Chase would go
back to how he used to be when she first started working for him.
Back then he would have asked her before reprimanding her, and even
then he would have scolded her gently rather than being an absolute
ass about it.


“I’m waiting for an answer.” His
gravelly voice had raised an octave, and Alicia felt her stomach
drop at the same time her anger mounted. She raised her chin
defiantly and looked her employer in the eye as she replied to the
question that had been laced with sarcasm.


“I’m sorry, Chase. It won’t happen
again.” Her tone was as curt as his had been, but she did manage to
refrain from blasting him with what was really on the tip of her
tongue, because that probably would have ended up getting her


Her boss scowled at her one more time
for good measure before turning and walking away. “Make sure that
it doesn’t, Alicia. I’d hate to have to reprimand you more


I doubt that very much.
Alicia cursed the burgeoning bloom of desire that pooled between
her legs at Chase’s words. Being reprimanded severely by him might
prove to be fun, she thought, and then mentally chastised herself
for the inappropriate thoughts that were flying through her
He's a married man, for God's sake,
Alicia. Get a grip, woman
. She mentally
chastised herself and pushed all thoughts of her boss from her mind
as she continued with her duties.


With a determined effort, Alicia set
about the task of rearranging the cruet sets on the table,
muttering to herself under her breath as she worked. She could
understand Chase wanting them placed at the ends of the table
simply because of the sheer size of the thing. But why he had to
insist on the table being set every day, even when he wasn't going
to be home to eat, just seemed ridiculous to her.


Chase wasn't going to be home tonight
because he had a charity dinner to attend at a swanky hotel in the
heart of the city, so why he was getting his pants in a pickle was
beyond her. Still, with him out for the evening and his wife away
for a week on one of her absurd and frequent detox holidays, Alicia
would at least be able to relax a little and not worry about him
being mean to her for a few hours.


She finished off her tasks and then
went to clean up, making her way to the top floor of the
impressively large house where her room was situated. She closed
and locked her door behind her and stripped off her clothes as she
walked across the small but functional room to the equally as small
and functional bathroom. She considered herself lucky to be living
at her place of employment as she could afford to save money, which
in turn meant she could help her mother more.


Stepping into the hot spray of the
shower water, Alicia felt herself start to relax and gave a deep,
cleansing sigh, bowing her head to let the water warm soothe her as
it cascaded down over her tired and aching body. Not wanting to
linger too long, she reached for the shampoo and washed her long,
thick hair before turning her attention to her body.


As her hands roamed over her soapy,
slick skin, she couldn’t stop the errant thoughts of Chase from
entering her wayward mind. She had often fantasized about what it
would be like to have his hands on her, and in the early months of
her employment she had wondered if he had thought the same thing.
She thought that she had caught a heated yearning in his eyes when
he had looked at her on more than one occasion, especially when he
thought she wasn’t looking. And yet, while Alicia had thought that
it was desire that she’d seen smoldering in the chocolatey-brown
depths of his gaze, lately all she’d seen was ice, not


She sighed and rinsed the soap suds
from her body before stepping out and wrapping a large fluffy towel
around her as she walked back into her bedroom, rubbing another
towel vigorously through her hair as she went. She glanced at the
cell phone on her nightstand and noticed she’d missed a call while
in the shower. With a worried frown she listened to the voicemail,
her mother’s frail voice filling her with emotions she was becoming
all too familiar with. Feelings of trepidation, dread and an
overwhelming sense of loss, that seemed too premature to even
consider, brought tears to her eyes that she impatiently brushed
away as she dialed her mother’s number and took a deep breath to
steady herself before making sure that her voice was upbeat and
cheerful when her parent answered on the third ring.


“Hey, Momma. I’m sorry I missed your
call. Is everything okay?” She held her breath while she waited for
a reply.


“Of course everything’s okay, baby
girl. You need to stop worrying; you’re not going to get rid of me
that easily.” Her mother’s joking voice reassured Alicia even while
it made her heart skip a beat at the words. “I was just wondering
if you have any time off due to you soon. I’d love for you to come
for a visit and a catch up.”


Alicia smiled as she replied.
“Actually, I have a few days off next week. How about I come and
stay with you and we can have some fun?” She knew that fun for her
mother these days meant a calm manicure or a slow walk through the
local park, but it was those times that would give Alicia the most
precious memories in years to come.


The pleasure in her mom’s voice made
her want to cry all over again. “Oh, baby girl, that would be


They talked for a few more
minutes, making plans for the coming visit, with Alicia throwing in
a few guarded questions so that she could evaluate her mother’s
condition a little closer, and then they ended the call with the
Love you’s
Take care’s
. As Alicia placed her cell phone back on the bedside cabinet
she couldn’t help but dwell on the fact that she really had to find
a way to make some extra money so she could keep paying for her
mother’s treatment. She didn’t know what the hell she was going to
do, but one thing she did know was that there was no way on earth
that she was not going to find a way. Her mother’s life literally
depended on it.







Alicia’s worried thoughts were cut
short by the sound of her stomach growling at her, and as she
checked the time she realized that she hadn’t had anything to eat
since breakfast. She finished drying her hair and threw on a pair
of sweatpants and a T-shirt before making her way downstairs to the
kitchen, making herself a sandwich and pouring a glass of milk
before heading back up via the house’s impressive main stairway.
Typically she would have used the back stairs, but having heard
Chase leaving while she was in the kitchen, she had decided to be a
little rebellious.


As she settled down on her
bed to eat her food she chuckled to herself.
Really, Alicia, using the main stairs is a pitiful way to
. She finished her sandwich and placed
her empty plate on the bed, scowling to herself as a mental picture
of Vanessa sprang to mind.
I bet Queen
Bitch would be an expert on how to be rebellious.

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