A baby for Christmas (Season of Romance Book 1) (8 page)

BOOK: A baby for Christmas (Season of Romance Book 1)
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“I’m afraid being pregnant isn’t very
sexy.” She laughed her fingers spread across the large panties that covered her
small bump which was even more prominent without the covering of her clothes.

“You’re the most gorgeous thing I’ve
ever seen in my life,” he whispered.

“If that’s the case, why don’t you come
and join me instead of standing there looking?” She let her hand fall on the
space next to her.

Ethan didn’t need telling twice. He
shucked off his clothes lying down beside her and his hand instinctively went
to her stomach. He let his fingers push aside the materiel so that he could
feel the tautness of her skin as it stretched to accommodate their baby.

“I can’t believe that our loving of one
night is wrapped up in your body, so snug, so precious, so unbelievably ours.”

Belle laid her fingers over his and he
turned his palm so that he could thread his through hers.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked.

He looked up into those eyes that had
mesmerised him from the beginning. “I’ve never been more completely sure about
anything else in my whole life.”

Belle brought their clasped hands to her
mouth kissing the intertwined fingers. Ethan gasped, lifting them above her
head so that she was stretched out in front of him as he pushed up onto his
elbow hovering over her. He kissed her shoulder letting his lips trace the
outline as they swept down.

 Enjoying her scent.

 Enjoying her taste.

 Enjoying the feel of her satin
smooth skin.

“I’ve dreamed of this moment more than
you’ll ever know.” He laid his head on the pillow tugging Belle onto her side
so that they were facing each other. He let his fingers trail down her neck to
her breasts, and when he smoothed over the hardened nipple, she gasped.

“You do know that pregnant ladies are
horny and if they’re not getting some loving at least once a day they become
really grumpy.” She paused. “I’ve gone six months without, so don’t feel you
have to be gentle.”

“Horny, huh.” He grinned at her
terminology and hell if that didn’t make him even harder than he already was.

She nodded with a mischievous smile on
her face.

“I just want to enjoy the moment because
this is so much better than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams
about you…and there have been a few,” he said as he gently shoved her on to her
back. He was going to savour, to make every single second last, but he didn’t
know if his body would last.


Belle felt so happy. He loved her. She
loved him. They were having a baby. Everything else could be sorted out; she
could deal with anything now that she knew he wanted them both.

She couldn’t stop touching him, with
her hand on his hip she smoothed the skin down his thigh, letting her fingers
find what she was looking for and she curled them around his erection. She
stroked him in long hard movements and his hips pushed against her hand. His
hand covered hers. “Hey, stop or this is going to be over way quicker than I
want it to be.” Control he thought he always had except with her was
dissipating. When she pressed a kiss against his neck and her teeth nipped at
the skin he almost lost it.

“Bella,” he growled out.

“Now, Ethan, I need you now.”

“Tell me what you want,” he said as he
bent down drawing her hardened nipple into his mouth. She sucked in a deep
breath as tingles shot straight to her core.

“I want to be inside you now.” Her short
fingernails scratched over his shoulder and up the back of his neck as he
suckled at her breasts, it was so erotic to watch that she already felt as
though she couldn’t last another second.

“Ethan…” Her voice had risen an octave
or two as his lips pressed against her tummy and for a moment he stopped as he
lay his head on her skin. She could feel his bristled jaw rub against her
sensitive skin, and tears pushed behind her eyelids.

“Precious, just so fucking precious.”

 His cursing didn’t shock her; it
was the same way she felt every time she laid her hands on him.

He looked up at her before slipping his
fingers beneath the elastic of her panties pulling them down her legs and
letting the balled up material fall to the floor. His eyes gradually moved up
her body and she couldn’t mistake the look of desire that glazed his eyes.

Slowly he moved her legs apart, she held
her breath, it made her feel a little self-conscious and for a moment she
resisted him.

“It’s okay, sweetheart,” he said as he
smoothed his hands up and down her calves.

She smiled, it was silly they’d made a
baby together but it had been a while and she knew her body was changing. She
wasn’t sure that he would understand that.

“I don’t care how you look, fat or slim,
to me you’re beautiful.”

And if that didn’t just make her heart
constrict it certainly made her stomach jump in anticipation. Belle moved her
legs apart. His lips traced her inner thigh, pressing onto her skin in
featherlike kisses.

Her shoulders pushed back into the
pillows as his warm breath caressed her. She wanted his mouth and his hands
against her like the last time, this man made her wanton, made her need him
like no other ever had. It was blissful being with him, she’d only ever dreamed
that it would be this way and now it seemed to be reality.

She was helpless to stop the groan of
pleasure vibrate over her skin as he let his lips indulge, learning what she
liked and didn’t. She was powerless to disagree with anything he did, and his groan
turned into a growl of desire as his fingers spread over her mound. His hard
palm moved against her it was so erotic, so unbelievably sensuous. Then his
long fingers spread her wetness and she couldn’t hold back the incoherent sound
that came from her lips.

Belle bucked her hips up a reaction she
was immediately aware of as he rubbed those sensitive nerves that made her see
flashing lights. His hand was incredibly skilled as he let his fingers smooth
incessantly. He watched her. She watched him right back.

“Easy,” he whispered. “You’re so wet.
Damn it’s so hot to watch you.”

Belle felt like she was falling and she
couldn’t stop so she hung onto the bedclothes with both hands gripping the
material tightly. When she felt his tongue on her swollen clitoris the
sensation almost hurt.

“Sweetheart, does that feel good,” he
asked the vibration of his voice licked at her skin and she was fighting a
battle she knew she wouldn’t win, one she didn’t want to. Her muscles ached as
they tightened like a coiled spring.


“I don’t want you to stop,” he said
looking up just as she closed her eyes.

Over and over he worked her with his
tongue. Her ragged moans got louder and louder as she neared her climax. Her
hips pushed up hard, she screamed out her release and her hands gripping the
bedclothes so tightly. Belle couldn’t stop it, the pulsing and thrumming in her
ears was so loud she thought it would deafen her.

Ethan had moved up and over her, kissing
her lips as she panted out her breath.

“That was so sexy, you have no idea how
beautiful you were then.”

“Am I too heavy for you, I don’t want to
hurt the baby?”

She opened her eyes and only saw a
tenderness that made her swallow. “You are fine, I love how you feel.” Her
hands wandered up and down his damp back, the muscles twitching at every touch
of her fingertips. “Thank you.”

“For what?”

“Coming to look for me.”

“Sweetheart I was always going to come
and find you, I’m never letting you go, the baby was just the icing on the

He kissed her, gently to begin with but
then she pushed her hips into him wrapping her legs around him. They fit
together, her thighs cradling his as she lifted against him. He pressed
partially into her and she caught her breath as she looked up into his face.
His hair had fallen over his forehead as he leaned down placing his open mouth
on her neck and she arched allowing his access.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

“It’s been a while, but you won’t.” She
urged him by lifting her hips.

He groaned, thrusting into her as she
squeezed him with her internal muscles as he withdrew and thrust in again.

“Jesus, Belle, that feels so good.”

She nodded as she tightened around him.

“Belle, look at me.”

She opened her eyes.

“I love you. God I love you so much, I
never believed in love at first sight.” He bent down taking her lips in a
passionate kiss. “Not until I saw you.” His breath was ragged and the passion
in his eyes made her heart constrict.

Belle could never have imagined her life
like this. How was it all going to end? Berating herself was pointless, but the
feelings that were inside her made her light headed at the thought of being in
love with this man.

Belle could feel every beat of his heart
against her chest matching how out of control hers was. The intensity of those
eyes, so blue and beautiful, but more than that they were bursting with

His large hands settled on the soft
flesh of her butt as she wrapped her legs around his hips tightly wanting to get
as close as she could. His loud groan echoed around the room.

 She arched her whole body as they
both fell into an abyss so beautiful that it was impossible to stop the tears
behind her eyelids dropping onto her hot cheeks.

“Jesus…that was amazing…you’re amazing.”
He leaned down and buried his lips into her hair. “I love you,” he whispered.

“I love you,” she whispered as he rolled
onto his side pulling her with him.


Belle opened her eyes to find her body
snuggly fitted to Ethan’s, a smile crossed her lips remembering the night of
loving. It had been wonderful, just then she felt the baby move inside of her
and laid her hand over the spot. Slipping from the bed her eyes were
immediately drawn to the man in her bed fast asleep. He was so gorgeous, his hair
all tousled, his face relaxed.

Quickly she dressed before running
downstairs, just at the bottom step she stopped for a moment realisation
dawning on her that…this was the first morning she hadn’t felt sick. It was
Christmas Day, could life get any better?

Wrapping herself up in warm outdoor
clothes she opened the door and breathed in the cold air as excitement for the
day whirred inside her. Stepping out immediately sinking ankle deep into the
newly dropped snow, the sun was shining as she walked down the path to a place
which was important to her now more than ever before.

Brushing off the snow she sat on the
swing and let the movement lull her. This was the same exact place her parents
sat; she could always feel the love that surrounded here. Belle closed her eyes
tipping her face up to the sun.

“What are you doing? It’s freezing out
here.” Her feet touched the ground to stop the swing, drawing her lashes up
slowly so that she could take him in—every single part of him.

“I wanted to be here.”

Ethan took her hands pulling her up.
Sitting down on the swing he settled her on his knee as he wrapped his arms
around her and she let her face lean on the softness of his jacket
draping her arms around his neck.

“Merry Christmas,”  Belle whispered
“Oh, Ethan we haven’t got each other gifts.” Lifting her head she looked at

“Yes we have…each other and our
beautiful baby. Everything else will work itself out.” He stood up. “Come on,
let’s go inside.”

Ethan stopped by the tree where her mum
and dad had drawn their initials. She looked and beside it was another
set…‘Belle, Ethan & baby xx’ inside a heart.


“I came here before you woke earlier on
and did it then.”

“Oh Ethan, it’s beautiful.” Belle stood
on her tiptoes to kiss him, knowing that there were going to be times ahead
when decisions would have to be made but with Ethan at her side she would
always be happy.

About the Author


I'm just an
everyday kinda girl I have lived on the Island of Anglesey in North Wales for thirty
nine years. I have two grown up children Emma is a teacher and Christopher is
involved in the family commercial business. I have three sisters; two of them
live close by as does my mum.
I live
to write, it's what makes me...me!


You can find
more about me and my books on my website





BOOK: A baby for Christmas (Season of Romance Book 1)
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