A baby for Christmas (Season of Romance Book 1) (2 page)

BOOK: A baby for Christmas (Season of Romance Book 1)
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Belle cursed the tears that were filling
her eyes. How could this man, this man who she’d only met once, do this to her?
It was crazy romance book stuff. Her vulnerability had been overwhelming,
losing her Gran devastating, and she’d blamed her low morale and indifference
to her normal sensible self for what had happened.
Love at first
sight…pfft... a lot of codswallop.
The thought alone was ridiculous.

Taking in a deep breath, Belle pushed
herself to her feet distancing herself from him. Being too close made her into
a person that was unrecognisable. Thoughts whirled in her mind that weren’t
normal or sensible. And she was always utilitarian about everything she did
…except of course when she’d been on holiday, where she’d through her usual
cautionary persona out the window. It was a reminder for her never to go away
on her own again.

She frowned at the sound of someone
banging on the door reached them. She glanced at her watch. Six o’clock.
could be calling at this time?
She had no visitors planned until after the

“Excuse me while I see who that is.”

Ethan nodded and crossed one long leg
over the other, his hands clasped on his lap and she knew he wasn’t going to be
easy to get rid of. Belle closed the door behind her walking along the large
hallway to the front door. The incessant banging wasn’t letting up.

Bloody hell! She could see the outline
through the coloured glass at the top of the walnut wood.
Damn as
if she didn’t have enough problems. Her heart picked up speed. Belle had gone
out with him once, now he wouldn’t leave her alone. He was fast becoming a

Hand on handle, Belle breathed in slowly
before she opened the door. A blast of cold air hit her and she shivered. Jack
moved to come in, but she stood firm at the opening, blocking his way. A fresh
decorated Christmas holly wreath swung slightly on the hook she had put up, and
the fragrance of pine permeated her sense of smell.

Belle loved the holidays, always had
done she and her Gran had baked Christmas puddings and cakes together. This
year when it had been just her baking…it had been depressing but she’d been
determined to see it through. That’s what Gran would have wanted.

“Jack…what do you want?” The being nice
to him had obviously not worked. . He’d become more persistent, a different
tactic was needed and then he might just get the picture.

Glued to her doorstep, Belle stared at
him; the outside light had come on automatically in the darkness of the early
evening. It gave his complexion a sallow look, she knew beneath the woollen hat
he was wearing he was starting to lose his hair.

“I thought you might like to go out?”

“How many times must we go through this,
Jack…I’m not interested, please just leave me alone.”

“We went out for dinner, it was a great

“No, we had a sandwich and it was a terrible
evening.” She stepped back slightly as he came up the last two steps to the
door. “I picked up the bill.”

“I forgot my wallet or I would have

He went to lay his hand on her arm, she
slapped it away. “No, I paid and it wasn’t a date, it was a mistake.”

“Belle, I thought we had something
special going.” His voice was high pitched and irritable.

Belle jumped when she felt the door open
wider behind her and Jack stood back slightly.

Ethan stood behind her. “A problem?” he
asked in that sultry American accent.

Belle looked back at him. He was much
taller than Jack, his wide shoulders almost taking up the whole of the doorway
as she turned sideways. His eyes were narrowed.
Oh boy, he looked like he
meant business.
His full lips thinned and his body tensed.

“No,” she answered. His vibes telling
her that there could be trouble if she didn’t get rid of the guy on her

“Jack was just leaving.” She turned to
stare at him “Weren’t you, Jack?”

“But Belle, I love you.”

“Oh, give me a break, you don’t love me.
You love this house and the land that’s with it.”

“Belle, no,” he cried.

The snow started to fall faster, huge
flakes turning the ground whiter, the night air colder. A shiver stormed
through her body and Ethan put his arm around her pulling her into his warmth.
Pulling back had not been an option when she saw Jack stiffen and his eyes
follow Ethan’s arm. He was becoming a pest and it was the kind of trouble she
didn’t want.

Jack went to take her arm but Ethan pushed
it away. He stepped forward, grabbing him by his collar and removing him
forcibly from her front steps. He deposited him onto the drive, his feet
sinking in the snow that had fallen earlier.

“I think the lady has made it quite
clear she wants you to leave.” He stood there with his arms folded. “Now get

Jack straightened his jacket, flustered.
“Who the hell are you to tell me what to do?”

“A friend.” He looked at Belle “A very
close friend.”

“This has nothing to do with you so just
butt out.” He tried to stand up to the man in front of him but given Ethan’s
height of well over six feet Belle could only imagine he had the advantage of
looking down on most people. Especially Jack who was only slightly taller than
her five-feet four.

Ethan leaned toward Jack. “I’m tired.
It’s been a shitty day. I’ve just had to change aeroplanes three times. Flown
for just over fifteen hours. And at the moment I’m dealing with a five hour
time difference , I should be in bed getting my beauty sleep instead I’m out here
freezing my ass off, so I’m not in the mood to argue with you…beat it.”

Belle saw Jack swallow, stepping back.
“But I just want to explain to her—”

“Buddy, take a hint, she’s not

Belle moved forward to the top step. “No
I’m not.” And to prove her point she tucked her hand around the crook of
Ethan’s arm just for show…yes it was just for show, not because she liked to
touch him. Not because she wanted to see if he was as warm and hard as she had
dreamed of since that night. No, it was just for show—to get rid of Jack.

“You’re making a mistake, Belle. I love
you, more than any other guy ever has—with all my heart and soul.” Jack turned,
striding over to his car, twisting round before he opened the door blowing her
a kiss before stepping in slamming the door shut. The engine spluttered to life
before driving down her long drive.

She quickly let go of Ethan’s arm and
went back into the house. The warmth of the hallway was welcoming as she
shivered rubbing her arms up and down…damn but it was cold out there. Not
waiting to see if Ethan was behind her she strode through into the kitchen
needing something to do with her hands. Belle could feel Ethan standing in the
doorway while filling the kettle and switching it on.

“I can make you tea, but not coffee. I’m
afraid it makes me feel sick.”

“Tea will do fine.” He sounded weary,
and Belle turned to look at him noticing the dark circles and the exhaustion
plaguing his face.

“Sit down, Ethan. I’ll make you a
sandwich, you look exhausted.”

He didn’t argue as he pulled out the
chair and sat down leaning his arms on the small kitchen table, he clasped his
hands together.

Belle went to the refrigerator, drawing
out a large piece of cheese, and laying it on the chopping board she began to
slice it. By the hairs on the back of her neck prickling against her skin,
Belle knew he was behind her.

“Go and sit down,” He said as he took
the knife from her. “I’m not the only one who looks tired.”

“This pregnancy thing is exhausting.”
She stepped away from him to cut some of the bread that lay on the counter;
she’d made it only this morning. Cooking was her joy, which was probably a good
thing since her business was very food-orientated, although she only offered
breakfast; she quite often cooked an evening meal for her guests.

“Belle, go and sit. I’m perfectly able
to make myself a sandwich.”

No one except her Gran had ever spoken
to her in such a caring way, and a tingle ran through her. His eyes were kind
and his fingers on her arm, gentle yet strong; the kind of strength that made
you think nothing could ever go wrong.

“It’s the holidays, Ethan you should be
home with your family.”

He looked down at her belly then back up
to hold her gaze. “I am with my family.” His eyes dropped to her tummy.

Oh dear Lord, what could she say to
that? Her heart raced as light-headedness came over her. Worriment furrowed his
brow and before he could say anything she pulled the chair out and sat down, it
was either that or fall down.

Damn this man was going to make it hard for
her to turn away.

Even from the very second she had laid
eyes on him she had known he was different. But Ethan was only here because he
felt responsible… how could she live with that?


A peculiar desperation clawed at Ethan.
He had a feeling that Belle was going to fight him. But his mind was set; he
was here to be with her whether she wanted him to stay here with her, or if she
was willing to come back with him to Pine Tree Valley. He understood she had
her life here; he may have to make some major decisions about his own way of
living back home. For he was sure there was no way he was going to let her go.

Ethan handed her the tea she’d prepared,
before sitting down to his sandwich. He watched her sip the hot drink. Her
hands held a slight tremor so to give her space he took in his surroundings.
The kitchen was warm and friendly; yellow wallpaper with white daisies blended
nicely with the pine units. Even though it was freezing out it felt all cosy

He took a bite of the sandwich, closing
his eyes as the flavour hit his tongue.

“This is good.” The pleasure in his
voice was obvious despite how the evening had unfolded.

Ethan gathered his senses as she spoke
to him; he’d honestly never tasted anything so delicious in his life. “Did you
bake the bread?

“Yes.” He heard the smile in her voice
as he took another bite.

“It’s real good.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying it, I love to
cook. It’s a new recipe with some extra ingredients I’ve added”

He noticed she had several roasts in the
refrigerator. “Why do you cook meat and such a lot of it if you’re a
vegetarian? Do you have guests coming in?”

“No, I don’t take bookings at this time
of year…Christmas is for family,” She shrugged her shoulders. “I used to love
spending the time with my Gran, we used to go to the midnight mass on Christmas

Belle sighed and Ethan noticed how sad
she looked.

“Your Gran has passed away?”

“Yes, that’s why I was on holiday when

“Met.” He raised his eyebrow at her
obvious reluctance at saying the word.

Belle nodded obviously still embarrassed
by their encounter. But he wasn’t, she had been the best thing that had ever
happened to him, that sounded so lame…jeez they’d only been with each other a
small amount of time. It was crazy…this whole thing was.

“Yes, well…I’m glad you like the food.”

“So tell me why do you need to cook all
that food for just one person?”

“To take to the women’s shelter.”

Why was Ethan not surprised, he didn’t
know her but it was the kind of thing he would expect from her.

“Ethan, how long are you here for? Have
you booked into a hotel?”

He choked on his food. “Are you
serious?” Ethan growled as he tried to dislodge the food from his throat.

Getting up from her seat Belle hurried
over to him patting his back until he gathered his breath.

Hell, he was in bad shape if her small
warm hand on his back could turn him on even while he was choking. She stood
close; his eyes were level with her breasts snug beneath her red sweater.
it natural to get so lustful by her just being close to him…?

Reaching for his tea, he gulped it down,
the hot liquid burning his throat in the process…

Belle headed back to her seat and he
couldn’t stop watching the small sway of her ass cheeks in black pants, snug
and round. God help him, he remembered how soft they felt. He shook his head;
he had to get his head out of his boxers. He eased back in his seat, his gaze
watchful as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was tired. It had been a long
flight and he was still adjusting to the time difference.

“Belle, I’m not going anywhere until we
resolve this problem…you are carrying my child.” He frowned. “Did you think I
would just walk away from that?

“I...or my child...we are not your

He noticed she put a protective hand to
her small belly as she spoke, and the fear in her eyes shocked him.
What the
hell does she think I’m going to do?

BOOK: A baby for Christmas (Season of Romance Book 1)
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