9781631054631ChoiceAffairsSalisbury (27 page)

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Standing there for
what seemed to be
I finally turned and headed to the
bedroom. Whatever it was, Apolo was more than capable of handling it. I decided
to take a hot shower while he took care of business.

I opened the glass do
or and cracked open the taps. Then, I headed into the
closet and stripped out of my clothes, finding a T-shirt to wear afterward.
Stepping into the stream of water, I tried to let the jets relax me. I played
the day’s events over in my mind, especially the
conversation with his cousin Tina. That was something I couldn’t wait to get

the news about Renee and Jacob.
Now, there was a shock. One no one saw coming.

I toweled off and
headed to bed, opening the new novel I’d been eager to begin.
The next thing I knew, it was after two in the morning.
The light was still on beside me. Apolo had obviously never come to bed.

Throwing my legs over
the side, I walked barefooted out of the bedroom and down the hall to his
office. I opened the half open
ed door and peered in.
He sat hunched forward on the leather sofa, a bottle of his favorite whiskey in
front of him, more than half gone.

He slowly lifted his
head, recognizing that he wasn’t alone.


“It’s nothing.”

“The hell you say.
Look at you.”

“Caitlyn, please…”

“No, you’re not going
to blow this off. Something obviously has you in a state, and I want to know
what it is.”

“Come in. We may have
a situation I can’t contain or stop from happening.”


* * * *




I was tired, therefore not payin
g attention as I usually would. We’d had a simple dinner,
and after several glasses of wine on top of the whiskey I’d consumed earlier,
my only thoughts were of Caitlyn.

need to have her submit
to me this evening was great. After having laid her on the
floor, I blindfolded her, put her hands above her head, and
began to pleasure her with my mouth. She was mine, and she knew it. And in this
state, she would do anything for me.

It never occurred to me, as I turned her
against the window, her breasts presse
d against the
glass, that anyone could see us. I knew the windows were tinted, so that must
have been enough of a lull in judgment for me. I was thrusting in and out of
her, my one hand holding her two up over her head, as my other rubbed that
twisted bund
le of raw nerves between her legs,
pulling her tighter against me.

Caitlyn was on the edge of a huge
orgasm, as was I. I could feel my balls drawing up in anticipation. “Come,
angel. Come for me.” That’s all it took for her, and as I was about to explode,
I saw something out of the peripheral of my sight.
Something out of place.
I realized it was coming from the building next door, the roof.

As my orgasm enveloped me, I was caught
up in the moment. I completely forgot about anything but what was going on wi
th the two of us.

It was the one moment
in my life I should have had my guard up. Now, some rogue reporter with dreams
of a Pulitzer was attempting to run the photos he’d taken that night in some
rag if I didn’t make a statement to the fact that I would no
t be seeking reelection the following year.

He was attempting to
blackmail me, plain and simple. In reality, he was doing it on behalf of that
same man Caitlyn’s mother had decided to get involved with. The senator
obviously had promised some huge, career-
story to the young pup.

The photo he’d texted
me as proof would be a PR person’s worst nightmare. It was of Caitlyn, her arms
bound in one of my ties, her body pressed against the glass.
Me behind her, nude, my prosthetic leg showing, as I was
iously fucking her senseless.

He’d given me
twenty-four hours to make my statement. After that, he’d go to the press. I’d
wrangled forty-eight out of him, explaining I needed to break it to Caitlyn
beforehand. To my amazement, he’d agreed.

I phoned Jacob a
s soon as I’d finished the call with this piss-ant. After
discussing the situation with Jacob in some detail, it was decided a conference
was needed with my assistant deputy chief-of-staff, Ethan. He also oversaw any
and all press releases that came out of
my office. I
immediately bucked on that idea. I wanted as few people as possible to know
what was going on.

“I suggest we involve
the authorities, Apolo. I think there may be some serious laws regarding
blackmailing a United States senator.”

“I know. I’ve
already thought about that. I’m sure that’s the last thing
he thinks I’ll do.”

“Yep, they’re all
betting you’ll simply go along with them, because you rarely, if ever, involve
the authorities.”

“That’s what I’m
counting on.”

“So, you want me to
make the

“Yes, do it. Make sure
they understand to keep this out of the media.”

“Oh, I’m sure once
they see the picture, they’ll understand why.”

“Call me if you need

“I shall. May I
suggest something?”

“Of course, what is

“It’s close to the
mas recess. Why don’t you and Caitlyn head out
now? Just in case something blows up, and then she won’t be here in the line of

“They’ll just hunt us
down in Atlanta, Jacob. Hound us.
outside the gates.”

“True, but you have a
little more flexibi
lity there. Think about it.”

what about you and Renee?
How are we going to be able to stand up for the two of you
when all of this is going on around us?”

“We can get married in
Atlanta just as easily as Washington. Don’t worry about us. Take care of
Caitlyn and yourself.”

“I intend to.”

“And I take it your
answer to not running for reelection was a huge no?”

“Jacob, you’ve known
me for many years. I don’t quit, nor will I allow anyone to try to blackmail me
into not running. In fact, if anything, this
is going
to make me want to run even more. This must stop.”

“Don’t worry about a
thing. I’ve got it handled.”

“I know you do. Now, I
need to prepare Caitlyn for the worst, in case it happens.”

“You do that, and I’ll
talk to you as soon as I know something

“Thank you. I mean
that. Thank you for everything.”

of my job.
Just part of my job.
Now, you go find that lovely wife of
yours and talk with her. I’m sure you’ll find she’s probably going to be
spitting nails when she hears.”

I had to chuckle. He
was right. My wife was fiercely protective. “You know her
well, Jacob. Call me.”

I hung up, walked over
to the bar against the wall, picked up a bottle of Lagavulin 21 Scotch, and
cracked the seal. Selecting a crystal glass, I poured a healthy dose and dra
nk it.

Taking both, I walked
back to the leather sofa and sat. I had to figure out how to break this to
And quick.
For the second time in Washington, our
home has been invaded by outside sources.
This time in a much more embarrassing way.

I heard her voice. I don’t know how
much time had passed. I’d been drinking and thinking. Not paying attention to

“Apolo, what’s wrong?”

I sat back up and
patted the leather next to me. “Come in. We may have a situation I can’t
contain or stop from

“Why, what’s going on?”

I explained in detail
what had transpired earlier with the phone call I’d taken, the one that hid me
away. I told her everything.
Caitlyn, if I didn’t, it would make her mad.
She was determined she was not going to
let people think they could intimidate her into being meek.

“Hell no, we’re not
leaving early. We’re going to stay here and deal with whatever transpires.”

That made me smile.
“You’re sure?
Because we can be
gone to

“No! If we do that,
these people will think they’ve won. You’ve never backed down from anything,
Apolo, I’ll be damned if you’re going to start now just to spare me the
ugliness. We’re in this together, Senator Choice.”

“Okay, but if you
decide at
any time you want to go back to Atlanta,
I’ll understand.”

“I believe I can sit
it out for two weeks. Besides, if the authorities are involved, it’s going to
blow over. Whatever back blow comes of it, we’ll deal.”

“Thank you.”

You’re my husband
. This is our life, and no one is
going to try and run you out just so they can either get who they want
appointed or elected. That’s what this boils down to, Apolo. Someone’s mad
because the governor appointed you instead of their puppet, and now they can
’t control the person sitting in your senate seat.”

“You amaze me
sometimes, you know?”


“How smart you are.”

“Thank you, senator.
Besides, Tina and I have a foundation to launch, and I’m going to have people
to speak with and things to resear
ch. Don’t worry,
I’ll be fine. We’ll be fine.”

“Then, you won’t be
mad when I tell you I’ve decided to run?”

You’ve got work to do, sir. It can’t all be done in the short time you have
left in this term.”

I poured a splash of
whiskey into my gla
ss and handed it to her. Then, I
uncapped the bottle and
it against her glass. “Then, here’s to
us. Washington has no idea what they’re in store for. Senator Choice and his
lovely wife, Caitlyn, are here to change some things.”

“Here here!
To us, a
nd to
your new career, Senator Choice.”


*The End*

About the Author

Writing romance stories with passion and sass, Jamie
Salisbury has seen several of her books soar to #1 on Amazon. In 2014, her
novel, Life and Lies was nominated for a RONE in the Erotica category.

Music, traveling and history are
among her passions when not writing. Her previous career in public relations in
and around the entertainment field has afforded her with a treasure trove of
endless story ideas.





Other books by Jamie

Choice Matters (#1 Southern Heat

Rockin' the Boss

Life and Lies

Where Love Takes Us (#1 Heartfelt

The Heart Knows (#2 Heartfelt Series)

Love Will Find A Way (#3 Heartfelt




Secret Cravings Publishing
















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