9781631054631ChoiceAffairsSalisbury (21 page)

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“Would you care for a
private tour of the senate floor, Izzie?” Apolo asked.

would be awesome.
But only if it’s no trouble.
I don’t want to take you away from
anything important, like how much to charge some unsuspecting contractor for a
toilet seat.”

Apolo shook his head,
laughing. “No, you aren’t. We don’t meet until later this
afternoon. I have about an hour and some change I can spare
you. Then, I have a conference about said toilet seat, Izzie.”

“See,” Izzie said,
turning to me. “I knew there was a reason I liked this dude.
His wicked sense of humor.”

“Oh, you’ve only seen
surface, Izzie.”

“If we leave now,
ladies, I can give you the dime tour, plus take the two of you to lunch in the
dining hall.”

“I’m game, if Caitlyn
is,” Izzie replied. “Oh, and by the way, Apolo, stop messing with my man candy.
You just had to have Jaco
b send Bo on assignment?
For what?”

Apolo glanced over at
me then Izzie, the grin gone from his handsome face.


* * * *




My god, what is wrong with me? Caitlyn and Izzie come to
visit my senate office. I give them a tour of the floor, take t
hem to lunch, and all I can think of every time I glance at
my goddess is fucking her again. Just remembering our marathon session last
night makes me hard for her again.

“Christ, Caiti. I’ve been fanaticizing
about you all day.”

“Really?” she teased.
which position?”

“All of them,” I growled. “As long as I
can be deep inside that tight little cunt of yours, it doesn’t matter. All I
want to do is fuck you, baby.”

“Then, we’d better continue on to the

I sealed my mouth over hers one more time, groping that fine ass with one hand
as I did. It was a commanding, take charge kiss. “Come, before I fuck you right
here on the floor.” I could have done it, too. That’s how turned on and hard I
was for this woma

Quietly, I unzipped her pants and pulled
them over her hips. Her beige lace thong followed, then her blouse, and
finally, bra. She stood before me in nothing but her heels.

I led her over to the bed as she watched
me take off my clothes, our eyes locked
. Then, I was
on her. We rolled across the mattress as she touched me everywhere. It sent a
charge through me, the likes of which I’d never felt. I could come simply from
her touch.

“I can’t get enough of you,” I
whispered, my lips moving across her face.
I kissed
her deeply. Everything about her turned me on. “I’ve never wanted a woman like
I do you.”

“Then, fuck me, Apolo.”

“Not yet. You’re not ready.” Licking and
nibbling, I slid down to her breasts. Suckling on one, I plumped and played
with the other.
Reversing the process, I caught
Caitlyn moaning.

A shiver moved through her as I
continued my trek and buried my face in between her legs. I growled faintly and
went for the soft flesh. My tongue pushed into her, causing my goddess to
almost come undone. H
er hips rocked, wanting more. I
rewarded her with one final, hard lick then sucked her nub.

The orgasm shook through her as I thrust
my tongue inside her cunt. I groaned against her swollen clit as she rode wave
after wave of her climax. She thrashed again
st me as
I thrust fingers in her, massaging a tender spot her, making her come again.

In a second, I was over her, stretched
on top, tucking her into me. Her face was full of lust, eyes darkened and

I waited in anticipation then rammed
into her. S
he gasped. The connection between us was
intense. I was balls-deep inside my sweet Caitlyn.

She clenched around me. “Fuck me, baby.
Fuck me hard.”

Her hips ground against mine as we
established our rhythm. Moving my hands under her ass, I pulled her tighte
r against me as I started fucking her. Pleasure soared
through me again.

I buried my face against her shoulder,
plunging hard and deep.
“My God,
Feel how deep I am inside you. I’ve
never had a woman make me so hard.”

As I swiveled my hips to pleasure
her, she made small noises of need. My mouth covered hers.
I was desperate for her, desperate to come, as was she. As an orgasm came to
the edge, I placed one hand under her hip, cupping her ass, lifting her into my
thrust. My cock stroked the spot inside
her that
ached for me.

“I want you to come for me, baby,” I

And she did. She climaxed so hard she
sobbed. I held her tightly, my hips pumping into her as I came too.

We lay afterwards, clinging to each
other tightly, mouths slid
ing over faces, throats,
soothing. My entire body was alive with sensations I’d never felt before.

“Oh, my God,” I finally whispered. “That
was fucking incredible. Incredible.”

She giggled, hugging me. With a soft
kiss, I sat up. “We’ll shower then go eat.
I have
something special picked out. After that, we’ll see…” I winked at her, her face
still full of the lust I’d seen moments earlier. I glanced down at my cock as I
stood up. I was still in a state of arousal

Leave it to everyday, real life matters to
bring that to a grinding halt. Caitlyn’s best friend,
Izzie, is here visiting for a long weekend. My sweet wife was sure Izzie was
moving to the area. The two had talked about it ever since I took the job as
senator. They had planned that Izzie would find
a new
position and place to live. And Caitlyn would have someone familiar around
besides me.

However, that was not to be. Izzie, it seems, has taken a
new job in Houston.
A management
Something she’s been working toward for years. And now, Caitly
n is at odds with the news. Though wanting to be happy for
her best friend, she’s also quite sad. It’s made Caitlyn a tad bit on the
snarky side, as well. I’m hoping she’ll work through it while Izzie’s here so
they can enjoy each other to the fullest.

course, I’m on Izzie’s bad
list, as I’ve had Jacob send Bo off on another assignment and away from us.
Seems Izzie’s got a thing for Bo. Supposedly, he returns the sentiment. Or does
he? Could it simply be a way to find out inside information as our mole?
Time will tell.

Note to self—speak with Jacob about why Susan has suddenly
gotten quiet. Does she realize she’s embarrassed herself with the phony
pregnancy story, or are she and Delpheine up to more mischief?







When Apolo suggested
take a long weekend and go to the house in the
Hampton’s, I jumped at the chance. Everything was beginning to break, and I
knew we wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of even leaving the house in
Washington without the media being staked outside now.

Not that I should
think the Hamptons would be any different.
Except that it was late autumn, so most of the tourists
were gone.
That and the
fact that Apolo was really good at fooling the press.

Everything with my
brother, his brother, and Don Turner was c
oming to a
screeching halt. The forensic accountant had found enough evidence, but that
wasn’t good enough for Apolo. He wanted no chance of the three getting off the
hook for their misdeeds.

Misdeeds indeed!
Trying to rob Apolo? What were they thinking? T
were unable to succeed at hacking into the financial area they wanted, so he
made it easier for them. He almost led them into a small account he kept for
day to day operations.
Well, five hundred thousand dollars to
Apolo is chump change. Once t
he forensic account
caught Tom tapping the funds, the feds closed in.

The three had been
arrested on numerous charges, the media was having a hay day, and Apolo wanted
no part of the frenzy. Neither did

We’d packed for a cool
weekend. Jacob escorted us
down the freight elevator
to the parking garage where he put us in his own personal car and took us to a
private airport in nearby Virginia where the plane waited. This time, the
aircraft landed on Long Island, and we were met by one of Apolo’s staff that
lived on the grounds.

I was getting used to
all the cloak and dagger stuff by now. Not that I liked it, but sometimes,
especially in a situation like this, well, you gotta do what you gotta do to
get some privacy. And we were both in desperate need of some
alone time away.

Apolo had been quiet
the majority of the trip, trying to tie up loose ends. The idea that someone,
people he knew and trusted, had actually succeeded in infiltrating his company
had him unsettled. He’d always prided himself on having the
best of everything. Until my brother came along and showed
him that the best and most advanced was not necessarily that. I was determined
we were going to put that behind us for a few days.

As much as Apolo
Choice would allow, that is.

Kicking off my shoes
the minute we walked into the house, I watched as our bags
were taken to the bedroom upstairs. I ambled to the kitchen and found a note
from the housekeeper, who also doubled as a cook. She’d left a pan of lasagna
and a salad. All ready for us to have din

Smart woman had also
picked out a bottle of wine. I uncorked it and was about to pour two glasses
when Apolo appeared. “I take it we don’t have to worry about dinner this

“No,” I replied,
waving the message.
“Lasagna and
all the trimmings.
f you’re getting hungry, I can
get it ready.”

“Let’s wait a while. I
will, however, take a glass of wine.”

I can do.
Then, I’m going to go change into something more comfortable. Care to join me?”

He shook his head,
taking me in his arms.
“Perhaps la
I need to decompress for a while.” He
kissed the top of my head. He really
consumed by all of this if he was
shelving sex for the moment.

“Okay,” I replied,
breaking free of his embrace and pouring the wine. “But at least come change
your clothes.

a minute.
Let’s sit down and relax before we do.”

I handed him a glass.
I picked up the second and followed him out of the kitchen and into the living
room. He sat down on one of the leather sofas facing the water and put his feet
up on the coffee ta
ble in front of him. I sat next to
him, and for a few minutes said nothing, just sat enjoying the tranquility.

“This was an excellent
idea, sweetie.” I finally spoke up, patting his leg. “It’s amazing how much
more serene it is here than at home.”

“Yes, it
is that.”

“So, what’s on your
mind, Choice?
Besides the obvious.”

“Isn’t that enough?”
he replied, glancing at me with a hint of a smile.

“I’ve said it before,
and I’ll say it again. I know it’s tough. They’re our siblings, for God’s sake.
It doesn’t make you any less of a man.”

“I never said it did.”

“Ah, but your body
says otherwise. You’re quiet. You’re internalizing. Not the cocky, successful,
rich husband I’ve come to know and love.”

He said nothing for a
few seconds. “But you
know, Caitlyn, I’ve never had
the opportunity to be anything other than that. For once in my life, I want to
turn that all off. Make it go away, if only for a day or two.”

“So, what’s stopping

“Me. I’m not sure I
know how to shut it all down. I fall
a little short
when it comes to that. My internal clock won’t allow it.”

“Well, everything is
out of your hands. You told them if they needed to reach you for anything to
contact Jacob, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Then, I suggest you
hand me your phone.” He g
ave me a mock horrified
look. “I’ll let you have it once a day. That’s it. The rest of the time is

I need some quiet time with just you.”

“And that’s what
you’ll get.”

“You know, I’ve got to
figure something out to divert attention awa
y from
all the negative stuff going on.”

“I thought your public
relations guys were on it.”

“They are, but, well,
I was thinking about that foundation idea you mentioned.”

I asked coyly. I knew the one.
Not just veterans.

“You know damn good
and well which one I’m talking about, Mrs. Choice.”

“Well, we can discuss
Just not tonight.
I think tonight we need to be
completely lazy. I’ll get dinner started in a few minutes. Then, afterward, we
can take a walk on the
beach, if it isn’t too cold.
If it is, we could start a fire perhaps, watch a movie or something.”

“Sounds like an
evening made in heaven, wife.”


* * * *


The weekend was
exactly what it was intended for—rest and relaxation. I stuck to my guns when
it ca
me to Apolo having a phone. He got it the one
time daily, and that was it. I mean, what’s the big deal, it was only two days?

The late fall weather,
however, kept us off the beach and in the house. The winds had picked up,
making it the perfect time for a
fire in the
One or both.
I say both because the master bedroom
also had one. And the weather was perfect for snuggling in bed. No need to
leave the house.

Saturday afternoon we
were staked out in front of the fire, drinking wine, while Apolo att
empted to show me how to play poker. Actually, I was
catching on far more than I let him know.

“It’s not that hard a
game to learn, Caiti. You just have to be able to read your opponents’ faces
and know how to play your cards.”

“So, you’ve said,” I
replied. I desperately tried not to crack a smile. I wasn’t good at playing
with a poker face. Apolo would have me figured out in mere seconds.
If he hadn’t already.

“On another matter,”
he began, putting his cards down on the rug and
up his glass of Merlot. “I’ve been giving that idea of yours about a foundation
some thought. I think it would be an excellent way to divert attention away
from all this other crap. Not that I don’t think it’s a worthy cause or idea. I

that’s what you said last evening.”

“Do you have anyone in
mind, besides me, to help you run it?”

“Run it? Apolo, I have
no idea about running a foundation.”

“I’m sure it won’t
take you anytime at all to learn the ropes. What I think we need to do is begin
a search for someone to head it once it gets started.”

As much as I want to be part of it, I don’t want to be involved in the day to
day operations. I think my time could be better used elsewhere.”

do I.
We’ll mull it over some more.
Perhaps we can sit down
and make notes for some sort of business plan.
Organization too.”

“I think it would be a
smart thing if we hired a disabled vet and perhaps a civilian to have on staff.
It’s one thing if you’re the head, with your own disability. It
’s quite another not to have anyone else on staff that

It certainly would send the wrong message.”

“It would.”

“What about that young
man you spoke with at Walter Reed?”

one, sweetie?
I met quite a few that

one w
ho asked you if we planned to start a

“I don’t know. I
suppose I could, or better still you could, find out about him. From what I
recall, he’d gotten some commendations for his actions. He was going to take a
desk job until his enlistment was

“Okay, we’ll add him
to our list when we start making notes. I really have a good feeling about

“Who knows? Perhaps
Choice Enterprises will become a role model or something.”

Let’s not get too enthusiastic. One
project at a time,” he
replied smugly, eyeing me over
his glass of wine. From the look in his eyes, I knew where this was going.

The sound of the
doorbell broke the spell.

I said. “Who knows we’re here outside
of Jacob?”

No one can gain entrance onto the prop
erty, so it
must be Jacob. He wouldn’t bother us unless it was something important.” He
started to get up off the floor and head toward the front door.

“Invite him in, Apolo.
It’s getting a little too cold to be meeting outside out of my earshot.”

“I will,
I will,” he replied, raising one hand. He knew I was
perturbed, but he also knew I understood it had to be important for Jacob to
interrupt us. Well, we had not had the television or computers on. And I’d only
allowed him his phone once so far. Taking a l
drink of wine, I found a sofa to park myself on.

The two men walked my
way. Jacob’s face was one of humor.
Not so much. He had that dark,
I’ll-chew-you-up-and-spit-you-out, look. It wasn’t hard to guess who had
brought it on.
“So, what
she up to now, Jacob?”

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