9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet (8 page)

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Authors: Alex Jones

Tags: #Current Events, #Political Ideologies, #International Relations, #Conspiracies, #Political Freedom & Security - Terrorism, #September 11 Terrorist Attacks, #Conspiracy theories, #Fascism & Totalitarianism, #21st Century, #General, #United States, #Globalization, #2001, #Political Science, #Social Studies: General, #Political Ideologies - Fascism & Totalitarianism, #Politics, #Terrorism, #History, #Political Freedom & Security

BOOK: 9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
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We’ve had Colonel Craig Roberts, who was a detective working the case, on this show many times—a month before the attack

predicting that one was imminent. He has all that same

information. They actually arrested some of these guys and the Justice Department in ’95 said, “Release them.”


That’s right. And the word’s out even today that they—the

Oklahoma City Police—are not allowed to touch them. And again, from what I’m understanding, they are up to something again in Oklahoma City. I don’t know what it is or what their target it, but these same people are at it again.


Now later, you got it from FBI agents in Chicago and Minnesota that there was going to be an attack on lower Manhattan.


Yeah, that’s what started me calling. First of all, I tried to see if I could get a congressman to go to bat for them, and at least bring these people out there and listen to them. I sent them information and nobody cared. It was always, “We’ll get back to you.” Then I reached out and tried to get to the attorney-general when finally we got an attorney-general in there that I would be willing to talk to. Again, I used people who were personal friends of John Ashcroft


to try and get him. One of them called me back and said, “All right, I talked to him. He will call you tomorrow morning.” This was like a month before the (jet aircraft suicide) bombing. The next morning I got a call. It wasn’t from Ashcroft. It was from someone in the Justice Department . . .


One of his handlers . . .


Yeah, and I started telling him the situation. He said, “You know, we don’t start our investigations at the top.” I said, “I’d like to talk to the attorney-general because this is vital.” He said, “We don’t start our investigations at the top. Let me look into this and I’ll get back to you.” Well, as I sit here today, I’ve never heard back from him.


Again, David Schippers, you’re big in Washington. You were the top lawyer who got Clinton impeached. You are highly respected. You know the senators, the congressmen. You’re calling up.

You’ve got these FBI agents and others feeding you this

information. They are being pulled off the cases. They are angry. That’s even been in the news in Minnesota and Illinois. They know what is going to happen. The Sudanese in ’96 and ’98 tried to arrest bin Laden for Clinton, tried to give us the names of AlQaeda. Clinton wouldn’t take it.

He didn’t want any part of it.


Wouldn’t touch it. So we’ve got all of this developing. We’ve got police officers and FBI on the ground who know who bombed

Oklahoma City. They’ve got them in custody with blue jogging suits and bomb-making components. They are ordered to release them. All of this is unfolding. 3,500 to 5,000 Iraqi Republican Guard. We know there is a Saddam-Iraqi connection here. They knew this. Why in the world, David Schippers, did they allow this to take place, is the question.



I’ll tell you something, This is one of the things. To me, it is almost inconceivable, inconceivable, that with the knowledge they had, that they would turn their back. Just assume that they had investigated and gone in after the Oklahoma City bombing as they are doing now. There never would have been an attack on the

Trade Towers. As a human being, as a former prosecutor, as a lawyer, as a guy who represents agents all over the United States, it is inconceivable to me that those bureaucrats in Washington would turn their back on the obvious for their own purposes.


And now the World Trade Center complex is absolutely destroyed.

There’s more coming.


Now you know that from your sources—I know you represent a

bunch of FBI agents who are hopping mad, you probably can’t talk about the specifics. You say they are hopping mad. You say you are representing them. Are they getting ready to sue or something?

(Note: by mid-May 2002, several of the FBI agents represented by Schippers have attempted to go public, but the Bush administration has been successful in pressuring Congress to confine their memos dating from before September 11th warning of Al-Qaeda’s plans to hijack aircraft and to fly them into buildings. Their testimony has been confined to secret intelligence committees, and now the media is focusing on fragments of the giver story of government prior knowledge and involvement in September 11th, thus whitewashing the entire story.)


They are hoping to. I don’t want to get them into court. I want to get them into the Intelligence Committee, someone who has the authority and the ability to go the FBI bureaucrats and say, “Butt out. We’re going to do this right.”


I’m sure you’re aware that on the History Channel, they’ve been reporting for years, and its now confirmed, that we had prior


knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and they

allowed that to take place. And now you see the U.N. empowered, the World Court empowered. It looks like the U.N. is going to get to take over the oil supply in Central Asia. The face-scanning cameras were in trouble; now they are on the fast-track. This has sure brought the police state upon us.


It sure has. And I’ve been saying for years that once you’ve had license, which we’ve had, the next step is tyranny. It really is scary. The whole thing is scary. The American people are saying,

“I want to be safe.” Ben Franklin said, “If you give up your liberties for security, you will eventually lose both your security and your liberties.”


Absolutely. What was the intel you were getting from these agents. What were they saying?


This agent here in Chicago filed the affidavit where he laid out the whole way that the money moves; the way it is handled; how it comes out of the Middle East into the Chicago area—not only

Chicago, but into the United States; how it is covered; how the operatives are covered; and then how the money is transferred back; and where it is kept while it is here. And that affidavit ran like thirty pages. Laid it out. He had to go through hell on earth in Washington. He had to fight like a tiger. Everyone in his own bureau and in the Department of Justice was against him, and still is.


Now, the FBI agents in Minnesota knew about all this and had the evidence, but they couldn’t even get a wire tap or a warrant to search these guys. We’re talking about some of the actual



Exactly. This woman (Jayna Davis)that was talking to me. She had other contacts in Naval intelligence and other areas. She was reporting there was one of these terrorists that was involved or


connected with the bombing in Oklahoma City was working at the Boston airport. A friend of mine who happens to be an agent had information showing that there were Hamas agents working in

baggage areas at O’Hare airport with free access to any part of the airport. But no one would listen. Clinton and his boys didn’t want the United States to realize that Flight 800 was a terrorist attack, and that Oklahoma City was a terrorist attack, because they didn’t want to have to admit that the intelligence of the United States was totally destroyed.


Craig Roberts says it best. They wanted to demonize the patriots, the Christians, and create this internal security force to watch Americans, because the precious Arabs can’t do anything wrong.

That is exactly what they started. I can’t remember exactly what nitwit it was who said, “You know, you can really blame some of the Rush Limbaughs and the talk show hosts who are fomenting this terror.”


That was Bill Clinton.


Clinton made that statement. They had a handy guy in McVeigh. They had a real handy guy. I also know—and I know this through affidavits that I’ve read—that there were people, eyeball witnesses, who saw the Middle Eastern man running from the scene alongside McVeigh.


And why don’t the Feds just release those twelve surveillance camera tapes if it is just McVeigh alone?


Surveillance camera tapes are going to show that there was a Middle Eastern man running with him. Some of these people who gave affidavits were interviewed by the FBI during the course of the investigation. They were interviewed about the second person they saw, and the agents tried to make them say that the second person was Nichols. Every single one of these people said,

“Absolutely not. It was a Middle Eastern-type individual.”





Now, listen to this. None of those 302s—those investigative

reports—have ever surfaced. Now the FBI comes up with all these thousands of documents that they claim they overlooked. But the key ones where they tried to get the witnesses to say it was Nichols never surfaced.


What were they saying about the attack on lower Manhattan?


The original report I got was that they had arranged for three attacks on the United States. One: They were going to take down an airliner. Two: They were going to attack a federal facility in the heartland of the United States.


The first was TWA Flight 800. The second was Oklahoma City.


And the third one was going to a massive attack in lower

Manhattan. The original plan was a suitcase tactical nuclear weapon. These people that I was talking to were very, very

credible people.


Here’s the bottom line question. You’re getting into an attack on lower Manhattan—the third big attack. What did you say? Who

did you talk to? We know you tried to get to the attorney-general.

My first move was to go through some of the people I knew in Congress. I was really working on a two-front war. On the one hand I wanted to get someone to listen to Jayna [Davis, of KFOR

News] about Oklahoma City and what was coming up—what may

be coming up. On the other hand, I was trying to get somebody to understand that Hamas has infiltrated the United States. I tried the House, I tried the Senate, I tried to get to the Department of Justice. The very people who put up roadblocks about the terrorists under Clinton are still there. They still constitute almost like a moat between the people with information and the people who

should hear the information.



So, when you’re talking to these Justice Department people and folks in Congress, trying to give them all this information, what do they say to you?


“Oh, my, that’s wonderful. We’ll get right back to you.” I have never got a call back. I was on a radio program back east, in Pittsburgh, and I hinted at this, I hinted that the FBI was sitting on information when they should have been sharing it with others, and as a result there was a breakdown in intelligence. The next

morning I got call from the office of the Speaker of the House, who happens to be an Illinois Republican.




Yes, Hastert. They said, “We understand you’ve got some

information, etc.” I said, “Yes, I do. I would really like to share it with somebody. I’ve got at least two, and maybe three, witnesses that should be subpoenaed to come out there and testify in

executive session and tell you what I was talking about.” “Okay, we’ll get back to you.” I’ve never heard again. A couple of days later I got a call from the Senate Intelligence Committee. “We hear that you’ve got information, etc.” “Yes, I have information and I’d be perfectly willing to bring it out to you, or I’d be perfectly willing to have my witnesses go in there and testify, but they have to be subpoenaed.” “Okay, we’ll get back to you.” That was last week. I still haven’t heard from them. I talk to people like you who are in the media, people who are really well aware of what is going on, and they cannot believe that this can happen. Strangely enough, the one group I have not heard from is the FBI intelligence people. Of course, if I did hear from them, I wouldn’t talk to them anyhow because they are totally incompetent.


They got their funding tripled after the suicide attacks. . .

Sure, boy, that’s great. They can all get a raise, and they can all sit around and tell everybody their informants tell then this and


informants tell them that. I’m still trying to get somebody to listen to me out there, and to listen to my witnesses. You know, Jayna Davis, had the same stuff she showed me, she walked into the FBI office in Oklahoma City shortly after the bombing and said, “Here. I have all this material. It may be of some assistance to you.” They said, “We don’t want it.” They refused to even take it.


Just like Sudan trying to give us the names of Al-Qaeda and arrest bin Laden . . .



. . . and they said, “We don’t want to do that.” Well, then, I think if you’re an investigator, you’re a prosecutor, Mr. Schippers. You prosecuted the president of the United States. Successfully got the indictment . . .


Prosecuted the outfit here in Chicago for five years.


. . . so you know, you can see the motive. I see more intelligence funding. I see a cashless society with the biometrics. I see an expanded U.N. I see NATO planes patrolling our skies. U.N.

General MacKenzie, on “Nightline,” September 19, eight days

after the attack, said, “We need U.N. troops on our borders.” I see global government being empowered, and a takeover of the Middle East and Central Asia by the West. I see great dividends for them by allowing this to happen.

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