9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet (11 page)

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Authors: Alex Jones

Tags: #Current Events, #Political Ideologies, #International Relations, #Conspiracies, #Political Freedom & Security - Terrorism, #September 11 Terrorist Attacks, #Conspiracy theories, #Fascism & Totalitarianism, #21st Century, #General, #United States, #Globalization, #2001, #Political Science, #Social Studies: General, #Political Ideologies - Fascism & Totalitarianism, #Politics, #Terrorism, #History, #Political Freedom & Security

BOOK: 9-11: descent into tyranny : the New World Order's dark plans to turn Earth into a prison planet
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No, sir . . . don’t you touch any of my personal belongings

in this car. You’re right, I recorded this conversation. Yes, I did.


[Handcuffing Mrs. Newman] Resisting arrest.


It is not assault.

Trooper 2:

I’ll get the car


Don’t you take one single item out of my car, sir. I’m not

fighting you.


You’re under arrest for resisting arrest, obstruction of

justice, and assault on a police officer.


I did not assault you.

Note: Think about our priorities in America. At a warrantless, Fourth
Amendment-violating checkpoint, they pull over a housewife with no criminal
record. When she simply doesn’t want to get out of her car, they grab her and
charge her with assaulting them.


You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can

and will be used against you in court. You have the right to speak to an attorney and have him present while you are

being questioned. If you cannot afford to hire an attorney,


one will be appointed to represent you without any cost to

you if you desire one. Do you understand these rights as

they have been read to you? [She doesn’t answer.] Do you

understand your rights as they have been read to you? [She

still does not answer, and is then led to the police car and taken into custody.]

Note: They are not concerned with our borders being wide open or the tens of millions of
containers coming in each year that aren’t even searched. Instead, they are worried
about a woman on the side of the road and what she’s reading, thinking, and doing. This
is the first-generation thought police right here in the United States. This type of activity
is un-American. These officers should be ashamed of themselves.

Here’s where things really get interesting as they begin to dig through her car and find
what they consider subversive material:

Trooper 1:

[Searching car] Strategies of Submarine Warfare. Hidden


Trooper 2:

Man, she’s into this weird crap.

Trooper 1:

Power Plays. Ruthless.com. The Bear and the Dragon.

Patriot Games.

Trooper 1:

I might as well get a record started.

Trooper 2:

Do you want to ask her, or do you just want to get the next


Trooper 1:

Just get the next one. She’s invoked her right to remain

silent, even though she don’t believe in our laws.

“Even though she don’t believe in our laws.” No, trooper, it’s you who doesn’t know our laws. You’re the one who is overthrowing our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. Our country was founded on people not being stopped like criminals and being searched. The Fourth Amendment States: “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses,


papers, and effects, shall not be violated, an no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Trooper 1:

You won’t believe all this paraphernalia in here. I mean,

look at this clipboard right here.
Comment Upon Voluntary
Nature of Social Security.
It’s a whole riot act about why you don’t have to have a Social Security card.

Trooper 2:

She’s just anti-government, isn’t she?

Trooper 1:

She apparently belongs to some kind of Klan, or

something. Dixieland Law. General Constitution Society. I

mean, . . .

Anti-government? A member of the Klan? For knowing her Constitutional rights? For being a member of the Constitutional Society? The attitudes and statements of these police officers show that the FBI training of our police has really paid off.

Note: As you read this conversation between troopers discussing anti-government
paraphanelia in Abby newman’s car, be aware they are referring to its contents, which
include several pocket Constitutions, one of my Police State 2000 videos, the Harrison
Ford movie, Patriot Games, and more.

Trooper 1:

I mean . . . this is . . .

Trooper 2:

She’s definitely studied on it, hasn’t she?

Trooper 1:

I’m telling you. What is the truth?

Trooper 2:

I’m wondering if we can keep that for any reason.

Trooper 1:

Is it evidence of a crime? You know, is it evidence of a

crime? If it relates back to obstruction of justice, I would say yes.

Trooper 2:

I would think obstruction of justice is . . .

Trooper 1:

That would be the appropriate charge, and that relates to it.


Trooper 2:

That’s why she did it. I mean, she may be the one that

would want to bring that to court. I don’t know . . .

Trooper 1:

I don’t know either. It would probably be fine reading, but

I’m not sure if I can seize it or not. I don’t know that this is illegal.

Trooper 2:

Trooper 1:

I think she can read it all she wants to.

Trooper 2:

Now, if they’ve actually outlawed that, that is . . . and I

think they have.

Abby Newman was vindicated by a jury of her peers and found not guilty of assault on a

“royal” police officer and of resisting arrest. They still tried to get her for simply invoking her Constitutional rights. Digging through her goods they are heard to say, “Oh, look, anti-govenrment paraphanelia. What are we going to do?”

In another case we have video shot by a news helicopter of one of my listeners at a checkpoint. The police pulled Ferrell Montgomery over, and the SWAT team attacked him. Despite the fact that he was unarmed and that they had rendered him unconscious with three taser guns, the police released a dog on him, and allowed it to savagely tear at his body for over three minutes. They then tried to frame him by holding up two jumper cables and saying that they were “pipe bombs.” Of course, a month later they admitted all the charges were false. Still, that didn’t stop them from having a little fun, a little manhunt.

America, it is time to wake up to what is happening. We are being treated like animals. Ferrell Montgomery was just pulled over, attacked for no reason, shot with three taser guns, then mauled by a police dog for simply pointing out his Fourth Amendment right to not be searched without a warrant.

a mainstream newspaper in West Virginia on September 2, 2001, ran a story with the headline, “Christians a ‘hate group.’” They found out the FBI and law


enforcement schools across the state—and across the country—are teaching police that Christians, all Christians, period, are hate criminals, and are all part of a terrorist group if they believe in a second coming of Christ. Note that all this propaganda originates from the Justice “Project Megiddo” report, where they list as terrorists:

• home schoolers

• gun owners

• anyone who cares about freedom

• anyone who believes in Jesus Christ

• anyone who believes in the Second Coming

• anyone who discusses a New World Order conspiracy theory

• anyone who talks about a New World Order takeover.

The evidence is clear: If you resist a New World Order takeover, you are will be classified as a “hate criminal.” They say that you’re a terrorist if you talk about a New World Order. Well, there definitely are some
terrorists that talk about a New World order, like former President George Bush, for example.

“It is a big idea, a new world order. Out of these troubled times, our fifth objective: a new world order can emerge. . . . Now we can see a new world coming into view, a world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order.”

—President George Bush, September 11, 1991

“The president, George Bush, has talked time and time again about a new world order, and this is the best chance to begin to establish the new world order.”

—Dan Quayle, on CNN


One of my listeners in Missouri, a patriotic firefighter, sent us footage of a FEMA commando demonizing the Founding Fathers and Christians to a group of police and firefighters in a classroom setting. Here’s the transcript:

“Think about the Christians, okay. Do you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? No. What did they do? They took your head off. They beheaded you if you didn’t accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. See, this is reality. Yeah, they’re terrorists. But the bottom line is, to them they are not. Now why is that important to understand? Because they are as committed to their cause and to their way of life as you are to yours. And they see you as being wrong. That is very difficult. When people are passionate about what they believe in, they become a very difficult enemy to beat. Who was the first terrorist organization in the United States? The Founding Fathers. Thomas Jefferson. George Washington. Paul Revere. These guys right here, did they try to scare people? They tried to intimidate the British. Did they use acts of violence? Your Founding Fathers, my Founding Fathers, were involved in acts of terrorism against British officials, because they systematically had British officials assassinated. Assassinated. . . . George Washington —Mr. Honest who cut down a cherry tree and admitted it—is the same guy who signed death orders, if you will, on members of the British government, the British crown, who they wanted to eliminate because politically they influence in certain pockets of the United States—at that time the thirteen colonies—

and they wanted to divide and conquer. . . .

“They may kill a whole lot of civilians. And I’m going to be honest with you. If they kill ten thousand civilians tomorrow with a biological agent, that’s too bad for them.”

Talk about demonization. If anyone is going kill to civilians, it’s the Feds. They’re the ones who have a track record of slaughtering innocent Americans. All the evidence


shows that the globalists are the killers and that they are responsible for the deaths of three thousand at the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

The USA Patriot Act – No Sunset Clause

Bush signed the U.S.A. Patriot Act, which eviscerated the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Section 213 delays warrants. It means they can sneak in your house for any reason, take whatever they want, and never even tell you they were there. You’re thinking, “Oh, that’s okay. There’s a sunset clause.” The media said that HR 3162 ends in 2005. Well, if you look at that subsection, all of the key areas that violate your Constitutional rights contain no sunset provisions, meaning that these laws never expire (U.S.A Patriot Act, Sunset Provision, Section 224).

Out of one thousand sixteen sections, Section 802 has to be the most frightening. You see, this defines a domestic terrorist as anyone who is involved in “acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State.”

Under their definition, even those committing misdemeanor crimes, like two high school football players getting in a fistfight at a party are engaging in terrorist activities. This is an absolute outrage. In truth, the people who passed this legislation are the real terrorists. They are the real criminals and have engaged in sedition against our Constitutional Republic.

Congressman Ron Paul said that none of the Congress was allowed to even read the bill, and that they were threatened by the White House with charges of anti-patriotism if they didn’t sign it. He said the Founding Fathers revolted over much lighter forms of tyranny.

“Unfortunately, we may not always be able to tell you why that agent or agents are knocking on your door. . . . Is there a chance that some of your civil liberties may slip while we guarantee the security of this country?

Maybe. Maybe.”

—Stephen Steinhauser, FBI agent on PBS’ Lehrer Newshour


Conditioning and Preparation for Total Takeover

Slimeball FBI agents like Stephen Steinhauser gave speeches all over the country in huge meeting halls, telling people they have to give up their liberty for security. Now we are seeing urban warfare teams pop up in major cities and small towns alike. They would like you to believe that this is some new phenomenon that has emerged since September 11. I’m about to present the evidence that this has been going on over the past decade here in the United States, and to show you how they have been training the cadres of officers to go out and train the mass of troops for a total militarized takeover of the United States of America in the name of protecting the population from enemy terrorists.

In truth, the military has been training to attack the American population for some time, through “Urban Warfare Training Exercises.” Back in 1999, Texas got hit by six black helicopter raids. During the first military occupation drill, the Kingsville police station was set ablaze by US Army commandos. Military checkpoints were instituted across the state, and mayors were forced to throw the invading armies out of their cities in response to public outrage.

Police chiefs went public about these bizarre military takeovers of American cities. These exercises were carried out not only by Army Special Operations from Fort Brag, but included foreign troops. Czechoslovakian troops, on American soil, were terrorizing the public, running around firing automatic weapons. The operations were to condition the public, and to acclimatize them to accept the military—with foreign troops—working with our local police (
Corpus Christie Caller Times
, February 13, 1999, “Operation Last Dance: Army exercises in South Texas”;
February 17, 1999 “Army admits live ammo used”;
February 15, 1999, “Fear and Loathing in Kingsville, Texas”;
Austin-American Statesman,
April 17, 1999, “Invasion, South Texas: Army exercises make black helicopters the talk of town”).

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