Authors: Alex Jones
Tags: #Current Events, #Political Ideologies, #International Relations, #Conspiracies, #Political Freedom & Security - Terrorism, #September 11 Terrorist Attacks, #Conspiracy theories, #Fascism & Totalitarianism, #21st Century, #General, #United States, #Globalization, #2001, #Political Science, #Social Studies: General, #Political Ideologies - Fascism & Totalitarianism, #Politics, #Terrorism, #History, #Political Freedom & Security
“Population Control” and The Global Elite
Now the Bilderberg group in Reuters (which they own) has gone public that it actually grooms our presidents and our prime ministers; that, yes, its members really are international bankers; yes, royal families are involved; yes, the bilderberg group runs the central banks; and, yes, the elitists see us as the property of a global superstate (
May 23, 2001, “Secretive Bilderberg group to Meet in Sweden”). Bilderberg member Prince Philip, in his own publication,
If I Were an Animal,
brags about how he would kill eighty percent of the population; how his great dream is to come back as a virus.
So you see, these psychos are creating a
-like control system and talking about killing you, from Ted Turner at the U.N. to Prince Philip. They are out of control and on a massive power trip.
Phony Environmentalism
People like Ted Turner and Maurice Strong have been pushing, writing the textbooks for a massive environmental movement control system to steal all of the private property not already in their wicked hands. They are ramming through their agenda using the phony environmental movement. The environmental movement has nothing to do with saving the environment, and everything to do with stealing property and empowering world government. The New World Order gang is promoting their world-wide landgrab as a religious movement. James Coburn, an actor involved in the environmental movement, said: “We’ve lost our way. The earth is a living organism. We’ve got to praise our Mother Goddess.”
UN Takeover and “Population Control”
I produced a documentary video called
America Destroyed by Design
. We traveled six thousand miles around America and witnessed the horror of the United Nations taking over our national parks and monuments through mechanisms like the World Heritage sites and the Man and the Biosphere programs. Now, under the Desertification Treaty, passed by congress and signed into law on October 18, 2000, seventy percent of the country is under United Nations jurisdiction (source: Congressional Record). Through international treaty congress has given control over most of the 50 states’ land mass to the United Nations. Under the guise of preserving our natural resources, the entire world is being brainwashed through every medium imaginable to relinquish control over private property to the United Nations.
[Note to publisher: INSERT graphic: 13-biodiversity].
The United Nations Convention on Biodiversity, ratified by many nations way back in the 1990s, stated that human beings are nothing more than cattle and must be controlled by a centralized law enforcement police state; that property rights are not absolute; that people are the problem; and that a global tyrannical government is going to have to step in to save the earth. This a prime example of tyrants making excuses for their criminal activities.
The UN Convention on Biodiversity Report then goes on to talk about how we must get rid of eighty-plus percent of the world’s population (we’re talking about five-plus billion people) or else there won’t be enough resources to go around. Talk about a rationale for slavery.
The United Nations, in this report, brags about how wonderful ancient societies were in using infanticide, human sacrifice, homicide, feuding, and other bloody practices as a way to control population. They actually endorse these practices in this report.
The United Nations doesn’t just talk about killing people in the name of saving the earth, they’ve actually put their plans into action. The Burmese army killed two thousand people and drove thirty thousand from their homes to make way for a United Nations biosphere sanctuary(source:
London Guardian
, March 23, 1997).
The UN has also laid out detailed plans of how they can murder half the world’s population by restricting fertilizers and access to irrigation water (GBA Section
page 761). This UN document has already talked about bizarre occult rituals like human sacrifice as being integral parts of maintaining populations at sustainable levels. It talks about how ancient societies used the environment and considered it to be holy; how Christians are bad because they cut down the sacred groves where they engaged in their special rituals that helped maintain and replenish nature.
This bloodthirsty control-freak theme echoes through elitist circles at places like the Georgia guidestones, owned by Illuminati leaders, that talk about reducing the world
population by eighty percent (the number we heard from Prince Philip and Ted Turner so many times before); the statement that the elite must maintain the population, forcibly, at five hundred million.
And now, from recently declassified government documents in Australia, we learn that world-famous microbiologists, Nobel Prize winners, were seriously contemplating and planning to release biological weapons to reduce an overpopulated world (
The Age,
March 10, 2002, “Burnet’s solution: The plan to poison SE Asia”). The revelation is contained in top-secret files declassified by the National Archive of Australia.
I challenge everyone to read the nightmare Kyoto Treaty—a total United Nations takeover of the world’s energy supply and a huge taxing mechanism to control the populations of the earth. Behind this New World Order takeover plan is junk science. There is no global warming. Thousands of scientists have come forward to say we are in a natural weather cycle, and that one major volcanic eruption emits more carbon gasses than all of man’s industrial output combined over 50 years.
Those who control the machinery of government would have us believe that they have our best interests at heart, but in reality they are obsessed with implementing horrific programs of population control. Eugenics programs in the United States from the 1920’s to 1979 sterilized hundreds of thousands of Americans, declaring the children of single parent families simple-minded if they scored under a B+ on their report cards. Those children were sterilized, and, in many cases after being taken into custody, were interned in maximum security mental institutions where medical students would conduct hysterectomies and engage in medical experimentation on them. The young men were castrated.
In another government-sponsored atrocity, thousands of black me were told they were receiving treatment for syphilis. In reality, these ‘experiment subjects’ were being
allowed to die slow deaths, in some cases for over 40 years, while they spread the disease to thousands in the Tuskegee Experiment.
"Fluoridation is the greatest case of scientific fraud of this century, if not of all time" (Dr Robert Carton, "
" Canadian Broadcast Company Nov 24th,1992
Dr Robert Carton, a scientist who spent 20 years working for the US EPA
Fluoride is a known toxin that causes cancer, severe bone fractures and retardation of children. Leading scientific institutions, major universities and Nobel laureates have exposed its danger, yet fluoride is being crammed into the water worldwide. The amount of solid scientific evidence that fluoride kills is overwhelming. Those who dispute this reality are flat-earthers, denying the facts of what is happening in our society.
Only 2% of Europe fluoridates their water. In 1992 a study by the New Jersey Department of Health (Cohn PD, A Brief Report on the Association of Drinking Water Fluoridation and the Incidence of Osteosarcoma among young Males.
New Jersey Dept of
Health, Nov 8th ,1992.
) found a strong link between fluoridation and bone cancer (osteosarcoma) in young males. They reported that osteosarcoma rates were three to seven times higher in fluoridated areas than non-fluoridated areas.
Fluoridated water has been linked to decreased birth rates because it interferes with levels testosterone of males (Freni SC, Fluoride in Drinking Water & Decreased Birth Rates.
Journal of Toxicology & Environmental Health No 42
, pp109-121, 1994). Chinese studies show reduced IQ in children overexposed to fluoride through drinking water. Further effects include memory loss, headache, reduced concentration, depression and confusion(Zhao LB, Liang GH, Zhang DN,Wu XR, Effects of a High Fluoride Water Supply on Children’s Intellligence.
Fluoride 29:4
pp 190-192, 1996. Li XS et al, Effect of Fluoride Exposure on Intelligence in Children.
Paper to 20th Conference of
International Society for Fluoride Research, Beijing
A major university study conducted over decades compared rates of bone cancer in Northern Ireland, where water is fluoridated, and the South where water is not treated with fluoride. The rates of rare bone cancer were 45% higher in the North. The evidence that fluoride is a dangerous toxic waste that the New World Order is disposing of in our water supply is overwhelming.
Another widespread chemical attack launched by globalist juggernaut is aspartame, the taste that kills. Calling aspartame a poison is doing it a favor. According to the scientists and brain surgeons I’ve interviewed, this is one of the biggest killers in the United States today. It is in over nine thousand foods.
Then there are vaccines. Everything from cancer viruses to DNA fragments and mercury has been found in vaccines. The entire vaccine supply is contaminated. And what is the government doing? Mandating more and more injections of our children.
Chicago Tribune
reported in 2001 that 60 top scientists met in Chicago to present overwhelming evidence that cancer viruses found in monkeys are in many of the vaccines. A recent poll in the United Kingdom, showed that over 80% of the population opposes the mandatory injection of the measles, mumps and rubella (mmr) vaccine. A news anchor has gone public with the fact that this vaccine has brain-damaged his child. Autism is up over 2000 percent and is rising in the industrial world proportionately with the increase of mandated vaccinations.
Elites throughout history have always sought to control their serfs. Now the elite has almost unlimited technologies. They have the technologies that will allow them to have extended, perhaps eternal lives with the help of cybernetic interfaces. The globalists (and they talk about this in their own policy papers) are not about to allow you and your
family to have access to this technology. Unless we stop them, they are going to herd us into the reservations to control us with this new, advanced technology. They are obsessed with it. Unchecked, they will exterminate eighty percent of us, while creating a technology-driven metropolis-utopia for themselves.
The atomic soldiers, Project SHAD… I could go on for days. I have rooms full of documents and Congressional testimony. Wake-up. Open your eyes and look around you. A bunch of sicko control-freaks run the world.
You’ve seen the historical record. You’ve seen the facts that government sponsored and controlled terrorism in the final decades of the twentieth century, going into the new millennium in 2001. This is a call to arms, a call to the information war, to wake up your friends, your family, people in your community, your churches, your universities, your schools, and to realize what we are facing. The evidence is absolutely overwhelming and cannot be denied.
Look at elites throughout history. Their pleasure and enjoyment is feeding upon populations and controlling them. We are dealing with control freaks. You have to learn about human history to understand our enemy. You have to look around you and study the systems of power that surround you. Get outside the paradigm, outside the box. Educate yourself on these facts, and then educate others on how to resist the system. Whatever you do, never turn in your firearms. We are trying to fix these problems peaceably, but we do have every right to defend ourselves and our families from this tyranny.
You see, this is a warning to everyone. If we are unable to defeat this New World Order, the terror attacks are going to begin to escalate. They are going to get worse, until the United Nations program for an eighty percent world population reduction is actually realized.
Please study this and look at the facts. You need to get out the word. You have to make it
issue in your community if we are going to defeat this system. More terror attacks are coming, and it is up to you get the word out of who is behind them, because by doing that, we are able to shine the spotlight on these creatures and to show how they are using terror to get more power and control.
When we expose their evil paradigm, the globalists lose the power they have over us. No longer will they be seen as our loving saviors just taking our rights away for our best interests; they will be exposed to be the bloodthirsty, evil tyrants that they are Then the illusion will be shattered, the curtain of lies thrown back to reveal them for the beasts that they are. If you don’t shatter that illusion of control, it is over for America, it is over for the world, and it means absolute, total dehumanization.
We need Paul Reveres all across this country—black, white, old, young—to fight for this Republic and against these slave masters.
Note: Alex Jones is a documentary filmmaker and syndicated talk-radio host. Before the attacks, in July of 2001, Jones was on the record on his radio and television shows and on his website – – stating that Osama bin Laden was a known CIA asset and that his intelligence sources were stating that the government was planning an attack on New York as a pretext for more control.
The book you have just read,
911: Descent into Tyranny
, is adapted from his film,
The Road the Tyranny
produced in late 2001/early 2002. Jones decided to write this book because his friends, family and listeners suggested that it would be helpful in reaching more people. Dozens of requests from the hearing impaired finalized the decision to write the book.