8 Mile & Rion (29 page)

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Authors: K.S. Adkins

BOOK: 8 Mile & Rion
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‘His heart was like a sensitive plant, that opens for a moment in the sunshine, but curls up and shrinks into itself at the slightest touch of the finger, or the lightest breath of wind.’

~Anne Bronte

There are these moments where he completely floors me. He’ll say something simple, but it’s profound because Loyal doesn’t say things to bullshit you. He has so much vulnerability and a tenderness about him that calls to me. I’m assuming he’s unaware of it because often when he speaks I can see it confuses him while it delights me.

I may be blazed out of my mind, but I could feel desire in every limb of my body. There’s a fire in my veins and my skin is tingling with awareness. I’m so overwhelmed by this feeling I want to scream with it. Straddling him, I want him to scream with it too. Rubbing my hands over his head, I massage his scalp while he tightens his grip on my hips. Maybe it’s the weed giving me the courage, maybe it’s simply desperation but whatever it is I can’t fight wanting him anymore.

Licking my lips to rid myself of cotton mouth, I seal my mouth to his and just like that, I’m on overdrive. With my legs braced under the arms of the chair, it gives me the perfect leverage to rock back and forth. When his mouth breaks from mine, I take a deep breath and swallow his taste. His mouth attaches to my neck with force and my hips begin rocking over his clothed dick in a fury. Releasing his head to take his shirt off, I practically shred it with my impatience.

In return, he rips my sweatshirt off and covers my tits with his big hands. Squeezing them, I let my head fall back and sensations guide me. Running my hands over his chest blindly, I bring my head back to stare at him properly. It’s not too dark yet and his silhouette was breathtaking when he was focused on me. Tracing a scar over his left pec causes him to shiver.

“What happened?” I ask, shocked at the need filling my voice. In all my life I’ve never sounded like this.

“Knife,” was his response and before I could push further, his thumb found my clit and an orgasm stole the words from my mouth. “Ride it out,” he growls in my ear and that’s exactly what I did. Slowly coming down from it, I kiss him again this time exploring him fully. “I did that,” he says running his nails down my back. “Unfuckingreal.”

Smiling at the look of awe on his face, I clumsily disengage myself from the chair to stand in front of him. The expression on his face is fierce. I want to say he is beautiful but he isn’t. He is deadly, he is intense and for me that made him beautiful. Looks fade. The core of him though, was all warrior. Christ, but alpha males are hot as hell and I am so glad this one was mine.

Reaching forward and undoing the button, then the zipper followed by a shimmy, I finally have him naked and fully erect. Standing there staring, I realize I didn’t know where to start. It isn’t possible to do it all at once, but god knows I want to. Kneeling down between his knees, I can feel the hair on his legs brush my sides and even that sensation causes me to moan. “The fuck was in that joint?” he asks, gripping the arms of the chair.

“I have no idea,” I whisper just staring at his straining dick. “Whatever it was has me wanting to attack you. Brace yourself, I won’t be held responsible for what happens next. ”

“You gonna suck my dick, Rion?” the way he says my name shreds me. He’s the only person in my life that doesn’t call me Junior. He says Rion like he owned the name, invented it and copy wrote it.

“Oh uh,” I whisper because I can’t find my voice. “I’m assuming the right answer here is yes.”

When his answer is to raise his hips, I take the hint and wrap one hand at his thick base and use the other for leverage. Opening my mouth wide, I work him in and out, slowly at first then faster when he starts moaning. Adding suction made him wild and when his hands make their way into my hair, he starts fucking my mouth with purpose. If I didn’t know him, I’d say he is angry, but this isn’t anger, this is desperation. He wants this as badly as I do. Though he tries to be gentle, it’s not in his makeup and I am okay with that.

Releasing him, I sit back on my ankles and look him over. His face is red, his knuckles were white and his dick was covered in my spit desperate to get back to me. “Ready for me?” I ask, putting a leg on each side the chair.

“Give it to me,” he groans, “or I’m gonna take it.”

Sinking down, I decided to give it to him. Inch by inch he stretches me, it feels so good that when his nails dig into my ass, I pinch his nipples hard enough to pull him forward. Bouncing slowly, he takes the hint and destroys my nipples with his teeth and lips in return.

“Harder,” he growls into my tits. Grinding on him, his hands come up my back to my shoulders and he applies pressure forcing me to keep my rhythm. My legs are burning with the effort but I knew I could do this forever if I had to. No lie, the weed was helping. “Feel good?” he asks, thrusting up to meet me.

“Like I’m going to burst,” I moan biting his ear. “How do you feel?”

“I’m on fire,” he says, closing his eyes. “Wanna burn forever.”

With no sounds to be heard except that of our pleasure, it’s his moans that take me higher. Lifting myself up, I slam back down and repeat it because I was going to come again. “Watch,” he orders me when I raise myself up again. Bringing my weight back down I see his dick disappear then he raises me himself. The next several minutes are of him lifting me up with just his arms and using my body in the best possible way. His strength staggers me as he maneuvers me as if I weigh nothing. “Come now,” he growls and because he demanded it, I did.

“Again,” he says, gripping me tighter. As for me, I have no words. All I have is feeling. I made a mental note to smoke weed more often because, damn… Wrapping his arms around my middle he takes my mouth and in return, I wrap my arms around his neck. Leaning forward he slowly raises us up, then stands taking me over to the rail and perching me on the ledge. “Won’t let go,” he assures me.

“I know,” I whisper back. And I did know. When I was with him, I was safe.

Sliding in and out, I watch silently as he concentrates on his movement. He’s as shocked by what’s happening as I am. I’ve always enjoyed sex but this wasn’t sex. Something was building, trying to break free. To be honest, I didn’t know what this was, but it was life altering. “Loyal,” I whisper, “I’ve never felt like this before.”

“I don’t think anybody’s ever felt like this before,” he groans. “I don’t wanna come.”

Reaching down and tugging on his balls, I whisper, “Oh I think you do.”

Pumping into me he roars for me to squeeze harder, so I do. “Gonna fill you up,” he says, gripping my ass tight.

“Do it,” I beg him, “do it now, I can’t fucking stand it anymore it’s too much!”

pussy,” he says, watching me thrash around.

“Please,” I beg him wanting him to come so I could too.

“You gonna come again?”

“Waiting for you,” I tell him on a whimper.

“Ain’t gotta wait,” he says, spanking me rather hard, “come, woman.”

We came together in a roar from him and a scream from me. He filled me up like he said he would and I could feel it on a journey through my body. It was like a slow motion tour, making stops in my bones and organs with a final stop in my bloodstream. The aftershocks lasted minutes, but the mark he left on me would last forever. Jesus, where
Senior get his weed?

Note to self: take it home with us.


‘Snacks. Get me snacks.’


After raiding the refrigerator, we both fell on the couch completely zapped of energy. Taking her feet into my lap, I rub the heels and watch as her eyes close. Spending my days like this would make me insanely happy. I’ve never needed much, if I was fed and had a place to crash I considered that a win. With her though, I decided the way I lived before her wasn’t living at all.

This was.

The harder I rubbed, the happier she looked. If there was anything sexier than a well pleased woman, I didn’t know what it was. Reaching for me she pulls me next to her on the oversized couch. When she runs her fingers along my sides my own eyes close but I fought it. I wouldn’t risk falling asleep with her close by. What happened tonight was the beginning of something I could bet on and having a nightmare wasn’t an option.

“Sleep,” she says softly. “You’re tired.”

“Don’t sell this place,” I tell her. “You got history here. This place is you. Keep it.”


“He’d want you to keep making memories here.”

“What about you?” she asks, leaning into my neck. “Would you be willing to make memories here with me?”

“I didn’t have memories ‘til you,” I tell her. “I’ll take all the memories you’ll give me.”

“Then I won’t sell it,” she says with a smile in her voice. “Making memories with you sounds better anyway.”

“You gonna take me fishing tomorrow?”

“I can’t wait to take you fishing tomorrow,” she says on a sigh. “Hey Loyal?”


“I love you.” Swallowing hard I wanted to say it so fucking bad and I was pissed that I couldn’t. She didn’t bitch that I didn’t say it back, instead she held me even tighter. “You love me too,” she says quietly. “You might not know it yet, but I do. I feel it. When the time is right you’ll tell me and I’ll wait until you do.”

Fighting back the emotion I watch her as she drifts off to sleep. Once her breathing evens out, I remove myself from the couch and grab a beer from the fridge. Sitting out on the deck I look up at the stars embracing the darkness. The cool air doesn’t faze me, I was used to it. The woman in there on that couch though, she’s got me all fucked up. I say the words, she’ll hold me to them. I say the words, then everything I do has to have her in mind.

I say the words, it means I trust her with my heart. I used to wonder if I even had a heart, but I can feel it beating, feel it reaching out to hear and it terrifies me. I say the words, she could literally fucking crush me.

“Can’t sleep?” she asks, sitting next to me and taking a drink of my beer.

“Don’t need much sleep.”

“Ah,” she says, handing it back. “I was never much of a sleeper myself until Senior got sick. Now I feel like I can’t sleep enough.”

“You took care of him by yourself?”

“Rio helped some,” she says, “but he was my dad. I wanted to take care of him like he did me. He went so fast though, I thought I had time to prepare but you can never prepare for losing someone you love. One minute he was making jokes and the next, he was just gone. I struggle to remember the in-between.”

“Am I far off in thinking you’re just like your old man?”

Giving a small laugh she pulls her knees up to her chest and rests her head on them facing me. “Not at all. I’m the female version of him. If he did it, I had to do it. I had him for thirty years, I’m lucky. How about you? You didn’t have them long but were you close with your parents?”

“I was seven when he died and even then he wasn’t around much. My mom was pretty hands on when I was little, but once he died, she gave up.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Not everyone gets an old man like yours. Glad you did, though.”

“Loyal?” she asks. “Did you come out here to get away from me?”


“Wow, I didn’t think you’d say that,” she whispers. “Will you tell me why?”

“You got my head fucked up. I don’t know if it’s bad or good. I just know I went from being alone to never wanting to be alone again. Feels like I depend on you too much. I’m worried I’m going to drown you.”

“What if instead of drowning me you just tread water next to me?”

I didn’t answer her. I couldn’t. Not then, anyway. The woman is always trying to help me and I have nothing to give her in return. Standing up, I kiss her on the forehead and crash on the couch without another word. I didn’t sleep though, not even close. Not when she came in and went back to her bed without me and especially not when I had to listen to her cry. I was drowning her already and she didn’t even know it. She refused to see the bad in me, but I knew it was there.

Rion was all things good.

I was all things damaged.


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