Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

55 Erotic Sex Stories (19 page)

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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I pulled back on her hair, forcing her to turn awkwardly to face me so that I could kiss her. Our tongues slobbered over each other’s as our lips met clumsily, and I could see the tears that had spilled from her eyes and ruined her makeup when John’s massive cock had been buried inside her throat. She loved being fucked hard though, and we continued to pound her holes, occasionally so hard that she winced in momentary pain, before enjoying the feeling of two dicks inside her again. Seeing as she had handled herself admirably so far, we decided to step things up a notch. I removed my cock from her ass and collected the lubricant dispenser from the side again. She watched on, biting her lip and smiling as she anticipated what was coming to her. I dripped a large splodge of lube over her asshole, coating it further in the slippery substance as John positioned his cock underneath her. She moved up slightly and leaned back a little, allowing him to slide his cock into her ass hole as I had just done. She rode on it for a minute or so while I watched, jerking off at the sight of this spicy Latina whore taking a fat dick up her ass.

Once she was acclimatised to his cock, I stepped up between their legs and pushed my own throbbing penis against her rim, splitting it even wider open than it had ever been in her life. John held his hand over her mouth, muffling her screams and ensuring that her thong did not fall out on to the floor as I pushed my cock deeper and deeper into her well lubricated ass holes. With each thrust I penetrated an extra inch, with John’s cock already balls-deep inside her. Still holding her arms firmly behind her back, we both started to pound her ass hole, and the sight of it contorting around our dicks almost made me cum immediately. I managed to keep cool though, double fucking her for a little while as we tried to contain her ecstatic screams. Eventually, though, the intense rubbing of our cocks and the tightness of her ass hole proved too much for us, and we both let out a near-simultaneous groan as we pumped our hit, milky semen in to her rectum. John had reached underneath her crotch just before he came, and had started to rub her clitoris. As we shot our jizz deep in to her ass, our expanding cocks must have spurred her on, because just as we shot our final spurts of cum, she managed to spit out the thong and unleash a deafening, blood-curdling moan. Her hips thrashed violently and her legs kicked out at our sides, almost causing her to topple to the floor. We held her firmly in place while she came, reaching the most incredible orgasm we had ever witnessed.

As she came down from her intense, seemingly never-ending climax, she rested her head on John’s chest and tried to control her exasperated breathing. All three of us were sweating like crazy, and then it dawned on me that her flight was about to finish boarding. We hadn’t really intended to keep her quite so long, and we had to rush to get dressed and get her through to the gate on time. She arrived just as they were about to close the gangway, and slipped through at the last second. She didn’t even need a cavity search, as she was an outbound passenger. Good job we didn’t tell her that!

Hot Sex at the Gymn

As a fit, healthy young woman, I love exercising and doing everything I can to stay in shape. As a student in my final year of University, I often have to juggle arduous studying with my part time job, leaving little room for fun, let alone exercise. So, my friend, Sarah, and I decided to set up a routine whereby every Wednesday afternoon we would go to the gym for a workout session. We were both free from lectures and work that day, so it was the perfect opportunity to get some much needed toning done. It was a schedule that we managed to stick to for the best part of a year, and I guess it was inevitable that one day one of us would be unable to make it. Such was the case recently, when Sarah’s boyfriend surprised her with a romantic trip to the cinema to see the new rom-com she’d been chirping about for the past few weeks. Naturally, she was so enamoured by his display of impromptu affection that she agreed to go immediately, leaving me in the lurch. I would have been less annoyed had she not waited until I was stood outside the gym to send me the text confirming she wouldn’t be joining me. It was a gusty autumn day and just as I read her message, a solitary drop of rain splashed onto my phone screen, foreboding the heavy shower that was conspiring to drench me should I walk back. So, not wanting to be caught in the rain, I decided to go ahead with the gym session regardless. It was a decision that turned out to be one of the best I had ever made.

I signed in and then walked in to the changing rooms, which were empty apart from one other woman, who was a little older. She was in a state of undress, so I averted my eyes and went behind a wall where we couldn’t see each other. I quickly changed into my gym gear – a dark purple vest top that hugged my small, perky breasts, and some thin grey training shorts. I prefer to be as loose and free as possible when working out, so I left my bra and thong in my locker along with my normal clothes, and then tied my trainers and walked into the main gym hall. It was sparsely populated, as was the case every week at that time of the day. I guessed most people were busy at work, which made me feel like kind of a bum. Anyway, the lack of clients meant that I had my pick of the equipment, and after doing a little warm up, I quickly straddled myself into a rowing machine. I stayed on it for a little while, rocking back and forth and building up a light sweat, occasionally reaching down to my bottle of water to rehydrate myself. With every row that I accomplished, my breasts wobbled gently inside my vest top, and a faint wet patch started to appear down my cleavage as the material absorbed my sweat. As the wind and rain lashed the trees outside the window, the air inside was stiflingly warm. I decided to try another exercise method, and immediately spotted the treadmills.

I darted over and started to program my course into the ridiculously complex computer system panel attached to the front of it. The black belt whirred under my feet, prompting me to set my drink down in the holder at the side and begin jogging. The bank of treadmills was positioned so that the users were looking directly out of the large windows across the park next to the gym. As I watched people running around and being battered by flying litter and trying to take shelter from the downpour outside, I was glad that I had decided to come in alone. I ran for about 10 minutes, listening to music through my earphones, blissfully ignorant of the world around me. Then, in the reflection in the glass I noticed a large man standing behind me. I turned to face him and saw he was looking the other way, setting up the weights ready for his workout. He was very muscular, but not overly so. He looked like the kind of guy who liked to stay ripped, but wasn’t training to pull a jumbo jet by his nut sack. I couldn’t take my eyes off him, and even though nobody had caught my prying eyes, I decided to watch him in the reflection in the window. As I jogged along on the treadmill, he started to lift the weights, every so often standing up to add more giant metal disks to the pole he was lifting. His strong arms were flexing like crazy under the pressure of the bulky weights, but he didn’t seem fazed by them at all. I realised that while he was lying on the bench, he was facing my direction, and a few times I’m sure I caught him staring at my perky little ass as my cheeks ground together inside my shorts.

I could feel his eyes poring over my backside, and the idea that he was perving on me was turning me on. I could feel my already clammy pussy getting wet at the thought of his big, bulging biceps. He stopped using the weights and walked over to the dumbbells. He sat down on a bench and started lifting those weights instead. His new position was out of my sight, and I had to peer around a large supporting pillar in order to see him. As I tilted my head around the obstruction, I saw that he was looking directly at me, waiting for me to show my face. I averted my gaze, giggling to myself at having been caught out, and then looked again. He was looking down, concentrating on the weight in his hand as he lifted it slowly up and down. The veins in his arms surged with blood as he flexed his large muscles, and a few droplets of sweat descended down his neck to his damp vest. I took a swig of cold water from my bottle to try to get a grip of my senses, but I was so turned on by his abs that I couldn’t stop peering over behind the pillar. He continued to lift the dumbbells for a little while and then stood up, again catching me out as he looked over and smiled. Again, I pretended I was looking at something else, and continued with my run.

I saw his reflection walking behind me, passing me completely as he made his way towards the changing rooms. I looked over at the exit, and just as he walked through, he turned to me and winked. It wasn’t just a wink, though; it was a cute smile and a sparkle in his eye that just sent me wild with lust. I tried to keep running, but my mind was too distracted by his immense physique. My clitoris was tingling inside my shorts and my labia were dripping wet, forming an embarrassing moist patch between my legs. I thought about going into the women’s changing rooms, finding a cubicle and playing with myself for a little while to relieve the pressure. It seemed so naughty, but I relented and made my way over to the exit, passing all the vacant equipment on the way. As I approached, another dirty thought crossed my mind. The only other people in the gym were at the far side, and were far more concerned with their own bodies than my delicate little frame. Nobody was watching, and the men’s changing rooms were nearly silent. The entrance was an open walkway that led to a row of showers behind a wall, and then into an open area with lockers, coat hooks and benches etc. I took another quick look over my shoulder, and then stepped carefully in to the opening. I turned the corner and saw that the showers were empty, so I continued past them.

I was about to turn the corner into the changing area when I heard the light slap of footsteps on the red brick floor. Panicking, I hid in the showers, behind a low wall that separated them from the main passageway. The footsteps walked straight past as my heart thumped inside my chest, terrified I would be caught. Whoever it was disappeared into the gym hall, leaving me alone once again. I thought for a moment; what if it was the man I had followed inside. Was it worth continuing? My quivering pussy had already made the decision for me, and I stepped towards the corner once again, peering around to see the changing rooms empty. I could hear something coming from inside, though, and I knew he was in there. I cautiously tip-toed in, scanning the room for movement with every step I took. There was a distinct shuffling sound coming from my right hand side, and as I looked over at the cubicles I could see two feet inside the middle one. I dashed over to the empty cubicle next door, and locked it shut as quietly as I could. Stepping up onto the wooden bench, I gripped hold of the top of the wooden wall between us and pulled myself up to peer inside. I had to stop myself from gasping when I saw him. It was definitely the guy I had been lusting over in the gym area, but not only that, he was jerking off inside his cubicle. He was stood up with his shorts pulled down, revealing his thick, throbbing cock as he stroked it up and down. The sweat was dripping from his neck and running down his chest as he jerked off, and I watched for a little while, getting wetter and wetter as I hung on to the side.

He sat down on the bench and stretched out his legs, and I continued to watch his foreskin rolling over the head of his cock, smothering it in his clear, sticky pre-cum. I so desperately wanted to taste it, to have it in my mouth. I licked my lips almost without thinking, it looked so yummy. He tilted his head back on the wall, and kept masturbating with his eyes closed. I probably should have gotten down right there and then, but I couldn’t take my eyes off his amazing dick. My sweaty fingers caused my left hand to lose its grip, and my knee knocked against the wall as I clambered to regain my grip. He looked up and saw me, but hardly reacted. Instead, he simply continued stroking his cock as I watched him with a massive grin on my face. I knew what he wanted, and he knew the same of me. I got down and I heard him unlock the latch on his cubicle door. Composing myself briefly, I looked around outside to see if anyone else had entered the changing rooms in the mean time. It was empty, thank God, so I trotted out and pushed his door open, stepping inside as he locked it behind me.

We both stood inside the cramped little cubicle, my body just inches away from his. He towered over me, looking down at my dark hair and perky cleavage nestled within my sweaty vest top. His cock nudged against my leg, poking me like a dog waiting for me to throw the ball. I reached out and wrapped my hand around his thick shaft, and started to squeeze up and down from the base to the tip. I could barely fit my palm around it, it was so chunky, but it was also perfectly shaped. While I played with it, he ran his hands over the top of my warm arms, feeling my bare skin as the scent of my perfume and my sweat rose up towards his nostrils. I felt his hands wandering down my back, holding my body while he felt my ass cheeks through the soft grey fabric of my training shorts. His hands felt like vices as they fondled around my ass, groping and gently slapping them from side to side. I could tell even his mildest touch would be quite rough. I let go of his cock for a moment and gripped the sides of my vest top, pulling it over my head to expose my pert nipples. He was instantly fascinated by them, rolling his thumbs around my sensitive areolas and then crouching down to suck on them. The feeling of his rough taste buds as they brushed over my nips was making me even wetter, and I couldn’t help but run my hand into my shorts to play with my clitoris, if only for a second.

He pulled my shorts down in one fell swoop and detached my trainers from my feet as I lifted my legs up one at a time. I was naked, standing in front of him as he pressed me back against the door. With his hands underneath my thighs, he hoisted my body effortlessly a few feet into the air and buried his face in my crotch. I let out a loud groan as I felt his tongue rubbing over my clitoris, circling around and flicking it sideways. It was firm and soaking wet from his saliva and my own pussy moisture, and as he held me there he wetted his middle finger on my juices and started to slide it inside me. Even his fingers seemed huge compared to mine, and were almost as thick as my ex-boyfriend’s cock. He hooked his finger and pulled down, massaging my g-spot steadily as I clenched my ass cheeks and ran my fingers around my perky, spit-covered nipples. I held onto the back of his head as he snacked on my pussy, drooling like an animal as his tongue slipped around my clit.

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