Read 55 Erotic Sex Stories Online

Authors: Kelly Sanders,Kiara Keeley,Conner Hayden

55 Erotic Sex Stories (47 page)

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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“Fuck,” said Graham, stopping to watch the sight of the older woman taking cock. He suddenly felt his excitement surge and quickly moved around the desk. He made Cynthia stand up and watched as she managed to do it without taking her mouth from the hard cock inside it. Graham moved behind her and quickly slid the skirt up around Cynthia’s waist. He wasted no time in grabbing the panties and pulling them down to expose her naked ass. The sight drove his excitement higher and he pushed himself forward onto it, forcing his cock into the butt crease and sliding it up and down.


Graham reached out and grabbing an ass cheek in each hand, pulled them apart so that the underside of his cock was rubbing against the tight hole that had been revealed. The excitement of having her asshole stroked by a hard cock seemed to spur the excitement in Cynthia. She started to bob her head up and down hard on Sammy’s cock. Graham worked the tip of his cock around Cynthia’s tight hole and then slid it down onto her pussy lips. He could feel her pushing back onto him and she seemed desperate to get the cock inside her. Graham quickly worked the head of his hard shaft to the slick opening and teased it around. He pushed forward and moaned as the tightness of the wet pussy closed around his cock. He circled his hips, stirring the head of his hard shaft inside the pussy, before he began to force himself forward. Cynthia moaned as she felt the cock push all the way inside her so that she could feel Graham’s body grinding against her ass.


Cynthia wanted to be completely filled at both ends so she quickly slid her mouth down the hard shaft she was sucking. Sammy moaned as his cock hit the back of her throat and his excitement surged again as he felt Cynthia’s soft lips against balls. She was in ecstasy at the feeling of two cocks filling her holes and held them inside her for as long as she could. She finally pulled back from the cock in her mouth gasping a little for air. “Just fuck me hard,” she moaned and the two men didn’t need a second invitation. They grabbed her and pulled her to the center of the room, forcing her down onto her back. Sammy dropped down between her legs this time and used his knees to push them apart. He slid the skirt up, lowered his cock onto her pussy and Cynthia moaned as she could feel him stroke the head against her clit. It was a new experience for her and she lifted her ass up to push harder against the cock.


Sammy worked his hard shaft over the little hard nub for a short while before finally sliding it down to her pussy lips. Cynthia could feel the head of the cock sliding around in the wetness, getting coated in her juice. It finally moved to the wet hole and slid inside. Sammy teased it around gently before finally ramming it in, making Cynthia gasp at how hard the cock fucked all the way into her. She moaned as Sammy began to fuck her.


As she lay being fucked, Cynthia turned her head to look at Graham who had been watching the action. He was stroking his shaft and he finally moved forward. Cynthia got ready to take a cock in her mouth again, but Graham had other ideas. He quickly stripped open the buttons of her blouse and pulled it open. He then slid her tits out of the bra cups and started to play with the nipples, stroking his fingers over them to make them hard. He got up and stood over Cynthia, straddling her body just above her tits. He then moved down and she watched as the hard cock closed in on her tits. She could feel her anticipation rising as the cock neared and let out a moan as it stroked down onto her tits. Graham worked his cock into her cleavage and made Cynthia push her tits together. He moaned as he could feel his hard shaft being trapped between the breasts. Cynthia’s tits were big enough to completely wrap around his cock and it almost disappeared from sight. Graham sat still for a moment, just enjoying the sensation of his cock being squeezed by the soft tit flesh. He slowly began to rock his hips, trying to fuck his cock into the cleavage. He could feel his cock sliding along the smooth skin and it spurred his excitement. He sped up his movements, feeling the pressure building in his balls as he tit fucked Cynthia.


The two men started to work their cocks into Cynthia hard and fast and she could feel her excitement growing. It surged when she heard Sammy speaking.


“Lets do her fucking pussy and ass together,” he said.


“Fuck, good idea,” said Graham. “I want ass.”


Cynthia felt the two men pull off her. Sammy lay on his back and held his cock straight up. Graham stood and pulled Cynthia up. He moved her to straddle Sammy and watched as she lowered her hips to the cock and took it back inside her pussy. Sammy reached up and pulled Cynthia down onto him as Graham moved behind her and got to his knees. He grabbed his cock and slid the tip onto her ass, forcing it between the cheeks to find her tight hole.


Cynthia moaned in excitement as she felt the cock press against her. This was another new experience for her and she waited for the sensation of her ass and pussy being filled with hard cock. Graham pushed the tip of his cock hard against the hole, feeling it open up a little under the pressure. Cynthia started to squeal as the cock forced its way inside her tight hole.


Fuck, go deeper,” she moaned and Graham pushed forward harder. Cynthia could feel her ass being spread wide open and the sensation of her ass and pussy being fucked by hard cock drove her wild. She urged the two men to treat her like a dirty little cock slut and they began to fuck her. It was so exciting for Cynthia that she quickly found herself reaching an orgasm. Her squeals got louder and she bit her lip to silence herself, fearing someone might hear. As the two cocks pounded her she finally felt the orgasm burst deep inside her. The pleasure flowed from her pussy and ass to the rest of her body and she was suddenly shaking hard as the excitement took hold. She bit her lip harder to the point where she was almost drawing blood, knowing that if she didn’t the scream would escape her lips. She worked hard to remain quiet as her pussy and ass gripped hard around the cocks inside her and it sent her to a peak of ecstasy. As the excitement finally started to fade she could feel her chest heaving. She urged the men to give her everything they had and they worked their cocks harder into her holes.


The tightness of the ass around his hard shaft caused Graham to be the first to lose control. He could feel his balls tingling as they got ready to release. He worked to hold it back as long as possible, letting the pressure in his body build until it was almost unbearable. He finally cracked and let out a moan as the cum suddenly started to shoot hard into Cynthia’s ass. She could feel it being released into her tight hole and pushed back onto Graham, clenching her ass cheeks to squeeze his cock. He kept pushing onto her, the pleasure of releasing his cum inside her making him moan louder.


Sammy gave up the fight to control himself soon after. He looked up into Cynthia’s face and the expression of pure pleasure he saw made him lose control. He fucked his cock up hard so that it drove all the way inside her pussy and held it as it jerked again and again, releasing streams of sticky cum into her pussy. As the two men finally calmed down again, Cynthia collapsed forward onto Sammy.


“So,” laughed Graham. “Did we work hard enough to satisfy you?”


Cynthia was still breathing hard. “Oh fuck yeah,” she said. “I’ll tell my boss you did a real good job.”

The Secretary Gangbang


’s eyes followed Mr. Wood’s ass until it disappeared out of the door of the typing pool. When she finally raised her eyes she could see Sara and Michelle looking in her direction with broad grins on their faces.


“What?” she asked.


“Fantasizing again were you, you dirty little floozy,” laughed Sara.


“No,” protested
and returned their grins. “I really have no idea what you’re talking about.”


“Yeah right,” Michelle joined in. “Your eyes were practically popping out of your head. Don’t be lying to us, we know you far too well.”


laughed. “Uh huh and you two would never dream of staring at his ass.”


“Oh no never,” replied Sara. “We’re good girls.”


“I know what you two dirty little sluts are good at,” teased
. “Don’t forget I know you both just as well as you know me.”


The three girls had formed the typing pool of the company that employed them for almost a year. They were all in their early 20s and in the time they had worked together had become good friends. They gossiped endlessly about the people in the office, especially when it came to the men. In recent times Mr. Wood had become their favorite topic of conversation. He had joined the company around two months previously and all three girls had immediately been taken by how handsome he was. They weren’t sure of his exact age, although he was certainly at least ten years older than them and they reckoned he must be in his mid 30s. The rumors were that he was divorced and he certainly didn’t seem to mind the harmless flirting that went on in the typing pool. He came in most days looking for letters and other documents to be typed.


The three girls found that as time passed their conversations about Mr. Wood got increasingly dirty. They fantasized about what each of them would like to do with him, although when the opportunity finally arrived for something to actually happen they all wanted in on the action. Around three hours after
had ogled his ass as he walked out of the room, Mr. Wood returned.


“I need to work late tonight,” he started as soon as he walked in the door, “and wondered if one of you could help me.”


The girls looked at each other and then back at Mr. Wood. “What’s up?” asked


“The boss man has asked me to submit a proposal for some work,” continued Mr. Wood. “It’s a bit of a rush job that he just heard about and it needs to be submitted tomorrow. I am working on the information, but I am going to have to stay late to get it finished. Can one of you stay to type it for me? I’d be really grateful.”


The girls looked at each other again. “I don’t mind staying late,” jumped in
quickly, grinning as the other girls scowled at her.


“How much work is it?” asked Michelle.


“A fair bit,’ answered Mr. Wood. “I have the first section written already,” he said, holding up the papers in his hand. “But there is plenty more to come.”


“Well I don’t mind staying as well,” Michelle said, holding out her hand for the papers.


“Me too,” piped in Sara. “The more hands that help, the quicker you will get finished.”


Mr. Wood looked at the three girls and smiled. “It’s really good of you.”


“Don’t mention it,” said
grinning. “Just write as fast as you can.”


Mr. Wood laughed. “Sure, I’ll go and get cracking and get the rest to you as quickly as I can.”


The three girls watched as he left the room. “Working late with the handsome boss,” laughed Sara. “It’s like the plot from a porn movie.”


grinned. “Well he did say he would be really grateful. Maybe when we are finished we should find out just how grateful he can be.”


The next few hours were a blur of work. True to his word, Mr. Wood got the work to the three girls as quickly as he could. He was in and out the typing pool all evening and by 8.00pm he had handed the girls the last section of the proposal.


“OK,” said
. “We should be finished in around 30 minutes. If you come back then we should have it printed out for you.” The girls put in the last bit of effort to get the document finished and by 8.25pm they had the document printed out and ready.


“Now to see if we can have some fun,” laughed Sara and undid a couple of buttons on her blouse.


“What will we do?” asked Michelle.


“Let’s just play it by ear and see if he gives us a lead in,” grinned


Less than 5 minutes later Mr. Wood walked back in the office.
stood up with the report and gave it to him.


“This is really fantastic of you,” started Mr. Wood. “Thanks, if there is anything I can do for you just ask.”


turned and winked at the other two girls. Mr. Wood had offered a lead in with virtually the first words out of his mouth. “Well,” said
. “Now that you mention it, there is something.”

BOOK: 55 Erotic Sex Stories
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