5 Peppermint Grove (47 page)

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Authors: Michelle Jackson

BOOK: 5 Peppermint Grove
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The room was filled with a stunned silence and Carol threw a pleading look at Julia.

“Congratulations, Mum and Gerry!” Julia said as she raised her glass of Cabernet Sauvignon in a toast. “To Carol and Gerry!”

The rest all raised their glasses and loudly echoed “To Carol and Gerry!”

“Right,” Julia continued. “While you are all still receptive, I have a bit of news – we all know that Dylan is going to travel around the world for a year . . . well, he has asked me to join him when he visits Australia in July so . . . I’ve said yes! We’re going to spend six weeks going around the country, ending with a visit to Ruth”

Everyone hollered and the children danced around the table, showing their excitement at all the news.

It was Michael’s turn next.

“While you are all spouting out your news, I’ve agreed to work for Julia – I should be well settled by the time she goes away. . . . and there is another little development . . . I’m not too sure how it’s going to go yet but
Lydia has agreed to go on a date with me!”

Dylan looked at Julia and she shrugged her shoulders. “I had to save him from the wrath of Gillian, didn’t I?” she whispered naughtily.

Horatio couldn’t be left out – he had to have the last word. He was loving every moment as he watched his family around the table. He stood up and cleared his throat, then lifted his glass of Guinness.

“You’ll be glad to hear that I have decided not to emigrate to Brazil and although I don’t have a special announcement about the lovely Paola and myself it is wonderful to see my family so happy around me . . . and I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again – good news or a good woman is a bit like the Number 31 bus – none for ages and then three come along together!”




Six months later

5 Peppermint Grove Road, Peppermint Grove, Perth, Western Australia


“He still looks good, Ruth, doesn’t he?” Julia said, nodding over at the handsome Richie as he helped Brian turn the steaks on the barbie. “I find it hard to believe that he’s your neighbour!”

“I can’t get my head around any of this,” Ruth agreed. “To think that a year ago I was still dating that ass Ian!”

Julia giggled. “Isn’t it amazing what time can do?”

“Speaking of time, there’s something I have to tell you – well, you know the way I’m meant to be coming home for Christmas?”

“Yes,” Julia didn’t like the sound of this or where it was leading.

“Well, I may not be able – we’ll have to see how it goes.”

“What are you talking about?” Julia had a hunch and she knew her friend well enough not to beat around the bush.

“I may not be able to travel – I’m pregnant.”

Julia gasped – she had suspected it. “Oh my God – that’s terrific news!”

She hugged her friend tightly and caught Brian looking over from the barbeque. Dylan had joined the men now with fresh refills of beer.

“That is the best news I’ve ever heard,” Julia said. She was so warm inside. “But how far along are you? Surely not long?”

Ruth shook her head. “No, only eight weeks – but you see the reason it will be best not to travel is because I’m having

A shiver ran up Julia’s spine. “I was about to ask if there were twins in your family but I’ve just remembered the story of Charles’ father.”

Ruth nodded. “It is fate, isn’t it?”

“It is certainly fate that you have ended up living in this house. Brian is so proud of you – he can’t wait to get you up the aisle, I bet!”

“And what about Dylan – he’s been watching you like a cat watching a mouse since you guys landed in Perth.”

“Good – I love Dylan. We’ve had the most amazing holiday. I’ll miss him so much when I go back to
Dublin – I’m hoping he will shorten his travels and come home soon.”

“So it’s going well then?”

“I couldn’t ask for more and you know this is as much commitment as I can handle so who knows someday . . . He’s already proved what a great father he could be with his niece and nephew and, you know, now that Michael is handling the business so well I can see myself happily working part-time.”

“Wow – that’s a big change, Ju – I never ever thought I’d hear you say something like that.”

Julia was beaming. “I think we’ve both come a long way.”

“To the other side of the world!” Ruth giggled.

“It’s a small world really and you will never be far away.” Julia’s eyes welled up.

“Two little flights – that’s all that’s between us and we can Skype every day!”

Ruth nodded. “Come inside and see where we have decided to hang the painting.”

Julia followed her friend into a small room that wasn’t yet painted.

“This is going to be the study and we both agreed that we’ll hang it here. Brian will have all his astronomy books on this wall and I’ll have my maps and travel stuff along here. We want to set it up as a good room for chatting and Skyping.”

“I love it and that’s the perfect space for the picture. I’m so glad you kept it – it’s nice to know that something I liked and picked out is on your wall. You know, I think that you are probably right with all of those gut feelings and intuitions that you have. It’s like I bought the painting for you to hang in this room.”

Ruth had to agree. “I’ll miss you, Ju, when you go back!”

“I’ll miss you too, Ruth, but I couldn’t have lost you to a nicer guy or a better place. Peppermint Grove is your true home and now it will be a second home for me and maybe someday my family!”

The two friends looked at each other. They were friends for life and it didn’t matter where they lived – they would never be far from each other’s hearts.





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