Read 45 Fat Burning Secrets - Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off Online

Authors: Jenny Allan

Tags: #Health; Fitness & Dieting, #Diets & Weight Loss, #Weight Loss, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages), #Diets, #Weight Maintenance, #Personal Health, #Healthy Living

45 Fat Burning Secrets - Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off (5 page)

BOOK: 45 Fat Burning Secrets - Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off
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Commit to working your arms on alternate days to tone them and burn the maximum amount of calories! 

Secret #36:
Your Legs Can Burn Calories Too!

On days when you’re not working your upper body, start working on those legs. Just as with your upper body, when you work your lower body, it doesn’t take a bunch of fancy, expensive equipment.

Try these lower body building exercises that use your body weight for resistance:

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for a video demonstration)




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for a video demonstration)




Walking Lunges
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for a video demonstration)


While you can get a great workout at home, without any equipment, if you’d rather work your lower body at a recreation center, add these fun-to-do exercises to your routine:


Leg Presses
click here
for a video demonstration)



Leg Curls
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for a video demonstration)



  • Stair Climber machine

Any time you use equipment that focuses on your thighs as a whole (inner and outer), you’re getting a complete workout. You’ll tone up and build muscle, resulting in turning your body into a calorie burning machine!

Secret #37:
Whittle Your Waist

Six-pack abdominal muscles are the goal of most dieters. The truth is that not everyone can have them (blame genetics), but that doesn’t mean that you can’t get the maximum results possible for your body type. The way to do that is to drop your body fat percentage and work those abs through specific exercises.

If you want to have a gold-medal mid-section, it requires doing a variety of different crunches to target different stomach muscles and leg-lifts to build a strong core. Here are five ab-worthy exercises, endorsed by ACE (American Council on Exercise), for the waistline of your dreams:

The Bicycle Exercise
click here
for a video demonstration)


Vertical Leg Crunch
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for a video demonstration)


Long Arm Crunch
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for a video demonstration)



Reverse Crunch
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for a video demonstration)


Plank Position
click here
for a video demonstration)

As you can see, you don’t need any fancy equipment for these either, so there’s no reason you can’t start doing them!

Secret #38:
Kids Shouldn’t Be Workout Stoppers

Yes, when you have kids you’re already leading a busy lifestyle. However, new parents should use kids as an incentive to lead a healthier lifestyle not only to be around for their children but also to promote good behaviors.

When it comes to working out when little ones are around, you’ve got a couple choices. Find someone to take care of them while you get your much needed exercise or let them help you burn calories!

Some parents feel guilty leaving their children with someone else while going to work out, but finding a sitter for a little bit isn’t a bad thing. Not only is time alone good, it also gives someone else the opportunity to build a loving bond with your children.

However, if this isn’t an option for you, you can always incorporate your little one into your exercise routine. If they’re super little, you can walk with them in a stroller. If they’re a little older, swim with them or play with them at the park. Not only will you lose weight, but you’ll also strengthen your parent-child relationship!

Secret #39:
Sneak in Extra Daily Activity

You can sneak in additional activity at times not associated with “exercise”. Actually, the more active you are from sun up to sun down, the more calories you’ll burn in total! When you pay attention to how much time you waste doing things like being stuck in traffic, waiting in line and things like that, you realize how much time you can free up to sneak in a few calorie burning moves.

BOOK: 45 Fat Burning Secrets - Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast and Keep It Off
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