31 Days of Winter (18 page)

Read 31 Days of Winter Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Mystery, #Romantic Erotica

BOOK: 31 Days of Winter
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‘Option two,’ I whimpered, like I even had a
choice, as his lips sealed over mine. I felt my feet leave the floor as one
hand palmed my bottom and the other supported my back, his fingers firmly
gripping the back of my neck. I returned his kiss with as much fervour as I
could as I clasped his strong shoulder with one hand, and the other reached
around to weave my fingers into his short hair at the base of his neck. He sat
me on the island and suddenly the stars outside didn’t compare to the ones I
was seeing in my eyes as his lips worked against mine, crushing, bruising,
stimulating parts of me that he wasn’t even touching. ‘
I groaned
and he tensed up around me again.

‘Don’t, don’t say that name, anything but that.’
He took the moment to grasp the hem of my jumper and pull it over my head as I
tried to fathom out what was happening.
Did I actually care?
It was his
turn to groan as he ran the tip of his finger from one collarbone to another as
my chest rose and fell and he lowered his mouth to run a trail of kisses along
the echo of his finger. I sighed and fell backwards onto the cold granite and
arched my back, pushing my breasts up towards him. ‘You have the most perfect
skin,’ he murmured as he slid me closer to him, my legs automatically wrapping
around his waist and I flexed my hips, pressing myself against the swelling in
his jeans as I gripped his biceps.

‘O God,
,’ I groaned. I felt his
hands reach under me to undo my bra, slowly running the straps down my arms. I
could feel the urgency in him, yet he seemed to be deliberately taking his time,
as if he were worshipping my body, taking mental pictures to see him through
the days that he said he’d never touch me again. I, on the other hand, wanted
him to get there faster, I felt a longing that I’d never felt, my body just seemed
to know instinctively that he was my perfect match. My breasts swelled as he
palmed them, my nipples, swollen to the point of pain, shot jets of fire
running through me as his thumbs swept over them, gently flicking, then
circling around them. ‘Let me touch you,’ I begged as he loomed over me, still
in his t-shirt and jeans.

He straightened up and ripped his t-shirt off and
I sat up and quivered as I looked at his delicious torso, running my palms over
him, delighting in the feel of the hardness of his muscles, yet the satin soft texture
of his skin. I licked up between his pecs and kissed the hollow of his throat,
thrilled to hear his guttural groan as his hands ran up and down my arms. I
pulled his face back down to mine again and kissed him again and again as I
reached around and gripped his shoulder blades, my nails denting the surface of
his flesh which made him groan even harder. He pushed me back down onto the
island and gently swept his tongue over my nipple and I cried out with the
exquisite agony of it. Three more sweeps and he closed his lips around it and
sucked, and I completely shattered as my back arched and a tidal wave of
arousal dampened my shorts. I clutched his head to me as he continued to suck
while I trembled from my first ever orgasm from nipple stimulation alone.

‘You came,’ he purred, with pride, as he moved up
to kiss my neck, one hand cupping my cheek as a thumb wiped away the tears of
joy rolling down my face.

‘Yes,’ I whimpered, still stunned.

‘Undo your shorts. Now.’

‘It’s your turn, let me touch…’

‘No. I want as many orgasms from you as I can,’ he
snapped back quickly.

‘But I…’ I was forced to stop as he cupped my face
tenderly and kissed me again, plunging his tongue into the depths of my willing
mouth. I rolled mine around his as he shuddered and pulled back and his fingers
deftly undid the button on my shorts and pulled down the zip. He looked back
down at me, rings of fire flashing around his jet black pupils, his breathing
out of control as his magnificent chest contracted and expanded. He held my
gaze as he slid his hand into my shorts, sandwiched between the denim and my
knickers. He groaned and closed his eyes for a second before looking back at me
as I squirmed while his fingers caressed my clit through the lace.

‘So wet. For me.’

‘All for you,’ I moaned. I loved his sexual confidence,
stating facts, never questioning whether it was him rendering my body to the
boneless fluidity of an amoeba. I couldn’t take my eyes off his, the need in
them was consuming me. I’d always been embarrassed to maintain eye contact in
the past, but I wanted every second of the desire that he had for me and I
hoped that he saw that mine was reflected back. I squealed and gripped the
edges of the granite as I came again, tremors rolling up and down my body and
he smiled, not a smile of arrogance, but a smile of contentment to see me so
utterly blissed out. He slid his hand out and slowly sucked each of his fingers
as I tightened my grip around his waist, grinding hard against him.

‘Better than champagne, Ellie.’

‘But good champagne’s dry,’ I smiled with a wink.

‘Not this one. Take off your shorts and knickers.
I want to drink you.’

‘O, God,’ I groaned and quickly lifted my hips and
hooked my thumbs inside my garments and slid them down to my thighs. He made
quick work off pulling both of them all the way off and tossing them on the
floor, leaving me naked on the island. I thanked God that I’d been to the
beauticians last week and had my wax, leaving my small short neat strip of hair.
Months of it not seeing daylight and suddenly I had the sexiest man I’d ever
seen looking at it in awe, ready to lick away the cobwebs. He grabbed me and
slid me towards him until my shoulders and head were the only things still
touching the island, and instead of bending down, he lifted me, hoisting my
thighs over his shoulders, opening me up like an oyster as his mouth went in
search of the pearl. When he made contact, I felt, as well as heard, the grunt
of pleasure at the same time as I sobbed one of my own.

he sighed into me as his fingers
dug into my thighs and his tongue parted my length, pausing to flick my clit. I
clamped myself around his face and bucked as he repeated over and over, varying
the speed and pressure of it until I was thrashing my head as I nearly cracked
the granite with the pressure of my finger nails as I came again. I screamed as
I felt myself coat his mouth with my pleasure, our eyes never leaving each other’s
for a second. His hands moved to support my back as he dropped me from his
shoulders onto his hips and lifted me up to meet him and I clutched his neck as
I panted. ‘You were born to come for me, Ellie,’ he whispered and I nodded,
lost for words.

One of his arms snaked up my back and through my
hair to cup the back of my head and he kissed me, so tenderly, my stomach did
multiple back flips over and over. I suddenly felt myself falling, not from
him, but for him. I knew I was in trouble,
trouble, as deep down
I just suspected that he wasn’t going to fall with me. As he continued kissing
me while he climbed the stairs to the bedroom it was already too late, I’d just
opened myself up to inevitable heartache, but in this moment it didn’t matter,
it seemed a million miles away from the bliss that was currently coursing
through my body. I moved my lips to run up and down the stubble of his jawline
then around to nibble on his neck, delighting in the masculine taste of his
skin as I felt him swell between my legs.

He strode quickly across the bedroom,
extinguishing the lights as he went and surprised me by passing the bed and
walking up to the vast expanse of the window. He unhooked my legs and spun me
around and pushed into the back of me, squashing me up against the freezing
cold glass and I gasped as my nipples tried to peak even further, impeded by
the window. He pinned my hands up above my head with one of his as he ground
his pelvis against my lower back, and I tried to pace my breathing. His other fingers
trailed down my arm, over my ribs, and cut in at my waist before taking a left
and squeezing their way between my stomach and the glass and down to circle my
clit as his lips worked on my neck.

With my forehead against the window I couldn’t see
my reflection, only the stunning scenery being pelted by huge flakes of white
that were dropping at an alarming pace, but I wanted to see him, he was the
sight that currently took my breath away. I pulled my head back, resting it on
his shoulder and our reflections reappeared as two of his fingers worked their
way up inside me and curved to massage my G-spot. I nearly laughed,
Six years of sex and my two partners had continually focussed on the wrong
spot, me being too naïve and embarrassed to know any better to tell Matt, and
Zac was too cock sure and arrogant, ignoring my insistence that he had the
wrong place, yet Dan … Dan just
He homed in on it with the skill
of a fighter pilot zeroing in on his target.
The knowledge of that had
me clench around his fingers as I screamed and he pressed into my back even
harder to hold me up as a quick succession of hard fast orgasms overtook me.

‘Shit,’ I whimpered. I think I’d just experienced
my first ever multiple orgasm and it was … I didn’t have the words. Some bloody
creative writer I’d be if I couldn’t even verbalise the most intense erotic
experience of my life.

‘You come so easily for me, Ellie,’ he groaned
into my ear and I just nodded as he pulled me back from the glass, scooped me
up, lay me on the bed and climbed over me on all fours. I had to try really
hard to focus my eyes on him, I was completely spaced out by so many orgasms in
a row, but he wasn’t done with me. As I tried to reach down to unzip him, he
caught my hand, lay down by my side and kissed each finger before working his
way up my arm and kissing every inch of skin on my neck and chest. He moved
down my stomach, circling my navel with his tongue, before parting my legs as
he nestled between them. He used his tongue to make me come again before
crawling back up my limp body and smothering me with his solid one. The weight
of him was welcome, anchoring me down as I floated up with the stars on the
high of it all. He swept my hair away from my face as he just gazed down at me.
‘Are you ok?’

‘I’m wonderful. You’re
,’ I sighed
as I smiled up at him.

‘You’re so beautiful, Ellie,’ he sighed as his
thumb caressed my cheek and he kissed me again, with the passion of someone
who’d been told they were dying and had one last kiss left. Every nerve in my
body was tingling as he finally broke away and smiled sadly down at me.

. I want you inside me, I
inside me, please make love to me,’ I begged. The need I had in my body was
never going to be fully sated until he thrust into me and claimed me.

‘I can’t,’ he sighed, with a firm shake of his

‘Why?’ I groaned.

‘Because I told you from the start that I couldn’t,
and I’ve already done so much more than I should because you’re so hard to
resist. And it’s virtually midnight.’

‘What are you? Cinderella or something?’ I smiled.

‘Far from it. More like the ugly step sister.’

‘You, ugly?’ I shook my head as I reached up and
ran my fingers over his soft full bottom lip and he kissed them.

‘I’m sorry, I have to go.’

‘Please don’t,’ I pleaded. If we couldn’t have sex
I just wanted to sleep in his arms. He made me feel so safe.

‘You gave me two options Ellie, if I didn’t tell
you why or leave you alone, you’d get on a plane …’ he sighed as he looked at
his watch, ‘today.’

‘So tell me. Tell me and we can have another three
weeks of this, though much as I’ve loved you making me come so expertly, I
would actually like to make you come, to touch you, to feel you, God even to
just see you properly naked.’

‘You gave me the choice, Ellie. I’ve made it.
Please respect it.’

‘No, because you were supposed to make the right
choice Dan, the
choice.’ I could feel him slipping away from me.
He was right on top of me, but his eyes were clouding over and the happy look
on his face was being replaced by that familiar frown and guarded look. He may
as well have swam to the other side of the loch. This wasn’t the Dan I wanted
on top of me, I wanted the other one back.

‘Trust me. This is the best thing for you.’

‘No,’ I spat angrily. ‘You don’t get to choose
what’s right or wrong for me. You don’t know what I’m capable of handling, Dan.
This is just a game to you, isn’t it? Play with my feelings and make me care
for you then keep pulling away? Do you do this with every single vulnerable woman
that comes to stay here?’

‘Please don’t be like this, Ellie,’ he sighed as
he ran his knuckles down my cheek and I slapped them away.

‘Like what, Dan? Hurt? You got what you wanted, me
naked beneath you begging for more. Does it get you off to have women plead
with you to fuck them and then you walk away?’

‘You’re the first Ellie, the only that I’ve done
this to, that I’ve
to do this to in three damn years, when I
promised myself I wouldn’t ever again,’ he snapped with a raised voice. ‘
make out like this means
to me, that it doesn’t hurt me either.’

‘Get off me,’ I shoved him, ineffectually. ‘Get. Off.
Me,’ I yelled. That moment of heartache that had only just seemed a million
miles away came rushing over and punched me straight in the chest.

‘As you wish,’ he replied and leapt up off the bed
looking down at me naked below him. I scrambled up and pulled my knees to my
chest suddenly feeling incredibly vulnerable.

As you wish
,’ I mimicked. ‘This wasn’t
what I wished. What the hell happened to you three years ago, Dan?’

‘Me,’ he responded simply, his face full of

‘Talk to me,’ I implored, but he shook his head, turned
and walked to the pole and slid out of view. I heard the front door open and
waited for the slam which didn’t come, so I got up and pulled the duvet off the
bed, wrapped it around me and looked over the bannister. He was holding the
door open, his forehead on the edge of the oak frame holding the glass as his
bare shoulders rose and fell, like he couldn’t make up his mind whether to step
out, or close it and stay inside. ‘Please don’t go,’ I called. He looked back
up at me, closed his eyes then hung his head and shook it.

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