30 Days (12 page)

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Authors: Christine d'Abo

BOOK: 30 Days
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“Can you add your other hand?” He spoke against my mouth. “I like having my balls played with. I'll come harder.”
It was not the easiest thing to do, not with his hands between my legs. “You'll have to stop.”
“It can wait then.”
“No.” I pushed him back, not even sorry for the loss of his touch. “You first.”
I wasn't normally one to take what I wanted, but that was about to change. With Harrison now at my mercy, I gripped his cock in one hand and his balls in the other. I felt powerful and the most feminine of my life to have this confident, sexy man under my control. Determined to make him come as hard as I could, I fisted his cock as I played with his balls. The more he moaned, the bolder I grew. Reaching between his legs, I pressed my fingers to the bridge of skin behind his balls. Harrison bucked up hard into my hand as he squeezed the blanket in his fists.
“Fuck, yes!”
Before I realized what was happening, come shot from his cock and covered my hand, his pubic hair, and the lower part of his belly. Harrison's cries continued on until the last of the come fled his body and he collapsed back onto the floor. He didn't move for a long time and I couldn't help but wonder if I'd possibly broken him.
He licked his lips and finally peeked out at me from behind one lid. “I didn't get to come on you.”
Laughing, I rubbed the come from my hands across my breasts to mix with the still-wet lube. “How's that?”
“It will do for now.” Without asking, he pushed me back and slid his hand between my thighs. “Next.”
“Next.” I smiled and closed my eyes. “It's not going to take long.”
He ran his fingers through the come-lube, pushing the mess across my nipples. He tried to pinch the skin, but the surface was now slick and he didn't get the same traction. He continued to try as he used his other hand on my pussy.
“You're so tight. I love your hair. I've been with women who'd shaved or waxed. I'd forgotten how nice it is to have hair there. It holds your smell. I want to lick your cunt, taste you, nip at your skin until you're begging me to fuck you.”
I blindly grabbed at him, cementing my grip on his shoulder. “Do that. Do that now.”
“No. Not now. Another day.”
Stupid. Fucking. Cards.
“I'll take my cock and push hard inside you.” He took his finger and mimicked the action. “I'll start off nice and slow, just so I can hear all those delicious noises that you make. I'll want to take my time, but you're too fucking wild under me. I won't be able to hold back and I'll fuck you harder. Faster.”
His thumb was pressed to my clit as he pumped his finger in and out of me. This was better than any dildo, better than any fantasy man from a movie. This was pure, raw desire. Hot sex between consenting adults, purely for pleasure.
“Yeah, that's it, baby,” he cooed. “You're close now. I can feel your muscles trying to pull my fingers inside you. Come for me.”
He pinched my nipple as he increased the pressure on my clit. “No. No, no, no.” I didn't want things to end. Not yet. Not when I finally felt as though I was on the verge of coming back to life.
“Yes. Come for me, Lyssa.”
The shock of hearing my nickname pushed me into orgasm. My eyes screwed shut as I came apart from the force of pleasure. I screamed, my body bowed off the floor as my muscles contracted. I wanted to stop it, enjoy it, soften it so I could be back in control of things. I couldn't. All I could manage was to ride the waves of pleasure until they finally, blessedly subsided and I slipped into unconsciousness.
Passing out after a powerful orgasm wasn't normally a thing I had to worry about. Rob had been a good and attentive lover, and I'd always been satisfied, but he'd never blown my socks off quite the way Harrison had. If I could describe it as anything, the best I could come up with was gobsmacked.
Harrison had gobsmacked me with sex.
When I realized I was alone on the floor, Harrison's shirt draped over me, I smiled. Taking a moment to breathe in the smell of his body, I closed my eyes and listened to see where he might have gone. I thought maybe he'd jumped into the shower, but I couldn't hear the hiss of water. Weird, but then again there was nothing exactly normal about our relationship. He could have easily walked half naked to his home and it would have made as much sense as getting cleaned up here.
The mental image of him scurrying naked down the hall had me smiling again. I could totally see him doing that and I couldn't help but love him a bit at the thought.
Whoa. No, not love. Where the hell did that come from?
Though I wasn't being honest with myself if I couldn't admit that I was starting to have
for him. It was only natural after all, considering the sex. But love? No. This was just sex. End of story.
Eventually, I got enough energy to push myself to a sitting position. I slipped my head through the hole and my arms into his sleeves, adjusting the hem until I was mostly covered. It wasn't until I stopped moving that I noticed Harrison sitting on a chair a few feet away.
“Hi.” I smiled and brushed my hair from my eyes. “Why are you over there?”
“I was watching you sleep.”
“Oh. That's sweet.”
He nodded. “What do you want? From life?”
A normal person would have responded fairly quickly, but I had to give my head a shake to make his words connect. “What do you mean?”
“You're a thirty-five-year-old widow who works as a technical writer. You're having sex with your neighbor so you can become more experienced and yet you seem terrified of moving forward. So I'm curious. What is it that you want?”
I immediately thought of that test they made you fill out in grade nine, to help you figure out what you wanted to be when you grew up. There was that weird sort of pressure that if you answered their questions the wrong way, you'd end up making a huge mistake and ruin your life. Harrison had the same look that my guidance counselor had when he slid the Scantron sheet in front of me.
You get one shot at this, Alyssa. Don't screw it up.
“I don't know.” I got to my knees and tugged on his shirt to make sure I was mostly covered. “I haven't really thought about it.”
“Fair enough.” But it didn't seem to be the answer he was hoping for. “I better get home and cleaned up. I didn't want to leave until I knew you were awake and okay.”
“Your shirt—”
“Keep it.” He walked over and kissed the top of my head. “Though you might want to wash it now that it's covered in lube.”
“I will. Harrison?”
He stopped moving and looked back at me.
“I know you're not looking for a relationship. I'm not either. But this has been good. You've been good for me.”
The spark that had been missing from his eyes suddenly flared back to life. He gave me a smile and a nod before he left. I wrapped my arms around myself, holding his shirt closer and breathing in his scent. This was totally about sex. Yup. No way I was going to let myself fall for the first guy I hook up with after Rob, because that had
bad idea
written all over it.
Really bad.
Super bad.
Jumping to my feet, I made a mad dash for my phone and hit the speed dial for Nikki.
“Hey, hon. What's up?”
“Sister, we have a problem.”
'd already had a coffee and was working on my second one when Nikki finally blew into the shop. The telltale rush of caffeine pulsed through my body and made me think I totally had to pee. Which was weird, because normally I didn't react this way.
Nikki frowned before she even sat down. “You look like you're going to explode.”
“I'm wired for sound.” I stilled my hands even as I continued to bounce my leg. “Thanks for coming.”
“You said there was a problem, so I'm here.” She plopped into the chair, locking her fingers together on the table, and gave me her best professional smile. “What's up?”
So many things.
“I took your advice.”
Nikki straightened. “Crazy monkey-sex with hot neighbor?”
“Oh yeah.”
“Excellent.” She leaned in close. “Was it awesome?”
“I'm not going to give you details.”
“Yes you are.”
I leaned in, mirroring her. “We got naked and masturbated each other with copious amounts of lube.”
“Messy,” she said with a grin. “I approve.”
“Of course you would.”
“So what's the problem? It sounds like things are going well.”
How the hell to tell her that was actually the issue? “I like him.”
“I would hope so. Considering the monkey-sex.”
“No. I mean . . . I mean I
Nikki grinned. “Dear God, it's grade eight all over again. You
like a boy. My little sister is growing up.”
“Don't be a bitch.” I gave her hand a slap for good measure. “I'm not supposed to like him.”
“Why not? Is that one of the rules?”
“It is, actually. Well, neither of us wants to have a relationship. He's been very clear about that and when he's leaving.” Nikki lifted my hand and proceeded to examine it. “What are you doing?”
“Checking to see if you're a robot.”
“Oh good, you're not.” She let my hand fall to the table with a soft slap.
I rolled my eyes. “There's a point here. I can feel it.”
“You just told me you were having great sex with a man who sounds charming and generous. You also told me you might have feelings for him, which I would consider normal. I just wanted to make sure you were still you. Because any normal person in your situation would form some sort of attachment. You can like him, even
like him, without it meaning you need to get married.”
“I know.” I downed the last half of my coffee, enjoying the slight burn as it went. “I do.”
“Ah.” Nikki sat back and tapped her fingers against the table. “You actually want this to lead somewhere.”
“No I don't!” I put the empty cup down onto the table hard, the noise rising up to join the rumble of voices in the place. “Why would you say that?”
“Baby, you're on the rebound. An extended rebound years in the making, but a rebound nonetheless. You need to just enjoy this as a fling. Don't let your head get too wrapped up in things. That's it.”
“I'm well aware, Nikki.” The caffeine jitters were getting really bad now. I needed to get up and get moving or else I would wear a hole in the floor. “Can we walk?”
“No, I think we need to talk this out without distractions.”
If only she knew. “Fine. I'm allowed to like Harrison, but not get involved beyond sex. Keep my emotions as far away from him as possible. I get that.”
“Do you?” Nikki did that little half-frown thing of hers that told me she wasn't buying what I was selling. “How many boyfriends have you had again?”
“One.” I knew where this was going. It was the same talk we'd had back when Rob had first proposed to me. “I am an adult. I do understand how relationships work even if my own experience is limited.” The barista brushed past me on his way from the back room. I looked up in time to catch his wink as he went by.
The hell?
“You know the intimate workings of one relationship. You and Rob. This thing with Harrison is good for you. But you owe it to both of you not to go too far too fast. Rob was right when he said you shouldn't hook up with the first guy you meet. The expiration date on this is a bonus. He'll be less likely to become attached. So will you.”
It might be many things, but knowing Harrison was going to be gone in less than three months didn't feel like a bonus. “Maybe.”
“It is. You can have fun and then move on. Once you're ready I can help get you set up on an online dating site. Or we can do some speed dating! I know you don't like the idea but it could be a lot of fun. Maybe even double-date a bit. There are lots of possibilities.”
When I looked into my sister's eyes, I saw for the first time a strange mix of excitement and desperation. Our whole lives she'd never been able to settle down long-term with a partner. She'd gone from a string of boyfriends in high school to a string of husbands after graduating from York. In all that time I'd been with Rob. I knew she'd never wished anything bad to happen to him, but this was the first time that I realized she and I now had something in common—we were both single and looking.
Clearly, she was more excited about the prospect than I was.
“Yeah, lots of things we can do.” I didn't want to troll for guys, which was the appeal of being with Harrison now. He was right there, sexy, single, and not afraid to hang out with me. But it was temporary, which meant I'd soon be joining my sister in the dating abyss.
“That's right we can.” She leaned in closer once more. “And because I know you are clueless about these things, I wanted to tell you that the hot guy behind the counter has totally been checking you out this whole time.” She squeezed my hand hard before I could turn around to look. “Don't do that.”
“You just said—”
“You have so much to learn, young one.”
A rush of energy made it impossible to sit still any longer. “I have to go.”
“You are acting a bit more hyper than normal.”
“I'd say someone spiked my coffee, but I haven't left it alone.”
“Hey,” the cute barista—Len, my regular guy—called out to me.
“Hi there.” I smiled and my fingers shook as I tucked my hair behind my ear.
“Did you like your coffee?” There was eagerness in his eyes as he practically bounced from foot to foot.
“Yeah, it was good. Packed a punch.”
“Awesome. I put an extra shot of espresso in both of them with a new flavor shot. I'm going to name it The Rocket.”
I blinked. He was trying to OD me on caffeine. “The Rocket. Yeah. That's accurate.” I needed to go run a marathon. “I'll be sure to ask for it by name.”
“I'm Len.” He stuck out his hand, leaving me little choice but to shake it. “You've been coming in a lot recently.”
“Yeah, I have. Nice to meet you, Len.”
“Her name's Alyssa,” Nikki provided from behind me.
I'm going to kill her.
“Alyssa. A beautiful name for a beautiful lady.” He winked again and let me go. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Maybe.” I turned and grabbed my purse in one speedy spin. I needed to get out of here. “Thanks, Nikki.”
“Just trying to help.”
I ignored her grin and took the long way home.

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