201 Organic Baby Purees (7 page)

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Authors: Tamika L. Gardner

BOOK: 201 Organic Baby Purees
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2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Green Beans and Rice Combo


Use your frozen Green Bean Bliss cubes to combine with the rice cereal for this recipe. Out of frozen purée? Steam more beans, purée, and freeze!


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified rice cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Green Bean Bliss
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Mango, Green Bean, and Rice Mélange


Although to adults this combination might seem unappealing, stretch your baby's horizons by combining different food tastes and textures. Remember the nutritional benefits when combining foods.


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified rice cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Green Bean Bliss
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Mango Tango (
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Peachy Mango Rice Cereal


These two fruits complement each other with organic sweetness.


4 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified rice cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Mango Tango (
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Just Peachy Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Freezing the Basics

Make large portions of the single-ingredient purées in the beginning of this chapter and save preparation time. Mix and match cubes to make a complete meal.

Sweet Peas (Made Sweeter with) Banana Rice Cereal


If your little sweetie doesn't love sweet peas, this combination might do the trick.


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified rice cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons mashed banana

2 tablespoons Pretty Peas (
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Banana Oatmeal Mash


Bananas pair very well with oatmeal cereal. This is sure to be a popular hit with your baby. Remember that bananas tend to constipate, so make sure you offer meals with apples, pears, or prunes to help prevent it.


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified oatmeal cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons mashed banana

Combine all ingredients.

Papaya-Pear Oatmeal


Yum…the goodness of oatmeal. This fruity, delicious oatmeal is healthy for baby with a unique combination you won't find on the shelf—only in your kitchen.


4 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified oatmeal cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Hiya Papaya (
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Banana-Apricot Oatmeal


This combination includes lots of nutrients that a growing baby needs, including potassium, iron, and vitamin A. Make sure the apricots are nice and sweet, just like your baby.


4 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified oatmeal cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons mashed banana

2 tablespoons Amazing Apricot Purée (
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Apple-tastic Oatmeal


Serving apple oatmeal is a great way for your baby to start her day. The rich flavors of the apple are sure to wake up your baby's senses so that she can smile all day!


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified oatmeal cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Enchanting Apple
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Get Your Apples Local!

Apples are grown all throughout the United States, and many neighborhoods have apples growing on trees in their backyards. Befriend your neighbors for some fresh organic apples or support your local farms and go and pick your own!

Apple-Papaya Porridge


This combination is a sweet and yummy way to start the day (and you know the old saying about an apple a day…!).


4 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified oatmeal cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Hiya Papaya (
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Enchanting Apple
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Peachy Pumpkin Oatmeal


The combination of pumpkin and peach will result in a vibrant orange color and subtly sweet flavor no child can resist. But what's better is that you're serving your baby a meal packed with lots of iron and fiber. It's a win-win!


4 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified oatmeal cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Pumpkin Patch Purée (
Chapter 4
) or 100 percent canned pumpkin

2 tablespoons Just Peachy Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Creamy Avocado Barley Cereal


Avocados will turn brown after sitting out for a while, so serve this purée immediately after preparation.


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified barley cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons freshly mashed avocado

Combine all ingredients.

Avocado Facts

Avocados were introduced to the United States from Mexico in the nineteenth century. Ninety-five percent of avocado production is cultivated in California.

Prune-Barley Bowel Helper


This is a great recipe to use if your baby feels constipated. The high fiber content in barley and prunes can help move things along.


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified barley cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Dried Prune-a-Plenty (
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Apple-Plum-Barley Cereal


This is a great way to use apples or plums that are ever so slightly past their prime and no longer ideal for eating whole. You can also freeze this superfood purée, so why not make a big batch?


4 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified barley cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Enchanting Apple
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Plumtastic Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Avocado-Banana Mash


Keep fresh banana and avocado in your baby's lunch bag to make an instant purée while on the run. They both come in their own convenient packaging!


2 tablespoons freshly mashed avocado

2 tablespoons mashed banana

Combine all ingredients and mash with a fork until desired consistency.

Ripen Those Bananas

If your bananas are a little green when you purchase them, place them in a brown bag and allow them to ripen undisturbed. Check the next day to discover your bananas have ripened!

Avocado-Pumpkin Mash


When making this recipe, swirl the pumpkin purée into the mashed avocado with a knife. Serve it in a glass bowl for a dazzling presentation.


2 tablespoons mashed avocado

2 tablespoons canned pumpkin or Pumpkin Patch Purée (
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Apricot-Pear Purée

If your baby is having trouble with bowel movements, this is a great purée to turn to—pears are filled with fiber and can be used to help alleviate constipation.


2 tablespoons Amazing Apricot Purée (
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Mango-Pear Purée


Give your baby a tiny taste of the tropics with this purée, which features mango paired with pear (for extra fiber)! Make a bunch in advance and freeze for a ray of sunshine on a rainy day.


2 tablespoons Mango Tango (
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Mango-Banana Mashup


While you're making this purée for baby, reserve the remaining fruit for a Fruity Flakes breakfast for yourself.


½ mashed banana

¼ ripe mango, peeled and seeded

Combine all ingredients.

Variation for Parents: Fruity Flakes

Cut bananas and mangoes into small chunks. Add on top of your favorite cereal, such as Corn Flakes, or flakes with oats. The freshness of the fruit combined with the cereal will perk you up in the morning!

Papaya and Banana Blend


If papayas are not in season, add a splash of 100 percent (no sugar added) papaya juice to the banana and your baby will still reap the nutritional benefits. You can store the remaining banana portion in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The peel will turn brown, but the banana flesh will stay yellow and fresh.


2 tablespoons Hiya Papaya (
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons mashed banana

Combine all ingredients.

Mouthwatering Peach-Avocado Mash


Here's a wonderful purée to make when summer peaches are in season! For an unforgettable experience, visit a pick-your-own farm and pluck your very own fresh, organic peaches off the tree.


2 tablespoons Just Peachy Purée
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons mashed avocado

Combine all ingredients and mash with a fork until smooth.

Are Unusual Combinations Tasty for Baby?

Because babies are developing taste buds, it's okay to try unconventional combinations of fruits and vegetables, even if they don't seem like they would taste good together. Your child may love an offbeat mixture of plums and sweet peas. Experimenting will be fun, and you may learn a thing or two about new food combos your baby actually enjoys.

Plum-Pear Yogurt Yum-Yum


Dried plums can also be used in place of fresh plums.


2 tablespoons Plumtastic Purée
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear Purée
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons full-fat organic vanilla yogurt

1.   Combine all ingredients.

2.   Remaining portions will keep in the refrigerator for up to four days.

Just Peachy Sparkler


Ignite your baby's senses with this refreshing combination. The peaches and pears can be puréed raw once your baby is an established purée connoisseur.


2 tablespoons Just Peachy Purée
Chapter 4

2 tablespoons Sparkling Pear Purée
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Peachy Rice Purée


When peaches are in season, there's nothing more decadent. This sweet, smooth cereal gives your baby a taste of the delicious foods she'll enjoy as she grows up eating your wholesome meals.


2 tablespoons prepared iron-fortified rice cereal (with either breast milk or formula)

2 tablespoons Just Peachy Purée
Chapter 4

Combine prepared rice cereal and peach purée.

Baby's Gone Bananas for Pumpkin


Use this flavorful purée as a spread on toast or teething biscuits when teething starts at around eight or nine months.


2 tablespoons mashed banana

2 tablespoons Pumpkin Patch Purée (
Chapter 4

Combine all ingredients.

Blissful Greens


This delicious combo is especially healthy for baby, providing a nice dose of healthy fat, vitamin K, vitamin C, potassium, and iron.


2 tablespoons Green Bean Bliss
Chapter 4

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