201 Organic Baby Purees (2 page)

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Authors: Tamika L. Gardner

BOOK: 201 Organic Baby Purees
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You've always wanted the best for your baby. What parent wouldn't?

The food you choose for your baby can be just as important as the quality of her car seat and the safety of his crib. The healthy food choices you make for your little ones
will help them make healthy food choices for their entire lives. Strong immune systems, well-balanced diets, and long lives all start with

Lucky for you and your little one, feeding your baby the freshest, most wholesome food on earth is easy—and inexpensive.

First, organic food is everywhere! Nature has provided everything you need to make homemade baby food, and the modern world is finally on board. You can find organic foods in your local supermarkets, at farm stands across the country, or maybe as close as your backyard garden! Organic growers care enough to feed their animals a healthy diet and use safe methods for preparing their crops, all in an effort to promote a healthier world.

Second, making your own homemade baby food is an especially rewarding experience. You already know how great it is to cook a healthy, natural meal for yourself, but giving your baby the same quality food will make you breathe so much easier! You will choose every pea and apple that your baby eats—and you'll know
where it comes from.

And making purées for your baby is shockingly simple. You don't need to be a chef, and you don't need to buy expensive contraptions. You will succeed with determination, a blender, and this book in your hand! You can make small dinners to last a week or big batches for the freezer that last up to eight weeks.

Let's not forget about the financial benefits of making your own organic baby food. For example, one six-ounce jar of organic puréed bananas may cost around the same price as a pound of organic bananas. Where you'd get one jar of food before, you'll get six to eight by making your own!

When you make your own organic baby purées, you'll say goodbye to long receipts and limited choices. You'll have creative control of every ingredient, texture, and taste your baby experiences without limiting her food world to what is sealed in vacuum-packed glass jars.

This book highlights the importance of feeding your family organic foods and explains the whole organic process from farm to table. Each recipe features ingredients readily found in organic sections of supermarkets and grocery stores.

Because healthy eating habits start early, it's important to introduce a variety of foods, tastes, and textures during the first few years, even if it's a food you don't particularly care for yourself. One way to contribute to a picky toddler is by not consistently offering a variety of foods. If your baby doesn't seem to take a liking to certain foods at first, offer the food again at another time, but don't ban it altogether! Their taste buds will adjust and they'll become well-rounded organic connoisseurs.

Quick Reference for Recipes

There are so many things to consider when purchasing foods and making purées for your baby: What foods can I freeze? Do I need to cook these peaches before puréeing? Which foods provide the most nutrition? Can I cook foods that will satisfy the baby and the rest of the family at once?

This book takes all the guesswork out of making purées by giving you those answers in the form of the following icons alongside of each recipe when applicable:

Basic Purée:
These recipes consist of a single ingredient and can be easily combined with other purées for a complete nutritious meal.

These recipes can be safely frozen for up to eight weeks.

These recipes contain foods that are known for their powerful nutritional qualities and health benefits.

Instant No-Cook Purées:
These recipes do not require cooking over heat.

For Parents and Baby:
These recipes can be made along with family meals or can also be tweaked for an older person to enjoy.

Inside, you'll also find purée recipes for babies and finger foods for toddlers that can be made from meals enjoyed by the whole family, simply by taking out portions of the meal for little ones and then adding flavors and ingredients that are appropriate for older household members. In fact, you will find that many recipes, such as Cauliflower Casserole or Rotisserie Chicken Dinner, can be easily modified into a meal that's suitable for a young baby.

Are you ready to purée? Well, put on your apron, whip out your blender, and let's get started!


Purée Prep

Before heading to the kitchen and delving straight into the recipes there are a few things you should know about where the food should come from, its nutrition, and how you'll prepare it. Knowledge and preparation are important steps in making purées. Therefore, this part explains everything you need to know before you head out on your first shopping trip.


Organics 101

How Your Baby Benefits from Eating Organically

From the moment a child is born, she relies on her parents to give her everything she needs to develop and grow into a healthy, thriving adult. Fortunately, you can do this by providing your baby quality nutrition she needs through organic food!

The term “organic” means more to your baby than you might think. Primarily, the health benefits of feeding your baby an organic diet filled with naturally grown and raised, unprocessed foods are far superior in terms of quality, taste, and nutrition than a traditional diet made up of processed and altered foods that may contain additives, chemicals, pesticides, dyes, or artificial ingredients. Starting off with the good stuff will ensure fewer worries for you—and a cleaner bill of health for your growing baby.

In addition, your values will rub off on your child as she grows, which sets up a lifetime of good food choices and good health for future generations (and the environment, too)! Babies don't know what's good for them; they only know what they are exposed to. Therefore, if you expose your child to junk and fast foods, she'll quickly learn how good it tastes but won't understand those things are bad for her health. It's better to limit your child's knowledge to foods that only nature has provided. Offer healthy food choices and remember that you are in charge!

Here you'll get a crash course on the meaning of organic and why it's important. You'll learn about organic farming and food production, organic standards, and how this all impacts your growing baby's health.

Begin with Organic for the Best Start

When your baby eats a diet made up of mostly organic food, she is at less risk of developing certain diseases, neurological disorders, or other adverse health effects from chemical exposure. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that infants and children are at greater risks of pesticide exposure for a variety of reasons, including the following:

•  They have immature or underdeveloped internal organs;

•  They consume more food and water than adults, possibly increasing their exposure to pesticides in food and water;

•  They play on floors or lawns or put objects in their mouths, increasing exposure to pesticides used in homes and yards.

According to the EPA, “Children's internal organs are still developing and maturing and their enzymatic, metabolic, and immune systems may provide less natural protection than those of an adult. There are ‘critical periods' in human development when exposure to a toxin can permanently alter the way an individual's biological system operates. Children may be exposed more to certain pesticides because often they eat different foods than adults.”

Contrary to popular belief, rinsing foods and vegetables with a mild soap solution or vegetable wash, or soaking leafy greens such as collard greens and spinach for hours, is not enough to eliminate all the pesticide residue. The only way to be sure there is no pesticide residue is to purchase organic foods, which are pesticide and chemical free!

Organic foods are the top choice for your baby to protect her health, the environment, and future generations from disease and illness.

What Does Organic Mean?

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA),
refers to the way farmers grow and produce agricultural products such as fruits, vegetables, livestock, dairy products, and grains. Organic food is raised in harmony with nature—it has freedom to grow without chemical intervention or genetic modification. Organic farmers are committed to maintaining their produce and livestock using natural, chemical-free methods for feeding, fertilizing, pest control, and soil maintenance. As a result, these organic methods promote healthy air, water, and soil, creating a healthier environment overall for living things.

For your baby, this sets up a beautiful foundation to help him build healthy and sustainable eating habits essential for good health, happiness, and safety. An added bonus: by keeping fresh organic produce readily available in your refrigerator and on your counters, you can decrease your son's risk of childhood obesity while keeping your own figure in check. You'll be less inclined to grab those honey buns when there are fresh organic strawberries and whipped cream in the fridge, and, as your baby gets older, he'll opt for berries instead of honey buns!

Your baby's growing body needs a variety of wholesome, nutritious foods to support good health, which is the reason to start off with organic purées. Chemicals—in the form of added artificial flavorings, dyes, pesticide and herbicide residues, and synthetic hormones—certainly do not fit into that equation and can pose dangerous health risks over time. Babies and children who are fed organic foods have limited exposure to toxins that can cause adverse neurological and behavioral effects.

Look at the Label

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) oversees the National Organic Program in accordance with the Organic Foods Production Act of 1990, which regulates
under federal law the production of organic food. The USDA certifies organic producers who must follow the guidelines set forth in order to receive the organic seal of approval. This round seal, displayed with the words “USDA ORGANIC” in big bold letters, lets consumers know the product is free from antibiotics, bioengineering, irradiation, hormones, and pesticides. When you see this label, you can rest assured knowing you are providing your baby the best purée ingredients available!

There are four levels to the USDA organic labeling program:

•  Products that are 100 percent organic are made entirely from organic ingredients or components and may display the “USDA Organic” seal along with the percentage.

•  Products that are made up of at least 95 percent organic ingredients or components, and have remaining ingredients that are approved for use in organic products, can display the “USDA Organic” seal.

•  Products that are made up of at least 70 percent organic ingredients or components can list up to three organic ingredients or food groups in the primary display panel with the word “organic” before those ingredients and
display the “USDA Organic” seal.

•  Products that are made up of ingredients less than 70 percent organic cannot display the “USDA Organic” seal or list the word “organic” anywhere on the principal display. However, these manufacturers can specify “organically produced” on the ingredients statement on the information panel.

It may seem like a maze, but knowing the formula behind the labeling program will help you determine which foods are best suited for feeding your baby.

Organic and the Little Guys

There is one caveat to the USDA's organic certification. Farmers whose sales are $5,000 or less annually are exempt from certification but must still meet organic standards in order to claim their foods are organic. Small farmers may obtain a Certified Naturally Grown (CNG) certification, which is the grassroots alternative to the USDA's certified organic program. The CNG growing standards and requirements are on par with the USDA's standards; however, the cost is more affordable to small farmers.

Don't Mistake All-Natural for Organic

You've probably seen products with labels that read “Natural,” “All-Natural,” “Free-Range,” or “Hormone-Free” in big bold print. Many companies use these words to market their products, but
do not take their word for it
that a product is organic unless you see the proof. Always look for the USDA Organic seal unless you are purchasing food from a small farmer or producer. In that case, if possible, talk to the farmer directly about his growing methods. The main difference between “natural” and “organic” foods is that organic food production is heavily regulated and certified by the government. Natural foods are not regulated and can be labeled as such without penalty.

The Scoop on Genetically Modified Foods

Who ever thought the day would come when scientists would be able to extract certain genes from one species and transfer those genes into another species? Well, it's here! The process is called
genetic modification
, and genetically modified foods (commonly referred to as GM foods or GMOs, for genetically modified organisms) are showing up in grocery stores everywhere. Many people are consuming genetically modified products and don't even realize it! According to the USDA, soybeans and cotton genetically engineered
with herbicide-tolerant traits have been the most widely and rapidly adopted crops in the United States, followed by insect-resistant cotton and corn.

There is great debate over whether GMO foods are safe for plants, animals, humans, or the environment. Currently, the long-term effects of consuming GMO foods is unproven so there is not enough research to support transparency in labeling or pulling it from market shelves. But GMO food labeling has been in place in Europe and Japan for years. One way to be absolutely sure you are purchasing food that has not been genetically modified is to look for the 100% USDA Certified Organic seal on the label. For more detailed information, visit

The Toxic Twenty

If organic foods are out of reach or you see a deal on conventional strawberries that seems too good to pass up, consider the pesticide load—the amount of pesticides used on a crop—when you make your decision. Knowing this information before making a purchase may prompt you to say, “Thanks, but no thanks.” The Environmental Working Group ranks produce based on its pesticide load. The fruits and vegetables at the top of the following list carry the heaviest load of pesticides when produced conventionally; therefore, be sure to
purchase these items organic. (To help you remember, these fruits and vegetables are bolded in the ingredient lists in the recipes in
Part II
.) Other foods such as onions or bananas, which do not carry a high level of pesticides, are safer to purchase nonorganic. To view and download the complete list, visit the Environmental Working Group's website,


1.   Celery

2.   Peaches

3.   Strawberries

4.   Apples

5.   Blueberries (domestic)

6.   Nectarines

7.   Sweet bell peppers

8.   Spinach

9.   Cherries

10.   Kale/collard greens

11.   Potatoes

12.   Grapes (imported)

13.   Lettuce

14.   Blueberries (imported)

15.   Carrots

16.   Green beans (domestic)

17.   Pears

18.   Plums (imported)

19.   Summer squash

20.   Cucumbers (imported)

Always thoroughly wash fruit and vegetables before eating them, including lemons and oranges, especially if you plan on using the skins for zest. Soaking and rinsing fresh produce in a water bath works the best to remove the dirt.

The information presented so far is not intended to scare you but to provide you with enough knowledge in order to make an informed decision as it relates to feeding your baby. Organic food is the ultimate choice that gets a five-star rating in providing the healthiest nutrition for your baby as well as your family. But wait, there is more! Organic food is not the only choice that gets a five-star rating. Certain types of food contain disease-fighting and illness-preventing nutrients and antioxidants that work miraculously to keep babies' bodies healthy. They're called superfoods!

Superfoods to the Rescue

Superfoods have amazing health benefits that can lead to a happy and long, healthy life. Although all foods have nutritional benefits, superfoods provide more than just nutrition. They come with incredible medical benefits. For years, superfoods have reigned supreme for improved body functioning and disease prevention and have been known to:

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