1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (99 page)

BOOK: 1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War
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Table of Contents
List of Maps
i Staking Claims: The Historical Background
2 The United Nations Steps In: UNSCOP and the Partition Resolution
3 The First Stage of the Civil War, November 1947-March 1948
4 The Second Stage of the Civil War, April-mid-May 1948
5 The Pan-Arab Invasion, 15 May-ii June 1948
6 The First Truce, ii June-8 July 1948, the International Community, and the War
7 The "Ten Days" and After
8 Operations Yoav and Hiram
9 Operation Horev, December 1948-January 194-9
io The Armistice Agreements, January-July 1949
ii Some Conclusions
Illustrations follow page
The Peel Commission partition proposal, July 1937
The UNSCOP majority partition proposal, i September 1947
The UN General Assembly partition plan, 29 November 1947
Operation Nahshon, April 1948
The Battle of Mishmar Ha'emek, April 1948
The Battle for Haifa, 21-22 April 1948
Operation Hametz and the Battle for Jaffa, April 1948
Operation Yiftah, Galilee Panhandle and Safad, April-May 1948
Operation Ben-Ami, Western Galilee, 13-22 May 1948
The Pan-Arab Invasion of Palestine/Israel, May-June 1948
Operation Kilshon and the Jordanian attack of Jerusalem, 13 -28 May 1948
The First Battle of Latrun (Bin-Nun aleph), Central Front, 25 May 1948
The Third Battle of Latrun, 8 - io June 1948
The Battle ofIsdud, Operation Pleshet, 1-3 June 1948
The Battle of Gesher, Jordan Valley, 15 -22 May 1948
The Battle of Jenin, 1-3 June 1948
The Syrian Invasion and its rebuff, 15 -20 May 1948
Operation Dekel, Galilee, July 1948
Operation Brosh, attacking the Syrian bridgehead at Mishmar Hayarden, 9-12 July 1948
Operation Dani, Lydda and Ramla, July 1948
Israeli-held areas at the end of the Ten Days, 19 July 1948
Operation Yoav and its aftermath, northern Negev, Majdal, 15 October-1o November 1948
Operation Hiram, Northern Front, 27-31 October 1948
Operation Horev, Rafah and Sinai, 22 December 1948 -7 January 1949
Israel-Egypt general armistice agreement lines, 24 February 1949
Israel-Lebanon general armistice agreement lines, 30 March 1949
Operation `Uvda, Negev, 6-1o March 1949
The Israel-Jordan general armistice agreement lines, 3 April 194-9
Israel-Syria general armistice agreement lines, 20 July 1949

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