Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1)

BOOK: Justice (Moon Hunters Inc. Book 1)
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Moon Hunters Inc.

Book 1


By Catty Diva

Cover By Jesh Art

Edited by Addicted to Reviews

2016 Copyright by Catty Diva

All rights reserved. This story is completely the imagination of the author. Any resemblance to person or persons living or deceased are merely a coincidence. Any locations or events are fictitious or used in a fictional manner.





This is a spinoff of The Mating Games Series.



Book 1


Razar needs a mate, but on his planet, there are nine males to one female. Humans look like they are compatible but if they find out the secrets of his kind, they will refuse to send them mates. 

Lista needs money for her mother's operation or she will die. Her sister has volunteered her to be a bride for an alien. If she wins the mating game she will be free to keep the money and return home.
Can she outwit him or will he claim her heart before it's game over? 



Chapter 1



The bar’s interior was shadowy and it stank of despair and misery. The odor was there for those that could scent it. For those that couldn’t, they need only to step inside to see it for themselves. It was the perfect place for what Justice needed. He was leaned back in his chair drinking a beer with his long legs propped up on the table. No one was foolish enough to approach him for anything less than to sell him the information he was seeking. Justice knew he looked dangerous, he was dangerous.

He’d spoken to a few key players and the word would be out about what he wanted. Justice had been in town about a week, but his first two days had been taken up with a last minute surveillance job for Zebir, one of the golden sons of Oison. Justice did what was asked of him, getting them the information so Zebir could come to Earth and do what he needed to do. Hopefully, the job Justice was about to complete wouldn’t cause Zebir any fallout.

As far as being an assassin, Justice was the best. When a job required finesse, he was sent in. Information was slow in coming, but he’d already gotten a little and he needed a bit more before he could feel comfortable breaking into the mansion where the target lived.

Across the room, an old lady had just come in. She leaned heavily on the cane in her hand. One of the more predatory customers moved closer to her and started to harass her. The cane moved so fast it was a blur and he was left lying unconscious in the middle of the floor. It was clear she was making a beeline for him. What could this senior citizen possibly have to offer him?

She stopped right in front of him. “May I sit, Mister?” she asked.

“Suit yourself.”

Her cane moved across the table knocking his feet off. His eyes widened as he looked at her more closely. She was much stronger than she appeared. “Don’t you think that was rude?”

The old woman cackled like he’d thought a witch might when his mother had told him fairy tales. “I like you, young man.”

“Did you come here to see me for a reason?”

“Yes, I have the information you search for. I might even give it to you, but only if you kill the old man.”

“So bloodthirsty. I didn’t expect that from you. Why would I trust you with that kind of information or agree to do your bidding?”

“No one else around here has the balls to tell you what you need to know.”

“You have the balls?”

“I have big, brass ones that grew as I survived a life no one should have to live. There’s one more thing.”

“What’s that?”

“He has a pet, you must free her. Her name is Envy and she is twenty, now.”

“A pet? What do you mean?”

“Why don’t we agree to be honest with each other, Justice?”

“If we do, why don’t we start with a name?”

“I don’t have a name, but they call me witchy woman. That program that produced you, it was going on long before you were born or even before your mother was born.”

“You were in the program?”

“One of the first born to their experimentation.”

“That explains why you want him dead.”

“That and so much more. Kill him, free her, and see that this never happens again.”

“Give me the information, and if it’s what you say it is, I can say she’ll be free and you’ll not have to worry about seeing him again.”

“Okay, I can live with that.” She reached into a bag that he’d not even noticed. It was probably because his attention had been drawn to her damn cane. “Here.” The woman unrolled the floor plans to the bastard’s house. There was an X on the plans.

“Is that where he will be?”

“No, that’s where he keeps his pet.”

“Tell me about this pet.”

Now she pulled out an old picture of a young girl. The sadness in her beautiful midnight blue eyes pushed at him. “He keeps a person as a pet?”

“Yes, the man does as he wishes with no one to stop him.”

“Not anymore.” She grunted in approval as Justice committed himself to what he was already hired to do. This job would be a pleasure and would heal part of his broken spirit.

All the information she had on the house, the security, and potential visitors were written down for him. If it was accurate, it would save him days of surveillance. He did plan to verify her information, he’d be a fool not to. For now, he was alone on a planet full of females. Some feared him because he looked savage, but some ran to him for the same reason. Glancing around, he found no one appealed to him. If his target was already taken out, he’d find a good fight. Since just looking as he did drew attention to him, he wouldn’t jeopardize this job more by fighting.

In the end, he decided there was no time like now to check out the residence. Going out to the alley, he found his bike there untouched. Without the security pad he had on his keychain, the alarm would send out a burst of electricity to discourage any would-be vandals. It made him love technology. It was his choice of transportation when on a job. It had lots of chrome and a sleek look. It took curves like a champ and could hit speeds a regular human shouldn’t even attempt. Hell, he hadn’t had her at top speed, not yet, anyway. He skimmed over what were little better than trails as he made his way to the compound where the house was. Justice knew it wouldn’t be easy. Things just didn’t come that way for him.

What did surprise him as he watched the compound, was how accurate the old lady was with her information.

By the time he was through watching the compound, he was tired, hungry, and thirsty. It was time to head to the nearest bar. He wanted a better quality establishment. That would mean the food, drink, atmosphere, and the clientele would all be improved greatly. Such a bar, or what they called a lounge, was just down the road. Pulling in nearby, he set the security on his bike and walked away from it, confident that it would be there when he returned.

Walking in, he heard the news blasting through the bar. “It looks like relations with Oison and those gorgeous royals is taking some hits, ladies. Earth Mates, the company that vets and recruits the women for the mating program, just laid off half their staff. Contractual difficulties were cited and the speculation is running rampant. This is Treena Goodbody for ABMBC News.” The screen moved from Treena who was standing in front of Earth Mates Corporate offices, to the newsroom.

“What do you think this is all about, Harold?” A glamourous newswoman asked.

“I’m sure the fault is with Oison, Treena. Earth Government always stands by their agreements and keeps their contracts.” Harold, the veteran alien affairs reporter, observed.

“Regardless of who is at fault, many Earth women will be sadly disappointed if the mating program is scrubbed. It will be a sad day for the planet as a whole, since the program nets Earth new technology, and enough shipments of food to feed New York City, the world’s largest city, year round if quarterly quotas are met.”

Harold was practically jumping up and down trying to get Treena to shut up. Trade information was not public knowledge nor did the government want the public to know just how much money was changing hands. The screen went blue, but the damage was done, and even though Trena was a blonde, she must have known what she was doing. Justice felt sorry for the female that would probably be put to death after they made her admit she’d lied about the numbers. He knew if anything, she’d underestimated them. Mazlans wanted mates, why, he’d never understand.

To Justice, a mate was a weakness a male couldn’t afford if he was in the mercenary or security business. Sure, he dreamed some day of having a wife and children, but only once he was old and had saved up enough to find a remote location that was safe from his enemies. Justice was the king of slipping into protected areas and taking out targets. He, better than anyone, knew how hard it would be to keep a family safe.

The crowd at the bar was buzzing about the newscast. “What do you think they’ll do to her?’ One of the patrons asked the bartender.

“She’s a goner for sure. Real shame, since she is sure a pretty one.” The bartender said.

Justice bellied up to the bar. The bartender rushed to take his order. “What’ll it be mister?”

“A glass of Venusian vermillion on the rocks,” Justice said. Venusians were an alien race that only mingled with other races to trade. Otherwise, they were rarely seen and when they were, they were avoided.

They were bipedal humanoids, but they weren’t considered pretty by most. The beings had huge mouths with razor sharp fangs and no noticeable nose. Their eyes were huge, taking up the rest of their rounded faces. Their complexion appeared to be a pasty white and their lips were the same color. Whenever out in public, they wore ceremonial robes that hung heavily from neck to feet so their true shape was often conjectured. They made the best liquors in the universe and that was their number one export.

Justice tossed some currency on the bar and the man grabbed it quickly. The drink, nicknamed vee vee, was expensive but went down smooth with a slow burn. Unlike most alcoholic beverages, it didn’t impair, but actually improved the senses and reasoning capabilities of those who consumed it. He sat back, quietly waiting for the crowd to forget he was there. It generally took about ten to fifteen minutes and the talk would resume.

Listening intently, without seeming to be listening at all, is how Justice picked up some of his information. In his business, that information could be the difference between living another day or dying.

“So Sully, is it true that the big boss at your company is worse than his father ever was?” a patron asked his friend.

“Yeah, who knew things could actually go downhill? The old man was a bastard, but the son makes him look like an angel. What’s more is the son will probably bring us into a war with those Mazlans. He doesn’t want to pay for that weed they have. They’ve tried everything to grow it here and now they found out it’s the mineral in their soil that makes the shit so potent. It would have been funny if he hadn’t axed a bunch of people and the woman that ran the farm, she turned up raped, mutilated, and killed. Word is he ordered it. He’s a fucking monster, but no one is allowed to quit. I’d leave if I had a way off planet.”

“Damn man, that sounds brutal. I’m glad I decided against that job you were going to help me get. My job now may pay less, but my life’s not on the line.”

Justice listened to several conversations including some from the guards at the compound he was interested in.

“That old man can’t handle business, he should let a real man teach that hot bitch what goes on between a man and a woman.” The guard said.

“No way she’s untouched. Not the way she looks. Someone must have gone for it sometime, J.J.” The other guard whispered low and looked around nervously.

“He guards her better than his diamonds and gold. I’d bet a paycheck on it, Stan. No man has gotten close enough to do shit.”

They finished their drinks and left. Justice felt that he had heard enough for tonight. One more night of searching out information and watching for any changes in the guards habits. He wouldn’t kill them unless he had to. It was clear most of them didn’t want to be there, anyway. When the time came, it would look like a natural death, Justice knew a hundred ways to kill without leaving a sign. The irony of it was, it was that man’s own company that had begun his assassin’s training. Now he was about to reap what he’d sown.

Justice exited the lounge to find his bike right where he left it. The hair on the back of his neck stood up and he knew someone was nearby. Turning just as he was attacked by two large but untrained youth. Their eyes widened as they got a good look at who they’d gone after. They were tall, maybe six foot, but he was taller. He was also bigger and a damn sight meaner than these two kids would ever be. “Leave now or face the consequences.” His warning came out low with a growl at the end. They dropped their knives and turned, running into each other in their haste to escape his wrath.

He held in his laugh until they were out of hearing range and then he almost doubled over in amusement. Two less likely hoodlums he’d never seen, but they must have been desperate to attempt a takedown like that. Earth sucked and he couldn’t wait to be free of it. If he was lucky, he’d never have to come back again. Here, there was nothing but bad memories. Justice missed what was now his home region of space and the people he called friends. It was a new feeling for him.

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