1948: A History of the First Arab-Israeli War (81 page)

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36. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP,"'3'.
37. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 177-180.
38. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 175 -177-
39 • Khalaf, Politics in Palestine, 15739.
40. Christopher Pirie -Gordon to FO, 30 June 1947, PRO FO 371-61875-
41. Quoted in Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 201; Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 264-267-
4-2. Ignatius Mubarak, "Mubarak's Memorandum to UNSCOP," 13 October 1947, CZA S25-9o26. Some leading Maronites, including Mubarak, regarded Lebanon's Christians as non-Arab descendants of the Phoenicians.
43. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 211-213.
44. Nevo, KingAbdallah and Palestine, 65; Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 215.
45. Garcia Granados, Birth of Israel, 228-233; Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 233, 235; Freundlich, From Destruction to Resurrection, 111-112. Some researchers have cast doubt on the sincerity of the Zionist professions of the DPs, arguing that these were a product of intensive coaching, browbeating, and threats by Zionist officials (see, e.g., Grodzinski, Good Human Material). But it is clear that many of those interviewed by UNSCOP were chosen randomly on the spot by the members, not by Zionist prearrangement. All the UNSCOP members were convinced that they had heard what really was in the DPs' minds and hearts (BenDror, "UNSCOP," 237-238).
46. Garcia Granados, Birth of Israel, 233 -246.
47. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 2$4.
48. Khalaf, l'olitics in Palestine, 156-157.
49. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 255-258; Horowitz, State in the Making, 208-209.
50. Horowitz, State in the Making, 179-223. The lobbyists used a variety of means. Horowitz tantalizingly hints at how he recruited "a young Australian girl" employed at the UN offices in Geneva to "reach" the Australian UNSCOP delegation (193-194).
Si. Horowitz, State in the Making, zoz-2o7; Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," z6o-z6z. Horowitz wrote: "[Crossman's] statement produced an unforgettable impression on the UNSCOP members" (207).
24-225. 52. Gelber, Jewish-Transjordanian Relations, 224--225-
53• Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 287.
$4. Horowitz, State in the Making, 223.
55. Unsigned, "Justice Sandstrom's Talk on Palestine," undated, PRO FO 37161797-
56. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," contrary to common wisdom, asserts that most of the UNSCOP members were not constrained by their governments and decided independently how to vote.
57. The Jewish Agency thought the UNSCOP numbers faulty-and believed that the Jewish state would have altogether 513,000 Jews and 416,00o Arabs (BenDror, "UNSCOP," 301, n. 41).
58. UNSCOP Report.
59. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 356.
6o. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 309; Ben-Gurion to Paula Ben-Gurion, 2 September 1947, Political Documents of theJewvishAgency, 2:6i8-619.
61. Beirut to FO, 17 September 1947, PRO FO 371-61529.
62. Minute by Harold Beeley, 5 September 1947, PRO FO 371-61952.
63. Abba Eban, "Conversation with `Abdul Rahman `Azzam Pasha 15th September, 1947," 19 September 1947, CZA S25-2965.
64. Quoted in Landis, "Syria and the Palestine War," 186.
65. Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 310-312.
66. Cohen, "British Policy," 1o3; Ben-Dror, "UNSCOP," 315.
67. Louis, British Empire in the Middle East, 473-477; Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 274-276.
68. Freundlich, From Destruction to Resurrection, 147-148; Cohen, Palestine and Great Po)vers, 284. Subcommittee One was chartered to examine and translate into proposals for the General Assembly the majority recommendations; Subcommittee Two, to work on proposals conforming to the minority recommendations, meaning the establishment of a unitary state; and Subcommittee Three, to try to forge a compromise that would bridge between the two sets of recommendations.
69. Walter Eytan, New York, to Gershon Hirsch (Avner), Jerusalem, 26 October 1947, CZA S25-463.
70. Moshe Shertok at meeting of the US Section of the JA Executive, 17 September 1947, CZA Z5-59.
71. Eytan to Hirsch, 26 October 1947, CZA S25-463. He rated the Soviet delegation second-they "work like slaves."
72. Eytan, New York, to Zeev Sharef, Jerusalem, 22 October 1947, CZA S25-463.
73. "List of Handlers of the Delegates to the States at the UN," CZA S25-5471.
74. Eytan, New York, to Arye [Levavi?], 26 September 1947, CZA Say-463.
75. Eytan to Arye [Levavi?], 26 September 1947, CZA S25-463.
76. Eytan, New York, to Sharef, Jerusalem, 13 October 1947, CZA S25-463.
77. Protocol of meeting of JAE, 2 November 1947, CZA 45/I
78. Louis, British Empire in the Middle East, 484.
79. Weizmann, Trial and Error, 458 -459; Chaim Weizmann to Henry Morgenthau, Jr., zo November 1947, Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 1:861-862; "Memorandum for the File by Mr. Robert M. McClintock," Washington, DC, 19 November 1947, FR US, 1947, 5:1271-1272 and n. 2.
8o. Alan Cunningham to Arthur Creech Jones, 14 November 1947, PRO FO 37161795. The British apparently had a spy in the top ranks of the JA.
8,. Summary of conversations in "bugged" Palestinian rooms and telephone conversations in New York, CZA Sz5 3569.
8z. UK delegation to UN to FO, 25 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61890.
83. UK delegation to UN to FO, z6 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61890.
84. Abba Hillel Silver, protocol of meeting of US Section, JAE, 22 October 1947, CZA Z5-2374--
85. Isaiah ("Si") Kenen, public relations officer of the American Jewish Conference, protocol of meeting of US Section, JAE, 22 October 1947, CZA Z5-2374-
86. See "Editorial Note," Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:742.
87. Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 297-298.
88. See Weizmann to Samuel Zemmuray, 20 October 1947, Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:743.
89. British Legation, Guatemala, to Bevin, z6 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61892.
9o. Hahn, Caught in the Middle East, 37.
91. Garcia Granados, Birth of Israel, 269.
92. Sykes, Wingate, 104-205, 236-320, 360-$46.
93• Berl Locker to I. J. Linton, 26 November 1947, ISA FM 2267/6; Lorna Wingate to the emperor, 27 November 1947, ISA FM 2266/4,.
94. Freundlich, From Destruction to Resurrection, 194.
95• Linton to Jan Smuts, 27 November 1947, Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:885-886, n. ,; Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 297-
96. Both Jawaharlal Nehru and Mohammed Ali Jinnah, the Muslim Indian leader, had written Arab League secretary Azzam early on assuring him that "they regarded Palestine as an Arab country and would support the Arab cause" (Ronald Campbell, Cairo, to FO, z8 April 1947, PRO FO 371-61875)-
97. Hayim Greenberg to Albert Einstein, 5 June 1947; Helen Dukas (Einstein's secretary) to Greenberg, 9 June 1947; and Greenberg to Dukas, 11 June 1947, all in ISA FM 92/34.
98. Einstein to Nehru, 13 June 1947, and Nehru to Einstein, ,, July 1947, both in ISA FM 92/34. The file contains a response to Nehru's letter-drafted for Einstein by another Zionist official, Eliahu Ben-Horin-but it is unclear whether Einstein sent it. In it he complained that the Indian representative "was the most outspoken enemy of Jewish-Zionist aspirations" in UNSCOP. The file contains no reply from the Indian prime minister (strengthening the supposition that the second letter to Nehru was never mailed).
99. "Meeting of Executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine, American Section," 27 September 1947, CZA Z5-z366. See also "Chinese, Indian and American Delegations," 6 November 1947, ISA FM 92/34.
ioo. Weizmann to Nehru, 27 November 1947, ISA FM 92/34.
101. Silver, protocol of meeting of US Section, JAE, z6 October 1947, CZA Z52375-
102. V. K. Wellington Koo to Sumner Welles, undated but c. 27 November, CZA F39-589.
103. Summary of tapped Palestinian conversations in New York, undated but c. 22 November 1947, CZA Sz5-3569.
104. Michael Comay to Zvi Infeld, 29 October 1947, Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:790-
1o5. "Note of Conversation between M. Ramadier, Prime Minister of France, and Mr. B. Locker, at Lyons, on August 16,1947, at 8.30 p.m.," ISA FM 92/38.
io6. Eliahu Epstein to members of JAE, 14 January 1948, CZA F39-579•
107- Moshe Sneh to Shertok, 21 October 1947, in Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:744.
108. See, e.g., Maurice Fischer to Nahum Goldmann, z8 November 1947; and Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:890, n. 3.
109. Ashley Clarke, Paris, to Bernard Burrows, FO, 9 December 1947, PRO FO 37161892. Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 298, says that Niles mobilized Bernard Baruch, a major American financier, to threaten Alexandre Parodi with a cut-off of American aid.
iio. Gideon Rafael to Eliahu (Elias) Sasson, 8 December 1947, CZA S25-5o0; Comay to Gering, 3 December 1947, ISA FM 2266/11.
111. Shertok, protocol of meeting of US Section, JAE, and non-Zionist representatives, z6 October 1947, CZA Z5-2375-
11z. Unsigned, "Telephone Report by Mr. Epstein of Conversation of Dr. Weizmann and Himself with Sumner Welles, November 17,1947," ISA FM 2270/8.
113. Linton, "Report on a Visit to Brussels, October 27th to 3oth, 1947," 4 November 1947, CZA S25-5353.
114-. George Rendel to FO, 26 November 1947, and FO to Rendel, 27 November 1947, both in PRO FO 371-61795-
115. Linton to JAE, 4 November 1947, CZA S25-5353.
116. Comay to Gering, 3 December 1947, ISA FM 2266/11.
117. "Cabinet Conclusions," 25 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61795; FO to UK Delegation UN, 26, 29 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61890.
118. See, e.g., Burrows to Orme Sargent, "Votes of Commonwealth Countries on Palestine," 24 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61890, for British uncertainty about the Dominions' votes.
119. Comay to JAE, 6 June 1947, ISA FM 2267/37-
120. Comay to Marcell Sigalla, 3 December 1947, ISA FM 2266/15.
121. Freundlich, From Destruction to Resurrection, 179.
i 2z. See, e.g., Comay to Sigalla, 8 October 1947, Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:7,2.
123. Morgenthau to Walter Nash, 22 November 1947; Morgenthau to Peter Fraser, 24 November 1947; and Fraser to Morgenthau, 24 November 1947, all in ISA FM 2267/37.
124. Eytan, New York, to Goldie (Golda) Myerson (Meir), Jerusalem, 3 October 1947, CZA S25-463.
i 25. Summary of tapped Palestinian conversations, New York, undated but c. 22 November 1947, CZA S25 3569.
,z6. Comay to Gering, 3 December 1947-
127. Silver at meeting of US Section, JAE, and Non-Zionist Representatives, 19 September 1947, CZA Z5-2364.
,z8. Rose Halprin at meeting of US Section, JAE, 17 September 1947, CZA Z5-59.
129. See, e.g., Moshe Toff's statement, "Minutes of Meeting American Section of the Executive of the Jewish Agency for Palestine," 5 October 1947, 7-8.
130. Shertok at meeting of US Section, JAE, 22 October 1947, CZA Z5-2374.
131. Shertok at meeting of US Section, JAE, 5 October 1947, CZA Z5-59.
132. Quoted in Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 295.
133. Emanuel Neuman, reporting on what a Venezuelan diplomat in New York had told him; meeting of US Section, JAE, 26 September 1947, CZA Z5-59.
134. Robert Nathan, economic adviser to the JA in Washington, DC, reporting on what John Hilldring, a member of the American UN delegation, had said to him; protocol of meeting of US Section, JAE, 8 October 1947, CZA Z5-z37,.
135. Weizmarul to Truman, 25 November 1947, ISA FM 2270/8; Weizmarul to Truman, 25 November 1947, Political Documents of the Jewish Agency, 2:87988o.
136. Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 294.
137. Louis, British Empire in the Middle East, 485. See, e.g., Congressman Emanuel Celler, Washington, DC, to Jewish Agency official Eliahu Epstein, New York, 25 November 1947, ISA FM zz66/z6, saying that he had "spoken to [Assistant Secretary of State Robert] Lovett, [Truman's secretary] Matthew Connelly and [chairman of the National Committee of the Democratic Party Howard] McGrath on the necessity of our delegates getting after [waverers] ... like the panAmerican countries, the Philippines and Siam.... McGrath and Matt Connelly are putting pressure on the White House and the State Department."
138. Truman, Memoirs, 2:158.
139. Comay to Gering, 3 December 1947.
i4o. Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 296.
141. Cohen, Palestine and Great Powers, 296-297. Somewhat prematurely, the British UN delegation on 24 November was reporting an "American attempt to stampede the Assembly" (UK delegation to UN to FO, 24 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61795)•
142. Fifteen senators (Owen Brewster, Styles Bridges, et al.) to ambassador of Honduras, Washington, DC, etc., 27 November 1947, and thirteen senators (Harley Kilgore, Raymond Baldwin, et al.) to ambassador of Honduras, Washington, DC, etc., 28 November 1947, both in CZA F39-589.
143. UK delegation to UN to FO, 27 November 1947, PRO FO 371-61890.
144. See, e.g., "Shertok's Plan ... Beirut al-Masa, 29 December 1947, (trans. into Hebrew) in HA 105/37-
14.5. Summary of tapped Palestinian conversations in New York, z6 November 1947, CZA Sz5-3569.
146. Chief secretary, Palestine Government, to British legation, Damascus, 15 August 1947, PRO FO 371-61877-
147. Unsigned but by a Jewish Agency official, "Threats of Arab Holy War on the Eve of the UN Decision," 15 October 1947, CZA Sz5-5353.
148. Shertok, reporting what "a certain Arab"-probably `Omar Dajani-who had talked to Saudi Prince Ibn Saud, had told him, at meeting of US Section, JAE, i October 1947, CZA Z5-z369.
149. This is alluded to in the al-Qawugji interview quoted in chief secretary, Palestine Government, to British legation, Damascus, 15 August 1947, PRO FO 37161877-
150. Shertok, protocol of meeting of US Section and Labor Committee, JAE, 30 September 1947, CZA Z5-z367.

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