15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy (30 page)

BOOK: 15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy
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Chapter 5

Colin looked at her amazed. She was not afraid as he feared she would be. Lois had to accept him in his true body, before they could be mated in front of his whole flock. The catch with her being human was that she had to finish the ritual in the traditional tongue. The council had sprung in the last tidbit when she was being prepared. He knew it was a thinly disguised way for them to have the mating not happen. No one wanted the bloodline tainted so high up with human blood, but Colin was in love. Had been on sight, but the small glimmer had turned into a rushing torrent. Little did the council know that he was prepared to wait forever for her to do what was needed of her to make the union sanctioned in their eyes.

His body trembled with her light touches and he nuzzled her body, urging her towards him. Lois did not understand what he wanted, though the feel of him touching her even slightly was intense. Her nakedness was making her body hot, the knowledge that so many people could see her that way. But moreover it was Colin next to her, huge and viral that made her breath quicken.

Everyone’s eyes were glued on her and they were waiting for her to do something. She looked back at Colin and his eyes were telling her to do something, she was just not sure what though. She was getting frustrated and the people around her were talking and fidgeting as well.

“What do you want me to do Colin?”

The talking ceased and they looked at her strangely. She closed her eyes and waited for a sign, a thought of what she needed to do. “Get on me and let’s fly.”

Her head came up in an instance. She looked at him expectant for him to have changed back, but he was still in his dragon form. His words were a clear echo in her head and she moved closer, trying to figure out how to do it. His large, smooth head came down and she climbed up. He started to move and the woman afraid of heights, clung to him for dear lie. Her life was literally up to him as he pushed off from the ground. There was no warm-up or time to adjust. There was just sky in front of them and a clearing in the trees getting smaller by the second.

Lois had no time to think about what she was even doing there and what the future held for her. What was once so clear and spelled out seemed to be changing even more quickly than before. Colin in her life had been devastating. He came in like a storm, tearing up everything that made sense and leaving her flying to the top of a mountain, naked.

Her upper body jiggled and she moaned as his body stimulated her hard nipples. There was no way for her not to be turned on, her bare skin caressed by the chilled air, nipping at her sensitive spots that produced heat like a furnace. The feel of his smooth scales against her, drove her wild. Lois was helpless to rub herself against him softly, driving herself crazy as he slowed down to land.

There was a ledge in front of them and it hung over the mountain in a way that made her stomach lurch. “What are we doing up here?”

Colin wished he could change, to assure her that everything was going to be okay. But what she needed to do, he had to be in his true form for. It was the moment of truth and though they were so far up, they were actually not that far from the clearing. Eyes were still on them, their vision far better than mere mortals. Everything that happened was being watched, the whole tribe waiting for her to fuck it all up.

“You must go on the ledge.”

She looked back at him, alarm in her face. The rock ledge was the last thing that she wanted to go onto and she didn’t see any amount of prodding changing it. “Can’t you just take me there? I feel safe with you.”

Her words touched him, but he shook his large silver head sadly. “You must do it yourself.”

Lois knew not to ask why. If she was honest with herself, she didn’t necessarily want to know why she was supposed to go to the ledge. Nothing that came to mind, if true at all, was something she wanted to consider. Her whole body screamed at her as she walked closer, one thought running through her head. What if he pushed her?

“Now jump.”

Her heart stopped and she took a step forward, his large body moving closer. The one fear she had thought, was happening. “Please, listen. I told you I won’t tell anyone, about any of you. You don’t have to do this Colin.”

The dragon’s eyes changed darkening and though it did not move any closer, it puffed up like it was upset. Her eyes went to his mouth, so sure that fire was going to start pouring out any second. “Just jump Lois. I won’t make you, it is your choice. Please just trust me and it will all be okay.”

The words bumped around in her head, making her no more excited to jump off of anything. She had a crippling fear of heights and she didn’t know if she even could. Lois wanted to please him, but it was too much. To just sacrifice herself was madness. They would never be together and all of her pining would be for naught.

“Please don’t make me do this Colin.”

She saw sadness in his eyes. “You do not have to. It is your choice, but if we are to be together, you must.”

Lois didn’t see how flinging herself off of a mountain would give them a chance to be together, she would be dead. Maybe he meant in an afterlife of some sort? She owed the man/beast her life and it looked like the favor was being called in, in-kind.

“I love you Colin. Until we meet again.” Her hands went around his neck, kissing the muscled neck with her lips. She tried not to cry, to show the damnable human weakness that they all said. She stood at the very edge, not wanting to look down at her fate. Instead of jumping, she just let herself go forward, her eyes closed shut. The only thing she could think was the last few months had been worth it. It had all been worth a few more months of excitement and Colin. Lois was at peace with her decision, her body calm and her heart beating sure until the end.

Chapter 6

Lois waited for the impact of the ground, but it never came. She was lifted up as she bumped into something beneath her. She knew that it was him before she opened her eyes, her body no longer holding on with arms, but just her bare thighs. Her heart was still at the top of the mountain with her stomach and she screamed out a release she had been holding. She was still alive, somehow.

When they got back down to the gathered people, there was no longer the fear in her that she had before. She had just jumped to what she thought was her death, anything beyond that seemed like child’s play, the startled and sour faces around her no longer masks of danger. Lois was to be part of it and she didn’t need to understand the words being spoken to finally understand what was going to happen. She was finally getting the man she had been dreaming of for years.

Her feet touched the ground and she slid off of the dragon almost reluctantly. She already missed the scales as her skin blushed with embarrassment at her own wantonness. Lois could have taken him right then and there and she was not even sure she cared which form he was in at the time.

“The woman has made her choice and we are here to stand before it. Colin, you have chosen well. She may be human, but she has a Dragonkin heart!”

The words gave her more pleasure than she could describe. They had accepted her and when she looked back to see Colin, he was back to the man she had fallen in love with. He walked up to her and kissed her hard on the mouth. The world stopped for a moment and everyone around her disappeared. She was exactly where she was supposed to be, in his arms. There was a cheer of joy and while most looked happy when she pulled away, there were still a few holdouts in the crowd.

“It is time to seal the union in front of your flock Colin, starting the new set of heirs inside of her for all to see!”

The declaration was met with a roar of cheers, but Lois’ heart sunk. What did he mean for all to see?!?

Her question was answered quickly as the crowd cleared to lead a path to a bed made of the materials of the forest. Boughs of cedar made the bedding and even though her body shook, Lois knew that she would not want to be anywhere else than where she was right then. She lay down on the bedding, surprised at how soft it was. Lois was not left time to think of anything else as Colin covered her body with his hard one.

Her thighs opened for him and he nestled in between her legs. Their mouths met and she closed her eyes, shutting out all the people around them. Lois could no longer hear anything but the pounding in her chest. His lips were more insistent and his manhood was already pressed exactly where it was needed. Her insides were soaked for him, her center begging for the heavy head resting on her quim. Her hips raised up to take him, penetrate herself, but he pulled back, not allowing her to. She whimpered and her hands went to his neck, searching and pulling him down onto her.

Colin kissed her but he kept his hips far enough away that she could only slid her moist skin over him, hoping to entice him into just pushing into her. She had not seen his cock, but she didn’t care. She wanted to feel him inside of her that instant, her long-felt desires choking her.

“Please Colin. Please now, I have waited too long.”

Colin chuckled, pulling away. I have waited centuries for you. Can you imagine how long that is? You can wait a few more minutes. I have not had the pleasure to taste you yet.”

Lois shivered and mewled as he started to lower his mouth onto her throat. She looked up at the clear sky above her, her body jerking as he nipped his way down her chest, his tongue lapping up the drug-laced honey concoction. All she knew was his tongue felt amazing, followed by hands that soothed the slight pain of his teeth. Colin settled on a nipple, sucking and biting as she moaned below him. Lois was more than ready and each flick of his tongue pushed her closer to the edge of reason.

Moving beyond her breasts, his tongue licked a trail to her navel, swirling around the quivering concave space. She moaned as he hissed. Her hips rose, urging him forward. She didn’t care what touched her at her center, as long as something did. When she felt heat on her quim, she almost came unglued. Unable to wait any longer, she opened her legs wider and pushed him down with a hard grip in his hair. Lois shook with the hot breath on her puffy lips as he chuckled. “I never realized how impatient you are love.”

She should have acknowledge him saying that or heeded his teasing, but she didn’t. All she could think about was a release that only she had been responsible for months. Then she jumped with the first touch on her hot center. It was more than she could have asked or, his heat and hard tongue pressing against her engorged clit.

“Yes, mmmm.”

Her grip was no lighter than before, her movement of his head no less aggressive. There was no laughter in the air though, only the loud slurping sound that added to the waves of pleasure crashing over her. Lost in a sudden explosion inside of her, her thighs closed on his neck like a vice as she screamed out his name for the crowd. No one could look away, her orgasm so powerfully displayed in front of them. “Colin yes!”

She was in heaven and the way he sucked out her spraying juice, he was starved. He finally pulled away, her pressure on his head distracting. Pushing her legs wide, he hissed again as her body still trembled beneath him. Tiny aftershocks shot through her body, her hips rising up on their own volition. As great as she felt in that moment, she knew that she could feel better if only he would take her as she had always wanted him to.

Her blue eyes were hooded, her gaze unclear with a thick glaze over them. Colin looked down at her with an animalistic lust that scared her in a way. She knew that he would not hurt her, but it was also the first time she got to see his hard cock in all its glory. It was big, huge even and she almost clamped her thighs shut again in defense. Lois could not imagine how it was going to fit and she was unable to dispel the slight fear that she felt.

“I will be gentle Lois, don’t worry. Until you tell me not to, I will go so slowly.”

His words were whispered as his hot length pressed against her weeping core. Gritting her teeth, he started to push forward ever so slowly. Each slow inch that pierced her, took her breath away as it stretched her wide. She cursed out loud as he reached halfway buried. Her inside sheathed struggled to accommodate his massive meat and she was left panting with the effort. Her ass wiggled as she waited, but he did not budge.

“Are you ready for more?”

Her hips moved and rubbed upwards as her pussy tried to milk the tip. “Yes, fuck me already Colin. I want it all, please. Now!”

Her words were ended with a sharp scream in the air. He plowed ahead in one thrust, unable to stop himself after he heard her request. Always one to please, Colin slammed home with everything he had. Her whole body rocked forward and he had to close his eyes to not lose himself right then and there. With everyone watching, he wanted to show his sexual prowess and strength. But in between Lois’ long legs, he was content to just be a man in need.

Colin’s eyes held hers as he pulled out slowly, her insides gripping every inch of him. She whimpered as the head slid out completely. Her hips wiggled, trying to entice him forward. Lois had waited long enough and all she wanted then was him. Her body was close to the cusp of mindless pleasure and she knew that it was him who would give it to her. “Please more.”

His control slipping, Colin pushed forward hard, her painted tits jiggling with the impact. Grabbing her thighs and pulling up, he started to rut inside of her quickly. His rod was engulfed in heat and he had to grit his teeth to not lose himself in her silken folds too soon. As Lois shook and thrashed underneath him, repeating his name like a mantra, Colin could not hold back any longer. With a loud groan of his own, he pushed deep, his hot, sticky seed pouring out of him and into her. Lois was filled to the brim, the extra fluid making the stretching sensation even more intense.

“Yes, oh God Colin. I knew it would be perfect.”

Their eyes met and he bent down to kiss her, as she gasped into his mouth. His cock pushed deeper and her eyes closed with another wave of pleasure coursing through her system. His lips were insistent, his hips moving in half circles. When he started to get hard again inside of her, she wrapped her legs around his hips and urged him on.

Colin ripped out and hissed. Flipping her onto her stomach, his hard cock pushed deep as he pulled her up to her knees. Lois opened her eyes to the sudden penetration and she remembered the people watching. No one had turned away and everyone watched as he took her again. Her insides were bruised when he finally pulled out after his second release. Lois had never come so much in her life, her body limp as he picked her up.

“It has been done ‘twice’ in front of the flock. It is official that you are wed to her for all of her life.”

Colin smiled. His grin triumphant. He had fought for months to take her, but there was always a hold up. When he had finally forced the issue, the council was unable to deny the leader. Colin looked down at his prize, his heart filling up with tenderness he had never felt before. She was his, forever. His children already graced her stomach and he couldn’t wait for the day when his family would grow.


“Yes love?”

“Can we go home now?”

His heart surged with the idea of their home. He nodded his head, changing into his true form as he cradled her against his scaled chest. Everything was as it should be and her second flight was not near as eventful as her first one. All Lois could think was how worth it he was. She would gladly take the plunge a hundred times over, if it all ended like the first one had.


The End

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