15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy (25 page)

BOOK: 15 Paranormal Romance Collection Boxset- Billionaire Bad Boy
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Chapter 3

The next morning left her groggy. She had very real and vivid dreams that woke her up breathless, but she could not for the life of her, figure out what it was about. June beat her down to the kitchen for breakfast and it seemed like the woman had been up for hours. She wished her luck for the day and Callie was off to the antique shop in her Aunt’s truck. Callie half expected someone to be there when she got there, but she had to wait a few minutes until Andre popped in.

Pulling the keys out of his pocket, he cast a look her way while he tried to find the key on the large ring. “Sorry I am late. I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

“Me either.” There was a hint of something in his eyes. The shop was small, but filled to the brim with every sort of knickknack that could be imagined from seemingly all spaces of the past. Callie’s hands touched a few things as they walked through. As they got deeper into the store and near the jewelry displays, one of the rings caught her eye. She immediately went to its glass case and touched the hard surface.

“It is beautiful, isn’t it?”

She nodded her head, though she felt more than beauty, but physically drawn to it. She wanted to touch it, to put it on her finger and there was a crazy notion that it would fit. It was made for her and she had to have it. “How much is it?”

He shrugged, “Too much for you.”

“How do you know?”

“Because the diamond is rare and it is worth millions.”

“Oh.” She moved back from the glass, afraid that she would somehow damage the priceless piece. “How does my Aunt have it in her store?”

“Well it is our store and it is not the most expensive item in the shop.” Callie was getting more confused by the minute.

“So I mean, why am I here. I thought I was helping because she was destitute or something. You run it, what am I doing here? I mean, she is in better health than me and has more money than everyone else.”

If Andre was surprised by her straight-forward demeanor, he did not show it. “Bloodlines and family are very important around here. We could not trust just anyone to be here with us and I will not always be around. I have many other business ventures to tend to. Callie shook her head, though it did not make much sense to her. She was starting to wonder why she didn’t know she had a rich Aunt.

“Okay, so what am I supposed to do?”

“Inventory right now. If something jumps out at you, put it to the side and the rest, we need to make a physical count of everything.”

Her shoulders slumped. While her family was rich and mysterious, the job was as lackluster as she thought it was going to be. The only thing good about it was that Andre was hot and at least she would have some eye candy. That hope too was dashed though, when he ducked out after thirty minutes. She sighed and looked around at the nightmarish condition. What had she gotten herself into?


Chapter 4

Callie was exhausted by the time eight o clock rolled around and it was getting dark outside. The store was full of some crazy things and she was thankful that it was closed for the inventory. It gave her more time to root and she felt like she had a great chunk of it done, but it was going to take a week or two to finish it all. Locking up with the key he had given her earlier in the day, Callie started across the dimly lit parking lot to the old truck. She got to the side of it and someone jumped out, putting their hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream.

“Get in the truck Callie.”

The voice was familiar, but she did not get to see enough of him to know who it was. A flash of the strange man on the train came to mind, but the feel of something sharp against her throat, made all thoughts leave her. Callie’s mind raced, but she could think of nothing to get out of the situation. She opened the door and he pushed her over to the passenger side, while he got behind the wheel. “I will drive. We are not going back to June’s anyways. I need to get you away from that old witch. She has probably already filled her mind with nonsense.

Callie looked at him confused. “Who are you, really?”

“Someone who loved your mother a long time ago, before your father came into the picture and swayed her with his charms. We were destined to be together you see and you were supposed to be mine.”

Callie recognized the madness in his eyes. She remembered the feeling of loss she had felt from him when they had met on the train, but she never would have imagined that was who he was. “So where are we going?”

“If Anya hadn’t left with your father, she would still be alive today. Do you understand that I have to do it? I have to right the wrong.”

He was talking to her, but not looking at her. It was almost like he was telling himself in a way to assuage his own guilt. His driving was erratic and it became clear that he was taking her up into the mountains as the truck climbed higher. She could see the edge and the black abyss beneath when she looked out of the window.

“Can you please slow down? I think we can just work this out. I don’t know anything about what you are telling me. What do I have to do with it all?” Callie tried not to let her fear in, but her voice was echoing it perfectly.

“You are my ticket to peace. It has to be equaled out. It is how they are, the only thing they understand. So I will take you and then it will be even.”

“Take me? Take me where?”

“Up and then down.” He had a hysterical giggle and she looked over at his deranged face. There was nothing she could do until they stopped, though she started to wonder what he was going to do at the top. Her heart slammed in her chest and before she knew it, the car was coming to a stop and he was pulling her out through the driver’s side door. Callie tried to kick him, to fight back, but there was no stopping what he had a mind to do.

Callie was not small. She was curvy, but the older man seemed to carry a strength that was beyond what he was perceived to have. It took her by surprise and she was left to be dragged behind the man towards the edge of the cliff looking over the city. “Please, wait. How can you do this if you love my mother?”

“I don’t love her anymore. She has been dead to me for twenty years.”

Callie knew then that she was going to die. The closer she got to the edge, the more she struggled against him, whether or not it was effective. Her nails sunk into his arm, but none of it seemed to faze him. Callie screamed several times as loud as she could before he screamed with her. “No one can hear you Callie!”


Someone or something did hear her though and right before Callie was tossed over the edge, she saw the same strange shadow that she had seen on the way to her Aunt’s. She tried to make sense of it and then there was no time. One strong heave and she was sent spiraling into the air, her screams lost in the air swirling around her at record speed. Callie just waited for the end, her eyes squeezed shut. It didn’t come, instead she fell onto something moving and she clung onto the iridescent scaled mass she was on.

Callie opened her eyes fully and realized that she was flying, or riding on something that was flying. The mass was a beast and she clung on harder, afraid of falling, but just as equally afraid of what she was on. There was a message to hold on tight in her mind and she gripped harder. The dragon looked back at her and the eyes were such that she had seen before. In her dreams maybe?

Turning around, they were back on the cliff edge, the man no longer a man, but a beast. The pearl white dragon went into a death spiral towards the cliff and she closed her eyes tight as she waited for something horrible to happen. There was heat and then a sound of flames. She looked back and the crazed beast was chasing them. She held on, warning him of the pursuit. “I’ll be back.”

Then she was soaring in the air and splashing in the water beneath. He had dropped her off and she was left to pull herself out of the cold water. There was a cave nearby and she went into it for shelter. Callie was overrun with exhaustion and what she hoped was a little madness. She waited in the darkened place, until she fell asleep waiting for the beast to come back.

Chapter 5

“Callie? Are you okay?”

Callie jerked with the sound, quickly on her feet and backing away from him. It was who she thought it would be and that somehow made it worse. If it was Andre, than that meant that he was the beast that had saved her.

“What are you?”

“A shifter. Come on, get up. We need to get you to June’s. It is not safe for you here.” His hand went to grab her arm, but she pulled back.

“I am not going anywhere with you!”

Callie knew she was being difficult, but a few words of explanation were not enough. He looked at her in aggravation. “Do you really want to do this here?” He motioned to the mouth of the cave where they were. Callie shook her head adamantly.

“Who are you and why am I here? And who was that guy that tried to kill me?”

“You are like me.” She snorted, sure that wasn’t true.

“Try again, I don’t turn into a dragon and fly around.”

“Women do not shift. You are just like your mother and Aunt and all the rest of your family here.”

Callie shook her head. It just didn’t make any sense. “So why am I here, if what you say is true?”

“You are here to be mine. You are my mate.”

Another sound of disbelief. “You are mad, you know that? Everyone around here is absolutely mad!”

He walked towards her, while she back-stepped until her back hit the limestone wall. “You must listen Callie. It is not safe here, we must go. I will tell you everything you need to know when we get back.”

She shook her head, even as he moved closer. “I don’t believe you.”

Her voice was small and she tried to dodge his eyes. If what he said was true, she had no control of her fate and that was the worst of it. How was she supposed to be his mate, when she had never met him before a day ago and knowing what he was, what she was supposed to be? It was just all so impossible.

The man’s face came towards her, surprising her with a gentle kiss. The contact was electric and she felt a need run through her that she had never felt before. In that instance she knew and Callie never wanted to let him go. Her arms snaked around his thick neck and broad shoulders. He held her so softly, but his mouth was becoming increasingly insistent. Everything else was forgotten in that moment, but Andre’s hard body on hers.

“We must go Callie.” He pulled his mouth away, his voice shaky as if he did not even believe his own words.

“I don’t want to go anywhere Andre.” She pulled his face back down to hers. There was a need that his touch caused and she was not sure why he affected her so much, but all she knew was that she needed to be with him. Her own body ached to be with him in that moment and she couldn’t deny it. She knew that he felt it too, as his own excitement was evident in the bulge in his pants. “Wouldn’t you rather stay here?”

He growled as he pushed her harder against the stone, his body covering and overwhelming hers completely. His hands were on her hips, pushing her forward as his mouth devoured hers. Callie moaned and pulled him down. Callie thought it must be true that she was fated to be with him. She had never felt so alive in her life and her only thought was of her mate.

Andre broke the kiss, his mouth moving down her neck. His hands cupped her large breasts, pulling her shirt down until she heard a rip from far away. Callie felt like she was in a tunnel and his touch was the light at the end. She needed more and when his mouth took in one of her bare tips, his free hand pressed against the apex between her thighs. Her core was hot underneath his hand, burning him with the touch.

“Please Andre.” Callie did not know what she was asking for, but she knew that she needed something and he had what it was. His very presence set her alight inside and when his hand slipped under her skirt and touched her wet panties, his growl was enough to make her flood further.

“What do you want Callie? Your body wants one thing, but is that what your heart and mind want too?” His hand moved slowly in a circle against her clit as she talked. It was hard for her to focus on his words and the longer he touched her, the fuzzier her brain became. Andre pulled on her panties, until they too were slowing ripping off of her.

“I need your permission Callie.” Fingers pressed between her puffy lips, touching her wet center. She gasped and her head fell back to the cold limestone. She tried to form the words he needed, but it was impossible when he touched her. Instead her only answer was a whimper and a hand over his, pressing his fingers deeper. Her insides clamped around his intrusion and she mewled with the sudden pleasure. Callie needed more though. His fingers were not enough.

Her hand left his and squeezed the hard knot in his pants. Another grunt and another finger added to her wet quim, surging inside of her. She stroked him through the fabric as he finger-fucked her slow and deep. Hooking his finger to the top of her inner wall, she was quickly writhing against him, needing more of his magic touch. He seemed to know what she needed and there was a hot ball of energy building inside of Callie. Each rub of his thumb and surge of his fingers, brought her closer to the edge of bliss.

“I need you Andre. Inside of me right now.”

Her hand was brushed away and more noise as he opened his pants and his thick cock revealed to her. She tried to touch him, to feel the soft velvet rod against her skin, but he would not let her. His control was almost lost and another touch from her would send him over the edge.

Andre picked her up by a firm grip on each of her ass cheeks and pressed her against the wall. “Grab my neck and hold on Callie.”

Her legs and arms wrapped around him and then his heavy cockhead was pressing against her weeping center. She gasped at the touch and the scorching heat coming off of his body. Her breasts pressed against him, the softness smashed by his rigid lines. Their eyes met in that instance and he plunged forward, her body driving down onto his hard length. “Yes Andre, oh yes.”

That was all that Callie needed. Her body clung to him tightly, her insides suffocating his length with each wave of glorious pleasure that came over her. He felt huge, his rod spearing her and filling her to the brim with his massive meat. The ball of energy had imploded and she was left to hold on as he started to move inside of her. Her orgasm prolonged, continuing with an intensity that took her breath away.

As Andre moved faster, Callie became overwhelmed. “Please oh God Andre.”

Her articulation was poor at best and she had to bite his neck to get him to listen. He slowed down and pinned her to the wall with only his long length holding her up. “Do you want me to stop?”

He throbbed inside of her, jerking as she clenched him hard with the idea of the loss. Callie never wanted him to stop and she bit her lip, shaking her head ‘no’. Pulling out, she mewled at the loss, begging him to take her and fill her with his seed. Her words made him hiss and set her down. Her knees wobbled and she gasped as his hands turned her around, her breasts against the cool stone wall, the nipples hardening and scraping against the surface. The added stimulation made her want him more, need more. She stuck her ass back, wiggling it to entice him to finish.

Andre said nothing and did not immediately move. He watched her round ass shake for him and his own length bounced at the sight. Instead of slamming back into her and ending it too soon, he went to his knees to get a taste of her. The slight flavor on his lips from his fingers was enough to make him want more, but not enough to satiate him.

Pushing her body forward, his face buried between her cheeks, licking her delicate pink flesh from behind. Her nails gripped the stone, her eyes closed as another surge of energy threatened to rip through her body. Loving Andre was going to be a painful/pleasure that was filled with unspeakable needs. Her back arched, her hips moved towards him, offering more to his hungry mouth.

Her insides clenched nothing and she cried out into the cave, the sound echoing. Andre moved back and pulled her hips further from the wall and closer to him. There was no warning of when and how he was going to fill her. He was just instantly ramming himself forward. He could feel her fluid splashing onto his thighs as he plowed into her from behind. Yanking her up with a handful of her red hair, Andre bellowed as he shot his gooey seed deep into her womb. He filled her with every drop he could muster and then pulled away with a grunt.


“So what is going to happen?”

“What do you mean Callie?”

“What happens to me, to us?”

He stopped her and kissed her softly. His car was parked about a half a mile away on a trail and they were walking back into reality. “You are my mate, I am yours. We will live happily ever after of course.”

“You make it sound so simple.”

“It is that simple Callie. The world has just made it complicated.”

They walked in silence for a while, Callie trying to work it out in her head. She had questions of what happened if she got pregnant or if she already was. She did wonder what would come from their mating, but she knew that she would love anything made from them being together.

“I can’t believe that the family business is worth millions, I always thought we were broke.”

Andre chuckled. “Billions dear and now what is mine is yours as well.”

“Does that mean I have to still work at the shop?”

He shook his head. “Not if you don’t want to and besides, you will have your hands full with our children soon enough.


The End

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