Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (96 page)

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Tina couldn’t stand it any longer. She quickly removed her hands from Robert’s hair and began to unbutton her jeans. Robert helped her remove her belt, and five seconds later, Tina’s jeans were a crumpled heap on the floor.


Robert stared at the babysitter who was now wearing nothing but a skimpy pair of black panties. He felt himself grow rock hard. With a groan, he took off his shirt and did away with his jeans and underwear. In a matter of seconds, he stood in front of Tina wearing nothing at all. Tina’s eyes widened when she saw Robert’s cock.


“You’re so big,” she whispered in awe. She reached out and touched Robert’s dick, to which Robert replied with a sharp intake of breath.


“Don’t,” he said harshly. “Not now. You first.”


Tina nodded. She spread her legs wide open, revealing to Robert the sexy slit that lay hidden between her dark and already wet panties. Robert bent down, pushed a lacy corner aside, and slid his tongue into the wet crevice that was nothing but pure Tina. He tasted Tina’s fluids, sliding his tongue in even farther. Tina felt the invasion, but she welcomed it. She lay on her back on the table and pushed Robert’s head closer to her most private part. Robert, however, needed no pushing. He was licking and sucking on Tina’s lips, which were pink, throbbing, and swollen.


With a groan, Robert pulled Tina’s panties down and threw them into the floor as well. Tina was not completely bare and all for Robert’s taking, and take her he did. He lowered his head down Tina again and resumed his licking and sucking on her lips. He slid his tongue inside Tina’s crack, and when this motion brought about several moans and groans from Tina, he moved his tongue around and all over the deep slit.


Tina became a thrashing mess on the table. Robert was insane, she decided. He knew how to touch her, all right. He knew all the right places and right buttons to push. When he slid his tongue inside her, Tina had to stop herself from screaming herself hoarse. It was that good.


As if he read her mind, Robert took the pleasure to another level by inserting a finger inside Tina as well. The sensation was too much for Tina. She tightened her grip on Robert’s hair and raised her legs in the air. She writhed around some more, and her panting grew harder.


Robert had found a rhythm involving his tongue and finger, and this he used for a good ten minutes to drive Tina wild. When he was done, he raised himself on all fours and stood over Tina. He took her legs and placed them on her shoulders, adjusting their position as was necessary. When he was satisfied with how things were in place, he nodded again and inserted his dick inside Tina.


Tina gasped. The sensation wasn’t exactly painful, but it was uncomfortable and slightly burning. A fat lot of help her celibacy did to her, Tina thought. Robert paused a moment before he thrust himself inside her again. This time, with Tina’s juices to help him out, he slid in more easily and less painfully. Pain became pleasure in an instant. Tina relaxed and closed her eyes, letting Robert pump hard into her. “Faster,” she ordered.


Robert was all worked up, and pump faster he did. He thrust in and out of Tina in between hard grunts. It was like slipping into some unique oil. Tina was totally wet and slippery, and the minute friction created between their fleshes made things even more delicious. Tina’s fit was nice and tight. Robert thought she fit him like a glove, and the thought got him hornier again. With a loud groan, he pumped into her harder and faster than ever. If Tina felt any pain, she didn’t show it, what with her moans and all.


“I’d like to fuck you in the ass,” Robert suddenly said.


Tina only looked back at him. “Be my guest,” she replied. Then she turned around so that she was now lying on her stomach.


Robert grabbed Tina’s hips and pulled her closer to him. Then he spread the cheeks of her butt apart and teased the hole a bit by pressing the tip of his penis against it.


Tina felt Robert’s dick graze her ass, and she groaned in frustration. She wanted him inside her right now. It didn’t even matter where or how. The thing was to get Robert inside her. That was all that mattered.


Robert heard Tina’s groan, and he laughed in response. “You slut!” he exclaimed, accompanying each word with a hard smack on each cheek. The slap took Tina by surprise, but it completely turned her on. She turned her head so she could meet Robert in the eye and snarled, “Get it in!”


Robert grabbed Tina’s hips again and, without warning, shoved his cock inside her ass. Pain flared and bloomed inside Tina’s anus, and she cried out loud. “That hurt!” she exclaimed.


But instead of feeling her pain, Robert appeared to be aroused by Tina’s sudden cry of pain. He grinned and jammed himself harder inside Tina’s anus, his force fueled further by Tina’s groans and cries. After a couple of thrusts, he found out he couldn’t take it anymore. He was about to burst, and burst he did. With a loud cry, he gripped Tina’s hips to hold her in place and thrust himself way deep down inside her. He gave another loud cry as he came and shot his semen inside Tina’s asshole. Tina squirmed, and Robert held her even tighter so as to not let her get away.


Tina collapsed face-down on the table, breathing harshly. Robert was panting too, but his active lifestyle kept him in great shape. His endurance was never an issue, something his wife approved immensely on their own sack sessions. His wife was equipped with an endurance and stamina that could rival his own, but Tina wasn’t his wife. There she was, sprawled on the table looking like she wouldn’t have the strength to ever stand again.


“Get up,” Robert said curtly. “This isn’t done yet. I’m not done yet.”


Tina flipped on her back. Her breasts were moving up and down in perfect timing with her breathing. Her cunt was still swollen and drenched with white fluid, some of which were beginning to dry out already. Looking at her like that got Robert’s arousal going again. He slapped Tina’s cunt.


“Ouch!” Tina exclaimed, her surprise mingled with hurt.


“I said we’re not done yet,” Robert repeated. “On your side now.”


With a whimper, Tina turned and lay on her side. Robert nodded approvingly and went to lie down right behind her. He draped an arm over her so that his hand was fondling a breast. “I’m the boss around here, Tina,” he whispered, his fingers playing an erotic song over Tina’s growing nipple. “I say what I want you to do, and you do what I say.”


Tina nodded. She was too choked up to say anything. She wasn’t afraid of Mr. Smith, not by a long shot, but she didn’t like being told what to do, especially in bed. Tina was used to calling all the shots, but the tables were turned now. She was the slave, and Robert was the master.


Robert saw her nod. “Good.” He removed his hand from her breast and placed it beneath her thigh, placing it right on her cunt. His fingers worked their magic again, three of them inside Tina now. Tina closed her eyes and whimpered in pleasure. Robert didn’t say anything; he simply went on twirling and rotating his fingers inside Tina’s flesh. The more he twirled, the more Tina became wet, and the more Tina became wet, the easier it became to move inside her. The cycle went on.


Robert removed his finger out of Tina’s organ. This time, he held her leg and raised it high, supporting its weight with his hand. Without even a word, he thrust his cock inside Tina’s still-slippery cunt. The entry was made easier by Tina’s bodily fluids, and Robert was once again reminded of how he like the snug fit of Tina on his dick.


They went on like that for quite some time: Tina on her side, grinding her hips to move along with Robert’s thrusts, Robert sliding himself deeper and deeper into the college girl’s cunt with every thrust he made, shutting his eyes and moaning with pleasure in every thrust he made, his steady hand still holding Tina’s leg up in the air.


Tina shuddered, and a split second later, Robert did the same. Their almost-synchronous orgasms exploded in a kind of symphony that both have never felt before. Tina cried out loud and shuddered again as another orgasm rocked through her sweat-drenched body. Robert pulled himself out of Tina and lay on his back, breathing heavily. Beside him, Tina panted harshly too.


The door to the kitchen suddenly swung open, and before Tina could let a word out, Mrs. Smith strode into the room. Erin Smith was no longer dressed in the formal business suit she had on early in the evening when Tina met her for the babysitting session. What she had on was a white lacy slip that revealed more than concealed. Tina’s eyes widened. Whoever said Erin Smith was hot had obviously never seen her in her naked glory. Hot was an understatement. Scorching and blazing were the words that rang closest to the goddess that was Erin Smith, and even those two words didn’t bring her beauty any justice.


I’m dead, Tina thought. She knew she would do the same if the tables were turned, if it was she who caught the babysitter with nothing on and lying on a kitchen table beside her husband.


“Darling,” Robert drawled. “You’re home.”


Erin responded by giving her husband a deep kiss. Robert kissed her back, and pretty soon, they were engaged in some heavy tongue action. Tina couldn’t believe her eyes. But what she couldn’t believe even more was that she actually felt turned on by the sight before her.


Erin broke the kiss and turned to face Tina. Blushing furiously, Tina opened her mouth to explain everything. But she was unable to get anything out, though, because Erin’s mouth was suddenly on hers. A second later, Erin’s tongue was cutting into her lips and into her mouth as well.


More of a reflex than anything else, Tina kissed Erin back. Erin sighed and ran her tongue inside Tina’s mouth. She then went on to suck Tina’s tongue, and Tina moaned.


Once again Erin broke the kiss and whispered in Tina’s ear, “Don’t ever think I’m mad at your or at Robert, Tina dear.” She kissed the tip of Tina’s ear.


In one fluid motion, Erin shed her lacy slip and stood in her birthday suit in front of Tina. Tina eyed her hungrily. Erin’s breasts weren’t too large, but they looked firm and upright. Her hips were incredible, and she didn’t have a hint of hair down there. Unable to help herself, Tina moved toward Erin and fastened her mouth on Erin’s breasts.


Tina sucked on Erin’s apple-like breasts with an intensity she didn’t know she had. Erin didn’t moan, but she gave these harsh, short breaths that gave away the fun she was having with what Tina had been doing. Tina ran her tongue over Erin’s tits, down Erin’s stomach, and into Erin’s cunt. Erin spread her legs apart to give Tina more access. Tina showed her gratitude by inserting two fingers into Erin’s crack and slowly licking on Erin’s clit.


Tina was suddenly aware of someone standing behind her. Looking up, she saw it was Robert. Robert and Erin—husband and wife, Tina found herself thinking—were sharing yet another deep and torrid kiss. The sight of the gorgeous couple passionately locking their lips made Tina moan with pleasure. She stuck her tongue inside Erin’s cunt. Erin tasted of something sweet and a faint hint of sweat. Erin’s hips made grinding motions that Tina understood for pleasure, and she increased the speed of her tongue darting in and out of Erin’s cunt. Erin groaned again, and Tina grabbed Erin’s hips this time to stop her from completely falling over.

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