Authors: Vallen Green

101 EROTICA STORIES (100 page)

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Laarni saw Carrie looking, and she laughed again. “Oh, Carrie,” she said. “I think you have something in mind. Care to wipe this boredom and sleepiness off me?” She placed an arm around Carrie’s shoulder and yawned again. “God, I am so bored. But maybe you can do something about that.”


Carrie stiffened. She had to admit Laarni aroused her in a way she never thought possible. But she was also uncomfortable, and it was this discomfort that told her to get the hell out of there right away before something happened. That something, whatever it was, could put a halt on her babysitting career with Mrs. Cannon and Robert, a babysitting career that paid three times more than her other stints.


Carrie had sworn to never let go of Mrs. Cannon as her client; as long as Mrs. Cannon needed her, Carrie would gladly oblige. She had thought everything would be smooth sailing the second she put the phone down after talking to Mrs. Cannon. What she didn’t expect was this sudden beautiful interference that was Laarni Cannon. A beautiful interference, yes, but an interference still.


Laarni was still looking at her. Her pale blue eyes had taken on a different glint. Carrie realized Laarni’s eyes were twinkling, and it was that twinkle that set the motion for her. Whatever happened, Carrie no longer cared. She wanted Laarni in her arms, that was what was clear now. She knew she was straight, knew Laarni was straight too. But life sometimes throws you a lemon, and a rare lemon at that. Carrie knew whatever her decision, the moment would never happen again. It was a thought she couldn’t stand. It was the thought that sent her plunging into the murky depths that was all Laarni Cannon.


“Laarni,” Carrie said hoarsely.


Laarni didn’t respond and simply kept looking at Carrie. Carrie was suddenly filled with the thought that Laarni was merely toying around with her, that she really didn’t mean to give of those so-called hints that had sent Carrie almost dizzy with longing and arousal.


“Is that it?” Laarni finally said. “Have you made up your mind?”


Carrie nodded, too filled with emotion to speak.


“I swear I’ll never tell my mom” were Laarni’s last words before she leaned forward and planted her cherry-red lips on Carrie’s.


The kiss took Carrie by surprise even though she had anticipated and known it would happen. Carrie had never kissed a girl before, and the almost alien feeling blew her away. Laarni’s lips were nothing like any boy’s she had kissed before. Her lips were soft, supple, and plump. They were tender, yet they hinted of strength and savagery too, something that Carrie felt like finding out.


So she kissed Laarni back. The intense response surprised Laarni, but she quickly recovered and matched the strength and intensity of Carrie’s kiss with her own. Carrie began to gently suck on Laarni’s lower lip. Laarni moaned, and the sound lit fire to Carrie’s already burning arousal.


Carrie had expected Laarni to take the lead for whatever was supposed to happen, but things didn’t play out that way. It was Carrie who was calling the shots, a thing that was made evident when Carrie gently pushed Laarni back on the couch. Laarni didn’t resist. With her lips still on Carrie’s, she relaxed and allowed herself to be pushed back on the purple couch.


Now Carrie was atop Laarni. Their kissing didn’t stop despite the change in position. On the other hand, the kiss intensified. Carrie was so wild with desire that before she knew it, she had parted Laarni’s lips with her tongue. Laarni gladly let her, and a second later, Carrie’s tongue was making its erotic dance inside Laarni’s mouth.


Carrie’s tongue explored every inch of Laarni’s mouth. Laarni parted her lips even more to give Carrie more access to her mouth. While this was going on, Carrie placed a hand on Laarni’s face. Laarni’s skin felt so soft and smooth to Carrie’s palm, another thing that added to Carrie’s arousal. She ran her hand down Laarni’s jaw and neck, eventually settling down her collarbone and remaining there. Laarni, on the other hand, ran her hands all over Carrie’s back and wrapped her long legs around Carrie’s hips.


Carrie broke the kiss, only to plant her lips on Laarni’s chin, where it remained while her hands began to move from Laarni’s collarbone to one springy breast. Laarni moaned again when Carrie’s hand touched her breast. She arched her back while she moaned, sending her breast deeper into Carrie’s waiting hand. Through Laarni’s shirt, Carrie fondled and played with Laarni’s round tit. She felt the nipple harden, and she gave it a tweak, to which Laarni responded with another moan.


Carrie couldn’t take it anymore. With a groan, she released Laarni’s chin from her lips and sat upright. She frantically removed Laarni’s loose T-shirt and tossed it aside. Carrie saw Laarni had no bra on beneath the shirt. The only piece of clothing still present on Laarni’s body was a flimsy-looking boyleg underwear, which Carrie simply tore and set aside when it was in tatters.


“My turn,” Laarni announced. In a single motion, she had rid of Carrie’s plain cotton tee. The sight of Carrie in nothing but her midnight-blue underwear turned Laarni on. She grabbed for Carrie suddenly and buried her face in Carrie’s breasts. Carrie moaned and began to move her hips slowly. The movement made Laarni draw in a sharp breath, but she went on and began to lick Carrie’s breasts fervently.


Carrie tossed her head back as Laarni kissed, nibbled, and licked her breasts. She realized her bra was in the way, preventing Laarni from feasting on her hardening nipples, so she reached behind her and unfastened her bra. Laarni whistled as soon as Carrie’s breasts sprang free, and she immediately fastened her mouth over one nipple. Carrie bit her lip to keep herself from screaming. She let Laarni know how much she liked what Laarni was doing by moving her hips even faster.


The tables were turned. It was now Laarni who was doing the ravaging, but Carrie was a willing victim and she let Laarni do her thing. Laarni was kissing and biting on Carrie’s breasts like there was no tomorrow. Carrie herself felt her panties growing moister by the minute. With her hands buried in Laarni’s sunlight of a hair, she wondered how long she could last before she would explode from all the pleasure.


Laarni seemed to have read her thoughts. With her mouth still on Carrie’s nipple, she let go of one hand around Carrie’s neck and slid it under Carrie’s skirt. Carrie gasped and sat upright. Laarni’s fingers moved like crazy around Carrie’s thighs and cunt until it finally found what it was looking for. Laarni grinned—Carrie felt the grin on her breast—and inserted a slim finger into Carrie’s pussy.


“You’re so wet, Carrie,” Laarni whispered, her finger moving slowly but eventually picking up speed inside Carrie. “Why are you so wet, you little cunt?” The finger moved even faster. A second later, another finger joined the wild dance inside Carrie’s cunt.


Carrie grinned. “I’d like to see how wet you are yourself,” she answered. Her hand groped on the space between Laarni’s legs. Without saying anything, she too thrust a finger inside Laarni’s pussy. The move would have hurt under normal circumstances, but Laarni was also very wet. In fact, Carrie could’ve sworn she was dripping. The thought that she excited someone made Carrie even more excited. She matched Laarni’s motions by sliding another finger inside Laarni. Then she thought, Why not? And thrust one more finger inside Laarni’s cunt.


The move made Laarni writhe like mad. She began to moan continuously, but she wasn’t too absorbed in her own pleasure to forget Carrie’s. Laarni moved her fingers inside Carrie with every moan until she came up with a kind of rhythm. Carrie did the same, wriggling her fingers like mad in unison with her own moans and groans. She too got to find her own rhythm. It wasn’t long until both girls found their own rhythms of pleasure. By then, they were both moaning and rocking to each other on the couch. Laarni bit Carrie’s shoulder, and Carrie raked the fingernails of her one hand down Laarni’s back.


Carrie started to move faster and faster. A split second later, Laarni did the same. Both girls looked at each other with wide eyes, and both simultaneously increased their movements and thrusts inside each other’s pussies.


“Oh, my God, I’m coming,” Laarni said breathlessly.


“I am too,” Carrie gasped, jerking her fingers faster and faster.


Laarni let out a soft cry and, while shuddering, collapsed against Carrie. Carrie felt every surge of Laarni’s orgasm in her hand, and she welcomed every one of them. She placed the palm of her hand against Laarni’s mound so it was like she was cupping Laarni’s cunt. She let out a fresh batch of bodily fluids again, completely soaking Carrie’s hand with the whitish fluid.


Before long, Carrie felt herself begin to convulse. She shut her eyes and gave in to the convulsions, letting them take over her completely. Laarni was spent, but she wasn’t too spent, obviously, as she began to make several figures-of-eight motions inside Carrie’s pussy. The movement jolted Carrie in places she never thought possible, and again, she felt herself about to explode. She shut her eyes tighter and let her body take over, as her pussy let out wave after wave of bodily fluids. Laarni’s hand was also drenched in the process, but Laarni didn’t care. She wanted every inch, every secretion of Carrie’s body. She kept moving her fingers even while Carrie was experiencing one burst of pleasure after another. Carrie gave one giant shudder before she too collapsed against Laarni. She placed her head on Laarni’s chest and clamped her mouth over one nipple. Laarni’s breasts were delicious. Carrie found out she couldn’t get enough of them.


The two girls rested a moment before Laarni sat upright again and gave a devilish grin. Carrie groaned but not in displeasure. “What are you up to now?” she asked, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.


“You’ll see,” Laarni said. In one move, she had rid Carrie of her skirt and underwear. Lying naked in an instant under Laarni, Carrie burst into laughter. “You should be a magician!” she exclaimed.


Laarni laughed too before she placed a finger—still coated with Carrie’s fluids—on Carrie’s mouth. Carrie’s eyes widened slightly. She could smell herself on Laarni’s finger, and the knowledge turned her on again.


“Hush,” Laarni said. Then she climbed on top of Carrie, but in reverse: her ass was in the direction of Carrie’s face while her face was in the direction of Carrie’s ass. Carrie’s eyes widened some more as soon as she understood what Laarni was up to.


“Laarni, are you sure about this?” Carrie whispered.


Laarni answered by placing her pussy right above Carrie’s face. Carrie looked up and saw the pink folds of Laarni’s pussy still swollen and glistening with come. It throbbed deliciously and seemed to beckon to Carrie. With a groan, Carrie grabbed Laarni’s hips and pulled, bringing Laarni’s pussy to her mouth. Laarni moaned in response, and Carrie, feeling very naughty now, slid her tongue inside Laarni’s crack.


Carrie was enjoying the smooth, moist sensation of Laarni’s cunt when she felt something slide deep down within her. Carrie realized Laarni was doing the same thing to her down there. The idea excited her, and Carrie spread her legs open even wider to give Laarni all the access she needed. Laarni answered by pinning Carrie’s legs with her arms and trapping Carrie’s legs in that wide-open free-for-all position. Laarni slid her tongue inside Carrie’s cunt again. When Carrie moaned and moved her hips, Laarni began to suck on Carrie’s clitoris.

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