Read 1 Dicey Grenor Online

Authors: Dicey Grenor

1 Dicey Grenor (23 page)

BOOK: 1 Dicey Grenor
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As I was about to
congratulate him and say how I was impressed, flattered, and profoundly
touched, we walked in his bedroom and I was distracted in to silence. It wasn’t
the big ’
white contemporary bed with black linen
and pillows or the matching zebra print rug on the floor. It wasn’t the
magnanimous view of Houston from the twenty-seventh floor windows extending
from high-ceiling to polished hardwood floor or the red lighting that gave the
room a romantic glow. No, it was the oversized white desk against the east wall
where stacks of leather-bound books lay.

Could it be?

One look at his
face told me they were indeed volumes of his
infamous diary, the most current one opened midway with a pen stuck in the
center. Finally,
bare before me were recounts
of his life, experiences of his personalities, written renditions of his soul…or
souls, plural.

How did that work
exactly? Would he be judged based on actions of each personality?

“I don’t mind if
you read it,” he said, sitting on the edge of his bed, sipping coffee, waiting
for me to invade his privacy.

It was my chance
to learn everything there was to know about each of them. Had one of them
killed Ivan? What had happened to Aaron to birth all the other personalities in
the first place? Were Aaron and
truly in love
with me?

He’d never shared
his diary with anyone. This was a rare gift.
A privilege.
Reading it would be putting together a puzzle, a riddle.

Or I could just
ask everything I wanted to know. Call up each
stare in his gorgeous eyes while watching his lips move. Ease my curiosities
the fun way.

I could just
accept every part of him, secrets and all. Keep things mysterious, exciting.

Instead of walking
over to the desk, I made a detour, ending my tour of his home with his
Surprised us both.

He moved in behind
me. “I thought you’d want to read it.
To know everything
about me.
About us.”

Maybe Emmanuel was
right. For Aaron to share something so private, he must really be in love with

“We’ll have more
to talk about if I don’t read it,” I said without looking at him. He was
standing so
my body had started responding to
him. I was afraid my teeth and eyes would start changing.

Picking up each
bottle lined neatly on the counter, I sniffed each scent, read each label, and
was a Perry Ellis Night man and Aaron
Giorgio Armani. I figured LA Looks gel was for Aaron’s slick look and
just shampooed with L’Oreal and went. The counter was
full of grooming cosmetics mind you, but I didn’t care who the other scents and
products belonged to, although the eyelash curler and mascara did give me cause
to pause.

These details were
just as intimate as any verbiage his diary could have held.

Though tempted to
use the opportunity to seduce him, I left the bathroom when he mentioned
wanting to take a shower. His walk-in closet kept me plenty busy with separate
sections of an array of clothing styles. Apparently, one of his personalities
was Goth. Made me laugh out loud. Someone was actually creepier than

even want to know who the blowup doll on the closet floor belonged to.

When Aaron emerged
from the shower, I was mindful of his shyness and dared not turn to face him
until he was dry and clothed. When he asked if I would lie next to him since he
couldn’t sleep unless I was there, I agreed to stay until he got to sleep. He’d
three cups of coffee so it was probably going to
be awhile.
Either way, I had to leave before sunrise and
time was a’ ticking.

I sat on the edge
of the bed until he cut off the light and got settled. Then I pulled the sheet
back to climb in bed with him. Lo’ and behold, he was stark naked. Thanking God
for small
blessings, that was
all the invitation I
needed to take it from here.

His eyes tracked
each of my movements as I stripped slowly. He had missed the foreplay before
and seemed intent on missing nothing this go round. Maybe he thought his body
would respond differently since he’d already done the deed. There was just one
problem—this time wouldn’t be for him. Well, two problems ’cause his body still
wasn’t cooperating.

Cupping his
flaccid dick, I climbed on top of him, kissed his forehead, his cheeks, his lips.
Then I said, “This is for

Locking into his
eyes, I palmed the sides of his face and kissed him gently again. Nothing was
happening down below on his part but I was consumed by heat. I stared into his
eyes and commanded him to open to me. I felt his resistance. Maybe
subconsciously he knew what was happening. “
please come out. I want to be with you.”

Aaron didn’t move
for a while, not even his eyelids. His hands rested next to him on the bed. His
chest rose slowly, evenly, as he breathed.

Suddenly, he
jerked, his whole body jerked, his spirit and aura changed…and his dick


He looked around
then focused on me. “How’d the fuck did you get in here? What the—”

I kissed him hard,
sticking my tongue so far in his
he’d gag if
he didn’t push back with his own. He groaned and grabbed my hips like I was a
lifejacket. I felt him swell to full, painful hardness and I couldn’t wait to
have him inside me, easing his ache. He rolled me over his erection, which
caused us both to gasp. I was already slick, covering him with glossiness.

It was time to get
down to business.

I grabbed him and
lifted myself to sink down on him when he did something surprising. He stopped
me. “No! You don’t want me. You want Aaron.” He tried to throw me off, but I
held my ground, locking my knees against his hips, my heels against his legs.

Okay. I was horny
as fuck but that didn’t give me the right to come in and take some
without talking to him first. He’d been pissed
when were last together. I had to keep the peace if I wanted a piece. “I’m
sorry. Okay?”

“No. Not okay. You’re
just saying that because Aaron’s cock doesn’t work. If you could fuck him, I’d
never see you anymore. You two would find a way to switch him in permanently.
That’s what you’re planning to do now. Isn’t it?”

“No. That’s not
true. It’s you I want right now. I like you a lot.”

“But you love him.”

I didn’t know how to answer that really. Wasn’t sure I possessed the capacity
to love anymore. “I don’t know,
. I enjoy hanging
out with both of you and it’s confusing as hell when you look like the same
person to me.”

“But you know we’re
different. We’ve shown ourselves to you completely.”

“And I think I
love you both a little for that.” There. That was the truth. It didn’t have to
be all or nothing did it? “What about that? Would you have me if I wanted to be
with both of you?”

He looked pensive.

At this rate, I’d
lose them both. Attempting to sweeten the deal, I bared my fangs. “You know I
could kill you with these.”

He hissed in shock
and horror. “Sweet Jesus!” he cried.


Chapter 27


I let his
blasphemy slide so my revelation could sink in…and I could absorb the feeling
of his dick twitching beneath me, titillating my most sensitive spot. “What
about now? Will you have me now?”

I already knew the

taking candy from a baby.

His eyes narrowed
with desire. He smiled.
“Fuck yeah.” He turned
his head to the side, exposing his neck and pulsing vein. “Fuck me, bite me, do
whatever you
do to me.

I did. I rode him
like a stallion, fed from him like a fountain.

We came hard, him
filling me up as I contracted around his erection until it softened. He rested
for about three minutes then asked me to fuck him again and bleed him dry.

I did him one
better. After ripping my wrist open with my fangs, I held it to his mouth as he
nursed, filling himself with my power.
Bonding us even more,
even tighter.
I had to do something or risk killing him.

Man, I did love
. I loved them both. And wasn’t love antithesis of

Never mind the
implications of being soulless and in love.
Time to revel in
my victory.
He was mine. Aaron I still had to work on. But
was mine.

With my blood
flowing strongly through his veins, I could barely tell he was human. Didn’t
know how long the affects of my blood would last, but for the moment, his
prowess was outstanding.
Unnervingly so.
wasn’t lasting as long as Max, but his lower region
was filling with blood again fast after each orgasm.
period, my ass.
I knew that wasn’t normal. He hit hard and deep, rocking
my whole world, making me see stars. Then he paused long enough to stiffen and
shudder before he was back at it again.

Given how much
blood I’d taken from both sides of his neck and groin, his skin should have
felt cold by now. Yet it felt feverish. At each crescendo, he stuck his wrist
in my mouth so I could take more of his nourishment as he pumped my body full
of his.

Sometimes, when it
started off leisurely, we dialoged like old lovers. But by the end, we were so
overcome with passion we could only writhe and make unintelligible sounds.

“I’ve never fucked
like this before. Goddamn. I feel so strong, so sensitive,” he said as his hips
moved in long, slow strides.

“My blood will
enhance your senses. You’ll experience some of my strengths with none of my

His face tensed up
like he was about to explode again.

“Just breathe
through it,
.” I smoothed his hair back from his
face so I could watch his pleasure. Sweat beaded on his forehead, his skin was
muscles were tight. I could watch him all day
if it weren’t for having to leave before sunup.

“Your eyes are
weird…glowing…and red,” he said.

He lifted his
torso from me, raising my legs outward so he could stare down at where we were
joined. When I put my heels on his shoulders, he ran his tongue over the tips
of my toes then sucked my big toe in his mouth and slurped gently. It
heightened the already intense sensations of his thumb gently rubbing my clit.
I could barely speak, but I tried. “My eyes change when I’m aroused, angry,
sad, any strong emotion.”

“Can you control

“Sometimes no, but
meditation and deep concentration help a little.”

His strokes
quickened, his breathing changed. He was close again. “That’s it,
. Fuck my pussy.”

,” he said from low in his throat and gradually rose
in pitch.

,” he continued moaning as his hips pumped too fast
to keep his hand in place. His mouth tightened around my toe, his tongue
swirled around it. As I watched his abs move sensually, I wanted to tell him I
was coming, but all I could do was hiss. I knew the moment he realized it and
that was almost better than talking filthy. Just as I contracted around him,
squeezing, stroking, his eyes flew open and his hips punched fiercely, faster
and harder than a human, until he buried himself deep within me and shook so
hard the whole bed moved. He didn’t shout. He
his pleasure as I moaned mine. It was harmonic music.

Then he made a
funny, exhausted face. I laughed while raking my nails lightly down his chest
to his abs, to curly black groin hair. He shook some more. I laughed some more.

He finally pulled
out and collapsed next to me, chest heaving while he struggled to breathe. Once
his breathing returned to normal, we pillow-talked about how I’d been able to
go undetected as a vampire by using my phlebotomy kit and blending in at Hades
and that I’d trained myself to survive off feeding once a day. When I confessed
to taking blood without his permission in the past, he said he had never
noticed puncture wounds. True to
form, he said
he had enjoyed the razor cuts and wished I would have used my fangs on him long

love that.

“Do you miss the
sun?” he asked, laying his head on my chest where it held no heartbeat, no
breath…only vibrations from my voice. He oddly found the stillness comforting.
And I knew this from his thoughts, his energy.

I’m more concerned about the fate of my soul.”

not enough to remain human.”

“No. I guess not. I thought being a vampire would cure my narcolepsy.”

“You don’t need a
cure for narcolepsy. That’s what makes you unique. You’re perfect the way you

I swallowed the
lump in my throat. No one had ever said anything like that to me before. Even
my aunt, who had been the only one to understand what I was going through, had
tried desperately to be cured herself. Her hope had been a small comfort, but
the other part of her time was spent in denial about her condition altogether.
And that was just plain sad.

BOOK: 1 Dicey Grenor
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