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04 - Born to be Wilde.txt (40 page)

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A horrified look transformed Cassie's features. "Mom!" she wailed in protest. "Do I have to make Ryan meet you?"


Apparently, it wasn't so cool to have the boy you liked meet your mom so early in the game, but Sydney held firm, needing her daughter to realize that she was still setting boundaries for her. "Yeah, you do. That's the deal, and a damn good one, I'd say, considering what you've put me through the past few weeks." She gently chucked Cassie beneath the chin. "So take it or leave it. It's your choice."


"I'll take it," Cassie grumbled.


"That's what I thought." Sydney stood, and so did Cassie. But before her daughter could walk out of the bedroom, Sydney pulled her into a tight hug.


"I love you, Cass," she whispered into her ear. "You know that right?"


Cassie pulled back and grinned. "Of course I know you love me. You tell me every single day. And, I love you, too."


At that moment, Sydney felt more content and fulfilled than she had in a very long time. Like she'd finally come to terms with her past, her fears, and just maybe it wouldn't screw up her future. She'd resolved her dilemma with her daughter, now she had one more issue to go. Sydney just hoped that Daniel was as easy to sway as her daughter had been.


THE last person Daniel expected to find standing on his doorstep on a Saturday evening was Sydney. One, because he never thought he'd see her again after how they'd parted ways, and two, she normally worked at The Electric Blue on the weekends. So this was a surprise in many ways, though he was reserving judgment as to whether or not her visit was a good or bad thing until he found out why she was there.


"Can I come in?" she asked, a slight, hesitant smile curving her glossy lips.


No matter what happened between the two of them, he'd never turn her away. He also wanted to believe that if things didn't work out with them, they could at least be friends, and he extended that olive branch to her now.


"Sure." He stepped back and let her walk past him into the entryway, then shut the door behind her, wishing she didn't look and smell so damn good. He led the way into the living room, switched off the TV show he'd been watching, and turned back to Sydney.


"Would you like something to drink?" he asked pleasantly.


She shook her head, though he could tell that she wasn't quite sure what to make of his amicable attitude. "No, thank you."


While it was cold outside, it was warm in the house, and she was wrapped up in a wool coat. "Can I take your coat?" he asked.


She shifted anxiously on her feet, which were encased in a pair of sexy red pumps, the kind that made him think of a dozen erotic scenarios that included her wearing those seductive heels. "I… ummm, sure," she said, and unbelted the sash.


Once the coat was off, she handed it to him, and he laid it over the back of a nearby recliner. When he turned around and glanced at Sydney again, his mouth went bone dry. She was wearing a red blouse to match her shoes, and a pair of jeans that showcased her phenomenal curves. The bright, cherry color suited her normal outrageous personality and take-charge attitude, yet at the moment that brash and bold female was no where to be seen. In her place was a woman with uncertainty in her eyes who was wringing her hands nervously.


He stood across from Sydney, fighting the urge to wrap her in the security of his arms and give her the reassurance she seemed to be searching for. He didn't, only because he had to know what she'd come here to say. "So, what brings you by?" he asked in his most casual tone.


"You. Us." She glanced away from him and let out a low, defeated groan. "God, I am so not good at this sort of thing," she muttered.


The first part of her reply gave him hope, and the second comment almost made him smile, because she just looked so adorable, like a young girl coming clean with her first crush. And in a lot of ways, he supposed he was exactly that for her.


Even though he had a pretty good indication of where she was heading with her emotional statement, he prompted her to finish what she'd just started. She needed to say the words as much as he needed to hear them. "What thing are you talking about, Sydney?"


She met his gaze, looking so sweet and vulnerable. So everything he wanted and needed in his life. "You know, that thing called a relationship?"


He tipped his head. "Is that why you're here?"


"Yeah," Sydney whispered achingly. "I don't know what to say or do to make up for the way I treated you the other night, and I wish I could take back some of the things I said. I never meant to hurt you."


The relief that Daniel felt in that moment was incredibly profound—that he hadn't lost this woman he'd come to love. "I know. You were scared, and that was your way of protecting your emotions, and I understand that, Sydney," he said, and slowly walked toward her. "I understand you more than you realize."


Because he cared. Because he hadn't allowed sex to get in the way of knowing her, really knowing her and who she was beneath the I-don't-give-a-damn façade she'd hidden behind for so long. Because he'd stayed around long after most men would have cut their losses and moved on.


"There's more I need to tell you," she said. "I talked to Cassie about her math and Ryan."


"And?" he asked curiously.


"I think we've come to an understanding." She smiled, obviously proud of what she'd accomplished with her daughter. "I'm going to try and lighten up with her and boys and being a teenager, and she promised to be open and honest with me, though I know she'll slip up from time to time."


He chuckled and folded his arms loosely over his chest. "Most teenagers do, but it's a fair compromise."


"I think so," Sydney said, and wished she still didn't feel so uncertain about where she stood with Daniel. He'd yet to touch her, or give her any sign that he still wanted her to be a part of his life, and it was making her insane not knowing.


"And it's a great start, Sydney," he said, his tone low and sincere. "I know you mean well with Cassie, but she'll be just fine out there in the big, bad world."


She laughed, the sound more nervous than humorous. "God, I hope so."


His features turned serious. "Now, back to you and me."


She steeled herself for the very worst—like the brush-off she deserved after everything she'd put him through.


He raised a blond brow. "So, what are we going to do about this thing that's a bone of contention between the two of us?"


She'd always been the one to deny any form of a relationship, and now it was up to her to acknowledge that she was ready and willing to give one a try. "I want a relationship with you, Daniel, and everything that goes with it. But as you know, I haven't had a whole lot of experience in that department, so you need to be patient with me, okay?" She laid all her insecurities bare, trusting him to help her along the way, and especially when those fears reared their ugly head.


Finally, finally, he reached out and caressed his fingers along her jaw, then cupped her cheek in his large, warm palm. "We'll do this together, every step of the way, I promise."


Her throat tightened with emotion, and she closed her eyes, absorbing the strength and tenderness of his hand framing her face. He was the first man who'd ever touched her so gently, and without sexual intent, and it stirred feelings like she'd never experienced before. She felt so safe with him, so protected and cared for, and she knew deep in her heart that this man would never, ever intentionally hurt her.


"I can't believe what a lucky man I am," he said huskily, and grazed his thumb along her bottom lip. "I'm even luckier to be your first."


She blinked her eyes back open and frowned, certain she'd misheard him. "My first?" She was far from being a virgin.


"Your first relationship," he clarified with a sexy, wicked grin. "And, I'm hoping, your last."


Her heart felt full enough to burst. "I like the sound of that."


With a sexy growl, he slid an arm around her waist and pulled her flush to his body, which was hard and hot against hers, despite their clothing. Then he lowered his head and kissed her, and she opened herself up to him—her heart, her soul, and everything else that had been locked up inside of her for much too long. He took her mouth with an added depth and intensity that eclipsed every kiss that had come before. This was magic, the kind that made her believe in the possibility of a happily ever after. She tasted the sweetness of a lifelong promise, the assurance that he'd always be there for her, and the patience to trust and believe in the future and everything it had to offer.


And underlying it all was all the heat and passion that always simmered between them… and the desire that had yet to be fulfilled.


He ended the kiss and pressed his forehead to hers, and she knew there was one more thing she had to say before she lost the nerve. "Daniel…" She swallowed hard and forced out the words. "I'm falling in love with you, and I have to admit that it scares the hell out of me."


"Ahhh, another first, huh?" he teased gently.


She shot him a mock glare. "Stop gloating already. You're going to get a big head."


He laughed, and his chest rumbled against hers, creating a delicious friction that made her breasts swell and her nipples harden. "I can't help myself," he said, then the mischievous sparkle in his gaze faded to something warmer and more intimate. "And just so you know, I'm a little ahead of you on this one, sweetheart. I'm already in love with you, and I'm more than willing to wait for you to catch up."


What an amazing man Daniel was, and she couldn't believe that he was all hers. Unable to help herself, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him again, just because she could, but this time their embrace turned hot and hungry very quickly.


When they pulled back, they were both breathing hard.


Daniel skimmed a hand down her back and over the curve of her bottom, pulling her closer, if that was even possible. "God, Sydney, I want you so much," he groaned against her neck.


The evidence of his desire pressed against her, hard and thick and needy. The feel of him made her equally hot and bothered. "Well, I've devoted myself to you and this relationship thing we've got going on," she drawled teasingly. "So, how long are you going to make me wait until we make love?"


He lifted his head and stared into her eyes. "Make love, not have sex," he murmured, clearly pleased with her choice of words. "I think right now would be absolutely perfect."


Taking her hand in his, he led her down the hallway to his bedroom, and it didn't take long for the two of them to strip off each other's clothes. Seeing him naked for the first time, his gorgeous body made everything feminine in her respond like it truly was her first time, and she absorbed the breathtaking feeling, then locked it away in her heart like a rare treasure.


She reached out and flattened her hand on his chest, right over his rapidly beating heart. Then holding his gaze, she oh-so-slowly glided her palm downward, exploring hot skin and firm muscle, all the way down to his flat belly, then lower still. Eventually, she wrapped her fingers around his erection and stroked him once, twice, until he groaned deep in his throat and grasped her wrist to make her stop.


He shoved the bed covers out of the way and pressed her down onto the cool, crisp sheets. He joined her, his gaze dark and hot as he pushed her legs apart so he could kneel in between. But instead of moving over her and taking her as she'd come to expect from her own experience, he lifted her left leg and kissed her ankle… and from there, he started his slow, leisurely exploration of her body.


He nibbled on her calf and ran his tongue along the sensitive patch of skin at the back of her knee, where she discovered she was soooo sensitive, and very ticklish. She squirmed and tried not to giggle, then laughter became a moot point as he trailed hot, moist kisses along her inner thigh, making her moan, then gasp, when he pressed that incredible mouth of his against her sex.


The tip of his tongue teased the folds of flesh, and she closed her eyes, threaded her fingers through his hair, and languished in the pleasure he so selflessly gave her. He settled in and took his time, making her mindless with desire, making her beg for the release he held just out of her reach. Her orgasm, when he finally took her over that crest, hit her with the strength of a hurricane, sweeping her into another realm of ecstasy, far beyond any erotic fantasy she could have imagined.


Before she could touch back down to earth or catch her breath, he was easing his way up her body, trailing his lips across her abdomen, suckling her breasts, nibbling at the sensitive crook of her neck. Sighing, she ran her palms down his chest, wanting to reciprocate, but he gently pushed her hands away and murmured, "next time", then slanted his mouth across hers in another one of those slow, deep, bone-melting kisses.


He settled his hips against hers. She felt the tip of his shaft glide through the slick cleft between her legs, then fit its broad head against the opening that led to the core of her. Instinctively, she pulled her knees up until they were riding his waist, needing him inside her, to be part of her, with an ache that went soul deep.


And he knew. Knew what she needed, because he needed it, too.


With a thrust of his hips, he slid into her, and she arched to take all of him, until he was buried to the hilt. He groaned and shuddered, and gave them both what they wanted. With a hard, driving rhythm, he pumped into her body, deepening the contact, extending the pleasure that built and swelled with each endless stroke, until she felt him tense above her, then shudder with the force of his own orgasm.

BOOK: 04 - Born to be Wilde.txt
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