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Authors: Born to be Wilde.txt

04 - Born to be Wilde.txt (31 page)

BOOK: 04 - Born to be Wilde.txt
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"That hot shower sure did feel good," she teased as she came up beside Joel at the counter. While he'd taken the time to change into dry clothes, his hair was still damp from getting caught out in the rain.


"I wouldn't know," he said, and cast her an envious look, one that lingered longer than necessary on her lips before lifting to her eyes. "I was busy slaving over the stove making your dinner."


She laughed and picked up the plates with their grilled cheese sandwiches to take to the small dining table.


"Now don't be a poor sport. We made a deal, and you lost. I can't help it if you're a slowpoke."


He carried over the bowls of soup, along with spoons, and set them down on the placemats. "Yeah, well, I didn't expect you to cheat."


"What?" Her tone rose incredulously, and she arched a brow his way as she sat down. "How do you figure that I cheated!"


He took the seat next to her. "You took complete advantage of a weakened man." His gaze took on a sexy glimmer, and the corners of his mouth twitched with a playful smile, leaving no doubt in her mind as to what, exactly, had worn him out.


Remembering her bold and shameless seduction, a warm blush swept over her cheeks. "You know, I'm finding it very hard to feel sorry for you."


"It was worth a shot," he said with a wink, and started in on his navy bean soup.


Taking a bite of her grilled cheese sandwich, she shook her head and pondered the change in Joel, from his earlier brooding attitude while chopping wood, back to the fun, flirtatious guy she'd originally met. He might have willingly surrendered to her lip service out in the middle of the storm, but she'd truly expected him to revert right back to being serious and all business once they returned to the cabin. She'd even anticipated the possibility of him expressing regrets for giving in to his desires, or launching into one of those "we shouldn't have" kind of speeches, and she was grateful that he hadn't done any of those things—because if he had, she would have had to just deck him.


She supposed it was the fact that they were a world away from civilization and the threat they'd left behind, she mused as they continued to eat their dinner in compardonable silence. Or maybe the carefree, laid-back atmosphere out there lent itself to a more relaxed attitude and mind-set. Whatever the reason, she was going to enjoy Joel's fun, cheerful mood while it lasted.


Finished with their meal, Joel leaned back in his chair and let out a contented sigh. "That was pretty darn good, if I do say so myself."


She rolled her eyes and decided to humor him. "Yeah, you're a regular Chef Boyardee."


He gave a low, lazy chuckle. "Yeah, that's about as good as it gets when you're a bachelor."


They stood up, and when he started stacking their plates and bowls to help clear the table, she brushed his hands away. "You go take your shower," she said, and carried the dirty dishes to the sink. "Since you made dinner, the least I can do is clean up the kitchen."


"You won't get an argument out of me." He put his hands up and took a step back. "Cleaning up the mess is the worst part."


He headed out of the kitchen, and she filled the sink with hot, soapy water so she could hand wash the dishes, along with the pot and frying pan Joel had used. She wiped down the table and counters, and put away the leftover butter and cheese into the refrigerator, then went into the living room.


Joel must have thrown a few more logs on the grate, because the fire was burning bigger and brighter than it had been when she'd come out of the bathroom earlier. She was grateful for the warmth, considering how windy, cold, and wet it was outside.


While Joel took his shower, Lora searched the bedroom closets for extra blankets and brought them, and pillows, out to the living room. She spread out a soft, cushy comforter in front of the fireplace, and added the pillows and covers. Then she went to her duffel bag and retrieved a last-minute item she'd decided to bring along right before they'd left her apartment.


When Joel came out of the shower and saw the makeshift bed she'd created on the floor, he glanced at her curiously. "What's all this?"


He was wearing a pair of black sweatpants, and nothing else. His magnificent chest was bare, the golden glow from the fire giving his skin a smooth, tawny hue, and she couldn't wait to get her hands on him. "I have a surprise for you."


"Really?" He came around the couch to where she was sitting on the comforter, his interest definitely piqued. "What is it?"


"Well, I packed some of my massage oil… you know, just in case." Suddenly uncertain of how he'd react to the offer, and wanting to make sure he knew it came with no sexual strings attached, she added in a light, teasing tone, "I thought I'd give you a nice, relaxing massage, free of charge, of course, I wouldn't want to lose my touch as a masseuse while I'm not working." She reached for the bottle that she'd put on the coffee table, which contained a rich, orange-scented body oil.


"I doubt that would ever happen." He came down to his knees in front of her and plucked the bottle from her hand. "How about I give you a massage?"


The offer surprised her. "It's okay, I don't mind being the giver."


"Neither do I." His coaxing grin was difficult to resist. "Besides, when was the last time someone did something for you?"


She thought about that for a moment, and came up blank. "Honestly, I can't remember."


"That's because you're too busy taking care of everyone around you, or worrying about them," he said so softly, so knowingly, she felt her throat tighten with emotion.


"I always have," she said with a nonchalant shrug. "That's just the way it's always been for me." Not necessarily by choice, but circumstances had dictated that she be responsible for so many things at such an early age, and those traits had spilled over into other areas of her life. Now it was just a part of who she was, and something that came naturally and without thought.


"But what about you, Lora?" He tipped his head, his gaze gentle, yet direct. "Who takes care of you?"


"Me." The reply was automatic, and truthful. "Don't worry, I've gotten used to it being that way."


He reached out and caressed his thumb along her jaw, and she turned her head ever so slightly into his warm, soothing touch. "Let me take care of you tonight," he said huskily. "Just relax and let me make you feel good, okay?"


The offer, coming from him, was inviting. So was the thought of having his large, strong hands massaging her tired and overworked body. For her, denying herself that kind of pleasure when she knew her time with Joel was so limited just wasn't an option. "Okay."


Since she hadn't put on a bra after her shower, she turned and pulled off her top, then started to lay down on the covers so he could work on her back, but he gently grabbed her arm before she could stretch out on her stomach.


"Not yet," he said with a shake of his head, even as the beginning of a wicked smile curved his sensual lips. "You need to ditch your sweatpants and panties, too, since this is going to be a full body massage."


Heat shot straight to her belly, the anticipation of what he intended to do blending into an exquisite shiver. He was the one setting the tone for the evening, and she decided to follow his lead… and willingly go wherever he decided to take her.


She stripped off the rest of her clothes as he'd requested. The fire cascading over her naked body was nice and warm, but his gaze as it raked down the length of her was even hotter. Her breasts swelled beneath his stare, her nipples tightened to the point of near pain, and a liquid kind of heat settled between her thighs.


"Now you can lay down," he said, his voice sounding like pure gravel.


She settled facedown on the comforter and bent her arms comfortably above her head. She heard him shifting and moving beside her, then he straddled her hips with his legs and rested his very bare butt on hers, startling her with that surprise. As he leaned over her and poured some of the oil down the line of her back, she could feel the heavy heat of his sex against the crease of her buttocks, and her desire for him increased.


She closed her eyes, inhaled a deep breath, and let it out real slow, trying her best to ignore the erotic thoughts drifting through her mind. Another long, slow breath as she forced herself to relax and enjoy this rare experience, which wasn't an easy feat when she was at the mercy of the naked, aroused man gently pinning her down to the soft covers.


But then those incredible hands of his, slick with the fragrant oil, began massaging her tense shoulders, and the only thing she could think of was how good it felt having someone pamper her for a change. He kneaded the knots in her neck, which she hadn't even realized were there before now, and rubbed the flat of his palm along the tendons bisecting her spine, applying just the right amount of pressure to make her groan with the sheer pleasure of it. He used his thumbs to dig into taut muscles, and soothed those sore spots with the firm stroke of his fingers.


He worked the entire expanse of her back, from the nape of her neck all the way down to where he was sitting astride her hips, then back up. Over and over and over again, until her body went slack and she felt absolutely, positively boneless.


He moved off of her, and seconds later he started in on her legs, his oiled hands giving the same luxurious treatment to her calves and thighs. Rubbing, kneading, stroking tendons and muscles. His palms glided higher with each sensual caress, until his fingers brushed along the crease that lead to softer, hotter flesh.


She instinctively parted her legs so he could touch her intimately and appease the sweet ache he'd created, and he didn't hesitate to drag his fingers along her cleft, then push them deep, deep inside her body. She moaned and arched her hips, then gasped when he bent over her from behind and touched his mouth to the base of her spine where she was ultra-sensitive. His hot breath fanned her skin, and the evening stubble on his jaw rasped across her lower back, right before he licked her there. The combination of sensations was so erotic and arousing she felt the answering pull all the way to the very core of her, causing her inner muscles to clench around his fingers.


He groaned, too, and did it again, a slow, lazy sweep of his tongue right where her vertebrae ended and the curve of her butt began, while his fingers pumped rhythmically inside her. She curled her hands into the covers and writhed restlessly beneath him as he drew out the decadent, breathtaking pleasure, until she was panting and straining and begging with the need to embrace the orgasm he was dangling just out of her reach.


Ignoring her soft pleas for release, he continued to build the tension within her to dizzying heights as he trailed hot, moist, nibbling kisses over her bottom, which only added to the frenzy of sensations. Just when she thought she couldn't take his teasing any longer, he finally, blessedly, sent her spiraling over the edge.


With a soft, breathy cry, she came in long, hard shudders that seemed to go on forever. The orgasm was so strong and intense, her body seemed to become one endless wave of euphoric bliss that left her physically spent. Between the massage and the orgasm, she felt as though she'd died and gone to heaven.


Sated and content, she could have drifted right off to sleep, but Joel gently rolled her over onto her back. Hooking his fingers behind her knees, he bent her legs, spread them apart, then knelt in between. She glanced up at him with an appreciative smile, and one look at his fierce expression, along with his tight jaw and those hot blue eyes of his, was enough to warn her that he wasn't nearly close to being done with her. Lower, between his thighs and beside that warrior's scar marring his leg, his erection jutted out, thick and hard, the tip seeping with slick moisture and need.


And that quickly, that easily, her desire for him returned like a bright internal flame.


He brought his hands down next to her hips and lowered his head to scatter more of those soft, tantalizing kisses along her belly, her ribs, to her swollen, aching breasts. She threaded her fingers through his silky hair and sighed as he laved a nipple with his tongue, then drew the tip deep into his mouth and sucked while one of his hands cupped her other breast and his fingers plucked at the stiff peak.


His lips continued their upward journey. His tongue slid across her collarbone, and he nibbled at her shoulder before nudging her chin up so he could nuzzle and kiss her neck. He lowered his hips to hers, and she felt the head of his shaft glide along her soft, dewy flesh, then prod the entrance to her body, just enough to tease, but not fully penetrate—though Lord knew she was wet and ready for him.


His chest brushed across her tender nipples as he settled more fully over her, his arms now braced next to her shoulders. The feel of his naked body on hers was a warm, extravagant luxury she knew she'd never tire of.


His mouth reached her ear, and he was breathing hard and fast. "God, I want you," he said raggedly, as if she were something he'd never be able to have. Not in the way that mattered the most.


But she knew she already belonged to him—her body, her heart, and even the very depths of her soul. But he had to believe it for himself, and accept that he was worthy of her unconditional love. That was something she couldn't force upon him.


Tangling the strands of his hair in her fingers, she lifted his head, so he had no choice but to look down at her and see the sincerity in her eyes, and the emotion she knew was reflected in her expression. "Then take me, Joel," she whispered. "I'm all yours."

BOOK: 04 - Born to be Wilde.txt
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